Quest for Normal Pt. 01


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"I love you," Jessie whispered when Jenny released her hold on Jessie's head.

"I love you too," Jenny agreed.

A moment later Jenny said, "That was my first kiss, know that?"

"Mine, uh, mine too," Jessie said.

Chapter 5

Great Grandmother Heloise had been slightly hard of hearing; the alarm jolted both girls awake by blaring a commercial from a radio station out of Alexandria, Louisiana. Jenny slapped at the infernal clock until she figured out how to stop the noise. She then double-checked that the alarm was securely off.

"Scrambled okay? Bread still looked okay," Jenny said, rolling over onto her back and stretching.

"Six? SIX? Jenny, what, what are we doing getting up at six o'clock?" Jessie complained.

"Guy's coming around eight, right?" Jenny defended as she pulled her tee shirt on.

"Between eight and noon, Jenny. Shit! Bet its noon before we even see him," Jessie complained.

The frozen sausage patties also looked good so Jenny prepared those as well. Jenny came into the kitchen, dressed in tee shirt and flip flops. She sleepily made coffee while Jenny buttered their toast.

"Whew! Milk's not good; guess need do some grocery shopping, huh?" Jenny said.

"After, what's the guy's name? After he's gone, we can go," Jessie agreed, finding Heloise's coffee mugs. "Aw! Look! 'World's Greatest Grandma' here."

"Uh, Percy, wasn't it?" Jenny said as she put the two plates on the table.

"Think so," Jessie agreed and took her seat.

After breakfast, Jessie transferred the clean clothes from dryer to couch and wet clothes from washer to dryer. Jenny stood at the sink, washing their pans. She could feel Jessie's eyes on her and looked up. Jessie smiled.

"What?" Jenny asked, slightly irritated.

"You're cute like that, hair all messed up, know that?" Jessie smiled.

"Shut up," Jenny said, blushing. "Should see yours."

After Jenny cleaned up the kitchen, she opened their suitcase and found an outfit to wear. Jessie modeled three outfits for Jenny before Jenny decided that Jessie should wear the half shirt and khaki shorts with her new Nikes.

"Yeah, pink, pink looks good on me," Jessie agreed.

"Glad that's settled," Jenny said as she twisted the knob for the shower.

"I don't like it too hot," Jessie said, throwing her clothes onto the bed.

"Then take your own damned shower," Jenny thought to herself.

Heloise had just bought the bottle of shampoo as well as a large bottle of body wash. Jenny stepped under the spray and wet her long brown hair.

"Shampoo's on the list; this is that cheap ass stuff," Jessie said. "But, here..."

Jenny found Jessie's hands gently massaging shampoo into her wet hair. She fought down the urge to shove the girl away.

"Hey!" Jenny protested, though, when Jessie's soapy hands began massaging her wet breasts.

Her protest was cut short when Jessie jammed her tongue into Jenny's mouth. Jessie's hands continued to fondle Jenny's large breasts.

"Ugh, God! Oh, Jessie," Jenny gasped when Jessie's fingers pinched down on her hard nipples.

"I uh, I like mine done hard like that," Jessie admitted.

"Then do your own," Jenny thought.

"And..." Jessie said.

"Jessie!" Jenny screamed when she felt Jessie's soapy hands at her tuft of brown pubic hair.

"Jessie!" Jenny screamed out loud when Jessie's soapy fingers came in contact with her clitoris.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh!" Jenny grunted in orgasm as Jessie's hand toyed with her wet slit, her throbbing clitoris.

"Here, psycho bitch," Jenny ordered, twisting and shoving Jessie underneath the spray.

Jenny turned and grabbed the heavy bottle of shampoo. She poured a good handful of the cheap shampoo into the palm of her hand.

"Hey!" Jenny cried out when she felt Jessie's finger jam into her unsuspecting rectum.

"Ugh! Oh Jessie, God damn, that's so nasty," Jenny grunted, bracing her hands against the wall of the shower.

"Uh huh," Jessie giggled, noticing that Jenny might be protesting, but she wasn't moving to dislodge Jessie's finger from her anus.

"Ugh, God," Jenny moaned as Jessie fucked the finger in and out of Jenny's tight orifice.

"Jesus!" Jenny screamed when Jessie's thumb mashed against her clitoris.

"Quit, quit, shit, quit it, huh?" Jenny babbled, sliding to the floor of the shower.

After a moment, Jenny got up and again poured a handful of shampoo into her hand. She made sure to keep her buttocks out of reach of Jessie's wandering hands while she was bent forward.

"Here," Jenny said, approaching Jessie.

