Quiet Time Ch. 05


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"Hmmmm, that was so nice. Do we have time to do it again? I sure hope so."

"Ummmm, no we don't have time for that now. In fact, we need to talk a little. It seems that Dad has come here and he knows what we've been up to this afternoon. Actually, he's right over there looking at some stuff and giving us a little time to compose ourselves, I think."

"What, Dad, here?"

"Yes, but please try to be calm. He said we'd talk once you woke up. He didn't say much of anything to me about it yet. But I don't know what to think; he doesn't seem to be mad or at least he isn't showing it if he is."

We both turned and looked at Dad standing over by the creek looking at the waterfall. I couldn't see any signs that he was stressed. I'm sure that he had heard Barb's question of his presence, but he took another few minutes before he turned and started walking back towards us.

"Please put your clothes back on so we can talk a while. I don't need the distraction, Barb. This is a little difficult for me and I don't want to let myself get sidetracked at all.

"Now, let's sit in the chairs here so we can all be a little more relaxed. Let's see, how to start this. Okay, I guess first, I should say that I hope you two are being responsible... no, first I have to ask, how long has this been going on? I don't think I had any idea that something like this could have been a possibility before this week. Did I just miss any signs of it or did it just start this week?"

"Dad, thank you for talking about this instead of just blowing up. The activity just started this week, but I've been thinking about it for months and months, actually, a little over a year. Tom only found out how I felt that first day when we came up here to wade and sun. And for your other question, yes, I have been responsible, I am on birth control or I wouldn't have started anything. And I bet what I've said answers your next question also, no, Tom did not start it, I did. He would never have done anything to hurt me and he still restrains himself and me to make sure that I don't get hurt."

"Yes, I saw that he is pretty disciplined with himself. I got here right before you started having your second last orgasm. I saw that he could have just carried on and used whatever force he wanted to just to get off, but he held himself in check until you were ready for more. And I heard you tell him to keep going and what you wanted. I don't know if I could have held out against that desire as well as he did.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I think your Mom knows what you two are up to; she thinks she's been hiding it well, but she shouldn't try to be a spy or play poker if that was her best attempt to hide it from me. I mean, she seemed to be trying to figure out ways for the two of you to be together and away from us. I guess that kind of started me to thinking about this possibility and that helped me to control myself when I first saw you two together before. I guess I'll still have to process this some more now that I know that it is happening in reality. It isn't something that a parent discovers every day.

"Okay, for now, I think we better handle this by having a couple rules. First, don't flaunt this in front of your mother or me. I think you've done a pretty good job of obeying that rule already so just keep it up. Second, keep being responsible. Don't run out of control and decide to have babies without talking it over with your mom and me. Third, this stays a family secret. No telling any friends or even relatives outside of us four. And fourth, if you run into any difficulties, be it in your relationship or in any relationship with someone else, talk it out between yourselves and if necessary talk to your mother and/or I, before it creates big problems. We can add or delete rules as we see fit later.

"Your mom and I have always told you that you could talk to us about anything and I guess this is probably the most important thing that has ever come up, so please take the fourth rule to heart. Your Mom and I would never do anything to hurt you, we only want to help. Now, all that having been said, do either of you have any questions that you need answered right now, or do you want to think it over until the end of vacation and we can have a family meeting to discuss what happens once we get back home?

"Oh, I almost forgot. The real reason I came up here was to get you two to come back to fix dinner while we let your Mom take a little longer nap. But we've been talking here a bit longer than I planned and she may have already woken up and started it herself. I left her a note that I'd be back shortly. If you two want to do a little cleanup and then come back to the cabin, we'll eat whenever we get things ready."

"Okay, Dad, we do need to do a little cleanup so it isn't blatant what we've been up to... rule number one, ha, ha, ha. If you walk slowly and Tom and I hurry up, we may be able to meet before you get back up to the cabin. Or, from what you've said, should we not let Mom know that you caught us?"

"Hmmmm... let me think on that a little bit. If you catch me before I get to the cabin, hopefully I'll have an answer to that question. If I get back before that, we'll not say anything until we talk later. We will need to have a family talk before we end the vacation either way."

