Rachel Goes Back to School Ch. 03


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"What?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"I'm sorry about what I said. If you want to meet them, it's okay," I told her.

"Okay," she answered and went back to reading.

Friday afternoon, we drove together towards the city with plans to meet Dr. Kott and his wife for dinner and then pack up most of my wife's belongings the following day. We had engaged in some vague discussion about staying over Saturday as well but made no firm decision. There remained a palpable tension between us and so far, we had not made love since her rendezvous with Larry. I think both of us hoped that we might finally connect during the short trip.

"Hopefully, everything will fit and we'll only have to move one load," I said, returning to a discussion we had held previously.

"I think it will," she answered, although I could tell the thought didn't please her as it meant she was one step closer to losing the space.

"Good," I replied.

We drove in silence for several miles, and then she suddenly blurted out, "Can we talk about this some more. I don't want to move out."

"No, we can't. Not with Larry...and Josh. Both coming by regularly," I said, allowing myself to once again slide down the accusatory slope.

"Nothing...I didn't do anything with Josh," she answered defensively.

"Rachel, you had two men fighting over you. It should have ended then. You should have never gone back," I said, and then after a pause added, "Josh no doubt knows the truth... or suspects it. You said he asked you about it. What if he blabs all over school? What then?"

"He won't," she declared.

"How do you know?" I pushed.

"He won't," she said again.

"Why? What makes you so sure?" I demanded.

"Because he swore, he wouldn't," she answered.

"That won't stop him. He has no reason to be honorable," I challenged her, and then guessing there might be more, I asked, "What happened to make him promise?"

"I told him the truth. He said if I wanted his silence, he wanted to know everything," she answered.

"Shit, Rachel. Why?" I said as I shook my head.

"I...I guess I had too much wine," she responded.

"Yeah, enough to call Larry as soon as Josh left," I replied, taking the easy shot.

"Fuck you," she said with clear anger in her voice.

Seething from the brief exchange, we drove the rest of the way in silence and when we arrived, I headed for the condo while my wife made her way to the office to finalize the details of her departure. After lowering the A/C, I went to the bathroom to pee and had just finished when I noticed the butt plug sitting on the counter. No doubt, my wife had left it there weeks ago as she hurried to leave, never expecting that it would be so long before she returned. Suddenly, I had a vision of her across the lap of the maintenance man with her butt wiggling as he slowly pushed it inside. Although irritated, I left it undisturbed deciding reluctantly that our relationship didn't need any more chaos.

I was sitting in the living room when my wife arrived ten minutes later but I didn't mention the device. We began to box a few things, although I could tell it pained her and she acted quite relieved when the time came to prepare for dinner. I gave her a thirty-minute head start and then went to shower and wasn't at all surprised to find the plug moved.

"Let's keep it quick," I said as we pulled out of the complex.

"Whatever you think is best," she answered sarcastically.

I kept my eyes straight ahead determined to get through the evening, pack the vehicle, and leave the next day without any flare-ups.

At the restaurant, Rachel entered a few steps ahead of me and despite my deep annoyance I had to admire her appearance. She had dressed in a fashionable red dress cut several inches about her knees that showed a hint of cleavage and I watched as the men's heads started to turn. I couldn't help but wonder if their thoughts of her would change if they knew of her recent sexual escapades.

Fortunately, we arrived to find the professor and his wife already seated and after quick hellos, we settled in at the table. The older man, as was his norm, took in my wife with his penetrating stare. Anna, unlike the previous gathering, was in an outgoing mood and acted bubbly. Indeed, her demeanor was so different that I wondered what might be driving the change. Regardless, after ordering wine, we started a lively conversation but it didn't take long for the subject to move towards the school which left me as an outsider. Since the evening was progressing nicely, we accepted the couple's suggestion to move to the bar. However, just a few minutes later when the women departed for the bathroom, the Polish man dropped a bomb on me that made me wish we had left.

"I understand Rachel has taken a lover," the foreign man stated boldly.

Instantly, I knew that my wife had misjudged her trust in the grad student as somehow, in the span of just a few weeks, the information had made its way to the professor.

