Quid Pro Quo


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It is also the only day when they are allowed free use of 'Quid pro quo'...every other day of the week only your roommate is permitted to satisfy your sexual needs...however, on Saturdays, at the party, if they find another boy in the building attractive or desirable, they are allowed to walk up to him and say "Quid pro quo" and that boy is bound by the rules of the house to provide him with an orgasm.

All of the boys eventually come to love the pool parties, which Dean Wurmer refers to as "The Weekly Bacchanal of Homo-erotic Depravity." The Dean, of course, is a regular guest.

Long ago I perfected a Tropical Fruit Punch that all the boys love to drink. One of the main ingredients is the liquid version of the 'special breath mint' and it doesn't take long for the boys to react and cast aside their inhibitions, if they still have any left, that is.

The pool area itself has two tiers. The lower tier where the pool is surrounded by deck chairs and pool furniture, and the upper tier where Dean Wurmer and myself sit back and watch the hot action below us. It affords us the perfect view of all the beautiful boys stripped down to very brief swim trucks frolicking in and around the pool.

Also, to our left are two sixty-inch television screens which the party-goers cannot see; the purpose of which will be later explained.

To ensure fifty-two weeks of fun, I had a retractable roof built over the pool area. Why should rain dampen and prevent my boys from their day of relaxation?

Today, it is warm and sunny so the roof is open. Truth-be-told, I prefer it closed. The pool area gets so warm and steamy when the roof is closed, the boys begin taking off their tee shirts the moment they arrive. I adore staring at their sweaty, in-some-cases manly – in-some-cases boyish chests.

The far side of the pool consists of a garden with two bamboo cabana's that have full-sized beds with silk sheets. The beds get quite a workout every Saturday.

Dean Wurmer arrives at 3:30. Billy, wearing a crisp, white jockstrap and nothing else, escorts him to the pool area where I am sitting. The Dean has his hand on Billy's smooth, bare ass, kneading and squeezing the boy's nicely shaped buttocks.

Standing beside me, The Dean lingers with his hand on Billy's ass. His love and desire for the boy is obvious. A huge bulge appears in the crotch of his baggy shorts.

I have watched a frantic Billy working on The Dean's legendary nine-inch cock with his hands and mouth, and decide to stay aware today – I want to see Billy's reaction when he is finally required to bend over for the older man and is forced to take that monster cock up his ass.

Oh my goodness, is The Dean finger-fucking my boy?

The older man whispers something into Billy's ear, and Billy's face turns crimson, and he giggles nervously.

I had already informed The Dean he is now permitted to butt-fuck Billy, so I wonder if he whispered his intentions to Billy to cause my usually unflappable boy to giggle and blush so furiously?

The Dean and I are chatting when Billy returns with our wine. We don't drink the special Fruit Punch until it is absolutely needed later in the day after our second or third climax.

When Billy walks away, I smile as I see The Dean staring at the boy's jiggling buttocks.

He turns to me and says, "Good news, I found a boy who will be perfect for this place...he's pretty as a picture, and his family is dirt poor."

"If they're poor, how did the boy get into the university?" I ask.

"Oh, he's on a scholarship grant, but once you give me the word, I'll have the committee revoke his grant so fast, he'll have no other option than to come and visit with you," says The Dean.

"It shouldn't take too long," I reply. "I'm going to have Cutie Pie bend over for me today for the first time, so it shouldn't take much more than a week before I have him convinced to move in with me."

The Dean smiles and swivels his head to where Billy is setting up the buffet table.

"Good...good..." he says softly staring at Billy, "I really want that boy in my bed every night."

I too openly look at the boy and say, "I guess I better enjoy the sight of his snow-white buttocks while he is still here."

The Dean chuckles and says, "Now Professor, we've already debated our training methods...yes, I am a strict disciplinarian, and yes, I become naturally aroused when I'm staring down at the sight of a pretty bubble-butt laying across my lap...but I think in Billy's case, you have him trained so well I won't need to use anything more than a thin leather belt on him."

"That's good to hear, Dean," I answer even though I know he is lying. "I'd hate to see his sexy ass-cheeks covered with those angry purple welts you like your boys to wear."

He laughs and says, "Don't be a hypocrite, Professor...I remember how excited you became when I allowed you to spank my last boy..."