I watched as Dad walked over to the tree bridge where he picked up his fishing pole and headed over the hill to the road rather than across the bridge to the trail that we'd been using. He waved over his shoulder without looking back as he disappeared from sight. Barb had already pulled her blouse and bikini bottoms back off so I skimmed off my shorts and we headed under the waterfall. We did a quick but thorough rinse and I did do the flip rinse twice so Barb would be clean inside and out. I couldn't help it; I had to do the inspection too anyway. While she finished rinsing out her hair, I had thoroughly rinsed out her bikini bottom since she had leaked some of my sperm in it while we had been talking with Dad.

We gathered up our things and headed over the hill to the road to try to catch up with Dad. I don't know if it took us longer than I thought, or if Dad was just a faster walker than I remembered, but he was nowhere in sight when we got to the road. I was trying to remember whether the road was longer than the trail. Yes, I remembered that the road took a detour away from our creek in two places because of boggy ground at two of the creeks that came down from that side of the valley. Then the trail would be a lot shorter, so we turned around, went back across the hill and the tree bridge, and onto the trail.

We didn't meet any skunks or any other animals and only were slowed by the sticker bushes long enough for me to push them out of the way with my walking stick. We had stopped just out of sight of the cabin to decide if we should wait for Dad or go ahead, when Mom blew the air horn to call us back. If Dad hadn't told Mom in the note that he was coming up to the waterfall; that probably meant that dinner would be ready in about twenty to thirty minutes, but if Dad had said he was headed our way, it might have been a warning to us that could be explained away as Mom wanting help with the cooking.

We decided to wait twenty minutes to see if Dad got back or not. Then we could go on up either way and eat or help Mom fix some dinner. Dad arrived about ten minutes later. We asked what he had said in the note he left for Mom and our concerns about it. Together we decided to let Barb go on up and talk to Mom and tell her that Dad never made it to the waterfall; he'd say he got sidetracked by fishing along the way. She'd tell Mom that we met down here on the way back and Dad wanted to talk about what I had been doing here in the creek while she went up to check with Mom. So Barb went on up to the cabin to talk with Mom. A couple minutes later she yelled down the hill to us.

"Mom just wanted a little help getting dinner ready. I'll do it so you two have about half an hour for whatever. Be here on time or we'll throw it to the pigs!"

"A half hour, Dad, I may be able to get the windmill parts installed by then and we'd have electric lights tonight, even in time for dinner if we want. I can explain what I was doing here while we work on the windmill. We can kill two birds at the same time, Hmmmm, that isn't really the saying, is it? Oh well."

"Sounds good, Tom. We definitely don't want to miss dinner. We both worked up an appetite this afternoon."

So Dad and I went up and got the last parts for the windmill and I climbed up to install the connection between the fan blades and the generator drive shaft. When I shifted it into gear, there was a grinding so I immediately shifted back into neutral. I found the problem; a squirrel had carried an acorn and dropped it into the gears. Once I cleared that out, I shifted back into gear and it ran smoothly. I listened for a few minutes and climbed back down. We went into the generator shed and switched over to the windmill power connection. Just then Barb yelled that dinner was ready and we needed to wash up. I told her I needed five minutes since I had grease on me and Mom yelled back, "Five minutes, and not ten seconds more, young man!"

Dad and I chuckled as we thought about what Mom would say when we turned on the lights without starting the gas generator. We decided to still leave the battery connections for tomorrow morning. I did have Dad turn on the power output report on the meters so we would start accumulating that data. While he did that, I finished getting all the grease and dirt off of me and we went in to the table with fifteen seconds to spare.

"Honey, your food always smells and tastes so good, and it always looks so good too. Let's turn on the lights so we can see it as well as smell it and taste it."

With that, Dad flipped the light switch and the chandelier over the table came on bright as always. Then he flipped on the kitchen light switch and the living room light switch as well. He turned on his MP3 player also and hit his easy listening playlist for background music to our meal.

"Okay, dear, I didn't hear you fire up the generator, but this is fine with me."

"Oh, no we didn't fire up the generator. Tom installed the connectors for the windmill. We have electricity all the time now. We'll hook up the battery backup unit tomorrow and then everything will be set for electricity year round, 24/7, free.

