Quiet Time Ch. 06


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"Do you think we better get a little cleaned up before you sun? I know I'm a little wet and messy so I know that you're a mess too. Won't it be uncomfortable to have it bake on to you?"

"Well, you're probably right. I definitely am a mess and it would clean off a whole lot easier now than after it would bake on. The problem is that if I wash up really good, then I'll need a new application of sun screen to lay out and we both know what happens when you put more sun screen on me."

"Oh, you cut me to the quick," I said as I reached over and pinched her butt cheek again, "how can you not trust me to restrain myself?"

"Humph! Tom, I don't think you even know what you're doing sometimes when you grab me. Come on; let's go over to the waterfall. I need you to turn me upside down so I can rinse out good, inside as well as outside. Then maybe I should lie on my back for a while, and I think I'll apply my own sun screen so I can rest a little before you ravish me again."

I helped Barb to her feet and we made our way into the pool and across to get to the step beneath the waterfall. I picked her up and stood her on the step then I climbed on myself. We each automatically reached for the other to wash off the sweat and bodily fluids from our recent activities. She made me stoop and even kneel down so she could reach my head and shoulders more easily. While I was down there, I ran my hands all over her feet and legs all the way up to her pussy which I washed very thoroughly. I couldn't help but notice that with me on my knees and her standing there, my lips were just about lined up perfectly for a kiss and a lick and a nibble on those nubbins on the front of her tits. I'd probably not be able to spend more than five or six hours at a time paying attention to them.

But finally Barb pronounced us clean enough for now and asked to be inverted to rinse out her pussy again. Then she suggested that we better rest up for the main event that would occur before we left the waterfall and pool area this afternoon. I think she had some ideas that she wanted to try out and she thought we'd need to start out refreshed to accomplish them. Hey, I wasn't about to complain about anything she wanted to do or try as long as she'd do them or try them with me.

We moved back over to her sunning spot and Barb reminded me to set the alarm for a half an hour while she dried herself and put just a little sunscreen on certain delicate areas, sat down, adjusted her sunglasses, and lay down on her back. I went on over to the tarp and sleeping bag that I had laid out to rest on just in the shade. After setting the alarm, I laid back and naturally I fell asleep also.


Once I regathered my wits after the alarm woke me, I called out for Barb to come over out of the sun to lie down next to me to talk. She already had a tan so dark that she looked like she lived on one of the Greek Isles. I didn't want her to get all dried out like the lawn after a week or even after several days of a summer drought.

I have to admit that I just sat there, and watched her glorious butt as she rolled up on her knees and stood up to go splash around to cool off in the pool. And when she bent to pick up her towels and tubes of sunscreen and sunglasses, I was still sitting there staring. At least when she plopped her items on the edge of the sleeping bag, I was staring at her eyes rather than lower down at the rest of her body. She looked straight back into my eyes and I hoped that she was reading my love there; I knew that if she looked lower, she'd be able to read my lust from another part of my anatomy. After a few seconds, or minutes, or hours; she chuckled to herself and waved her hand back and forth before my eyes.

"Hello. Hello, is anybody there? Tom, are you in there somewhere?"

She chuckled to herself again while I tried my best to get my mouth to start working.

"That's okay, Tom, for right now, all I need you to do is pucker up and give me a couple kisses. I can see that the rest of what I want your body to do is coming along just fine...

"Now, on your back, right here in the middle of the sleeping bag. Yes, that's right."

She crawled closer and placing a hand on my shoulder and the other on my sternum, she leaned in and kissed me. I managed to get my hands to sweep her hair back behind her shoulders and I caressed her cheeks with the palms of my hands as I kissed her back.

Her hand on my shoulder kept me from moving but I didn't care since I could reach her lips with mine. But her other hand started wandering, down my chest, over my abs, across my waistline and finally stopping at the flagpole that was my prick. That still didn't bother me too much until her mouth started following the exploration path also. That did bother me some; well actually, it got me even hotter and more bothered than I had been. I got especially hot and bothered when her tongue started applying a warm moist new coating on that flagpole. She was being very careful and even when she wrapped her lips around my prick; she kept me just below the temperature where I would spontaneously combust.

