Raging Love Ch. 04


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'I love you and I'll never hurt you.' Antonio's words rang through him. 'I promise to always stand by you.'

He remembered the day the bastard had taken his virginity in the rain and how he had made him feel that night and he cried even more. He was being quiet because he didn't want anyone to hear him.

'I was ready to give up everything for you but you betrayed me, you whore... I don't love you. The only one I have ever love is Bruce. I don't want to ever see your face again.'

He cried, rubbing his lips. But when he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he saw someone really weak and vulnerable. He saw Praveen in there and not Travis.

"What am I doing here?" He thought. "Why did Antonio do that despite all the hatred he says he has for me? Nevertheless, I will never forgive Antonio for what he did to me." He started rubbing his tears slowly. "You used me and took my love for granted. You heartlessly deceived me, I will make you pay for everything, Antonio."

Although he was rubbing his tears, they were still coming out.

"For all the hurt, the pain and all the suffering I went through." He vowed, clenching on his fist. "You will pay for this. I can never trust you or love you again, Antonio. I will never allow you to come back into my life again or even break my heart again. I swear!"

He took some tissue, cleaned his face and make sure that he looked fine. Then he got out of the bathroom although he wasn't completely fine. He just needed to get out of there and go back to his son. He needed to be with his son because he missed him so much.

Travis got out of the bathroom and could feel that the party was not lively anymore. He took a deep breath and started heading towards the exit, wearing a stern face.

Meanwhile, Bruce was at a table nearby, drowning in alcohol while feeling like crying. All that was in his mind was seeing his husband's lips on Travis'. He felt like crushing something, hitting something, anything. His heart was pounding in pain and he just wished Travis had died. Andrea had tried to console him but it didn't work. So she just sat with her arms folded watching him.

Bruce wiped the sweat off his forehead and was just about to take another glass when his eyes caught Travis. As soon as his eyes landed on him, he felt a pain that he couldn't suppress and his hatred just went overboard. He furiously groaned and rushed to the boy, his fists clenched.

Reaching Travis, Bruce did the first thing that came to his mind, he gripped Travis hair and pulled on it hard. Travis felt a sharp pain when he felt his hair being pulled back. He was already angry and he didn't want any drama.

"You ruined everything..." Bruce rolled, pulling harder. His breaths were heavy and his voice was so loud that people started gathering. Andrea came rushing but she just stood still and smiled. "...I was supposed to have a perfect night with Antonio but you ruined it all." He screamed.

Travis just stood still without moving, feeling himself over boiling with anger.

"My life was perfect, my marriage was perfect until you came back." He cried, fighting his tears. "You might pretend to be someone else but you're after my husband and I'll not allow you. You left him heartbroken and you cheated on him with your lover and now you think you can just come and ruin it all for me?"

He moved his hand and gripped Travis' jaw. "You ruined everything, you whore!"

That was the height of it for Travis. He felt so much anger that he furiously turned and gave Bruce a really hot slap that send him flying to the nearby table. Luckily, he didn't fall but hit the table so hard. It hurt! He groaned painfully and picked up a glass, broke it and furiously turned. He pointed the broken glass at Travis, a tear going down his cheek.

"You think I'm just gonna watch you ruin me?" He chuckled bitterly, biting his lips. "No! I am going to kill you!" He screamed.

But Travis furiously caught Bruce's hand, pulled him closer and then furiously turned, pinning one of his hands at the back. Then he used the hand Bruce was holding the glass with and used it against him. He placed that same hand at Bruce's neck, the sharp glass touching his neck. Bruce's eyes widened as fear slipped through his system. His harsh breaths could be heard by everyone nearby. Andrea was shocked to see that.

"You know what, Bruce..." Travis warned, talking closer to his ear. He wasn't joking. "...I don't like you at all so don't make me commit a sin by eliminating you from the surface of this earth."

"I... I... I..."

"Now you listen..." Travis warned. "...the next time you try such stunt with me, I promise you that you'll regret ever crossing my path." He snapped, making Bruce slightly closing his eyes. "Don't underestimate what I can do. I have always hated you and when I get the chance, I am gonna kill you."

He threw the man on the floor with a thud, getting gasps from people. Everyone had their mouths covered in shock. They couldn't believe a supermodel like Bruce had just been publicly humiliated. It was shocking.

