Quiet Servitude Pt. 04


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Christa and I tried our own on shoes and because of the adjustable strap and minimal material they all fit perfectly. The three of us stood and shuffled around the small area laughing at how silly we much have appeared but we didn’t care, starting a three person rumba line going in a five foot circle. Before Brad got in the spirit and joined in, we had decided to get the matching shoes. Unlike Christa’s bra we weren’t going to be wearing these out of the store.

Wrapping up our purchases, we paid for them and strolled out of the store laden with yet more packages. By now, it was late afternoon and the traffic began to thin out letting us traverse our course with minimal resistance. We had worked past a half dozen shops before reaching the major outlet store anchoring this leg of the mall and strolled in, bent on helping out the economy still further. I was feeling pretty good despite catching my appearance in the mirrored columns that dotted the landscape. We were in the mall as far as I could get from the car and if I got cold feet now I would freak out having to make it back outside in order to get away. I just had to make sure to avoid my own reflection, finally able to relate to Medusa, the woman from Greek mythology who couldn’t survive seeing her own, hideous appearance. At least people looking at me weren’t turning to stone and they weren’t running for their lives either, much to my relief. For the most part I was passing unnoticed by the majority of people I had come across today and those who read me weren’t reacting all that bad. I was having fun despite my anxiety and enjoying my first and hopefully not my last trip to the mall.

I was fingering the soft material of a wool sweater, examining my feminine looking hands and nails, but my mind was off somewhere else and Christa had noticed.

“You OK Stacy?”

“Hmmm? Ma’am?” I said, accidentally slipping back into my subservient roll. She didn’t seem to mind and stood there watching my face for some sign that would answer her question since I was slow in doing so. “Yes. Fine. Just wondering if this would work for me in a large or extra large.” I hadn’t even considered buying it at the time but the answer seemed to satisfy her.

“Why don’t you try them on?” she said. “Excuse me. Miss? Where are the dressing rooms?”

She waved to a young lady a few feet away who stepped over behind me while I froze.

“Just around the corner.” I heard the reply, Christa’s gaze following her gesture.

“Thank you.” Christa said, smiling. I couldn’t see her but could sense the young lady moving off.

“There you go. Right around the corner.” She pointed. “Go try them on.”

I took a quick look around and didn’t see any other shoppers hovering around the area so I stepped across the aisle, rounded a few racks and started my way into the dressing room. As luck would have it, a woman was coming out of the open doorway just as I stepped in. Because of the ninety degree turn while entering I hadn’t seen her coming and I didn’t want to turn back to check if she read me or not for fear she was sprinting wildly across the store now waving her arms frantically at seeing a man invading the sanctity of the dressing room.

Each stall extended well above my head but there was a foot high gap at the floor and only a simple, sliding curtain acting as a door. With doors I would have to be careful trying to find an empty stall but on all but one the curtain was slid wide open permitting a casual view inside. The one questionable stall was near the front and from the noise emanating from it, it was clear that it was currently occupied. Not wanting to get caught in a questionable situation, I selected one towards the back and on the opposite side of the aisle. As anyone knows, the point of dressing rooms is not only to try on clothes but also to see how they look. This stall was no different and had its own mirror installed so I wouldn’t have to step out to see how the clothes looked. I began to undo the buttons on my top while studying the reflection in the mirror. I would normally have avoided it as I had all afternoon, but hearing someone else in the dressing room, knowing I was in a place where only women were allowed to be and to see watch myself as I slowly slipped out of my clothes was very erotic. My body quickly became aroused as I slipped off the top and removed another one from its hanger and slipped it on and fastening a few buttons. Even now I could see that the sleeves were tight around my masculine arms and shoulders. They just didn’t make women’s clothing right! I hung it back on its hanger and slid into the second, a much looser fit over all and just a slight clinging sensation on my arms. On Christa or Julie it would have been a perfect fit, baggy around their long, lean limbs. But for me it worked as well as it could be expected. I put it back on the hanger and was standing there admiring the soft material and feminine color when the curtain flung open unexpectedly. I jerked at the sudden movement and threw an arm up across my chest. It wasn’t something I did when I wasn’t wearing a bra and certainly didn’t have anything in the way of breasts that I would have needed to hide but it felt strangely instinctive. I suppose if it had been a stranger they would have quickly pulled the curtain shut in a flash and I could have passed two seconds of scrutiny while they realized their mistake and turned their eyes away. In this case, it was Christa standing there. I was relieved, but still felt awkward in a way half dressed with only a skirt and bra on. She had seen me often enough dressed up and had seen me work on the makeup giving me tips when she could but had never really seen me in a state of undress before.