He had me there. "I know – I know, I got carried away...I admit I do like it sometimes when a boy's bottom has a pinkish hue..."

He laughs again and incredulously says, "Pinkish hue? You spanked the boy until his bottom was fire-engine red!"

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Yes, I admit it - I thoroughly enjoyed myself...there is nothing quite like the feeling of a boy's overheated ass-cheeks on your flesh as you drive your dick home from behind..."

The tone in The Dean's voice turned serious. "Billy will enjoy his first night with me...but not his second...I will find some petty offense he committed, and use that as an excuse to absolutely blister his bottom...yes, his butt will be black-and-blue-and-purple for over a week...and once those marks clear up, I'll keep his bottom a beautiful glowing red...I love that look on a boy like Billy!"

"I know what you mean..." I said. "I've already decided I will spank Cutie Pie from time to time...I don't know if you agree, but some boys are simply more spankable than others – I don't know why that is!"

This time The Dean gave a deep and loud belly laugh. "Yes, Professor – welcome to my world! Some boys I spank for pleasure – others I spank for punishment...either way, it is a valuable tool to ensure their obedience and loyalty."

I take one last look at Billy's milky white flesh and sigh. I feel a slight twinge of guilt for abandoning him and giving him to an admitted sadist...but it will be better for him than leaving him on the streets to live a life of prostitution and probable drug addiction.

We hear the door open that leads to the apartment building. I had an enclosed hallway connected to the building so the boys wouldn't have to go outside to get to the pool and exercise area.

As always, Dylan and David from 101 are the first to arrive, and as usual, they're wearing the obligatory uniform of small gym shorts and tight tank tops. Neither likes to wear jockstraps. When at home, Dylan wears boxers and David has recently switched from tightie-whities to more colorful string bikini briefs.

David is a good two-inches taller than Dylan, so it came as somewhat of a surprise the other night when I watched David assume the submissive role and let Dylan take him from behind.

I am usually a good judge of behavior, and I had believed Dylan would be the one to take a cock up his ass...but, you know, sometimes I am wrong.

"Hi boys," I wave and call out to them.

In unison they wave and reply, "Hi Professor - Hi Dean Wurmer!"

They immediately go to the refreshment table and fill six-ounce plastic cups with Fruit Punch. I watch them drink it all down, fill their cups one more time then choose a table and chairs where they want to sit for the night.

They strip off their tank tops then sit and sip on the punch while awaiting their neighbors to arrive.

The door opens again and in walks Chip and Todd from 105. The boys are totally into the Saturday parties and are simply wearing white jockstraps. Like Chip said to me one time, "What's the point of wearing the full uniform when it will be coming off anyway?"

They smile and wave at us and we do the same. They too go straight for the Fruit Punch. Well, all my boys go there first – it is a requirement for these parties.

In walks Allen and Bryn from 106 followed closely by Evan and Richie from 109.

Allen is in full uniform but has Bryn wearing just a jockstrap. Evan is not wearing the tank top, but he is in gym shorts; his bottom, Richie, is covered only by a jockstrap.

All the boys give us a wave and smile when they enter, and we return the greeting, and watch them all gulp down a cup of Fruit Punch then find tables and chairs.

My two shy boys are the next to enter. Will and Daniel from 108 who only recently began kissing while they masturbate one another. On the encouraging side, they increased their frequency of quid pro quo and are now handling each others pricks twice at night, and in the morning when they shower together.

Oh yeah, I may have forgotten to mention I insist the boys shower together to save on water...heh-heh-heh – save on water, yeah, sure.

Marcus and Mikey from 107 lead Bart and Peter from 110 into the pool area. A couple nights a week the four of them get together and violate my rule against sex with someone other than your roommate only on Saturdays.

They are unaware that I know what they are doing. I will wait to punish them. For now, it is very entertaining and erotic watching all of them on the living room floor forming a daisy chain and simultaneously sucking each other off.

All those mouths and hard cocks really gets me horny. I'll have Billy on all-fours on the living room floor while we watch the action. I never fail to shoot two loads into his ass before the boys bring each other off.

Leon and Johnny from 104 walk in and everyone looks at them. The contrast in Johnny's whiteness and Leon's midnight black skin is breathtaking.

The Dean and I chuckle when we see Johnny's face glistening in the light. Two-weeks in a row now Leon has forced the boy to wear his semen and sperm on his face as they enter. Small guffaws and light laughter can be heard throughout the pool area. As for the boy, he always seems to have that deer-in-a-headlight look on his pretty face.

