Rachel's Life as an Exhibitionist


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I laughed at them and said ,"Christ you guys are sad. You've only been away for 4 days and you are all sex starved! I don't know. I am a respectable married woman."

Of course, I wanted to do it but I could not appear too easy.

"Oh go on. Just for us. No one will remember in the morning. Some of us missed it the first time. We'll help you."

And with that two or three of them pulled me up so I was sitting on the bed and started unbuttoning my blouse. I know I should have stopped them there and then and they were testing the water to see what I would do. But you will know by now that this situation was right up my street so I feigned resistance but not too strongly. The best I came up with was, "This is very naughty. You should not be doing this to a defenceless girl!"

By now, they knew they could get away with it and they were lifting my arms up one at a time and carefully removing it. My blouse was placed over on the desk well away from where I could retrieve it should I wish to put it on again.

"Happy now?" I asked.

They all went over to have a little huddle and then came back to the bed and one of them said, "The thing is we have all now forgotten what your panties looked like and we only saw them briefly so we was wondering........"

I was course loving being the centre of attention and the focus of their fantasies but this is a subtle game of cat and mouse and as a woman you cannot appear too easy.

I said, "In your dreams guys. I need a wee and when I come back I expect an apology for such an inappropriate suggestion." But I had a glint in my eye that was a give away.

I tried to get up off the bed but was still unsteady and laughing and they helped me to my feet and led me to the en suite bathroom. I took my skimpy skirt off to have a pee and while I was sitting there, I thought why not really? I would love to parade around in front of them in just my undies really. I shouted out through the door ,"OK them turn the lights out and I'll give you saddos a little thrill."

I had my handbag with me, took out the perfume, and gave myself a generous spray. Even I thought I smelt sexy. I was excited but very nervous and my heart was pounding. Was I biting off more than I could chew? I knew I should stop now and have some sense, and go to bed. But the situation was just so entrancing: I could not fight it.

I heard a cheer and some whispering and then I opened the door an inch and yes, the room was dark although not pitch black. I came out and said, "What about a fan fare then?"

I said, "There you go. Will this keep you warm tonight?" I staggered around in just my underwear ,as best I could, doing a little dance.

Of course, this is never enough for guys and never enough for me really. But the request to go any further would have to come from them. However, I was giving them all the signals that I might be up for more fun with them. I did not have to wait long. There was another little huddle and then their elected spokesman says to me," Look Rach, the thing is we all think you are just the sexiest gorgeous woman and as it is our last night, we have a special request. "

I was now standing still with my hands on my hips looking around at them in turn. One of them turned on one of the bedside lamps to give a low light in the room so they could all see me much better. I did not object.

I said, "Well I bet I can guess what that might be!"

"Well the thing is you are just so gorgeous and have such a lovely body we would so love you to take everything off for us. We want to see you completely naked."

I was obviously not that shocked because I was encouraging them ,and leading them on, I suppose. I have to be honest that the idea of being naked with these boys was very arousing and exciting, but I did not want to just do another strip because , I was too tired, there was not enough room in the bedroom, and finally there was no music. I decided to take things in a different direction and attempt to fulfil another delicious fantasy of mine. I was going to see if they would undress me but without me actually saying that I wanted them to do that. In other words another game of bluff .In my fantasy I would be stripped completely naked by a group of guys against my will and I would be the centre of their attention. Although of course, it would not be against my will really.

I said, "I told you I am a married woman with a reputation to think of. I am not going to go taking my clothes off in front of you guys you pervs." But I was smiling at them with a gleam in my eyes and sort of willing them to take control of me in a fun way.

I added, "In any case I am not going to do anything anyway until you make me feel a bit more loved and appreciated. Is someone going to give me a cuddle? I need a nice cuddle." I did actually feel I wanted one at that point. I am quite needy I suppose and I was drunk.