"Oh my God!" Andrea rushed to Bruce, helping him up. "You should be..."

But she didn't even finish her sentence. Travis picked up a glass full of champagne and emptied the entire glass on her face. Her mouth gaped, looking at the boy in shock.

"I'd suggest you keep quiet. You don't wanna make me angry." He warned.

He shook his head and stormed out of there. Andrea and Bruce were really embarrassed. They couldn't believe Travis had just done that in front of everyone. Now they were at the center with cameramen taking their pictures and other people had their phones out.

Andrea and Bruce left in shame and anger.


Antonio stormed into the house and he was so damn mad...

"Look, Bruce I don't wanna talk about what happened at the party. Can you just..."

"Just what?" Bruce snapped, furiously rushing to the front to block his husband. "Just forget that you left me like an idiot on the dance floor all because you wanted to dance with that whore?"

"Guys, please." Ethan said, trying to separate the two but it wasn't working. "I am sure it's no big..."

"No big deal?" Bruce snapped, chuckling angrily. "It might be no big deal to you but it is to me. I am the one that was left on the dance floor by my own husband. Don't my feelings matter? And on top of that, that whore kissed my husband and you expect me to keep quiet? Hell to the fucking no!" He screamed.

He was so much in pain and anger. "Now, Antonio..."

"Whatever do you want from me, huh?" Antonio snapped, pointing at Bruce. "What the fuck do you want? You should be used to me doing my things. Isn't that what you signed for? Wasn't being married to me what you wanted?"

Bruce felt tears building in his eyes. Even the rubs Andrea was giving his shoulders wasn't doing any fucking thing. It was really so hard and he just wanted to get answers from the man that he called his husband.

"Is that any way to talk to me, Antonio?" Bruce muttered, pointing at himself. "I am your husband and we're legally married. What the fuck do you want me to do, huh? Watch you while that bitch seduce you and you eventually end up fucking him?"

"Don't you dare?" Antonio warned, breathing like a terrible storm on a cold night. "Don't you fucking dare say that to me?"

The couple was so loud that all the family members started rushing down the stairs in their night wears, wondering what was going on. What they found was a heated argument, something that they had never seen in six years. Antonio was acting like an animal, pointing his finger at Bruce. And crazy Bruce wasn't letting it go. They were all shocked. Celine was just happy that her daughter was fast asleep and so was granny.

"Why shouldn't I?" Bruce literally jumped at his husband but Andrea held her. "Ever since that bitch came back, our lives and now our marriage is on the rocks and you expect me to keep quiet? Pravee..."

"Don't you dare mention that name in my house?" Antonio warned, his jaws shaking uncontrollably. "I am warning you, Bruce. If you still want to remain married to me then you better swallow that name."

Bruce couldn't fight his tears. They came rolling down. His pain was just too much.

"I just had a fucking horrible night and instead of you to be supportive, you want to add to my problems? What kind of husband are you? Just look at yourself..."

"What support do you need?" Bruce yelled, rubbing his tears furiously. "...don't my own feelings matter? You left me lonely on the dance floor and on top of that, everyone saw you dancing with him. They all saw him kiss you and they all saw him slap you. What wrong did I do by asking for an explanation from my husband?"

Antonio chuckled bitterly. "I don't owe you any fucking explanation. I don't have to tell you anything. And let me warn you for the last time..." Antonio got closer, pointing his finger right on Bruce's face. "...know the way you talk to me. I am your husband and I deserve your respect. If you think you can't handle men then you're free to go. I don't care."

He furiously turned with those words and angrily went upstairs. Ethan followed him, calling his name but he wasn't even responding.

Bruce on the other hand felt his strength leaving him. He felt so weak in the knees that he dropped to the floor, his face between his palms as he cried softly. It was just so painful. People like Celine, Eduardo and Emilia left because they didn't have time for drama. But Emma rushed to Bruce and wrapped her arms around him.

"Shh..." She soothed, bringing him to her chest. "...he's just angry. Everything will be okay, love."

"No!" Bruce tore from that chest, furiously rubbing his tears. "Nothing is going to be alright. That bitch has finally showed me that he's back for my husband. I saw it aunt..." He cried out in pain. "...I saw the way he was looking at him and even seductively danced on his crotch. It has all been planned, aunt."