"And the best thing is, we aren't adding to the carbon footprint of our family, in fact, we're shrinking it because we won't be using the gas fired generator any more except in a dire emergency. I've decided that if this works as well as it looks like it will, I'm going to order the parts for the next two windmills this next week and Tom and I can install them for the next two cabins during the July work time."

"Hey, I'm hungry. Let's sit down to eat." said Barb!

We sat and ate and talked about everything and nothing, at least nothing important. Afterwards, we cleaned up all the dinner dishes together. Then we pulled out the board games to see what we felt like playing tonight. We could choose any of them because we no longer had a time limit for lights out. We all decided to play Trivial Pursuit and we had a pretty lively game going too. But we all started yawning by around 11:00 and Dad and I had a busy day scheduled for tomorrow so we decided to call it a night. We decided we'd get up at 8:00 so we could have breakfast at 8:30 and start working by 9:00 or 9:30.

I told Dad I wanted to take one last look at the meters and that I'd lock up for the night. We all said good night and I headed out to check the meters while Dad and Mom went into their room. Barb said she'd keep me company while I checked everything before she'd head for bed, too. Barb hugged me and told me that she had a few things to tell me about her talk with Mom but we'd need a little more time than while I was looking at the meters. We could talk once we were in bed or even tomorrow since none of it was urgent.

Everything was working as expected and I didn't hear any odd noises that could be the start of a problem. I locked the shed and we went back into the cabin and I locked the doors, shutting off all the lights except for the bathroom and our rooms. We took turns in the bathroom and then said our good nights in case Mom or Dad was listening and then we headed for our own separate beds.

About a half hour after we had gone to our rooms, Barb came slipping into my room shedding clothes as she approached the bed. I set my watch alarm for 6:00 since Mom may get up early, though that was unlikely and if she did, Dad may keep her in bed anyway. But I wanted to be sure not to break rule one. I knew we wouldn't be doing much other than talking or kissing a little tonight; we just didn't have the energy for anything more. Besides, we had had our good quiet time already for the day.

Or so I thought...

When Barb reached the bed she sat down and pulled my arm straight out to form a pillow for her head, then reaching back, she turned onto her side and pulled my hip for me to spoon to her back. With that, she said, "Perfect, perfect." Well, maybe not exactly what she wanted, because she wiggled a little to adjust the contact... then she wiggled a little more to get a slightly better contact... when she started to wiggle a third time, I reached around with my upper arm and just grabbed her tight back against my groin forcing my cockhead to push through the gap at the top of her thighs. I'm sure that from the front, it now looked like a skinny little girl with a very short but fat cock sticking straight out; well, at first glance maybe, but my arms and my shoulder sticking up...

At least she was settling down to minor twitching; that I could handle... or I thought I could. Well, that didn't last very long... her little twitch made me twitch, which made her twitch a little harder, which made me twitch a little harder... when her twitch became a wiggle and mine became a thrust, I grabbed her hip and held her still. "Stop it, stop it, quiet down... rule one, rule one."

Barb gave a little sigh and a somewhat less than totally contented hum and then started telling what she had learned from Mom this afternoon. She said Mom was a bit agitated when she heard Barb step onto the porch and was actually wringing her hands while she asked if we had met up with Dad or even seen him on our way back from the falls. But without allowing time for a real answer, Mom had launched into her concern that Dad had headed off in our direction and she hadn't been sure how long he had been gone. Barb said she stopped Mom and kidded her about Dad, a fishing pole and a quarter mile of trout stream between the cabin and the falls, and did she really think that Dad would ever make it that far on his own, in less than four hours...

Then she told Mom that in fact we had met Dad at the bottom of the hill as he crossed the bridge from the road. Dad had asked me what I had been doing in the creek there since he saw the rocks I had thrown up on the bank, and that he and I were down there now talking about the idea of having a swimming hole on the creek at each of the cabins rather than having to dig or build an actual pool at each of the cabins. Barb told Mom that one of them better tell us not to wander off down to the next cabin site talking about swimming holes or the windmills or whatever before supper.