"Josh told you," I said, deciding not to play coy.

"Yes, he was over a week ago for a small...gathering. His excitement made him quite talkative," the man explained.

"Well, we would appreciate it if you keep it to yourself," I said.

"Of course," the man replied. An awkward silence set in that was finally broken when he said, "The offer is still available. I understand I might be off base but I want it clear."

His statement made me start to chuckle as I thought about his determination and I replied, "I think I'd rather use your garage. Give her a spanking."

"What a marvelous idea," he responded eagerly with his heavy accent adding some flair.

Quickly, an image of Rachel bound and displayed while I looked through the selection of spanking devices appeared in my mind. Hearing her pleas and whimpers would go a long way towards achieving a sense of balance regarding all her indiscretions.

"She'd never do it," I laughed, coming to my senses.

"Perhaps, the key is to tell and not ask," he responded calmly.

Just then, I spotted my wife and Anna headed our way so I dropped the subject. For the next hour, we enjoyed several cocktails and continued our discussions from dinner. However, I could tell our brief conversation had piqued the professor's interest as several times he shot questioning glances my way. Thus, I wasn't entirely surprised when he brazenly made a move.

"Anna, I believe our friends might want to come to the house for a drink," he announced.

Instantly, a confused expression appeared on my wife's face while the Polish woman went silent. Like a switch flipping, her vivacious manner turned sullen. The change was so dramatic that for several seconds, I focused on her rather than my wife. However, when I saw Rachel staring at me with a questioning look, I quickly turned her way. In truth, it was a simple decision that shouldn't have resulted in any angst, yet I found myself nervously considering the reasoning and likely outcome.

"Just one," I finally answered.

"Excellent!" the professor declared.

Rachel remained mostly silent as we left and I could tell she was very confused. We drove for a few minutes with her giving me strange looks before she finally spoke.

"You're not getting with her... we aren't swapping," she stated, and before I could respond, she added, "Look, I made a mistake but let's not make more. Let's go home."

"Just a drink, Rachel," I answered although I had to fight to keep the smugness from my face.

We arrived in time to see them entering the house and when we got to the door, we found they had left it open. We made our way to their den and spotted Anna sitting rigidly on the sofa while Dr. Kott worked on opening a bottle. I didn't think we needed anything more to drink but thought it might help with the segue, so I kept quiet. The professor tried to initiate a conversation, but with the tension in the room, it was difficult and finally, when everyone's glass was half empty, he changed direction.

"Anna, come with me," he said in a firm voice and moved towards the garage.

When they disappeared, I rose and as I stepped towards my wife, she said brusquely, "I'm not going to watch her get whipped again."

"Stand up Rachel," I demanded.

"Why?" she asked sensing something amiss.

"I'm going to take you in there and spank you," I stated causing a shocked look to appear on her face but before she could speak, I added, "You deserve it."

"You've lost your mind," she declared.

"Stand up," I said firmly.

"No," she responded.

"Rachel, stand up now. You're getting spanked," I replied feeling my temples begin to throb.

She slowly rose, but when she was on her feet, she said, "I want to leave."

"Not yet," I answered and took her arm.

At first, she tried to pull away but after several seconds she let loose with a heavy sigh and let me guide her down the hallway into the garage turned dungeon. We arrived in time to see Anna removing her dress and soon we could see she wore only a lacy bra. The thick thatch of dirty blonde hair still covered her mound and when she removed her bra, her nicely proportioned breasts came into view.

"Stand straight," Henry Kott demanded and his wife took a military-like stance.

Then, all eyes turned to Rachel who knew the expectation. She fidgeted for a few seconds and then looked defiantly towards me.

"I'm not going to do this," she said.

"Rachel..." I started.

"Your husband feels that your behavior has been... deserving of punishment. I must say that from what Josh told me, I agree with him," the professor announced.

"Josh... he told you?" she fired back, truly surprised.

"Yes. Now, enough talk. Do as you've been told," he demanded sharply.

I could tell Rachel was dumbstruck by the revelation and for several seconds her eyes darted between the professor and me. Then, slowly, her hand reached behind her back and found the hook on the dress. She unclasped it and the sound of the descending zipper filled the quiet room. Then, with admirable dexterity, she lifted the dress from her body leaving her standing in just her thong, bra, and low heels.