"I love you," Jessie said quietly.

"Love you too," Jenny admitted, gently massaging the cheap shampoo into Jessie's luxurious hair.

She then poured a handful of body wash into her hands. She started by liberally coating Jessie's full breasts with the body wash. Then, when Jessie's breasts were good and soapy, Jenny squeezed and massaged the large globes in her small hands.

"Ugh!" Jessie grunted when Jenny did pinch her nipples, quite hard.

Again, the two girls sucked on each other's tongues while Jenny soaped Jessie's breasts.

"Ugh, oh God yes!" Jessie screamed out when Jenny's soapy hand cupped her thick thatch of pubic hair.

"Ugh, ugh, ugh!" Jessie chanted as Jenny's soapy hand massaged her pussy to orgasm.

"No more showering together," Jenny decreed as they hugged fiercely.

"Ugh, oh God, why not?" Jessie panted, rubbing her pubic mound against Jenny's pubic mound.

"Shit! We're not getting clean," Jenny pointed out.

"Wasn't all that dirty begin with," Jessie giggled.

"Whatever," Jenny giggled.

Jenny rinsed her body clean of lather and got out. Heloise had never splurged on towels; the ones in her cabinet were basically holes held together by four corners of scrap.

"Crap! Need get some towels too, huh?" Jenny complained as she tried to wrap her wet hair in a severely shredded towel.

"Uh, please?" Jessie agreed, briskly rubbing her body with a wadded up towel.

Against Jessie's prediction, Percy Stiller was there at seven fifty five to install the Internet for them. The man was genial, chatting with Jenny about her great grandmother. He also admitted, he'd gone to school with Melvin, Jenny's grandfather.

"Aw, yeah, remember that Melba. Hoo-wee, girl was a wild one, let me tell you. Melvin had him his hands full with that one. Sorry hear about her getting herself killed like that, though," Percy said as he threaded the cable attachments onto the cable.

"And..." he said, hooking up the computer. "Go on, see if you can log on there."

Jenny turned on the computer, then typed in the password. In a moment, the Internet was at her fingertips.

"And Aggie said y'all went with that upgrade to your TV. That right?" Percy said, looking at his notes. "Need get y'all remote; how many televisions y'all got?"

"I, damn, I don't even know," Jenny admitted, relinquishing the computer to Jessie. "One out here, Jessie, there one in the bedroom?"

"Think so," Jessie said, rapidly typing out a search command.

"Might want get one for in here too, never know, might want listen news while y'all , what kind work y'all do anyhow?" Percy suggested, following Jenny out of the small room.

"Right now? Nothing," Jenny said, not wanting to say anything about the diner.

"Nuh uh, Jenny we're..." Jessie started.

"I know that, Jessie, I know, all right?" Jenny snapped.

Percy performed his task, wished them a good day, then left. Jenny returned to the computer room and found Jessie looking at hard-core lesbian pornography.

"Jessie! My God, what? What are you doing?" Jenny shrilled.

"Looking up how we..." Jessie defended.

"We are not doing any of that. Jessie, really? Really want me shoving my whole hand, oh God, that's disgusting," Jenny protested.

"Well, maybe not THAT," Jessie agreed as she watched a blonde woman fisting an overly endowed brunette's ass while licking her pussy.

"Come on, need get out of that, make a grocery list," Jenny ordered.

"Okay," Jessie agreed and got out of the Internet.

For the truck ride from trailer park to the grocery store, Jessie put her head on Jenny's shoulder. At the grocery store, Jessie got out of the truck on Jenny's side and clutched onto Jenny's arm as they pushed cart from parking lot to store.

Inside of the small grocery store, Jenny and Jessie discovered that much of what they had on their list would have to come from Alexandria. Jessie noticed that they had the attention of nearly every customer and employee in the store as she walked around, bra-less breasts threatening to spill out the bottom of her half-shirt, buttocks and pubic mound threatening to spill out of the bottom of her khaki shorts.

"Jessie, I swear to God, you don't quit it, I'm leave you right here," Jenny hissed as Jessie bent over to retrieve another can she'd 'dropped.'

Jessie giggled and Jenny couldn't help but giggle. But Jessie did cease with the blatant displays. They still received a goodly share of attention as they wandered the small store's aisles.

"Ain't seen y'all 'round here before," the older woman said as Jenny and Jessie loaded their items onto her conveyor belt.

"No ma'am, just moved here," Jenny agreed.

"Moved here? Really," the woman stopped and stared at the two girls. "Honey, been here my whole life. Ain't nobody moves here? They all move out."

"Uh huh," Jenny agreed and looked to see what Jessie was looking at.

