Quetzalcoatl Pt. 02


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"It's only human to not want to burden others. The trick is learning to tell when someone is willing to share a load with you."

"I know a few people who would help me carry my baggage. I think I found one more, too."

Wallace looks at me with gratitude. He's normally very confident and understated, so this is a side of him I hadn't seen yet. It's nice.

We finally get to my house and I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you around."

As usual Foxie is waiting for me inside.

"Was that Mr. Wallace?" He must have seen us through the window.

"Yes it was."

"He's...big. And looks a little intense."

"I suppose. But he really is kind."

I take off my morph suit.

"Baby boy?"

"Yes, Daddy?"

"Could you teach me that stomach distension trick?"


The next day I take my final walk around town after work. Sapphro told me multiple times that she won't actually try to enforce my "punishment," but I want to show my desire to change, to both her and myself.

I haven't seen the Darkness since that incident on Tuesday. I don't know what it's up to, it either doesn't have the energy to torment me all the time or this is some sort of mind game to make me paranoid. Either way, in the meantime I need to steel myself for the next encounter. I do form a theory about what it can and can't do, but I'm not eager to have to test it out.

I make it to Wallace's home and he greets me.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

I smile. "The conversation is a little heavy. I think the two of us should loosen up first."

"If you say so."

I strip down first, taking off outfit 37 for what will hopefully be the last time for the foreseeable future. Wallace whistles.

"I can't get over your body. The greatest sculptors couldn't craft such perfection. May I pose you?"


He shifts my weight so I'm resting on my right leg. He turns my head to the left and moves my arms so my right is down at my side and the left is bent, my hand close to my chin. When he's done he takes a step back and admires his handiwork.

"Michelangelo had the wrong model. David has nothing on you."

I get a lot of compliments, but that's a new one.

"Do you ever model for the artists in Quetzalcoatl?"

"I have a few times. It's not ideal, we all get distracted."

"I can imagine."

"Still, we've seen my body already. I want to see yours now that your supplements have taken effect."

"As you wish."

He disrobes as well, and I can clearly see and feel how the supplements have enhanced his form. The first few doses are to get the nanobots distributed throughout the body, and when there's enough, the supplements begin making changes. I remember how quickly things happened to me back at the beginning. Once the transformation began it took about 48 hours. I ate like a starving man and felt like I was dying of thirst, but the results were more than worth it.

I remember what Wallace looked like back on Sunday. He was handsome, no doubt about it, but now he's smoking hot. He doesn't look lanky anymore, his muscles filled out to match his height. His pecs, arms, and abs are sharper, more cut and bulky. Wallace's new legs are not nearly as thick as mine, but his thighs, calves, and glutes have more shape. His round ass isn't soft and jiggly the way mine is, Wallace's new bubble butt is muscled and firm, very manly. His body hair is now a thick rug that covers his upper chest and forms a treasure trail down to his dense pubic bush. His arms, legs, and ass have a thin dusting of hair as well. None of the new body hair is wiry or scratchy at all, it's very soft and fluffy to the touch. Wallace's back, sides, hands, and feet are hairless. His beard and eyebrows are also fuller and more sharply defined, framing his face perfectly.

"Gorgeous. You're the one who should be made into a statue."

"Thank you. Coming from you, that means a lot."

"Did the supplements do anything else?"

"A lot of standard things, a little boring. I have a lot more energy in the mornings and no more joint pain. But this is my favorite part."

He takes off my glasses and hands them to me.

"What? Are your eyes a different color or something?"

"No, but I can read that sign over there." He points to a street sign out the window.

"You fixed your eyesight?"

"Perfect vision."

I look at the glasses in my hands, now confused.

"Why are you still wearing the glasses, then?"

"Just because wearing them was inconvenient doesn't mean I didn't like how they looked. And now they're virtually indestructible, water repellent, and smudge proof."

He takes the glasses back and demonstrates that he can't break them, even with his new muscle.

I reach down and feel his long, warm cock in my hand. There's no additional girth but it might be even longer than it was before.

"It's great to see Wallace in his perfect form." I stroke his dick. "Can I see him in action?"