She had me nearly delirious with the fever she generated in me. I knew that I was going to explode any second now. Then while she still held my shoulder down with one hand, she moved up onto her feet and stepped across placing one foot at each of my hips and proceeded to sink down sliding her labia around the head of my prick. I couldn't stay still and my hips started to jerk up and push my cock deeper into her cunt as she slowly lowered herself.

"Steady, Tom. Steady. Steady! NOW, NOW! OHHHhhhhhhhhh YES, Yes, yes, yes..."

Her climax pushed me into mine also and I was spurting deeply into her as she collapsed onto my chest. Her hands had somehow slipped off my chest and were around and under pulling us tighter together, mashing her tits between us. She had managed to turn her feet and had her toes under my thighs pulling so hard that her pubic bone was grinding her clit against me as she shimmied and shook. I realized that she wasn't the only one trying to push her body into mine as I had both my hands on her back. I had one on her shoulder blades and the other squeezing her ass cheeks and both of my hands were pushing her harder against me.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that before we both started to relax. I loosened my hands and arms; she loosened her arms and legs. Somehow she managed to still have enough energy to be able to squeeze my prick with her internal muscles every now and then which kept me from going completely soft. When I suggested that she should relax completely she said she wasn't through with me yet and wanted to keep me closer to being ready for more action.

After about fifteen minutes, she told me to wrap my arms around her and roll us over so I was on top. She told me to make sure we didn't come apart so I would be between her legs and already buried in her when we stopped rolling. With her saying that, I was definitely staying firm and stiff and when I was on my elbows and knees to keep from crushing her, and she flexed her tummy muscles to push her pussy up onto my prick harder, I was ready to start going however she wanted right then.

"Mmmmmmmmmm, this is nice! Okay Tom, here's what we're going to do. While I am lying flat like this, you are going to start making slow, passionate love with me until I have my next orgasm. Then you are going to put your arms under my legs behind my knees and pull me up so my feet are even with your butt and go faster and harder until I have another orgasm. After that, you are going to put my ankles up on your shoulders and go even faster and harder to get me to a third orgasm. Finally, you are going to lock your arms around me and tilt us up so you are on your knees and you're going to pound into me until we both explode in the best orgasm we've had today."

Now I could hardly refuse a request like that so I didn't even try. I just did as she instructed and started nice and slow to get her to her next orgasm. Then I picked up the pace and strength of my thrusts after I hooked her legs over my arms until she was moaning and groaning again. Then it was time to double her over all the way with her ankles at my ears and start stroking her even harder and faster to her third climax. And finally after locking my fingers together behind her back, I tilted us up and gave her full speed and full strength and turned her into the opera singer again striving for that highest note until we both exploded in orgasm. I had to let her lay back and unfold before we both passed out so I could lay down next to her to rest. I had just enough forethought to remember to set my watch alarm for 4:15 so we'd have time to get cleaned up and get back to the cabin by 5:00.

"Barb, its 4:15; we have to get cleaned up to go back to the cabin."

I got a grunt in return. After a second grunt reply, I decided to just pick Barb up and carry her over to the waterfall. On the way, she woke up enough to put her arms around my neck and ask if I could just stand her under the waterfall to help her wake up the rest of the way.

After a thorough rinse off, and for Barb, a couple of thorough rinses out, and of course my inspection; we were ready to return to the cabin. We didn't meet any animals on our path and arrived back at the cabin just a few minutes before time to be there. Mom explained that she and Dad had gotten caught up in a conversation and she was getting a late start on supper. She suggested that Barb and Dad run down to the next cabin site and take about a half hour to talk about a change that Mom had suggested for all of the other cabins while she had me help so supper would be ready when they got back. Since we knew why Mom made the suggestion, Barb naturally agreed to go and I agreed to stay and help.

