Queen of Heaven Ch. 08


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I stepped into the hallway, looked both ways and ducked into the Ladies. You know, it was, in fact, cleaner. This place wasn't exactly a dive, but even the Men's in a Starbucks can be dodgy. Bar toilets are never nice. But this wasn't terrible.

I saw the farthest stall door was open. I stepped down, looked in and saw Anna standing against the back wall facing me. She'd shucked out of her exercise bottoms and was standing spread legged over the toilet. The infamous tattoo spelled out her divine name across that beautiful hip. Her pubic hair seemed just a bit damp. She licked her lips and whispered, "Out of those khakis. Now."

I spun around and shut the stall door. I dropped trou and awkwardly managed to get out of my pants while kicking off my shoes. It wasn't graceful, but I was desperate.

I turned on my heel and saw that Anna had one hand gripping her breast, plucking at a nipple as the other was swirling around her clit, buried in her lovely bush. I was definitely at full attention now, consequences be damned. I had to have her.

"Come here. And sit," She moaned.

Fuck. Well, yeah, I guess we can do that. I moved closer, leaned in and kissed her deeply. My cock brushed against her hand as she worked her clit. Right here. Right now. Against the wall. Why wait?

"Sit, goddamn it."

"Ma'am, yes ma'am."

I sat facing the wall. Awkward and strange, but bar toilets are probably always at least a little awkward and strange.

Anna lowered herself onto me. Slowly and carefully. She never released her nipple or her clit. I honestly don't know how she is that coordinated. All I could see was her glorious body slowly easing down towards my awkward one. My dick was erect and pointing towards her. We seemed to be drawn towards one another like magnetic poles. As she sank down, I felt her touch briefly, slide up and around the head of my cock and then fit herself quickly onto me. The slow sinking of the two of us together pulled an involuntary, "Unf" from me. Anna drew back up and sank back down. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in close. We kissed. I rose up thrusting. She dropped down heavily. We fucked like desperate deprived souls in a bar bathroom. I'd rarely been as happy.

As we thrust our bodies together, Anna kissed me hard. She bit my lower lip and breathed heavily into my mouth.

I growled, "Fuuuuuck!"

She moaned, "Yes, baby boy. Fuck me like it's your only chance. Fuck me hard. Don't wait for me to cum. Give me all that good stuff. I need it right now."

I thrust into her in this odd crabwalk style. I was seated and she was thrusting down. I half stood to fill her up. But, goddamn it was hot. And seedy. And dirty. And good.

We were as quiet as you can be in that situation, but thank god John had music on in the bar. I thrust up into her wet, welcoming cunt. She thrust down and engulfed me in her warmth. It was delightfully filthy. I was already too aroused to restrain myself.

As we kissed, Anna slid her head around mine kissing my cheek, my neck, my ear. She whispered breathily into my ear, "Give me that cum, baby. Give me all of it. Give me that love and when we get home I'll give you my ass. I want you to cum in my ass. Fill me up completely. I'll give it to you tonight if you'll cum in my pussy right now. Maybe Mikey will help you fuck my rosy ass raw."

Well, shit. Of course. I lost control. I began to cum. I shot hard and hot inside her. She withdrew and I shot against the wall. The toilet. The floor. It was... messy. John was going to have questions if he ended up cleaning this room. I collapsed onto the toilet seat and pulled Anna hard against me. We shook and clung to each other. I quaked from orgasm. She must have felt the strain in her thighs from a workout that we couldn't have predicted.

"Um, baby. That was nice. You really want my ass, though, don't you?"

"I'm going to take it. When I can walk again. And make bail after being arrested for shooting jizz all over a Women's Restroom."

"Shhh. We'll be fine. Besides, I didn't get to cum. I'm going to want to take care of that when we get home. But right now, just sit. Hold me. Be still," she said as she stroked my hair and gripped me between her thighs.

"Don't have much choice. My knees don't work," I confessed.

"Good. Just sit. Be still. Kiss me."

I did. I couldn't not.

"Look me in the eye," she said.

She held my face between her palms and looked longingly into my eyes.

"Now just be still. Momma's going to be a little nasty."

"Mom, I'm pretty sure you're-"

I felt it before I heard it. There was a warm rush, then the sound of trickling water. She was pissing on me, but conveniently enough in the toilet.