When Barb came back in from telling Dad and I that we had a half an hour, Mom gave Barb the 'we need to have a serious discussion' line. Mom told Barb that she had figured out and was now sure that the guy that Barb was interested in was me. She told Barb that she had been watching her sharpening her skills on Dad and me for about a year now and like all guys we were sharp as a pebble and had no idea, well no idea until this trip at least. She said that at first she thought it may have just been boy-crazy and that she'd have to intervene more than she wanted to, but that soon she had the idea that it might actually be me and so she had held off saying anything until she was sure.

Mom said that she had to pull all the facts together before she was sure; the description of the guy, the changing wardrobe, especially for this trip, the attitudes of Barb and me, and what had been the final item after she had reviewed it in her head, the odd walk when we had come back from the falls that first day. She said she remembered how she had the odd walk after her and Dad's first time together. Mom told Barb that the teasing and poking had almost thrown her off and would have worked if Barb hadn't taken about three 'normal' steps to cross the porch and hadn't wanted to go rest before supper.

Barb said that Mom gave her a list of 'suggestions' to keep this from becoming a problem; first, no activity where she or Dad would see or hear it, no (PDAs)Public Displays of Affection, second, no allowing anyone outside of us, that is the immediate family, to know, third, Barb has to stay on birth control at least until after we all discuss everything completely with Dad, and fourth, no matter what kind of problem might arise, we'd have to promise to talk it over with Mom and/or Dad rather than letting it become a big problem. Barb said she almost laughed when Mom gave her that list since it is almost identical to the list of rules from Dad, but she held it together and thanked Mom for talking it over with her instead of blowing up and making the whole thing a big mess. Barb said she told Mom that she completely understood the reasoning behind her suggestions; that we would agree that we would use them as the rules to live by from now on.

Barb said she told Mom that we would need to talk this over with Dad during the vacation because even though all of the suggestions are indeed good and valid, once we get home, the first one would become almost impossible to live by. We could hear them when they were together in their bedroom, and it would be awfully hard to hold back from doing the same thing in either her room or mine. We talked it over a while and came up with a solution to get them together in their thinking. Maybe Barb should suggest to Mom for Mom to kind of hint to Dad that we were closer than a brother and sister normally are, and then that would pave the way for Barb to talk to Dad about the time we had been spending together and that she felt she was passing from loving me to being in love with me. That plan seemed to us to be a better idea than simply going to Mom and saying that Dad had caught us. Then before we left this valley, the whole thing could be discussed openly and we could all be comfortable with some adjusted but similar rules for when we were back at home.

The thought of having a plan to resolve the whole thing caused both Barb and I to relax somewhat. We chatted a little while longer but the timing of responses was extending more and more. Finally, both of us dropped off to sleep, a much more restful sleep than we had had during the vacation so far.

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ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 1 year ago

I'm still trying to buy into your premise that Tom and Barb have such an extreme difference in height while being fraternal twins. In the real world, the possibility exists because fraternal twins occur when the mother's ovulation drops two eggs instead of one. But the general rule is that both eggs get fertilized by sperm from the same man. However if the mother is a slut and has multiple sexual partners, then it's possible for each egg to be fertilized by sperm from different donors. This would give Tom and Barb a plausible reason for the extreme difference in height instead of the nominal 4 to 8 inches that should be expected while also making them half siblings. But the tall male with a petite sister is a plot device that you have inserted into the story to satisfy your own tastes and it's really a distraction every time that you repeat it without having a good reason for its existence. This along with the previous criticisms that I have made are the cause for me to down vote you yet again. 3/5

dragonsiredragonsireabout 7 years ago
Great Read

Looking forward for more.

horny2doithorny2doitabout 7 years ago

Great story and nice hot action between the sister and brother.... it seems their parents really want to help them and that is good by talking it out. Hopefully, at home the room arrangement will change so noisy siblings can screw hard and often and not cause a problem for parents or kids. Hopefully, more physical details of the sister and brother plus more descriptive love making and the raw sex moments. Hopefully, the kids will play a lot and the excitement grows. But, unlike many stories - Mom and son or Dad and daughter do not happen. This story is great the way it's going; thank you.

Turtle1952Turtle1952about 7 years ago
Loving this

please keep going, getting more interesting now and more complex with the parents awareness.

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