After we saw Barb and Dad turn on the road and head off down to the next cabin site, Mom started her conversation with me by saying that she had started hinting to Dad nice and slowly about our relationship and what she 'suspected' about Barb and me. She said that at first she thought that Dad was getting a little agitated and she had slowed even further to keep it cool. But she said that Dad had finally mentioned that he had noticed the same kind of thing and seemed to become slightly more relaxed that Mom didn't seem highly upset about it either. Mom said that after that the discussion went so smoothly that by the time we had come back, they decided that as long as no one was using force or threats to maintain the situation, they would be cool with whatever we decided to do, within reason of course. So no public displays would be allowed, but whatever we did in private would be acceptable to them. Mom said that Dad was talking with Barb now to verify that no force or threats were in effect but that Mom knew that Barb was the real instigator of the closer relationship that we now had, so there wouldn't be any problem.

Mom said that Barb and Dad would actually be gone for a while since she had made a suggestion about a change to the bathrooms in the cabins. She had suggested that the commode be in a separate doored alcove, and the shower be walled off separately also so that each area could be used independently even while the others were in use. She said that she saw something like that in a fancy hotel she had visited on one of their trips. She decided to ask Dad about it since it would only require a few more feet of wall and a door to add that multiple use option especially if included from the beginning of the build.

It seems that Dad and I both thought that Mom had a good idea that could easily be included in the other cabins but Dad had still wanted to get a second woman's opinion. Mom had suggested that Dad and Barb look at it at the other cabin so Dad could see how much change would be required right away and maybe even mark it onto the plans before the construction crew got past the point where a tear-out and rebuild would be required. It seems that carefully planning ahead and good preparation comes down on both sides of our family.

"Tom, when Barb and your Dad get back, we will have to sit down all together and have a complete conversation about where we go from here with your relationship. You should probably start thinking about just what you want to say to your Dad about how you and Barb can plan to keep it a secret from your friends while not turning into some sort of hermits avoiding all outside contact. I know that whatever you do, it will be difficult to maintain a normal look to people outside the family and it will even be hard to know just how to act with your Dad and me. At least over time, it will become more normal with us, but probably not with your friends. Of course, over time you start to lose old friends and make new ones, and with you and Barb not looking like you're related, you won't have to explain to new friends, but it still will be odd for quite some time, and you will have to keep new friends away from old friends."

"Yes, Mom, I know that there are a lot of things ahead that Barb and I will have to face and hopefully have a plan for handling before those things become a problem. At least, Barb and I can spend most of next week thinking on all those things and trying to come up with solutions for those we need to confront right away and start some long range plans for what will happen with the rest of our lives. We are so happy that you aren't freaked out with us and that you realize that we didn't choose to do this just to make things hard for you and Dad. This is all so new to us that we haven't really had time to think any of this through, except that we wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt you or Dad."

"Dad and I know that you and Barb have been discreet and that will continue to be important as you go on with your relationships especially with your old friends. And you will have to be careful with people you probably haven't even thought of like your dad's friends and their children since most of them know that you and Barb are siblings. It could get very confusing for quite some time to come."

"This is some of the stuff that Barb and I will have to be thinking about during this next week. We'll especially have to think about how to handle dad's friends and their kids since we'll be seeing them next month for the whole group work project. When Barb and Dad come back, we maybe need to try to put together everyone that we can think of, who needs to be on the list for consideration. Hopefully, anyone who does find out would not hold you and Dad responsible for our actions, but it would be better if we didn't have to worry about that so being prepared is the best course of action for now.

"Thinking about it, next month may not be a problem anyway. If our windmill electrical output is even close to the standard that we can expect from the others, then next month I'll be very busy setting up the next cabin's windmill and possibly the next if there is enough time. We've already picked the siting for those two and we'll move the anemometers to the next cabin site to help pick it's windmill site before we leave this next week."