Jessie was looking at the magazine rack. Jessie swiveled, luscious buttocks wiggling and waggling as she shifted from foot to foot. Then she selected a Parasols magazine and carried it to the conveyor belt.

"Honey, you ain't old enough, put that back, hear?" the old woman snapped.

"What? I'm eighteen," Jessie protested.

"Uh huh, let's see them IDs, huh?" the woman challenged.

"Jessie, what you, fine, I'll get it," Jenny said, showing the old woman her driver's license.

"Don't know what y'all want that for anyway," the old woman muttered, dropping the offending magazine into a separate bag.

"Why do you want that anyway?" Jenny asked as they carried the five bags to the truck.

"Here, I'll show..." Jessie said.

"Wait. Wait until we get in the truck, Jessie," Jenny said as Jessie stopped in the middle of the parking lot, searching for the bag that held the magazine.

In the truck, Jessie again slid over, huddled against Jenny. She dug the magazine out and pointed to the sidebar of the glossy magazine cover.

"See? Right here. 'How To Shave That Honey Pot Perfect The First Time And Every Time.' Okay?" Jessie excitedly said.

Jenny turned to say something and Jessie kissed Jenny's lips. She then cupped her own pubic mound through her snug shorts.

"Make it all pretty for you," she whispered, then kissed Jenny again.

"Jessie, it is all pretty already," Jenny said, blushing hotly.

"Thanks a lot, Grandma," Jenny thought as she started the truck. "Inherited a diner AND a psycho girlfriend. Thanks a lot."

Jenny unloaded the groceries and had to yell at Jessie that she could read the magazine later; they still had grocery shopping to do. For the first ten minutes of the drive to Alexandria, Jessie was sullen, pouty. But, by the time they pulled up to the larger, more modern grocery store, Jessie was again huddled against Jenny.

"Oh! Oh, wait. We're going there first," Jenny whooped, seeing an Office Depot across the highway.

Jenny steered Jessie toward the office furniture. She looked at two small chairs, intending that she and Jessie would each have a chair.

"But, this one? Big enough both of us," Jessie said, pointing to a behemoth.

"Jessie, that's two nineteen. Both of these? Comes up to um, ninety six," Jenny said, knowing she would get the large chair.

Home again, Jessie sat on the couch, reading the Parasols magazine while Jenny labored to assemble the large chair. More than once, Jenny wanted to march into the living room and insist that Jessie get off her lazy butt and come help her.

"Who? Who in the hell wrote these instructions?" Jenny screamed when she discovered that she'd put the wrong bolt into the hole.

"Stevie Wonder?" Jessie suggested.

"No. His would make sense. Look, look, use half inch bolt for the pedestal. What? I'm supposed measure every God damned bolt?" Jenny yelled.

"What? How many bolts they got?" Jessie asked.

"Nine! There are nine God damned stupid ass bolts. Two for each arm, four attach the pedestal to the sea. Eleven! There's eleven of these stupid bolts. Two to attach the back to the seat, and one more attach the chair to the stupid ass wheels! Next time? Next time? YOU'RE getting in here and doing this stupid shit, you hear?" Jenny screamed.

"You always so bitchy?" Jessie asked, now standing in the doorway of the office.

"Don't," Jenny threatened, holding up the tiny Allen wrench provided with the inefficient instructions. "Don't mess with me or so help me God, I will beat you to death with this."

After another twenty minutes of yelling and cursing, Jenny finally righted the chair and declared it ready for use. Jessie came into the office again.

"Sit back," Jessie ordered as Jenny started the computer.

Jenny sat back, parted her legs and let Jessie sit between her spread legs.

"Okay, no, Jessie, we're not looking up porn," Jenny said as Jessie started to type. "We need look for an accountant in Alec."

"An, why?" Jessie said.

"We own a diner?" Jenny said. "And we're pretty sure those ass holes are robbing the place blind?" Jenny said, actually wrapping her arms around Jessie's bare tummy.

"Mm, oh," Jessie sighed. "I like, see? This is why I wanted this chair. I like your arms around me like this."

"Type, bitch, just type," Jenny playfully ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Jessie giggled and typed in the search criteria.

"Hmm," Jenny mused, reading the screen over Jessie's shoulder.

Absently, she reached her hand up underneath Jessie's half shirt and gently bobbled Jessie's heavy breast in her left hand. Jessie reached up and pressed Jenny's hand into her flesh.

"That one, click on that one. Harry Briscoe," Jenny ordered.

Jessie squealed, then sighed as Jenny lightly bit down on her neck, right where her neck and shoulder met. She shuddered as Jenny gently licked from shoulder to jawline.

