Quiet Servitude Pt. 05


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As good excuse any I thought, slamming the door and stepping back towards the center of the basement.

“Yes sir. I’ll be right out.”

Beer in hand I quickly found my way back next door. Terry had resumed his laps and the girls were still where I left them. I was somewhat disappointed as I neared the pool until I noticed a small pile of wet material next to the pool. I didn’t really recognize it until I knelt down and exchanged the beer bottles and noticed Christa and Julie were wearing less than when they started their dip, having started with very little to begin with. I held the empty beer bottle in my hand watching the two, in each other’s arms and topless, their nipples just barely bobbing above the surface of the water. Christa had one arm wrapped around Julie’s neck and was pulling the pair in tight, her lips kissing the side of her face, nibbling on her ear. Julie for her part had one hand around my wife’s waist and the other cupping Christa’s breast, the water lubricating the motion. Their legs were still interwoven but were sliding now, their feet massaging each other, the agitated water creating a hypnotic effect.

“That will be all Stacy.” Christa said coolly, never opening her eyes or turning towards me.

She caught me off guard in my reverie and I nearly dropped the bottle on the hard deck.

“Yes ma’am.” I said, standing and heading back home quickly, my proverbial tail between my nylon clad legs. I reached the relative safety of the house, trying to decide if I wanted to sneak another peek through the window. It wouldn’t be the same view from the greatroom as the deck around the pool and despite feeling as though I had just been scolded like a child I couldn’t help but take another look. Terry was standing in the shallow end, dripping wet, bottle in hand taking a long pull on the beer. With his frame at full height Mildred was probably getting enough of a view to cause a stroke. Christ and Julie were still kissing, their lips finally meeting. It wasn’t much to see from the slit in the blinds but my mind filled in the blanks as my hand found its way back under the hem of my uniform and wrapped itself around my cock. I could see Terry slide over in front of the pair facing them. Julie hand came up out of the water and stroked him through the loose bathing suit. He was just standing there staring off at the horizon, drinking his beer as though nothing was happening. Just over the deck of the pool I could see Mildred back on her knees in the dirt. The sun was so bright and the shade so dark that it was hard to tell if she was still keeping an eye on the swimmers.

“Swimmers.” I commented to myself, “Swimmers actually swim.” I chuckled.

Terry seemed to be holding out rather well against Julie’s touch but from my view I could only see half of his face. The girls were talking again having turned away from their kissing and had wide smiles on their faces. Terry was smirking. It was clear they were trying to get to him somehow but I had no way of knowing what that was. He was taking another drink, seeming oblivious to the two of them sitting on the steps, still topless under the early afternoon sunshine. I made out two hands coming slowly out of the water and taking hold of his swim trucks, one leg in each hand. They held there for what seemed an eternity and yet he still didn’t seem to flinch, the implications of his ignoring them quite clear. The hands tugged a little as though testing the suit and inched down slightly, the suit coming with it. They stopped again but he didn’t give in still acting as though he was studying a cloud or bird in the sky. I thought he must have had the string in his waist band tied up tight to stand there like that acting as though he didn’t have a care in the world. The hands gave another playful tug; material still grasped in each hand. His suit dropped again, this time down around his hips.

Apparently I was wrong about the string. Terry still didn’t flinch, just egging them on further.

“I’ll have to remember that technique.” I said making a mental note.

Both Christa and Julie sat up straighter now, their breasts coming up for air while they began to wiggle Terry’s suit down around his thighs, the water providing the only resistance now until it swallowed up the nylon fabric. It looked like the girls were celebrating now, Terry standing in the shallow end with water slapping around the bottom of his ass. He had given up the distant stare and was now looking down at the pair as they carried on. With nothing to hang on to their hands reached out for other things to hold. Christa was stroking his erect penis while Julie reached back over her shoulder for something on the deck.


I jumped at the unexpected sound, reaching with my free hand into my apron.

“Yes ma’am?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

“What are you UP to right now?”

I could hear the tale end of laughter as she released the button.

“Still working on the laundry ma’am. Can I get you something?” I lied.

“Christa and I have everything we need but I think Mr. Williams could use another brewski.”

“Coming right up.”

I figuratively dropped what I was doing and went to the kitchen to grab another beer. Smoothing over the wrinkles in my uniform I opened the beer and stepped back outside. I was more on the ball this time as I approached the pool. Terry was still in place near the steps, hands on his hips; beer bottle still clasped in one hand. The girls were a different matter, however. Julie was sitting on the same step as before but had her legs spread wide open now, Christa nestled in between them, one step down. Both where facing Terry, Christa wrapped in Julie’s soft embrace. I had just stepped off of the grass and onto concrete, careful not to twist an ankle when I looked up and saw my wife’s slender hands reach up and grab Terry by the hips. She pulled him in closer until finally her face was only inches from his extended shaft his toes up against the base of the steps. Christa teased it with her tongue for a few seconds before taking him inside her mouth to a depth I hadn’t though possible.

I froze, not more than ten feet from the trio. My wife’s head was bobbing as Terry swayed back and forth as if in a trance. Mildred might not have been able to see anything from her vantagepoint but if she were to study him now, the look on his face would easily have betrayed them.