Mom and I continued a more general conversation as we were working to finish up preparing supper. Mom had me run out to the garden and pick a cucumber, a head of lettuce and some tomatoes for a salad while she went about fixing a roast and vegetables for the oven. Then she washed and chopped the salad fixings while I set the table with the plates, glasses and silverware. We barely had time to sit down when we heard Dad call out that he was hungry as he climbed the hill to the cabin. Mom suggested that we sit and start a list while we waited for supper to finish cooking.

We actually started several lists while we passed through supper and the rest of the evening. Of course the most important one was splitting up our lists of friends into those we could trust to be discreet, those who had to be kept in the dark and those that we could maybe allow to find out somewhat but carefully control what they really 'knew' as facts. There were also a few things that we mentioned but didn't need to write down that we would have to watch out for like no use of family related nicknames like Sis or Bro, we would stick with our actual names all the time to get in the habit so we could avoid any complications that could arise from that kind of situation.

Barb and I didn't push to be allowed too much contact through the evening but we did brush hands and arms a few times which seemed to be okay to Mom and Dad. They even said that they were not going to keep us from sharing a room for the night as long as we didn't get too loud. They just didn't want to see or hear anything too blatantly sexual between us while they got comfortable with our relationship.

Barb and I decided that we'd stay up until Mom and Dad had gone to bed before we'd go to one of our rooms. And in the morning, I'd answer the wake-up call if we were in my room, but she'd answer if we were in hers. That would help to make things seem more normal to Mom and Dad, at least for this next week while we were still here at the cabin.

Just before closing their door for the night, Mom gave us a piece of interesting news. Starting tomorrow morning, the cabin was an optional nude zone, that is, no one had to wear any clothes if they didn't want to. Mom said she expected Dad and I to show a hard on since she was going to be nude and figured that Barb would be also, and she promised not to make it any harder (no pun intended) for us guys by making any snarky remarks.

She said that we might as well start getting used to it now as she intended to be a nudist, also known as a naturalist once we were back home. Also, she would give us a crash course on proper etiquette and practical living for being a nudist since we were new to the practice. We'd talk more about it in the morning when everyone was fresh and wide awake. She said that last bit because Dad had been drifting off as we sat on the couch just before she got him up to head in to bed for the night.

Once Mom closed the door, Barb scooted over close and laid her head on my shoulder. She stayed there for a minute or two and then reached up and pulled my head down to match the tilt of her head for us to share a kiss. After a few seconds or a few hours, she shifted back a little and then snuggled down pulling my arm around her for a long term hug.

"Tom, I hadn't thought to ask Mom about this before, but I wonder if she and Dad have been visiting nudist resorts occasionally when they go away on their weekend adventures. I always just assumed that they were just off fooling around in a more private setting so they could get as wild as they wanted. Well maybe that included going nude, too.

"I think I am going to be a little nervous being nude in front of daddy. I don't have any experience with public nudity except what we've done just this week, not even being nude with any girlfriends. I guess the closest thing I can think of is the showers after gym class back in high school, and even then, most of us didn't take time to look or want to be seen. I never had any wild friends so even when we had sleep-overs or swimming parties, we'd wear PJs or rather conservative swimsuits and change in the bathroom.

"What about you? Did you and your friends do much show and tell? Have you seen many other guys' dicks?"

"No, even though I am big enough that I could have gone into football; I'm not a jock, so I never got into the locker room antics like most of them do. No comparing to see who has the biggest or anything like that. Oh, I never had any trouble from any of the jocks, and because of my size, none of my friends got picked on either, but it just wasn't our thing and most of my friends were basically too shy to even try to carry on a conversation if they had the chance to talk to a real girl. It may be hard for you to believe, but I was the extravert in my social circle. My friends in school were more into robots and computers and science fiction. If any of them had come home with me and saw you laying out sunning nude, they probably would have passed out before they got a good look."