"Shhh... it's important to pee after sex. Didn't I teach you anything?"

"Mom, I'm sure you didn't teach me this particular lesson. But, you know, it's warm and intimate and naughty. So, you just teach that lesson."

I pulled her head down towards me and kissed her aggressively. She pissed on my crotch and I was feeling the filthy excitement all too keenly down below.

Anna broke our kiss and said, "When we get home. Showering. Fucking. In-"

"Your ass?"

"Your bed. And my ass. That okay with you?" she asked.

"Perfect. And I bet Michelle will want to give a bit of attention to your butt as well."

"Oh, definitely. We've been playing back there for a bit now. She is crazy about my backend. It's kind of flattering. Especially given how much of a boob girl, she is. But, you'll get to cum in my ass... that's all you, of course."

"Nice. Now, let's try to get out of here without getting arrested."

"If you insist, son. If you insist. But first... clean me up. Quickly."

She stood in front of me, legs spread, lips swollen. Damn. I didn't have time to really be thorough, but I grabbed a bit of paper from the roll. I generally did my best to clean up this nasty woman who gave birth to me. After a minute, I said, "Not my best work, but we're kind of in a hurry don't you think?"

"It'll do, babe. Just remember that you owe me later."

"Couldn't forget. I'll get my girlfriend to pitch in. She likes to help out as well. And we both want to keep you happy."

"That she does, kiddo. And apparently so do you. Now get your pants on and let's get out of here before that chick at the table has a call of nature."

"Or unnatural call... as the case may be."

"As the case may be," she agreed.

Grabbing a bit more toilet paper I did a quick swab of the damage I'd done to the stall. It wasn't perfect, but at least things were less obvious.

We struggled into our clothing and after a go-ahead nod from Anna I hopped out of the Ladies and stepped into the Gents. She walked out to our table and gathered up her things, leaving a nice tip. I washed my hands and my face before joining her, so that at least we didn't approach the table together. I think we were inconspicuous. Maybe.

As we left, John waved at us. There may have been a wink. I may have imagined that. But, I knew for sure that I might have to find a new bar. Or invite the bartender over for a pool party. A barkeep will forgive a helluva lot if he gets to skinny dip with my mother. Or at least I'd imagine that's so.

She's a helluva drug, my Inanna, my Queen of Heaven.


"How was JoJo?" Michelle asked as I stepped into the kitchen.

"She was good," I said as I returned the Welcome Home kiss. "She is coming over for dinner on Friday and she will probably bring her mom."

"Oh, that's fantastic. I really miss Kate," she grinned a genuinely, I hesitate to say, wholesome smile.

"That's what I told her."

"Did Anna stop in at the bar?"

"Boy did she," I chuckled.

"Well, that sounds fun. Did she seduce Jo and embarrass you? I really am jealous now." Michelle hopped up on the kitchen island and leaned forward with interest.

"No, not exactly," I offered. "She just stopped by and chatted with Joann. It was fine. She was a little flirty, but, as she pointed out, if she hadn't been that might have made Joann wonder what was up. After all, she was naked and flirty the first time Jo met her."

"True. Your momma whips out those magnificent boobs at any opportunity." She paused for a second and added, "Thank god."

"Yeah, so anyway, she was flirty, but not outrageous. Then we agreed on dinner Friday-"

"That's a nice thing."

"Yeah, and then Joann went to the restroom and then home."

"Okay," she said a bit quizzically. "So, nothing unusual there."

"Except that while Jo was off taking a peeski or whatever women do in bathrooms - I am developing more questions than I used to have- your girlfriend -"

"Your mother."

"My mother," I agreed. "Anna reaches over and grabs me under the table."

"The minx," Michelle smirked.

"Yeah, she had me incapacitated enough that I figured we'd just dash home."


"No that was the offer for later. First though, she decided that it would be nicer... or nastier... to fuck in the bathroom."

"Um. That does sound naughty," Michelle agreed. She reached out and grabbed my shirt collar dragging me closer to her. She stretched up to meet my lips and we kissed. Her tongue traced my lips before saying, "continue."

"Yeah, it was pretty naughty," I agreed. I wrapped her in a hug and pulled her closer to the edge of the kitchen island so that her legs could wrap around me. My hands played along her back and down to her hips.

