Quiet Servitude Pt. 03


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I turned and faced the sink, staring out the kitchen window.

“It’s true.” I said, letting the statement hang for dramatic affect. “I do have to watch what I say and how I act most of the time. I like working here and wouldn’t want to do anything to risk that.”

I let out an audible gasp when I felt his right hand slide across my ass. A flood of emotions ran through me, and I froze, not sure how to respond.

“It must be hard to hold it all in?” I heard him whisper in my right ear, the hair on the side of my head gently pulling back as his right hand continued to slide across my body.

“Yes sir. Very hard.”

My eyes closed as I let myself enjoy the touch of his hands, knowing in a matter of minutes that my secret would be out and all hell would break loose if I didn’t handle this correctly.

I could feel his breath slide across my neck a second before his lips contacted my skin, sending those strange sensations coursing through my body.

His right hand continued to massage my ass while his left hand took up residence on my left hip but didn’t stay there long. Terry pushed up closer and I could feel a sizable erection pressing me from behind while both hands now moved forward across my body, his arms wrapping me up tight.

“I know how hard it can be to have feelings for someone and not be able to express them.” He said, trying to justify his behavior. No woman would have fallen for this crap but I had to admit I was aroused and intrigued.

“Very hard.” I managed to mutter as his left hand slid up and cupped by breast. It was the best money could buy and through the uniform and bra it was indistinguishable from the real thing. Where his right hand was headed was a different story. It moved as far across my stomach as possible, which I sucked in the moment he touched me. It stayed there for a few seconds before beginning its descent.

“So very hard.” He whispered again, his slips gently caressing the nape of my neck, momentarily distracting me as his hand swept across my groin trying to find the right spot. I was padded out down there to make it look and feel feminine, but even through the heavy material I could still feel his hand as it rode, unbeknownst to him, up and down across my cock, feeling absolutely fabulous. I could also feel him pressing against me, his hips grinding slowly, maintaining his own erection.

I kept my hands on the counter to steady myself and had to give him credit. I couldn’t pat my tummy and rub my head at the same time but he was able to do four different things at once and already I could feel perspiration breaking out under the edge of my hairpiece, my body temperature rising in response to the stimuli that seemed to be coming at me from all directions.

“You just have to learn to give in and not fight it.” He said, sensing that I had given in to him. I had straightened up onto my heels and my hands had found both of his, directing them as they continued to explore my body through the uniform. His right hand had slid from my crotch easing my anxiety for a moment until I realized it was dropping down my leg and beneath the hem of my skirt. It rode across the nylon of my inner thigh and despite it climbing again under the uniform I found that my right foot had risen slightly to allow him easier access.

“Oh God.” I said, bringing him into the conversation once again.

“Feels good?” he asked, knowing I was butter in his hands.

“Mmmmmmmm . . ..”

He pressed me forward against the cupboard and withdrew his left hand from my breast. I was wondering where it had gone when I began to feel the zipper down my back begin to slide open, his kisses working their way down my bare back, while his right had returned to my groin area, this time with only my panties and padding in preventing him from discovering something I wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

I pushed back and spun on my heels, turning to face him. The hem on my uniform dropped back into place as his hands took up new positions on my hip. I threw one hand across his shoulder and placed the other to the side of his face, pulling him forward and planting my mouth against his, our tongues searching out the other. His strong arms pulled me into him, my breasts, such as they were, pressed tightly against his chest. In the embrace, they felt real enough. Being closer to him allowed his hands to begin exploring again, both sliding down and grabbing two handfuls of my ass, my weight being lifted off my heels.

“Listen.” I said, trying to regain control.

His lips, no longer engaged with mine, moved down to the sides of my neck where they continued their kissing. I was pressed back against the cupboards again, the stiff surface providing some sense of stability.

His brain had shifted in neutral now while I was trying to get his attention so did the only thing I could think of. I slid my hands down the front of his shirt and began to fumble with the latch on the front of his pants.


He paused, his lips stopping their kissing, his hands no longer massaging my butt. I undid the button and lowered the zipper before he looked up at me with a long, wide smile on his lips, one eyebrow lifted in a questioning manner.