"I've been waiting for this since yesterday."

He picks me up bodily and carries me to his bed again. His demeanor is a lot more dominant than it was last time. He's the one who spreads my legs and pushes them back, exposing my pussy. He buries his face in my cunt and devours me, his newly perfected facial hair tickling my most intimate places.

Once the both of us have gotten me very wet he takes his dick and pushes it into me. It makes me feel like he's filling up my entire body, like the dick is going to come out my mouth.

"Fuck, you're so deep!"

He doesn't take it as slow as he did on Sunday. He's a little faster, a little rougher. It's not like being fucked by Archie, but there's more power to it.

"I could mate with you all night."

"You're not the only one. I have a lot of regular customers. I'll-AH!" I yelp as he jabs me just right on the inside. Once I recover, I continue. "I'll give you the information later."

"If this is the last fuck I won't need to schedule then I should make it count."

And make it count he does. He fucks me for an hour, shooting inside me twice. I don't think his stamina has been augmented, so I can tell he's getting tired by the second load. It seems like the perfect time to put what Foxie taught me to use.

My boy was intrigued when I asked about learning his special skill the night before.

"You've taken a lot of big cocks, Daddy. Why are you looking to try it now?"

"Well, I want to hook up with Wallace tomorrow and I think he'd respond well to it."

Then I thought about what I just said.

"Foxie, are you okay with this? You're my partner."

"Why would this bother me? You fuck other people all the time."

"This seems more...I don't know...personal? He's not a client."

"But he is your friend, right?"


"And you love your friends, right?"

"Of course."

"This is how you show love. I would never discourage that."

Once again I felt blessed by this little angel of a boy.

"I love you so fucking much."

Foxie got this sly little smile.

"Then show me your love, Daddy."

Now in the present I tell Wallace I want to try taking the reins. He agrees and lets me start riding him. Last night I used some of Foxie's toys to practice and get a better feel for the best angle. It takes some patience and finesse, but I can eventually see the faint shape of Wallace inside my body. I do my best to channel my inner Foxie when I speak.

"Oh, fuck! Look, Sir!"

He sees the bulge and his eyes widen.

"Holy shit! Eros, are you okay?"

"Okay? I'm in heaven! This big buff god of a man has his cock so deep inside me it's about to burst out my gut! I love it! I love you! Fuck me! Fuck me deep and fast and hard!"

I see this hungry, almost crazed look in his eyes.

"You asked for it."

He takes control again and pounds into me with all he's got. Now it's starting to feel like getting fucked by Archie, except if Archie was twice his size.

The third load comes out soon after and I can see that Wallace really is down for the count at this point. I adjust us so we're both cuddling, his cock softening in my well-fucked pussy.

He's the first to speak a few minutes later.

"Are you okay? Did I harm you?"

"That was wonderful. I asked for you to fuck me hard and you delivered. I hope you become a regular for me in the future."

"How could I not? That was the best sex I've ever had." He wraps his beefy, furry arms around my body. I feel so safe, so protected in his warm embrace.

We take a quick nap before going back on the couch. Wallace puts on boxers and an undershirt while I stay nude.

"You said you wanted to ask me something yesterday. I'm ready to answer."

I take a deep breath in and out.

"Who were you before moving here?"

"I was a 37 year old man named Costas living in Cyprus. I was at a decent position at an architecture firm, a group designing buildings in Dubai, Cairo, Istanbul, all over the world."

"That sounds about right. How did you get approached to move here?"

"I got a letter I was kind of suspicious of. It was presented as a job opportunity that required relocation, but it almost felt like I was being invited to join a cult or something. The promises sounded too good to be true."

Nothing he says awakens any memories. If this was how I was recruited I wouldn't know.

"Did you have any direct contact with people here?"

"Of course I did, I would never have done this without a thorough vetting process. It talked to Agape, Kirkegaard, the scientists, it was weeks of interviews. Eventually I felt safe enough to accept their offer. That's when I quit my job and moved here."

It occurs to me that I don't even know where in the world Quetzalcoatl is. Anything in the process of coming here was before my memory was wiped.

"How did you get here?"

"They sent a private jet. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the pilot since I got here. He was an interesting man."