I put my arms out towards the guy I fancied the most, Gavin, who was probably the oldest and seemed a really nice bloke. He reciprocated with a lovely embrace that did feel warm and loving and I sort of nestled up to him in his arms and then he started kissing me. I put my arms around his back and reciprocated with a long and passionate kiss. I know I was ridiculously drunk but it did feel cosy and nice to be kissing him dressed only in my underwear.

I was making it pretty clear that if they had the nerve to take off my remaining clothes they would probably get away with it. I did not have to wait long before another one of the guys and I did not know who started cuddling me from behind so I was sandwiched between them. He put his arms around my waist and his hands felt cold on my bare skin.

I said," I am going to close my eyes now and I need to be able to rely on you guys to be well-behaved and not naughty boys!" I was smiling when I said it.

I was positively willing them to undress me.

I did close my eyes tightly and carried on kissing Gavin and sure enough-heaven –the guy behind me moved his hands up to cover my breasts over my bra. I could tell the guys were gathering around me in a cluster and I was the epicentre of their attentions. I started to feel the sublime pleasure of more and more hands caressing and massaging me all over.

And then at last one of them was fiddling with the clasp of my bra behind my back. I pretended I did not know. My bra became loose and started to fall away from my breasts between me and Gavin. Gavin wiggled a bit and held me away from his chest just long enough for the bra to twist to one side and both my breasts became uncovered. He pulled me back in close and carried on embracing me.

It was exciting feeling that my breasts were at last free.

It was difficult because Gavin was snogging me so full on but I tried to say something like, "Who has done that? That was very naughty!"

The guy who was cuddling me from behind moved his hands up to cover my bare breasts. I thought this is getting pretty wild. There were someone, or maybe two of them, down on their hands and knees attending to stroking and caressing my legs and thighs.

At last, I felt some hands squeezing the cheeks of my bum and then even better they were inside my panties and squeezing my cheeks flesh to flesh. Then inevitably another hand from above was down inside the front of my panties gorgeously cupping the mound of my pussy. I clung on to Gavin tighter so they would not see me blushing. One of the hands that was on my bum felt like it was working its way between my legs and starting to probe the lips of my soaking wet pussy from below .I moved my feet slightly further apart to assist him gaining access into my pussy. My body responded to his touch and I heard myself moan with pleasure. My whole body shivered with excitement.

By now the six guys were packed so closely around me that I had no idea who was doing what. It was unbelievably nice and erotic.

I started to feel the very slow almost imperceptible descent of my panties down over my hips. I think they were trying to be so gentle that I would not realise! What a fabulous game and boy was I so enjoying it. When I felt my panties go below my pussy I feebly put my hand down to try to hold them up but they tugged them so they slipped through my fingers. Then they were completely down to my thighs and I was fully exposed.

I tried to protest with an even feebler, "No! Please don't." But my plea for mercy was lost and muffled as my mouth was still being passionately kissed by Gavin. His tongue was so far down my throat that speech was impossible.

I could feel my panties travelling down past my knees and knew that my complete nakedness at the centre of these six guys was now a certainty. I felt them lift up one foot at a time to fully relieve me of them.

I broke away from Gavin's embrace and said, "Now that is not being good is it guys? Taking a girl's clothes off is no way to treat a lady."

Before I could say anymore another guy called James changed places with Gavin and pulled me towards him and commenced a passionate full tongues snog.

The guys were now all able to freely explore my naked body. I was being thoroughly groped and manhandled all over and it was gorgeous. One of the guys was sliding his hand between my upper thighs backwards and forwards massaging the lips of my cunt. And then two fingers were thrust easily into my warm wetness. Can you imagine what a turn on this whole situation was? One of the guys was sucking a nipple. There were hands all over me and I was getting so aroused by the two fingers that were now thrusting rapidly into the wet delights of my cunt that I was finding it harder and harder to stand up. My legs were feeling weak and i was in danger of slithering down to the floor.