"So, there was Mom straddling the toilet, leaned back, fingering herself while she ordered me to sit and receive what she was offering. It was dirty, and quick, and pretty damned hot. By the time it was over there were fluids of all kinds, everywhere."

Michelle ran her hands across my chest, gently raking her nails across my shirt front. She flattened her palm against me and slid her hands up to my neck and into my hair. She pulled me forward and said, "Uh-huh. So, she reminded you that a girl ought to pee after sex didn't she?"

"She did, as a matter of fact."

"Naughty girl," she said as she kissed my neck gently. "Dirty boy."

"Well, yeah," I agreed. "Then she made some promises about what comes next and I expected to find her here. A little surprised that she hasn't tackled you at this point. She was a bit worked up since we went at it pretty quickly. She was anxious to come."

"I bet," she said as she began to unbutton my shirt with one hand.

We heard a car door shut in the drive and the follow up locking beep. I looked up and saw that the living room blinds were open. Through them I could see movement in the neighbor's front window again. I guess we made what I sort of imagine as a spy log tonight as well. Maybe a busy-body ledger. Who knows? Well, nothing wrong with a mother visiting her son, I say. Though, I wonder what was visible between Michelle and I. I guess, ultimately all you could see was a little smooching between young folks. Nothing wrong with that. But, I'd probably be smart to close those blinds before anyone gets naked.

Come to think of it, both girls have keys... do they even know about the nosy neighbor? Do they care? And how many times have they left those blinds open when it might reveal something I'd want - or not want- to know about. Well, hell. I guess this is the price of living in the burbs when your mom and your girlfriend are dead set on making your life delightfully interesting.

The kitchen door unlocked and opened to, "Hi Honeys! I'm home!"

We both laughed, and Michelle hopped down off the counter. Anna was walking into the house with a tote bag, which Michelle took from her as she greeted her with a wet, hot, sloppy kiss. Damn.

She added, "Welcome home, Mommy. You smell like you've been fucking in a bar restroom with a hint of pissing like a naughty girl."

"I do, don't I?" Anna grinned. "I see that Gil-baby couldn't wait to tell you all about how disappointed he is in his mother."

"Well, I did sort of encourage it," Michelle grinned. She opened the tote bag as she put it on the kitchen counter. "Did you bring me presents? Gil wondered what was taking so long. It sounded like you were anxious for some attentions and he seemed ready to volunteer."

"He's always so happy to oblige, don't you find?" Anna asked slyly. "And in a way, I did bring presents... for everyone. Mostly, I realized that I wanted to stop at my apartment before I came here. Had supplies to pick up."

Michelle said, "Well, yes indeed. A bottle of red-"

"Seemed fair. I feel like we're always drinking Baby Boy's supply," Mom answered.

"And a bottle of lube. These are the gifts that keep on giving aren't they," Michelle giggled.

Anna slid in behind Michelle and wrapped her arms around her pressing bodies together sensually. Michelle was sandwiched rather tightly between the countertop and my mother. Anna's hands slid under our girlfriend's shirt to cup her breasts.

"Mikey, babe, I wanted everyone to be well and truly lubricated. Besides," she added as she nuzzled Michelle's hair clear of her neck and went in for a kiss. "Gil stocks a decent lube for fun and sport, but when I want a thoroughly naughty bit of butt play, I prefer the good stuff. This is the champagne of fuck facilitation."

"Only the best for your ass, Anna," Michelle groaned as she braced her hands against the counter grinding her butt back into Mom.

"Ladies, I think there's a shower and a closing of the blinds is in order don't you?" I said, in something like a croak. We'd been doing this for a bit, but I still react to the image of mother and girlfriend locked in a romantic embrace in the way that ... well, in the way I react. I've no idea how anyone else would feel about it, but this always stokes a stunned arousal in me.

Michelle giggled and said, "You noticed the peeper across the way, then?"

"Yeah. I wondered if you had. Given that you like the blinds open I wasn't sure," I answered.

"You know me, Gil. I'm quite the proper lady. I would never do anything naughty," Michelle said as she twisted in my mother's embrace and kissed her deeply.

I said, "Michelle, dearest. Have you been flashing the neighbors?"

"Baby doll, I've been walking my naked ass all over the house in front of open blinds since I've had a key. Think they mind?"

"Not it they have any sense. But, yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that the nosy neighbor is keeping up with visitors and I do seem to have a lot of women come to my house," I said.