As usual, Leon wears simply his skimpy gym shorts; he loves to show-off his powerful chest and arms. He has Johnny dressed in a simple loin cloth that barely covers the boys genitals. Once the Fruit Punch takes affect, and the boy springs a boner, the loin cloth will become useless and Leon will order his boy to remove it altogether.

Next to enter are Devon and Sam from 103. I smile when I see Sam's diaphanous pink panties; his semi-hard prick clearly visible through the sheer material. As if on cue, everyone shouts in a girlish falsetto, "HELLO SAMANTHA!"

Sam blushes but also smiles at the greeting. He has taken to his transformation from boy-to-she-male quite readily.

In another hour or so, Devon will have Samantha kneeling between the legs of all the tops. It is very exciting watching Samantha's small, hard prick explode two-three times inside her panties without it being touched by anyone.

Lastly, as scheduled, Anthony leads Cutie Pie into the pool area. Anthony has him wearing only a jockstrap. Cutie Pie is nervous and tries to shield himself with his hands, which Anthony immediately forbids by slapping the boys hands to his sides.

Anthony shouts, "Everyone – I want to introduce you to Cutie Pie – isn't he adorable?"

Cries of "Hi Cutie Pie" and "Nice to meet you, Cutie Pie" resonate around the pool. Cutie Pies face is as red as I've ever seen. He is obviously mortified and humiliated by his introduction; which is what I was counting on.

When I acquire a boy like him, it is imperative to emasculate him as soon as possible.

I need him reduced to a confused, insecure little boy and the best way to do that is to shatter his confidence, self-image and ego. I will rebuild and shape him into the boy I want...a boy dependent on me for his emotional well-being, not to mention his orgasms...a boy like him will quickly become devoted to me and will mindlessly obey whatever command I give him.

Simply put, I will become the focal point for his happiness and well-being. Once he moves in with me I will be able to work on his training 24/7...I predict in less than a week, Cutie Pie will be fully under my iron-grip and madly in love with me.

Not much later, I will have him convinced it is foolhardy for a boy like him to be out in the world around predatory strangers; that I alone can keep him safe and happy.

By the time I order him to quit school, he will actually believe that he himself came to that logical decision so he could stay home to serve and love the only man who truly cares about him.

At 4:15 the gorgeous young men from the only gay caterers in town, Beefcake, Inc., arrive with the food. Once everything is on the tables, the young men strip to their g-strings and bow ties to begin serving my guests.

I love watching the hard bodies of the caterers as they slice roast beef, ham and turkey. They are wearing bemused smiles themselves because the Fruit Punch has taken affect and all my boys have hard-ons inside their shorts or jockstraps.

Samantha's see-thru pink panties clearly show his erect penis tenting-out the sheer material. Cutie Pie's boner appears much bigger than his less than four-inches inside the tight pouch of his jock...and Leon, oh my goodness, his nine-incher has pushed out the waistband of his shorts so far anyone near him needs only to glance down to adoringly gaze at his huge, black log of flesh.

I catch sight of Billy loading my plate of food. I sigh and begin to feel wistful. Either next Saturday, or most definitely the following week, it will be Cutie Pie preparing a plate for me. I will miss Billy...but life must go on, am I not right?

The moment Billy sets the food before me, I hear The Dean say to him, "Quid pro quo."

I see the sheepish grin spread across Billy's handsome face. The Dean stands, takes Billy's hand in his and leads him to the guest bedroom inside the house.

The Dean has been using Billy's mouth for some time now, but today, Billy will be in for a surprise...The Dean is going to bend him over and finally fuck the unsuspecting boy with his massive, manly cock...deep in my heart I know once The Dean fills his asshole with spooge, Billy will be a changed boy...The Dean has a way of making boy's addicted to his cock...my seven-incher will never be enough for Billy after today.

I watch the sexy tableau unfolding below me as I eat. All the boys are shoveling food into their mouths as though they are starving, but I know the real reason they're in such a hurry – their balls and hard pricks are becoming painful and their need to cum is becoming greater than their need for food.

Every week is pretty much the same – roommates use each other for their first orgasm before the all-out orgy begins. The more dominant roommate always has his 'bottom' service him and then allows his partner to climax, too.