I licked my lips in a seductive way while I finished with the zipper, a gently swaying of his hips sending his jeans to the kitchen floor.

“You don’t mind, do you?” I asked, knowing what the answer would be.

He shook his head, the smile never leaving his face.

My hands had found the elastic band of his boxer shorts and were working them down around his hips as I continued to talk.

“Mrs. Miller did say I was supposed to take good care of you when she left.” I said, carefully working his shorts lower down his legs.

He nodded, knowing what she said but under normal circumstances it probably wouldn’t apply to what was going on in our kitchen.

“And I’m afraid I don’t have much time but think I can spare a few minutes if you don’t mind me doing it this way.”

Terry shook his head, not caring how he got it. As long as he was satisfied I was sure he wouldn’t mind. I pushed him back against the cupboards this time and positioned both his hands on the tiled surface.

“I like to concentrate on my work.” I said. “These stay here.”

He nodded again, eagerly agreeing to the terms.

“And no one knows what went on her this afternoon?” I asked, arching my own eyebrow.

“I swear.”

I couldn’t trust him but I didn’t care. He would be satisfied and I could keep my clothes and possibly my dignity intact.

“Are you sure?” I prompted, drawing a hand under his erect penis and rubbing my palm under his sack, eliciting a sigh of pleasure. It was weird having held another penis in my hand, my first, but it was quite erotic to know that I had him in my sights and under my control. It was all too easy if this was all it took and I knew in my heart that it was because Christa knew how to work me in the same way. I’d have to remember this little nugget of information.

“Positive. No one will hear anything from me, I swear.”

“Hands stay there or we’re done here, understand?”

All I needed was for him to grab a handful of hair and the gig and wig was up.

He nodded now; his eyes closed as his savored the gentle stroking of my hand. I paused temporarily as I slowly sunk to my knees, taking up position on the small rug we kept in front of the sink, his feet together between my legs. I straightened up to bring my mouth into position and ran both hands behind his legs, eliciting another grown of satisfaction. Taking one last look up and finding his hands on the counter and his eyes shut, I ran my tongue around my lips, tasting the lipstick that I had on. Settling on what I was about to do I pushed my head forward and licked along the entire upper side of his cock releasing more sounds from above. I continued to work it from above, below and the side, one of my manicured hands slowly massaging his balls. His knuckles had gone white as he clamped down on the sink trying to keep from shaking.

Convinced now that he would stand there as instructed I took him into my mouth and sucked ever so lightly, drawing him as far as I could take him, slowing bringing him in and out again, trying to keep his shaft lubricated and moist. I had often wondered if I could go through with something like this but in the comfort of my own home I had come across the right conditions to make it a possibility.

I was really starting to get into it, noticing that my own erection was as hard as it could get, pressing for attention. With Terry going nowhere, I released my hand from behind his thigh and slid it under the hem of my uniform, struggling to get my manicured hand under the edge of my panties without spearing something vital to my manhood.

I guess I could do at least three things at once as I continued to work him over while getting my right hand into position around my own penis. He was moaning faster now as I continued to work, my mouth growing dry and my jaw starting to ache from this unfamiliar activity.

His hands were still in place but he began to work his hips to help me out, moving faster and faster as I could sense the pressure building inside him. I could tell he was growing close now as his hips moved faster than my head could follow until finally, he exploded into me, a stream of hot, molten liquid shooting into my mouth, the muscles spasming in joy, each rocking bringing a renewed gushing of cum.

I sucked a few more times while his hips slowed. I finished up by sliding a hand to his cock and performing a milking motion, drawing out every last drop of his seed. I swallowed, tasting the remnants of the salty fluid in my mouth. When I drew back, releasing him, a final, sticky thread stretched between us, before snapping loose and sticking to my chin. I wiped it away, releasing my own penis and straightened my uniform as I rose unsteadily to my feet, the high heels not helping with my stability. I was still rock hard but would find a quiet moment shortly to relieve myself from the building pressure I could feel inside my body. I had finally done it, unsure if I could pull it off. Thoughts of doing it had come to mind for years, but the thought of performing the act took on different realities based on my own state. When I was fondling a full erection the thought of going down on a man was extremely erotic. After an orgasm, the very thought often turned my stomach. Fortunately, he came before I did and we didn’t have to test how repulsed I might have been if I had been the one to come first.