"Yes, a lot of women come here. Well, two that I know of," replied Anna. "So far."

Anna disentangled herself from Michelle and walked into the living room. She said, "Oh, yeah. I think I see some sort of movement. Your neighbor isn't very stealthy."

I said, "I'm pretty sure they don't think they have anything to hide. It's not like they're having an incestuous three-way affair on a regular basis with a side of exhibitionism. I mean, they're just keeping an eye on traffic in the neighborhood and which neighbors don't roll the trash bins in quickly enough."

Anna looked back over her shoulder and smirked, "Well, then they are just not living an interesting enough life." She reached down and grabbed her top.

"You're not-"

She stripped it off and tossed it towards the couch.

"You are," I said. "Well, color me surprised."

Mom kicked off her shoes and peeled down her bottoms. Frankly, I was always a little stunned by her beauty. Sure, I'd known her my whole life. I mean, by definition and all. But, she was a revelation in recent days. Her embrace of goddess-like indulgence was just so thrilling. Naked and naughty and recently fucked. She was stunning.

Anna turned her back to the window and said, "Mikey, hon, why are you still clothed? Aren't we taking a shower so that I can wash my honey's nasty old cum out of me and getting ready for that ... what was it? Oh, yeah, 'incestuous three-way affair' that I hear so much about. I mean, I brought wine and lube. All of which is going into me soon, right?"

"Your wish, baby," Michelle said as she stripped out of her top and started kicking shoes around the front room.

I rather articulately said, "Well, fuck. At least, this place is only a rental. Fuck the Home Owner's Association."

Michelle, naked and stunning, grabbed Anna by the hair and brought her in for another kiss. Her hands roamed down and had a nipple in one hand and a thigh in the other. They were wrapped together in an impression of a Nagel print. The sun was on its way down with the barest light coming through the front window. The blinds cast lines of shadow. The bodies close and spotlighted. I was powerless to interrupt beyond the obvious of choosing either to close the blinds or shed clothing.

As Michelle took Mom's left nipple into her mouth and right nipple into her pinching fingers, I realized that I wouldn't curb this exhibitionist streak without significant intervention. Also that I couldn't pronounce "significant intervention" at this stage. All I knew was that I was wearing too many clothes and I needed to be out of them.

I dropped my shirt across the kitchen island, kicked my shoes into a corner, and stripped out of my trousers faster than I would have guessed if you'd asked me. Wrapping my arms around the two of them, we were just aware enough of how exposed we were to intensify the arousal.

"Think we should invite the neighbors to dinner?" I mumbled as I kissed Anna's shoulder and let my hand caress Michelle's ass.

"Seems polite," Mom said as she ran a hand across Michelle's mound.

"Maybe not Friday though," my girlfriend muttered around Anna's nipple.

"Don't cross the streams," I agreed. "Shower? I really need to fuck someone."

"Idea. Good. Fuckkkkk," Michelle groaned as Anna took clit between thumb and forefinger. English becomes optional at times.

"Son, get the blinds. Shows over for now," Anna said as she led Michelle from the front room by her tenderest parts. "Then meet us in the shower. I need a good scrubbing. A good fucking. And then a good scrubbing again, probably. Don't forget the lube."

I watched them glide from the room because frankly watching the two of them together is hypnotic. Turning, I reached for the blinds and started to close them, when I saw the form in the window across the street.

Just a silhouette, but clear. The neighbor had left a light on in another room. There was an outline that was distinct. Not one. Two people were standing in the window. Only a silhouette, but two folks. So, the peeping wasn't one person's hobby. I suppose the couple that is nosy together has gossip over the kitchen table the next morning together. As I reached for the blinds, I saw to my surprise both figures reach up and wave. Well, I suppose I will have to invite them for dinner. They can bring the binoculars.

Closing the blinds, I went to the kitchen and grabbed Mom's special lube - a phrase I never knew I'd need. I could hear the shower running and laughter from the Master Bath.

The wine would have to wait. I had a sudden need to clean the dirty women in my life, so that we could all get filthy again. And again.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

In fiction, it is amazing on wonderful and enjoyable life can be when people/characters can freely express themselves within their own residence. Great series. Good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

so what happens when Jo's mom visits - and the neighbors come over

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I sure hope this isn’t the end!

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