She stood there smiling.

It felt strange as I continued to hold an arm across my chest for no apparent reason.

“Bashful?” she asked questioningly with a wry grin. “You weren’t bashful yesterday.”

She handed me a colorful summer garment on discount now that the fall fashions had hit the stores and winked, pulling the curtain back in place. What the hell did that mean? My mind replayed the events of yesterday and the only thing that struck me was my tryst with Julie last night. Oh Lord. Was that what the wink was for? Had Julie blabbed? My mind was swimming with the possibilities as I removed the short sleeved romper from the hanger and stepped into it, managing to work the zipper half way up my back.

“Knock knock.”

The curtain slid aside a few inches and I could see Julie standing there with Christa just over her shoulder.

“That does look good.” Julie remarked, several different sizes in her hands. “Coast is clear. Come on out here where we can get a better look at ya.”

Julie pulled the curtain open and I stepped past them, holding the garment on my shoulders fearing it would free-fall to the floor if I didn’t.

I stepped up to the end of the dressing room and caught my reflection in three different mirrors, as I stood there bathed in bright, white light. I didn’t look all that great but had to admit the outfit was just the right size and it helped to accent the positive. A girl like me had to accept help where they could.

Julie stepped up and I could feel the zipper running up my back and the material hug itself across my chest. Maybe a little too much chest for the outfit but at least I could do something about that. It did pay to have a chest that was adjustable. No longer having to worry about it falling down around my ankles I ran my hands across the material trying to smooth out the occasional wrinkle.

“Looks great Stacy.” Julie said.

“Great fit.” Christa followed, running a soft hand down my back. “Give us a twirl.”

I began to turn and pose in the most ridiculous ways, much to their amusement. Fortunately, I wasn’t over doing it and hadn’t made a total scene when I caught sight of a woman leaving the first dressing room stall. I all but froze when she appeared in the mirror’s reflection and quickly returned to my normal, mundane, feminine self.

“Yup. I’ll take it.” I said, quickly trying to escape back to my own stall as the stranger strolled out of view and back into the store.

“Hang on a sec.” Christa said, stepping after me. It was nice to feel Julie working the zipper up my back but it paled in comparison to Christa working is slowly down again, all the way.

“Thanks.” I dashed back behind the safe confines of the cheap, blue curtain, trying to catch my breath.

“I’ll wait outside for you.” I heard Julie remark.

I didn’t reply immediately for fear my voice wouldn’t pass the test, my appearance often helping my voice seem somewhat more convincing.

I slipped out of the romper and returned it to the hanger before getting dressed back in the original top I was wearing before. Grabbing my purse and slinging it over my shoulder I took up the clothes, pulled the curtain aside and strolled for the exit, pangs of anxiety returning, convinced there was a squad of cops just waiting for me to come back out again. Relieved when I reentered the store and nothing looked amiss I looked around but couldn’t find any sign of the girls. I returned the one top back to its proper place and made my way to the nearest checkout. We were four deep and right near the outside entrance to the mall so a constant stream of people walked passed. I didn’t notice anyone staring thankfully and continued to casually scan the area looking for my companions without success.

The person in front of me completed their transaction and I stepped up and laid the top and romper on the counter where the clerk scanned the tags and bagged the goods.

“Your total is $88.09.”

I handed her the cash and smiled. She took it and made change, handing me the bag while I was still fumbling with my purse.