"Wait, wait a minute. Right across the street from the diner, there's that accountant's office," Jessie said as Jenny memorized Harry Briscoe's phone number.

"Uh huh, and is probably friends with all people works there," Jenny said and playfully tugged Jessie's hard nipple.

"Ugh!" Jessie gasped out.

"Hi, this Harry Briscoe?" Jenny asked.

"No, this is my nipple," Jessie said.

Jenny held her cell phone in Jessie's line of sight.

"Yes sir, my name is Jenny Decker," Jenny said.

"What about Mr. Chopin?" Jessie asked.

"Twelve thirty works for me. You know where the Stepping Stone Diner is? Why we don't meet there?" Jenny said.

A woman bordering on morbidly obese greeted Jenny and Jessie when they entered the diner. The large woman shoved her bulk away from the counter and grabbed two menus.

Five of the eight booths were taken; as was one of the tables in the center of the room. Conversation had come to an abrupt stop when the two teenaged girls walked in but it now resumed.

"What y'all wanting drink?" the woman asked tiredly.

"Coke; we got another one coming, bet that's him," Jenny said. "Hey, you Harry?"

"Got to be Jenny," the handsome young man smiled, extending a hand.

The three of them decided on the All-American hamburger and the wedge cut French fries. Merline gasped and wheezed, short of breath as she urged her bulk back and forth from counter to table.

Harry watched the two attractive girls eat. His cock strained as the girls leaned heavily against one another, playfully bickered with one another, even 'stole' French fries from each other.

"Okay, so, going need the register tapes, said last ones you have at the trailer is from the fifth?" Harry said as both Jenny and Jessie read over his contract.

"Mm-hmm, probably going need Mr. Chopin get an order for them," Jenny said.

Harry didn't say it, but he was impressed that Jenny would understand this. He did notice the hostile looks the bald headed cook was giving to them. The cook must have said something to the rotund waitress; she had avoided their table ever since putting their plates down.

"So, where'd you get your degree?" Jenny asked.

"Small college, bet y'all never heard of it," Harry smiled. "University of Louisiana at DeGarde?"

"We're from DeGarde," Jessie said happily.

"You are not!" Harry laughed.

With a handshake, Harry had his first client outside of his own family. A phone call to Mr. Chopin got the court order and a surly looking police officer in an ill-fitting uniform waddled in to assist Mr. Chopin and Mr. Briscoe in obtaining the required register tapes as well as all receipts.

"Buster, what the fuck, huh?" Ernie asked his brother in law.

"My job, Ernie, it's my job," the police officer apologized.

"Bet my sister be real happy hear that," Ernie spat.

"And your momma? Weren't nothing but a whore, hear?" Ernie spat at Jenny.

"Makes me wonder what your mother was," Jenny smiled sweetly at him.

"You God damned fucking bitch," Ernie snarled, trying to get past Buster to attack Jenny.

Jenny smiled; Jessie had immediately put herself between Ernie and Jenny. So had Jerry Chopin.

"Got them," Harry indicated, stepping away from the cash register. "This is a NCR one oh one; stores data for up to ninety days on them."

"Ms. Decker? I should have everything by Tuesday at the latest," Harry promised.

"I'll need a copy of everything as well," Jerry said to Harry.

The End of Part 1. Part 2 has already been written and is waiting for approval.

**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that leave comments, good and bad. I also thank those that take the time to rate my stories, and those that 'Favorite' my stories.

I do not read emails. Of the few that I had read in the past, when I first began posting to this site, many were hateful, intentionally hurtful rants. Some were even threatening, telling me I needed to die a painful death. So, now, I simply delete them without opening them.

If you have any comments, leave them here, at the end of this story so that we can all enjoy your words of wisdom.

Have a swell day. And some of you? Have a swollen day.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hope I'm wrong

But I can see Jessie causing problems down the line.

juan2forkjuan2forkalmost 5 years ago
Good start!

Life long Louisiana resident. Some of these folks seem real.

EclecticReaderEclecticReaderalmost 5 years ago
Found Chaoter 2 near the end of most read stories.

With over a million reads. Thought I ought to start at the beginning. Glad I did!

My concern now is how you are going to be able to finish this "could be a novel" in just one more chapter.

Gotta go find out.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

That was just plain fun. Can't wait for more.

InterRachelVixenInterRachelVixenalmost 5 years ago

Good storytelling. I Really enjoyed it but would liked it to have a bit more sex. You do an good job of building the sexual tension. I think the payoff needs a little more detail and try not to tease too much.ll

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