I said, "Right I have a better idea. Turn that light out and I am going to lie on the bed and if anyone wants to join me that would be lovely . But there is just one rule I am afraid. You all have got to keep your clothes on..."

They would have agreed to anything. With that, I broke away from them and staggered towards the bed. My arms had still been through my bra straps but that fell away to the floor before I reached the bed. The only things I was wearing now was a watch and an Indian silver necklace and they were not covering very much at all! I lay down in the middle of the bed with my legs splayed out shamelessly flaunting myself and tapped the blankets beckoning them to join me. I then put my hands behind my head and the guys were all staring at me with their tongues hanging out in disbelief and it gave me such a warm feeling of total appreciation.

They gathered around me sitting on the sides of the bed. I waited for another one of the boys to kiss me and I closed my eyes again to let them do their worst. They carried on where they had left off. There were hands groping my breasts, hands stroking my upper thighs, hands massaging my feet, hands holding my hands, hands stroking my hair, someone massaging my shoulders, and most importantly magic fingers massaging my clitty and in my pussy. The guy playing with my clitty was fantastic. He was flicking my firm clitty from side to side, and backwards and forwards very fast and giving me the most intense sensations. It was completely overwhelming. I had waited all my life for an experience like this. To be so the centre of attention of a group of guys. It was wonderful to feel all those hands groping and exploring my body, in between my thighs, and feeling the wetness of my pussy. I let them avail themselves fully for a few minutes getting more and more aroused, rolling around, and thrusting my pussy up off the bed desperate for more and more attention. I was absolutely loving it but then I saw one of the guys taking his trousers off and I could see there was a serious risk of getting gang banged and that was definitely not what I wanted. I just wanted to exhibit myself to them as sexually provocatively and wantonly as I could and for them to desire me.

Even though so drunk I knew there was a danger of my teasing getting out of hand so I called a halt and told them straight that there was going to be no gangbang. I was just giving them a bit of a treat. But then I said, "Look, if you want me to I do have a bit of a party piece that I think would round off the evening nicely." They looked puzzled and desperate to know what I was going to say next.

In my life I had only ever masturbated to orgasm in front of a group of girls, apart from my husband of course. I was having a heart attack with the excitement that I might be about to do it in front of a group of guys. I said to the guys, "Pass me my handbag. It's next to the television."

They still could not guess what was coming. How could they?

I opened my handbag and took out the little silk bag that contains my vibrator that I take everywhere especially when I away from my husband.

I took it out of its little bag and then the boys got it. I heard a few of them exclaim, "Oh blimey, Oh My God! Fucking hell!" That sort of thing. I switched it on and went to work at the activity in which I would win a Gold medal -bringing myself off. God knows I have had enough practice. The boys carried on caressing and stroking me. I was being outrageous and wanted to shock them and I had succeeded. At my request they held my legs and feet up high in the air and wide apart as I plunged my vibrator into my wide open pussy with both hands. It was pure unadulterated decadence. I was near to orgasm before I even started with my best friend and so it was no surprise that I started coming in no time. I was bucking and thrusting my wide open cunt right up at them as I alternately plunged my vibrator deep into my wet streaming desperate pussy and then held it against my clitty. I was moaning like a crazy woman. I knew I was in for a climax that was going to be something special and I was not disappointed. The guys had never seen such an explicit depraved display and probably never will again. My orgasm was absolutely mind blowing .I cried out loudly , "Oh! Oh! Oh!," over and over again. It just seemed to go on for ever. At the end the guys looked stunned but clapped my performance. I suddenly felt drained and exhausted and curled up in a ball, as the tiredness hit me, and must have passed out.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt like someone had hit me over the head with a hammer. It took me a few seconds to work out where I was. I was curled up in a ball stark naked in bed under sheets and blankets. The curtains were open and then it hit me what I had done. I saw my vibrator on the bedside table. I must have passed out. OMG! What had happened? Had they all fucked me?