“Thank you Stacy.” He said nonchalantly as Christa continued to suck his cock, her hair floating in the water around her head. Her manicured hands were gently massaging his balls as she worked him over. Terry was holding out the empty bottle unable or not wanting to move.

I regained what little composure I could muster and shot a quick look around before stepping forward. Mildred had disappeared, hopefully retreating from the strong sunshine and growing heat and not calling the cops. I swapped Terry for the empty and stood there for a minute studying the look on his face. It looked like a mix of smugness and satisfaction.

“Anything else sir?” I said, somewhat deflated.

“Nope. Got just what I wanted. Thanks.” He lifted the bottle indicating his drink but I wondered.

I nodded, taking the opportunity to study what was going on at my feet. In those five seconds I could see Christa continuing to work him over, a thin layer with saliva flowing out over his dick. Julie was watching the action from behind Christa, her hands wrapped around my wife’s torso, a hand on each of her breasts. No one was paying attention to me and not wanting another scolding I retreated back to our house. The dryer sounded as I stepped inside. I thought about ignoring it but knew there would have been hell to pay if the bed sheets were wrinkled on the master bed. It was one of Christa’s pet peeves and considering the potential embarrassment I faced, I wasn’t about to let it happen so I negotiated the basement stairs carefully in my heels and quickly retreated to the bedroom, fixing up the master bedroom first. As luck would have it, Christa’s sheets were balled up on one end and I made sure they were tucked in at the bottom.

The beds went together relatively quick and within minutes I found myself back in the greatroom heading for my window when the walkie-talkie squawked again.

“Done with your chores yet Stacy?”

It was Christa’s voice this time. I took a quick look wondering if Terry had blown his load and was leaning against the side of the pool. I was wrong again.

“Yes ma’am. Just finished up.” I replied.

“Good. Julie’s laid out her clothes for the afternoon. Please pack her suitcase for her and put it in the Porsche.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I looked out again and saw the scene had changed again. Terry was still standing in the pool but he was thrusting his hips this time. Christa was still on the steps but this time it was Julie’s turn in the middle. She was bent over and getting it from behind, Terry’s shaft penetrating her wet cunt, her bikini bottoms stretched around her thighs. She had her hands on Christa’s shoulders while my wife had a hold of her arms, steadying the petite blond from the pounding she was receiving.

Damn it. I gave up on the orgy happening in the neighbor’s pool and turned to my new task. As Christa had mentioned, there was an outfit lying on the bed. As far as it went, it was rather conservative; t-shirt, jean shorts and slide on sandals. I retrieved her suitcase and loaded it with the contents from the dresser and closet. It wasn’t nearly as exciting or erotic putting the contents back in the suitcase as it had been to unpack it. It was a shame really. She had only been here for a few days but I was going to miss her for more than just the obvious reasons. Terry on the other hand? He was leaving this evening and strangely, despite our intimate contact, couldn’t leave soon enough. In my subconscious, on some deep level, I must have felt threatened by his presence and his history with my wife. I knew Christa was a pretty open-minded woman but this week had really opened my eyes to this fact. From what I witnessed going on in the pool this afternoon I suppose I should have felt threatened by Julie too but it just wasn’t so. I set a pair of panties on the bed with her outfit for the evening and closed the suitcase. After putting it in the car I grabbed a large ziploc bag from kitchen and threw it on the bed for her wet swimsuit.

I was three steps down into the greatroom and heading for my new favorite window when I heard the screen door in front of me open unexpectedly. Without missing a beat I continued across the room and encountered Christa and Julie coming in from the patio.

“Ms. Jackson’s suitcase is in the car ma’am.”

“Excellent. Thank you.” Christa responded as they continued on through the house. It didn’t take long for me to notice that Christa and Julie were wearing different bathing suits.

“Oh Stacy.” Julie spoke up. “Could I get a plastic bag from you for my suit?”

She motioned to the suit she was wearing but appeared a bit sheepish when she realized she was wearing Christa’s instead, the material straining to keep her sizeable chest under control. I played along not giving away a thing as she continued to watch me for any reaction.

“Yes ma’am. Already waiting for you in your room.”

“Thank you!”

Julie’s new top was straining to rein in her massive chest as the girls continued past me. I closed the screen door noting that Terry had returned to his laps having no one left to play with.

Christa was the first to emerge from her room dressed in a relaxed looking skirt and blouse, dress sandals adorning her feet, wet hair clinging to her head and shoulders.

“Should I prepare something for dinner for you and Mr. Jackson?” I asked.

She just shook her head, looking around the house as though looking for something but not knowing what that might be. She seemed distant and distracted until Julie’s appearance snapped her from her reverie.

“Here. Let me take that for you.” I offered.

“Thanks.” She said, passing me the bag containing her original swimsuit. I took it out to the garage, now sitting wide open and slid it inside her suitcase, stepping back inside an empty house. Looking around I caught the three on our patio trying to say goodbye without touching; Terry still wet from the pool. A few minutes passed as I wiped up the kitchen and put away the larger items from this morning. The trio came back inside this time together. Terry went to his room and shut the door as the girls came into the kitchen.