Terry continued to stand there savoring the pleasure, his hands now hanging limply at his sides. He continued to lean against the cupboards for support, his eyes still shut. I wasn’t entirely sure what to say, this having been my first time performing oral sex on a man and he seemed to be enjoying it far too much to care.

The doorbell rang and I froze, my eyes growing wide at the unexpected sound.

Terry had come to life and was dressed again, following me out of the kitchen. He continued through the living room, heading for the bedrooms, while I snuck a peek through peephole. A young woman was standing on the porch, a briefcase looking tote in hand.

Steeling myself, I opened the door.


“Hello there. Are you Ms. Johnson?”

Christa and I were married before moving back to Michigan so I couldn’t imagine someone coming to the door trying to sell her something by that name. I paused too long in my confused state and seeing this she continued.

“Stacy Johnson?” she said expectantly.

“That’s me.” I replied, now even more confused than before.

“Mrs. Miller sent me over to help you out. Can I come in?”


I opened the door and let her into the foyer just as Terry stepped out from his room, wearing a conservative gray suit, still straightening his tie.

“I’m heading out Stacy.” He said, without looking over at us.

“Yes sir.” I replied before turning back to the woman standing in front of me.

“Please come in.” I said, showing her into the livingroom where she sat down on the couch.

The garage door slammed shut and I heard my Porsche rumble away. Finally able to calm down and catch my breath, I sat down on the loveseat and turned my attention back to the visitor.

“Was that Mr. Williams?” she asked, obviously well informed.

“Ah yes, it was.”

“And we’re alone now?” she continued, looking around our home.

“Yes. We are.” I said, gathering my thought before continuing. “I really must apologize. Mrs. Miller didn’t mention anyone was coming by.”

“Oh. That’s all right. No offense taken. She called me a few hours ago and was wondering if I was available this afternoon.”

I was growing more confused by the minute and she could sense it.

“I work part time doing cosmetics and nails for clients in between going to school.” She explained, the picture growing clearer. “She explained that she wanted to hire me this afternoon and time was tight so I came right over.”

“I see. That was awfully nice of her but . . ..”

Seeing my discomfort, she smiled.

“It’s OK. She explained everything to me and with us being alone this will go fine.”

I nodded, knowing that with Terry’s unexpected departure that we would have privacy.

“You don’t find this job a little unusual?” I asked wondering what she thought.

“I get all kinds of requests and you wouldn’t believe how often I get this kind of work.”

I breathed easier, knowing I didn’t have to keep up appearances.

“What’s the plan then?” I asked.

“Lets take care of one thing first and then you’ll climb in the shower and scrub off what you have on. I’ll unpack and we’ll get going.”

“Sounds good.”

I nodded and got up, heading for my room when I realized she was following me, case in hand.

“I don’t even know your name?” I realized as she began to unload her tools of the trade.

“It’s Kate E.,” she said, offering her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Katie.” I responded, taking it.

“No ma’am. Kate E. as in elephant.” She said, handing me a colorful business card with her just her name and a phone number.

“I see. Clever marking strategy?”

“No. Just can’t stand my last name.”

“What’s first” I asked.

“Have a seat and I’ll show you.”

I did as instructed and sat down on the edge of my bed. Kate opened up the case and took out a handheld device and stepped towards me, taking up one of my ears in her hand.

“Ear piercing.” She commented, noticing my shocked look.

“You can do that here?”

“Not rocket science.” She replied, slipping on a pair of rubber gloves and setting a small towel on my shoulder. She removed my wig and set it safely aside.


I nodded and she proceeded, warning me that it might sting for a minute or two. She wasn’t kidding. I wasn’t expecting it the first time but tensed when she repeated the procedure on the other ear. A cotton ball mopped up the few drops of blood that formed and she stripped off the gloves, secreting them in her case.