Then Richard appeared from the ensuite looking fresh, washed and dressed for the morning session. I had apparently slept in his room and in his bed. Had he fucked me I wondered? I felt mortally embarrassed. I hesitantly asked him, "Oh My God Richard. I am so sorry for my behaviour. What happened? Did I pass out? What did I do? You know what I am asking."

He was very polite to me. He sat on the side of the bed and said, "You have nothing to feel embarrassed about. You were a great sport. We all thought you were amazing. Such a gorgeous sexy woman. We all want to be married to you!"

"But did I? Did you? You know."

"No your honour is still intact. One of the guys was going to take advantage of you but we all stopped him and I said No! You are asleep unconscious and that would not be fair or right. Actually, everybody left soon after you fell asleep. It was late."

"Thank God! But what about us? Did we? Did you? Did we sleep together?"

"Yes but I kept my pants on all night. Actually, you were the problem –not me! You kept rolling over and cuddling me and asking me to cuddle you. You were quite insistent! You kept trying to pull me on top of you. But you kept calling me Andy. That is your husband I presume. No! I behaved a complete gentleman and did not take advantage of you and neither did anyone else. I have to be honest though I did cuddle up to you and it was very cosy. I might have fondled your breasts and thighs once or twice, and maybe even your gorgeous bum! A guy wouldn't be human if ......"

I laughed ,"No! Don't worry. That's fine. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! Please ask the others to keep this a secret. I could not bear it if it gets back to my office. I would have to resign. Oh God! I feel so ill. I have such a hangover. I will have to go home. Please tell the instructors that I was not well and had to leave."

I did not want to face any of the other guys anyway. I would have been too embarrassed. Richard kissed me and said, "Of course. I will do that. Anyway Rachel you are a very gorgeous sexy woman and your secret is safe with me and I'll make sure that the others are discrete about it."

I know some of you readers will be disappointed that this did not end in a gangbang but this is real life and a real story. I am not going to embellish it just to make it popular. I was only thirty at the time and not ready for sex with anyone other than my husband although I have since succumbed. I thought that what happened that night was wild enough and looking back a step I needed to go through.

Some of the things I have done since have been even worse and I have had some very honest and candid discussions with my husband about how and what I am and my obsessions. He does now understand me a lot better and my need to do it. I don't have any secrets from him nowadays although at the time I did this with the guys on the course I was living a secret life and it was years before I confessed all this to him. He wishes I was not like this but he loves me and accepts it.

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VitavieVitavieabout 1 year ago

An exhibitionist myself, I can sympathise with this true account of a fellow-exhibitionist. You are not alone. Keep it up!

ukstaffsguyukstaffsguyabout 2 years ago

I loved your story, more so because it was a true account, it read as though it was being spoken which hopefully you will take as a big compliment. I'M looking forward to reading about your other adventures in the order you have provided, thanks Paul from UK x

Body_SpongeBody_Spongeover 2 years ago

Just read this as a first blush of your experiences and writing. It was very educational and gave me insight into behaviors in other women I have known demonstrating similar behavior. I have more empathy and understanding because you have opened up about your journey. For that, thank you. I look forward to following the rest of your sexual biography.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Your last story was basically a gangbang minus a full cock-fuck by these guys and it was all totally instigated by your cheating wife behavior. Being an exhibitionist is one thing but masturbating to orgasm in front of these guys, letting them grope and finger-fuck you while intimately kissing them and even intimately sleeping with Richard all night to some extent is even more hurtful cheating behind Andy’s back than meaningless fucking these guys. Being a swinger wife with full husband awareness I can not condone a wife deceitfully cheating on the man she supposedly loves. With that said I enjoyed reading your “group sex” stories but wish the final orgy story were with your husband’s consent. Unless of course he gets off on being a humiliated cuckold? If that turns out to be the case I’ll stop reading your subsequent stories.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 3 years ago

And everyone had a good time...

even the lady without clothing. Well written, hot, and erotic. Lovely story overall.

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