“Thanks for everything Stacy.” Julie said. “I’ve had a wonderful visit and you’ve been great. Going to be hard going back to waiting on myself.”

“Thank you ma’am. It’s been a pleasure.”

“Don’t know if I could afford you, but if you’re looking for work please let me make the first offer.” She said with a wink.

“Ready?” Christa asked, seemingly not amused. I felt the smile on my face fade away as I witnessed Julie’s diminished as well.

Julie nodded and the pair exited the garage, the inside door closing with a thud. What the hell was up with Christa, I wondered as I milled about the kitchen wondering what to do next? She made it clear that she didn’t want dinner and with the house in order and Terry in the shower I felt without direction. Not knowing what else to do I returned to my room and my lounge chair, snatching up my book from the nightstand and escaping back into its pages.

The hero had solved the crime and gotten the girl but the criminal was still eluding him when I heard the shower shut off down the hall. Several minutes later a refreshed Terry stepped into the hallway.

“Can I get you anything Mr. Jackson?” I asked, following him into the livingroom.

“No thanks Stacy. Just going to watch some TV until Christa gets back.”

“Yes sir.”

I returned to the pages of my book but my mind kept turning back to my wife. She had had quite a week and I had come to the conclusion that having to face her normal routine again was getting her down. I was pondering a way to brighten her day when I heard the Porsche growl in the driveway. Dropping the bookmark in the pages I returned to the kitchen in time to meet Christa in the doorway.

“Everything OK?” I asked, worried about her.

“Fine thanks!” she replied with a smile. It looked genuine enough and the transformation had me confused.

“Sure I can get you something? Snack? Drink?”

“No thanks Stacy. Mr. Williams and I are going to grab a bite when I take him to the airport. Speaking of that, could you pack his bag also?” she asked, as I followed her into the livingroom where he sat. Before I could answer Terry spoke up.

“All set.” He said climbing to his feet. “I packed up this morning.”

“Well then. Could you put his bag in the Boxter?”

“Yes ma’am.” I replied, retrieving his bag and taking it outside. A car was rolling down the street but after this week I didn’t care. The nonchalant way I felt towards being caught outside as Stacy had really changed since her first full day in the world. Now it was no big deal. Sure. I still wasn’t ready or planning to come out to most of the people in my life but was more confident in who I was as a person and feeling more comfortable being Stacy around other people. Those were on the list of nearly a dozen things I had wanted Stacy and I to accomplish this week and we had managed to not only scratch them all off but even added a few along the way as a bonus.

The car honked as it approached and I turned seeing Lisa behind the wheel. I waved as she passed finishing up and closing the trunk. Christa and Terry were coming out of the garage, arms wrapped around each other’s waist, but split as they approached the convertible. She got in behind the wheel and started up the car as Terry stepped up to me on the passenger side.

“Had a great time Stacy. Thank you.”

“It was my pleasure sir.”

“Thanks again for everything.” He said, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around my torso. I didn’t know what to say but followed suit and wrapped mine around his neck. Terry pulled back slowly and we kissed. I could feel one hand slide down to my butt and his strong hand gave it a little squeeze.

As luck would have it, I could hear another car roll by behind me but I wasn’t about to look to see who it might be. This was one of those adrenaline building moments that were becoming more rare with experience as Stacy but one that still provided a rush I found all too appealing.

“Take care.”

OK. It was lame but the best I could manage under the unexpected circumstances.


We parted and he climbed into the passenger seat, the car rolling before the door was even closed. I sidestepped onto the grass to clear the way as the Porsche backed into the street.

“Be here when I get back Stacy.” Christa said, slipping the car into first gear and sped away, only the growl of the engine and a short blast of the horn signaling its departure.

“Where was I going to go?” I wondered, not understanding her meaning.

What came next? I guess only time would tell. Nothing to do now but eat! I wandered back in and fried up some gyro meat, slapping it on a pita along with cucumber sauce and wolfed it down hungrily. Terry had managed to leave me with three beers so I opened one and savored its cold bite. Two sandwiches and two beers later I was satiated for the time being as far as hunger went. The kitchen clean once again I kicked back on the sofa and flipped on the ballgame, relaxing for the first time in nearly a week. During the commercial I did a few calculations in my head. Terry’s plane was outbound at 8:05 p.m. Thirty minutes early to the gate and forty-five minutes to clear security. No ticket and she would have to leave him at 6:50 p.m. Twenty minutes home in diminishing rush hour traffic and she’d be back in my arms at 7:10 p.m. I’m not sure why she still needed Stacy’s services, I finally realized, but having successfully navigated this week’s tests I was feeling particularly giddy and wouldn’t let her down.

The game was only in the third inning but the home team was already down by double digits. Seven o’clock had come and gone with no signs of Christa. Eight o’clock was approaching and still no signs of my wife or my car. It was 9:30 p.m. before I heard the garage door open and a car enter. I kicked off the television and sprinted for the master bedroom trying to get a few things in order before heading back to the kitchen where I stood anxiously in the silence. A moment later the inside garage door opened and closed.

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