“Piece of cake.” I said, a tear welling up in my eyes.

She smiled, checking her watch.

“How are we doing on time?” I asked.

“We’re fine. Won’t take long at all. Four p.m. still our deadline?” She asked, motioned for me to turn around. I complied, feeling her hands on my shoulder followed immediately by the zipper of my uniform as it slid down along my spine.

“Thank you.” Not wanting to look back or balk so I stepped forward into the bathroom and closed the door, sliding out of my uniform and under garments. I stepped into the water yet again, scrubbing at my face while fully cognizant of the stiff hard-on still poking out from my body. Realizing I couldn’t concentrate with it sticking out, I decided to take a minute to deal with it first and was working a hand full of fruity body wash along the shaft when I heard Kate’s voice from the other side of the shower curtain!

“Need to ask you a few questions if that’s all right?”

I froze in place, my hand still wrapped around my penis, afraid she was going to throw the curtain aside and catch me in the act.

“Fire away.” I said, no longer trying to feminize my voice over the sound of washing water.

She began to run down a mental checklist as I continued to stroke away, fighting to concentrate on her questions while I could feel the pressure begin to build in my groin.

“I’m assuming you are willing be wearing this wig this evening?”


“With your fair skin and dark hair, you’ll want to go with darker tones, several shades of brown for the makeup?”

“Whatever you think will work best.”

She continued down her mental list asking about hairstyle, type of gathering this evening, appropriate look, etc. trying to determine what she was going to do to me. Hearing her voice a few feet away and convinced now that she wasn’t going to toss the curtain aside unexpectedly, I shuddered when the orgasm hit, the ejection shooting towards the drain. Water washed the evidence from sight and I quickly took up the washcloth and returned to my face, the soap cleaning off the makeup I had applied only hours ago.

“Make sure you cool down in there.”

“What’s that?” I asked, soap in my eyes.

“You’ll want to finish up with a cool shower so you’re not sweating when I start on your makeup.”

“Good thinking.” I replied, washing off the last of the soap and turned the water temperature down. I stayed in there for a minute letting the cool water wash over me.

I snuck a quick peek around the curtain and Kate was gone, having turned on the bathroom fan and shut the door behind her. I stepped out and shaved again, the razor barely finding anything to cut. I snatched my robe from the door hook and slipped into it before peeking out. Kate was sitting in my lounger, working over my hairpiece with a comb.

“Should I moisturize?” I asked, not wanting to mess anything up.

“Yes, but make sure you only use a little and you work it in real well.”

I stepped back to the sink and did as instructed, starting to cool down from the shower’s heat. I knew what she meant now about sweating but after several minutes of rubbing the moist liquid into my face I could feel the heat dissipate from my body. Finally ready I stepped back into the room to put my self and my face in her capable hands. I assumed Christa had hired someone competent in their craft.

“Ready?” she asked, carefully setting the coifed wig down on the nightstand.


She waved me over to the bed and sat me down near the window.

“Before we start, have you picked out what you’ll be wearing? If you’re pulling it on over your head we should probably get you dressed before we work on your face.”

“Ah. I know what I’m going to wearing from here and it buttons up the front. I’m afraid I don’t know what type of uniform they have waiting for me.” I said, explaining tonight’s situation.

“I guess we’re ready then.”

She worked in silence for a few minutes, sponging on my foundation while tossing in a few tips now and again.

“You looked good when I first arrived. If I hadn’t been told, I would have taken you at face value, no pun intended.”

I smiled, taking her compliment to heart.

“Is there anything I could have done differently?”

“Not really. You sat down quite lady-like, walked confidently with your elbows tucked at your sides. I think that’s the one thing that often gives people away. Men tend to walk, their arms swings out away from their bodies.”

“I know what you mean. They normally hang away from my sides and I have to make a conscious effort to hold them in.”

“There isn’t much you can do about your speech but your natural voice is fairly neutral and you were fine when I first talked with you.”

“Thank you.” I said, pleased with her assessment of my abilities in both makeup and rapport.

“I also have to say that it’s important that you carry yourself with confidence. When you were dealing with me, I could sense it.”