Lust has overtaken modesty, and even the shyest of my boys throws caution aside and openly performs the desired sex act for his roommate. No matter...by this time no one is interested in whatever someone else is doing, their only concern at this point is to empty their own balls.

During the initial go-around the boys generally use only their hands and mouths to relieve their partners. It won't be until later when the more reserved boys will willingly agree to bend over naked in public to be sodomized by someone other than his roommate.

I focus on my two shyest boys, Will and Daniel. As far as I know, they only use their hands on each other's rigid pricks. I watch them standing, embracing, kissing deeply with a moving hand inside the others shorts until they can no longer take it and push each others shorts down to the ground and madly begin to masturbate one another.

The sweetness and urgency of their movements gives me an erection. I give it a squeeze, but resist the urge to masturbate myself.

I hear the scraping of chairs on concrete and look over in time to see Dylan pushing David over a chair and breaking with tradition, works his hard cock into his roommates asshole.

David appears momentarily distraught by Dylan fucking him in public, but once Dylan takes his boner in hand and gives him a reacharound he begins thrusting his hips backwards to swallow more and more of his roommates hard cock inside his tight asshole. WOW – who knew David was such a cock-hungry slut?

My attention is diverted to the next table where, sure enough, Devon has panty-boy-Sam kneeling between his open thighs. In an added twist, Devon makes Sam clasp his hands behind his back and use only his lips and tongue to suck him off...ohhh, nice touch!

Anthony is about the only boy to finish his food before he uses Cutie Pies mouth. He orders the boy to remove his jockstrap and kneel between his legs. I glance at the boy's prick and balls, and yes, Anthony followed my instructions and I see the scrotum strap cinching Cutie Pies now-bloated balls.

The strap has become a valuable training tool for me. A boy will become so excited AND frustrated – he will instantly obey whatever command I give him desperately hoping I will unfasten it and allow him to climax.

The trap has been set. The past three-days Anthony has trained the boy to cum only when the Magic Wand is sliding in-and-out of his asshole. The Wand has three different attachments, each one a full inch wider in diameter. Last night, Anthony used the two-inch wide shaft on Cutie Pie.

My own cock is over three-inches in girth. The boys hole has been stretched wide enough for him to accommodate me, but not too wide to diminish my pleasure. I will be plunging in-and-out of his boycunt by the time I unfasten the strap from his balls and he experiences the most earth-shattering orgasm of his young life.

He will become, as they say, putty in my hands afterwards, and that is when the true molding and shaping of his future life with me will begin.

I see Marcus and Mikey suddenly stand and strip off their tank tops and shorts. Mikey lays on his back – Marcus goes to all-fours above him in a classic sixty-nine position.

Marcus lowers his head and swallows Mikey's hard-on as he lowers his hips to give Mikey access to his straining cock. The boys greedily suck each other until both their mouths are filled and leaking sperm and semen.

I feel great pride and satisfaction how far they have progressed and can now unashamedly perform sex acts in full view of all the other boys.

I recognize Anthony's moans and shouts as he empties his balls into Cutie Pies mouth. That is Leon's cue and he stands and goes to Cutie Pie.

Once the boy is done cleaning Anthony's cock, Leon pushes his shorts to the ground exposing his massive erection to Cutie Pie's stunned face.

"Quid pro quo, Cutie Pie," he says to the clearly frightened boy.

Cutie Pie has never seen a cock as big as Leon's. He looks at Anthony for help and Anthony simply says, "What are you waiting for?"

With eyes as wide as saucers, my big-blue-eyed-little-Cutie-Pie opens his lips as wide as he can and tries to slide them over the head of the huge black cock. He barely manages to get the large mushroom-shaped cockhead into his mouth.

"Use your tongue, Cutie Pie," says Leon glowering down at the fearful boy.

I restrain myself from laughing when I watch Leon and Anthony making small talk while Cutie Pie struggles to lick the huge glans barely inside his mouth. My instructions had been to make the boy keep the cock in his mouth until his jaws are aching. At that point Anthony will bring the boy to me, and my long-but-more slender cock will be easier for the boy to swallow.

From my vantage I can see tears form in the boy's bugged-out eyes. His mouth is stretched obscenely wide and the boy is simply trying to calmly regulate his breathing through his nose. I am thrilled to see the boy accept his situation and not panic.