"How so?"

"He had the biggest, longest, thickest mane of hair I've ever seen on anyone. His outfit was strange, too. He had this white shirt and iridescent green pants. I don't think he ever told me his name."

I can't think of anyone in Quetzalcoatl who matches that description.

"When I got here I was given the name Wallace and provided a location for my new home. You know everything after that."

"Did they ever tell you why you were named Wallace?"

"No, and I don't know why. There aren't any legendary architects by that name. When I hear the name Wallace I think of William Wallace, but I don't think I have much in common with a Scottish revolutionary."

"Yeah, I guess not."

"Is it okay if I asked why you want to know all this?"

I think about it. Perhaps it's time to ask for help carrying this load.

"I'm asking all this because I have absolutely no memory of my life before I started living in Quetzalcoatl. And the more I learn about this, the more concerned I get. Files of my old life have been deleted, and I don't know who did it. It almost feels like I've being kept from-"

I am not allowed to finish that sentence. A bolt of lightning explodes instantly, and everything flashes white. I hear the deafening sounds of the ground shaking, fire burning, and crashing waves. I feel like I'm swept off the ground and flung into space.

The world goes black and silent as I pass out.


My head is cloudy and there's a ringing in my ears as I come to. Reality fades in and I'm in my own house, at our table. I'm nude, and my morph suit is hanging up by the door as usual. I don't know how I got here.

"Daddy? Daddy, are you okay?"

Foxie walks up to me, looking very concerned.

"You spaced out, I think you fainted!"

I rub my forehead, my brain pounding.

"Where's Wallace?"


"Yes, Wallace, the person I was visiting. The man who turned my life upside down. The one who might be a charred corpse right now! That Wallace!"

"Daddy, you're not making sense! Who's Wallace?"

My head pounds in a throbbing ache and I barely notice.

"Foxie, please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not joking, I've never heard of anyone here with that name!"

"No. No, no no! Not again!"

I get to my feet, knocking the chair to the floor.

"I need to see something!"

I run upstairs and open the door to roof access. I know that if I look to the northeast I'll see a storm of fire and brimstone where Wallace's house once stood. Something, anything that shows what happened just moments ago.

But there's nothing. The night is still and silent. I get lightheaded and sit down so I don't fall off the roof.

It's happening again, and this time it's so much worse than a house moving to the other side of town.

I hear Foxie's voice again.

"Daddy, please, you're scaring me!"

My lover scrambles up to me and clamps his body onto mine.

"What's going on? One moment we're eating dinner and the next you look like you just saw the worst thing ever! I don't know what's wrong, I don't know how to help!" His voice is thick with tears.

I'm so shell-shocked I can't even cry. It takes a minute or so for me to notice that I'm muttering the same things over and over to Foxie, like it's a prayer or a chant.

"You're safe. I love you. I'm sorry. You're safe. I love you. I'm sorry. You're safe. I love you. I'm sorry."

It takes a long time for both of us to calm down. It's silent for a few minutes when Foxie finally speaks up again.

"Daddy, what did you see back there?"

I had been considering what I would say, and decided that I couldn't afford to not play it safe anymore.

"I can't tell you. I know it's unfair, but I can never tell you, and I can never tell you why."

Reality shattered while I was in the process of telling Wallace about my amnesia. Correlation does not prove causation, but considering the fact that what happened seemingly deleted Wallace from this timeline I have reason to believe it was a sort of warning. It was horrendous enough for it to happen to Wallace, and I will never, ever let it happen to Foxie.

"Eros, this isn't like you."

"I know."

There was another long pause.

"I'm scared." Foxie's voice is weak, small.

I petted his hair.

"I'm scared, too." I kiss his forehead. "Just know that it would be so much more scary if I didn't have you here with me."

I bring us to our feet.

"Let's go back inside."


Things are very quiet as the two of us have breakfast the next morning. I do my best to show Foxie the same tenderness and affection I always do. It's hard for me to tell if he's mad at me, sad, or still processing everything that happened last night. To be fair, I'm still working things out myself. I make sure to pour all the sincerity I can into my face and voice when I look him in the eye and say "I love you, Foxie."