Emma shook her head. "No, Bruce. No one will get Antonio away from you. He's your man and it will remain so. You guys are married and you'll be together even in your next life. You don't have to shed tears." She helped him rub the tears. "That bitch shouldn't weaken you like this. You're stronger than this, Bruce!"

"Aunt is right!" Andrea spoke, her fists clenched. "That whore shouldn't make you shed tears. Now we know the reason why he's back. He might pretend that he's Travis but he still has the same motive as Praveen."

Bruce listened to his allies and he furiously rubbed his tears, getting up. He somehow managed to gather his confidence back.

"You're right!" He chuckled bitterly, still rubbing his tears. "I have been the one on the receiving end since that whore returned. But now... the game will be changed. I am gonna show that boy that they don't just call me, Bruce Antonio Gonzalez for nothing. I will make him taste the ground where I step on and for the tears I have shed today, I'll make him pay a thousand times over.

I will show him that I am actually stronger. He'll tremble whenever he hears my name and I'll hurt him where it hurts the most. I promise." He vowed, his fists clenched.

The battle was truly on...


Travis was seated on his bed with his back on the board. He was holding his sleeping son in his arms, staring at him. His son looked even more handsome and he couldn't help but stare at him. He had been holding his son since the time he had come back from the party because he had been emotional. His son had helped take the pain away, well most of it.

He leaned down and kissed his little forehead, rubbing on it after.

"I love you!" He whispered, giving him another. "I love you so much. You're my reason for living and I'll always love you no matter what."

At that instance, Travis got flashbacks of the night Antonio had made love to him and got him pregnant. He couldn't suppress the painful moan that escaped his throat. The night which was supposedly one of his best was now one of his nightmares. But he had gotten a great gift from it, Sean, his life.

He sighed and then stripped his sleeping son. Before he made him lie on the bed, he made sure he dressed him in his favorite pajamas. Then he kissed him on the cheek and told him how much he loved him.

He slowly walked to the balcony and just enjoyed the cool air hitting his face. But then again, he wasn't okay that night. Antonio had just kissed him. After six painful years, he got to feel those lips on his again but they brought nothing but pain to him. He slightly closed his eyes and all he saw was Antonio kissing him in the past and that night. It was painful.

He opened his eyes and didn't miss the tear that went down his cheek. Why was he acting like that, he thought? He was stronger than that. He wasn't that weak boy any more, he said to himself. But why did it hurt so much when he actually thought about the kiss and the fact that Antonio had betrayed him and married someone else. It was just so painful.

"I won't allow you to hurt me ever again." He rubbed his face. "Never again, Antonio."


Antonio was seated in his office, busy responding to some important emails. He was dressed sexily in a red designer's suit with a sky blue shirt inside. He was sexy as usual and that morning, his mood was totally off. In fact, since the party, he had totally been off. He was usually upset about simple things and snapped at everything.

Suddenly, Antonio got surprised when he heard something drop on his table, a newspaper. He quickly raised his head and found his best friend, Ethan staring down at him with his arms folded. He looked really serious and Antonio wondered what the hell was wrong with him.

"Congratulations!" Ethan smiled, shaking his head. He was a bit angry. "You made it into the newspaper this morning. How are you feeling right now?"

Antonio sighed gloomily, picking the newspaper from the table. "Don't be dramatic."

He looked at the newspaper and felt his heart sink into his stomach. His heart began racing and his anger rose instantly. He clenched on the newspaper, ripping it slowly on the sides.

'Famous billionaire business tycoon and celebrity, Antonio Gonzalez in a romantic dance with billionaire heir, Travis Marasigan. What could be brewing or could it be a past connection with a lookalike?'

Antonio tore the paper in half and threw it on the floor angrily. Man, he was so mad. He furiously got out of the chair, moving from side to side like a mad man.

"I want that out of the paper right now!" He said in a commanding tone. "Call them and tell them that if they don't, I'll sue their asses and shut them down."

"What does it matter?" Ethan said angrily. "You caused this. Many people have probably already seen it and it won't make a difference. I told you to just sit your ass down at that party but you wanted to act..."

"Don't give me a fucking lecture!" Antonio snapped, yelling at his friend. "I don't need it right now. Get that fucking thing out of the paper."