"Everything," I demanded with a dry mouth.

The heels came off first, followed by the bra, but she paused for several seconds before looping her fingers in the strings and pulling the tiny garment down her smooth legs.

"Stand straight," the professor commanded, and surprisingly, she made an attempt to follow Anna's lead.

Without speaking, the older man approached a small table, took something off the top, and then moved in front of my wife. He lifted the object, looped it around her neck, and made some adjustments before stepping back to inspect. I could see that he had fitted her with a collar, about an inch wide with a small metal loop in the front. He inspected the front of her body and then her back before turning to me with a smile.

"Your wife is lovely as I knew she would be. I suggest you start by securing her to the bench. It's my own design which I'm quite proud of," he said and motioned towards a well-constructed device a few feet away.

I looked at it curiously trying to determine how it worked. A padded piece about three feet off the ground dominated the design and at either end, a wide board acted as a floor brace. I could see along the bottom supports there were rings every six inches and on the padded bench were three straps. I suspected a person would lay face down on the padded piece giving access to their butt but certainly didn't appreciate the details.

"Okay, I agree," I told him.

With a smile, he took my wife by the elbow, and now resigned to her fate, she allowed him to direct her to the device. Like I guessed, he had her lay face down on the bench and then stand up as he made some height adjustment. When he finished, he put her back in place, and then from a nearby table he took some objects and I looked on as he connected her ankles and wrists to the crossbars. The simplicity and effectiveness of the design was evident as my wife's pretty ass now protruded before me on full display.

"This is crazy," Rachel called out.

"Let's open her a bit," the professor suggested as a look of glee filled his face.

Quickly, he adjusted her feet wider, and in doing so he opened her ass cheeks giving us a clear view of her pussy and puckered hole. Likely, only her doctor had ever seen her in such a completely exposed position.

"Hurry and get it over," she demanded and I could hear anger rising in her voice.

"Quiet Rachel. You should have thought about it when you were fucking Larry," I replied, feeling a sudden wave of power surge through me.

My words made the older man's smile grow even wider, and he moved close to me and whispered, "Consider having her feel some pain in her nipples as well as her ass. It usually has amazing results."

Although I wasn't completely sure what he meant, I still nodded my assent and he quickly moved to a table, picked up some devices, and stepped near her head. He looked up at me and motioned for me to join him and when I arrived, he pulled her right breast from beneath her until he exposed her nipple and quickly attached a spring-loaded clamp with small teeth.

"Ayyyeeee...shit. Take it off! Enough! Take it off!" she cried out as her body shook.

Despite her pleas, the professor moved to her other side and did the same thing with her left breasts which brought forth renewed protests. Then, he took a small cable, attached it to the ring in her collar, and a loop on the bench. With a quick adjustment, he had her secured in a way that offered almost no movement of her head. She continued to whine and beg from the assault on her nipples as he made his way back to me, and just for a moment, I became sympathetic, but when I recalled her deceit, I committed myself to her punishment.

Dr. Kott motioned me to the table and then explained, "I suggest either using the paddle or crop. Perhaps the flogger, but the other things are best used in experienced hands."

I lifted the paddle, that looked made for ping pong, and ceremoniously moved it through the air several times. Then, with a nod to the man, I stepped towards my wife. I moved it over her ass several times and then without warning, I took it back and struck her crisply on one cheek.

"Owww, don't hurt me," she yelled.

I ignored her whine and hit her again on the other cheek which brought forth a similar response. Then, I started rapidly striking alternate sides while enjoying the crisp sound I created and Rachel's begging. I thought I had barely started when Dr. Kott's hand landed on my shoulder and motioned for me to step away.

"Pain is important but so is anticipation. Make her desire it, not fear it. Take your time...be patient," he counseled.

The message resonated with me and I nodded my head and affirmed, "I understand."

"Good. I'm going to play with Anna," he replied.