He hugs me. "I love you too, Doddy."

For the first time in days I get to decide my attire. I'm not in a flashy mood, so I pick outfit 8.

8 is probably the most understated of all 40 options. It's a black T-shirt and black leggings, though they're both the sort of faded off-black that only comes after many uses and washings. My black shoes are similarly plain. It looks like something a theater actor or a dancer would wear during rehearsal.

I am surprised to see The Darkness standing on the street outside, but considering the previous night's events I don't have the mental energy to be all that afraid. I suppose my only option is to test the theory I formed about its abilities.

I do my best to put on a brave face and just keep walking forward. The Darkness responds by approaching me as well, its form flickering and jumping around in the space of an instant. I feel that cold again.

Soon enough we're face to face. It stares me down.

Then I casually go around it and continue my walk.

I hear the Darkness chuckle behind me before it catches up and walks by my side.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to figure it out."

I was right. As much power it has over my state of mind, it can only affect me psychologically. Of course, I didn't know that at first, and it used that to terrorize me, making me fear for my safety.

"I suppose this little game of cat and mouse has played out. I need to find another way to make you suffer."

"What I went through last night was worse than anything you could ever hope to do. You don't scare me anymore."

"That's a lie."

I wasn't expecting that bluff to work, but I had to give it a shot.

"Last night's episode has given me a few ideas, though. There's something under the surface of this little paradise. Something dark. I want to learn more."

"Be my guest. I'm done trying to find answers. I hope you get yourself erased, too."

"I refuse to be ignored by you, Eros. You'll never be able to escape me."

"Maybe not, but I'll just learn how to live with you. I deserve to be happy here."

The Darkness scoffs.

"Do you know why I call you a liar? It's because you pretend you love yourself when you shouldn't be able to. You think I would exist if you ever thought you deserved happiness?"

"I do love myself now, even if I didn't before. I've grown."

"Fuck you. You didn't grow, you just got everything you ever wanted. Even if I can't remember the person you were in the past, this burning hatred in my very being tells me all I need to know. I'm going to make you pay for running away from me for so long. I'm going to destroy you."

"At the moment, that threat is empty. All you can do is make me cold and give me the jitters. Now if you excuse me, I want to start my jog."

I begin jogging and soon it's apparent that the Darkness isn't following me. Perhaps it's not a good idea to taunt a being that wants nothing more to ruin my life, but I can't bring myself to care anymore. Losing Wallace helped put things in perspective. My own small struggles are nothing in the face of what I've been given. My amnesia isn't important. My memories must have been wiped because that's what was needed for me to be happy. It's selfish to try to probe any deeper.

I need to protect Quetzalcoatl. I need to protect the people I love.


As the days go by I'm able to slowly piece together the general picture of what happened that fateful night. Wallace's house is indeed gone, now an empty, undisturbed plot of land. There's no concern or alarm from anyone about this, so I can only assume he's been forgotten. Whether he was completely wiped off the face of the earth or just made so he never moved to Quetzalcoatl I can't say, but I really hope it's the latter. Unless I'm shown otherwise I will continue to believe that there's a strong, kind, intelligent architect in Cyprus named Costas.

All the same, this was the second time history was rewritten, the first time being a week before when his house up and crossed town in the middle of the night. Looking back on it, all these anomalies seem to coincide with incidents where I was questioning or doubting Quetzalcoatl. The earthquake happened after I thought about whether getting what we want could get in the way of what we truly need. That unexpected rainstorm happened as I mulled over how I wouldn't wait so long to bring in recruits if I were running things. Worst of all, Wallace was taken away when I told him about my amnesia and how it felt like something was being kept from me. There's a force, some sort of higher power telling me that it's not my place to rock the boat. It warned me when it expanded the distance between us and took Wallace out of the picture when I didn't heed that warning.

I'm starting to see Quetzalcoatl in a way similar to the gigantic dragon of the same name I rode in my dream. It's omniscient, all-powerful, and more than willing to interfere when something is being disturbed in its realm. Quetzalcoatl is benevolent when it isn't being challenged, and I'm no longer interested in challenging anything.