Ethan sighed, shaking his head. "I'll get it out but don't fucking yell at me!" He warned, pointing at his friend. "I am not your assistant or any of your workers. I am your fucking manager and you should respect me like one, at least, if you can't respect me as your best friend."

He stormed out of the office.

"Ethan!" Antonio called but he knew that it was too late. He had managed to anger his friend.

"Fuck!" He roared, throwing everything that was on the table on the floor. "Fucking Travis!" He screamed, feeling like pulling his entire hair out. "This is your fucking fault! I hate you so much!"

He was breathing and acting like a beast. His entire day had just been ruined. Fuck! He kicked on the chair hard, not minding the pain he felt. He wanted to punch something, anything. That's how much he was angry. He cursed angrily and stormed out of his office.


"This can't be happening?" Andrea gripped her hair, pulling on it hard. "No! This is a dream. It can't be happening."

Andrea was shocked, staring at her I-pad like a mad person. She wanted to break it. Tempers in the room were high... hearts were racing... curses were being laid and angry voices could be heard. Everyone knew that something was definitely not right.

'Andrea and Bruce Gonzalez emerge as the clowns of the governor's annual party.' The headline read on a post that Andrea was reading. 'I think it's a message that you should really think twice before trying to mess with Travis Marasigan, a possibly inevitable sex symbol.'

Andrea wanted to break her pad. She was so mad that her voice could be heard from outside the office.

'If those slaps won't show you who's boss then nothing will.' One post said with laughing emojis. 'Travis Marasigan isn't just irresistibly beautiful but he's also a force to be reckoned with. Watch out people!'

Andrea screamed, furiously moving from side to side.

"Fucking media people!" She snapped. "Why can't they just fucking mind their own business? I hate them so much and that Travis will pay, I swear. He'll pay for every humiliation and every insult if it's the last thing I'll ever do. I swear."

She was expecting Bruce to say something but got shocked when he didn't. He rather just sat on the chair with his legs on the table, busy on his phone with a smile on his face.

"Are you kidding me, Bruce?" Andrea rolled her eyes. "What the fuck do you think you're doing? The internet is making fun of us and you're there smiling like everything is okay? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Bruce raised his face. "Nothing!" He shut his phone and got up, his face getting stern. "You yourself said he's gonna pay, right? And I agree. Now I have more reasons to hate that bitch. He'll beg me for his life, I swear. I'll hurt him so much that he'll beg for death. Messing with me, insulting me was okay but he touched the tiger's tail..." He chuckled bitterly, pointing at himself. "...he decided to mess with my husband and I'll make him regret that. He'll curse the day his mother got pregnant for his father, I swear on my life."

Andrea liked the sound of that. "Any plans..."

"In progress!" Bruce grinned like an evil warrior. "We now know exactly what he wants and why he got in this company in the first place. We're gonna hit him together and we'll hit harder. He doesn't stand a chance against the two of us. We're evil geniuses and we already won the first time. This won't make any difference."

Andrea grinned, nodding. "That I agree! We'll use whatever he has done to us as motivation."

"You're right about that." Bruce folded his arms on his chest. "But for now, I don't wanna think about that. I just wanna make my husband happy because today is a very important day to him. I have plans for the two of us." He blushed, biting his lips. Just thinking about it was making him horny. "I wanna make him so happy tonight that he'll never think about anyone else, Andrea!"

"Hmm..." Andrea chuckled happily. "What could that be? All of us have something planned right?"

"Yeah, but this one will just be for the two of us." Bruce felt a cold breeze hit his face when he said that. "I wanna drive him insane with pleasure and love. Whenever he's away from me, he'll always think about me. I swear and nothing will ruin my night."

Andrea smiled brightly. "Well, I guess it's good luck to you and Antonio. I know you'll make him happy tonight."

"I will."

The two friends laughed and held each other's hands. They were united and they were stronger that way.


"Get out!" Granny yelled, throwing a glass at the nurse that was trying to go near her. "Get out and leave me alone!"

"Mom, please..." The nurse pleaded, putting her hands together. "...please, put the knife down, please."

Granny was holding a penknife, threatening to slit her wrist. The nurse was really scared and she had no idea what to do. "Ma'am..."