“Thank you.” I mumbled and took the bag in my hands stepping back into the walkway. I was making my way back towards the inside mall entrance when my peripheral vision caught sight of someone coming up beside me. I edged further to the side of the walkway to let them pass but they slowed as they came up along side.

“How are you today?” he asked, taking a quick glance my way.

“Excuse me?” I asked, staring at him as I continued walking.

“Shopping. Looks like you picked out a few cute items. Bet you looked good in them.”

He sounded strange and was acting weird by all accounts. I wasn’t sure what he was up to but I played along figuring I was more or less in a public place. Figured my odds were pretty good if he was after my purse because he was smaller and a few inches shorter than I was. Odds grew even because I was in heels with no real traction or leverage. I’d be ready if he tried to grab it, tightening my grip on the strap just in case.

“Something I can do for you?”

“There is, as a matter of fact.” He said, cupping my elbow in his right hand and motioning with his left.

“Excuse me?” I said, yanking my elbow loose and standing my ground.

“I just need you to come with me for a few minutes.”

I was looking around the store, noting the occasional stare from other shoppers. Christa and Julie were still no where to be seen.

“Where?” I asked, wondering where this was headed.

“Right through there.” He pointed, trying to usher me along again, motioning towards a set of double swinging doors. I wasn’t moving a step.

“Yeah right! You think I’m going to stroll off into the back of the store with you?” I said, taking my bags in hand and turned to walk away only to be facing another man who had moved up behind me unseen. Unlike the first, this gentleman was more imposing, African-American with large shoulders and an athletic frame just over six feet tall. I moved to side step around him but he wasn’t about to let me do that.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

He wasn’t talking so I repeated the question but still received no response. I turned to head back through the smaller of the two but he had his hands up.

“Store security.” He finally said, waiving some sort of credentials in his hand. “And I’m afraid that you need to come with us or we’ll have the police here before you leave the store.”

“I wouldn’t count on that.” I commented with false bravado. “I’m pretty fast when I’m in a hurry.”

I heard a slight chuckle behind me but this guy was not amused, his hand still pointing towards the double doors. I managed to get one more look around but couldn’t find my companions. The sign next to the exit did mention that somewhere in the bowels of the store there was a security office to be found and if these guys weren’t official they wouldn’t intentionally lead me near there to do anything illegal.

“Lead the way.” I said, finally resigning myself to the fact that I would be going with them and preferred to do it under my own power instead of being dragged kicking and screaming.

The shorter of the two proceeded in that direction with the second following behind me as we weaved around several racks of men’s clothing and through the double doors. The colorful décor gave away instantly to drab, off-yellow linoleum. Even the clacking of my heels provided little enjoyment as we rounded the corner and true to their word we found the security office. So much for my fear they weren’t really with the store.

The woman in uniform at the counter barely gave them a second glance and I was escorted by the short fellow into an adjoining room where a table and three chairs were set out in the center positioned under the harsh glare of fluorescent light fixtures.

“Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

He stepped back out of the room and closed the door behind him. I took a seat and set my packages down. Having a moment to try and collect my thoughts they first turned to pondering the whereabouts of Christa and Julie. For all I knew they had wandered out in the mall and not finding me when they returned they would probably continue shopping or go home. It was unlikely that they would just wander in here, even if they could find the place. My second thought was in regards to the items I had in my bags from this store. He obviously knew I had paid for my purchases so I couldn’t understand why I was being hassled. I was going through my bag and was examining the receipt detail when the door opened and he entered, taking a seat across from me, clipboard in hand.

I put the receipt back in the bag knowing I could account for the goods and breathed a sigh of relief when I turned to face the man whose eyes were skimming through the paperwork he brought in with him a moment ago. He continued to read silently as the minutes wore on. Finally satisfied he was fully informed he set it to the side, interlaced his fingers and set his hands on the metal table, looking up at me with a mild look of disinterest. I did the same trying to look bored on the outside but felt decidedly different on the inside.

He finally gave in when he realized I wasn’t going to speak first.