Returning to my wife, I gazed at her delicate labia, and realizing the paddle was the wrong instrument, I picked up the crop. I drew it along the inside of her thighs as she continued to whimper and then gently started to tap her pussy. As soon as I made contact, a new wave of pleas shot forth telling me I had done enough. I remained silent and continued to tease her and gently spank her ass when suddenly the professor appeared at my side, again.

"Her begging is annoying don't you think?" he asked in a clear voice.

"It's been enough," Rachel cried out.

"A bit," I replied, unsure where he was going.

He held up his hand and I could see a device with leather straps and a bright red ball. I knew enough about bondage to recognize it as a gag and couldn't help but smile when I thought about it on Rachel. I nodded to him and without hesitation, he stepped towards her and in her restrained state, she couldn't fend off his efforts.

"No...ummm..." she protested as he began to position the device.

Quickly, he had it in place and with a nod, Dr. Kott returned to his wife. As soon as he departed my view, I struck Rachel hard to gauge her sounds. Now, the only things emerging from her mouth were muted grunts and over the next few minutes, I alternated between teasing and striking her. Tomorrow, I knew, there would be total hell to play, but tonight, I wanted to exert my revenge.

"May I? I've so looked forward to the opportunity," the professor asked just a few minutes later.

He held a thin switch, an instrument he had warned me about, and in his eyes, I sensed a burning need to experience my wife. Reluctantly, I stepped aside, indicating my acceptance and with a smile, he took a position and began to run the thin reed delicately over her ass. Clearly, he had an experienced hand and I watched as he coaxed tiny goosebumps from my wife's skin. Then, he moved it to her mound and started to tease the sensitive spots between her leg and labia. After a minute or so, he stopped and indicated for me to be quiet. The silence built the tension and soon we could hear Rachel gurgling through the gag as her butt gently swayed.

"Whack!" he suddenly hit her forcefully and without warning which made her emit a high-pitched squeal.

Again, he let her anticipation reach a peak before he repeated the effort. Several more times he followed this routine before he stopped and pointed towards her slit where I could now see a slight glistened.

"Perhaps, you'd like to spend some time with Anna," he said loud enough for my wife to hear.

His words made me turn towards the Polish woman and I saw that he had positioned her on a small padded matt. On her knees, her arms and legs were attached to metal poles which exposed her body like Rachels' although she hadn't been gagged. I had to admit that her smooth ass looked inviting but I felt reluctant to leave my wife.

"I'm not finished," I replied.

"Don't you think you deserve some time... with another woman? After all she has done?" he asked, and I knew his words were meant as much for my wife as me. Still, not convinced, I remained in place which made him say, "Not for long. I'll make sure she is capable of more."

The humiliation I thought Rachel would feel from the professor's punishment rather than my desire for Anna was the deciding factor, and with a small nod, I stepped away.

"Which...uhhh...what whip should I use?" I asked naively.

"I suggest you stay with the paddle, but make sure you twist her nipples occasionally. She responds quite well to nipple pain," he answered with a strange fire in his eyes.

As I stepped towards Anna, I had to admire her well-proportioned and taut body. My eyes quickly focused on her fuzzy pussy and I could see that she had become thoroughly wet. Unlike Rachel who showed only slight signs of arousal, the Polish woman's slit oozed juices which had soaked some of her hair. Suddenly, a swishing sound followed by a crisp slap filled the room and I turned to see the professor smiling down at Rachel's freshly struck ass. His action elicited my own and I landed a blow on Anna's right cheek. However, unlike my wife who writhed as best she could while grunting around her gag, the Polish woman didn't respond. I struck her again, this time more forcefully, but still was unable to force an outward reaction. The next one was even harder, and when it failed, I decided to continue to increase the intensity of each blow to find her limit. After the seventh strike, I started to wonder if I would reach my physical or emotional limit before her, and as I considered the meaning, I remembered the professor's suggestion regarding her nipples. Without warning, I took one in my fingers and started to twist, increasing the pressure as I went, but I only managed to make her expel soft whimpers. Stopping to contemplate the situation, I saw that her slit had become even wetter and now seemed ready to drip onto the matt. Without really thinking, I took the handle of the paddle and slid it slowly between her lips which brought an instantaneous reaction.