“How are you today?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“I would be fine if you told me exactly what you think you’re doing.”

“Fair enough. You start and I’ll fill in the blanks.”

I hesitated, trying to figure out what he wanted to hear.

“What is it you want to hear exactly?” I asked. “I come here shopping with friends today and spend money in your store and all you can do is treat me like some kind of criminal. Does wonders for your customer service reputation and I can assure you that your headquarters will be hearing about every single detail of my visit today so tread very carefully.”

Not bad, I thought. In command yet pissed off at my treatment. Riding the fine line between a threat and standing up for myself. It was clear from his response that he had heard all this hundreds of times before.

“Hmmm. Really? Here’s my card.” He said, passing two cheap business cards to me. “That’s mine on top. I would appreciate it if you would spell my name correctly when you draft your complaint. And just so you can report today’s events accurately, I am informing you that our conversation is being recorded and will be kept of file . . .. Should you want a copy.”

He motioned over his shoulder to a camera I hadn’t noticed before and to a second over my right shoulder.

“You can be damned sure I’ll be asking for copies of those tapes.”

“I’m sure you will.” He said. Something about his indifferent confidence worried me. I had never been dragged into a security office before and being here as Stacy just lead to my anxiety.

“Can we just get on with this?” I asked, setting my bag from the store on the table and pulled out my two items, lifting the receipt and passing it to him for inspection. He took it and adjusted his reading glasses perched on his long nose.

“Yes. Two items in the bag and two matching items on the receipt.”

He passed it back and I bundled it up again.

“Are we done?” I asked.

“No. Far from it.” He said, giving me a hard look. “You think we brought you in here because of this?” he waved a hand at my bag. “I found you walking away from the register and knew you had paid for them.”

“Then what the hell are we doing here?” I asked, a genuine laugh spilling out.

“We’re here partly because of THAT bag.”

My eyes dropped down and spotted another bag I had been carrying, noticing for the first time that it too was from this store.

“What about it?” I asked, lifting it onto the table and pulled out the contents. There were two silk blouses and a heavy black, business suit looking skirt. I noticed they were Christa’s size and knew that this bag was one of the two I had offered to carry since we had left lunch. I began to breathe easier as I fumbled through the three items until I realized there was no receipt in the bag for them. At least they would have to contact her now and we could straighten this out and leave as quickly as possible.

“Problem?” he asked as though deeply interested in my answer.

“She has the receipt with her.” I answered. “My friend Christa was shopping here when we met for lunch. We came back here to do some more shopping this afternoon and I offered to carry it for her.”

“Your friend? I don’t remember seeing you with anyone when you left the register.”

I was learning something new about Christa every day and hoped today’s discover didn’t have to do with her having sticky fingers. Lord knows we could afford the items but so could a lot of shoplifters.

“I lost them after trying on a few items and was heading off to find them when you stopped me.”

He seemed to be contemplating my words as he withdrew a pen and made several notes on the back of the form on his clipboard.

“Does Christa have a last name?”

“Miller.” I offered. I provided him with the pertinent information he requested.

“Your name?”

“Stacy. Stacy Johnson.”

He nodded, continuing to write.


I provided him with my information as well.

“You live together?” he asked.

“Yes.” I knew how this stuff went. Cooperate but don’t volunteer anything or this was going to drag out for hours.

“And you say that she’s in the store today?”

“Yes. At least she was. She’s probably looking for me now in fact.”

He nodded, unclipping a small walkie-talkie from his belt and spoke into it.

“Marcia. Could you have one Christa Miller paged to the security office please.”

“Thank you.” I said. “We can finally get this straightened out.” At least she would know where I was.

He continued to fire off questions and I responded with the necessary information as I watched the seconds tick away on the clock behind him.

“Did Ms. Miller report yet Marcia.” He finally asked into the walkie-talkie.

“No sir. No one has come to the office.” Came the sharp reply.

“She’s probably returned home by now.” I offered in the way of an explanation for her absence.

“Without you?”

“We came to the mall in separate cars.”