Raging Love Ch. 07


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"Guess we'll be coming to your house in the next two days." The blonde lady said. "It is always fun to be with you and your family."

They all laughed and continued with their shopping. Emma wanted to buy something that screamed class, sexy and elegant. She was known as a lady of class and she always wanted to be over the top. No one ever messed with her.

They all continued with their shopping and Emma was really happy. But as they were shopping...

"Hey, look, it's your son in law!" The blonde gasped.

Emma quickly looked at her friend, a smile popping up on her face. She got super excited and she had no idea why. "My son in law? Where?"

Her friend gestured and Emma felt like she was in heaven when she turned in the direction that her friend had pointed.

"I had no idea that Bruce was gonna..."

But Emma trailed off when she saw what her friend had just pointed at. Her heart skipped a beat and she felt like venom had just entered her system. Her fists clenched and anger suddenly swept her off her feet. It was Travis, the boy that she wanted to hurt so much. He was just a little distance away from her, looking at some expensive skinny jeans with a smile on his face. He was wearing a black designer's shirt that was tucked in a white skinny jean with white snickers on his feet. His hair was just loose and he was looking amazing.

"That's not my son in law!" Emma muttered, her voice sounding hoarse.

"I meant you ex-son in law." The blonde lady spoke, getting closer to her friend. "I heard he's now a rich man, the son of Richard Marasigan."

Emma rolled her eyes, looking at her friend. "He's not my son in law. He's not even Praveen but just a stupid lookalike."

"Yeah!" The brunette lady spoke. "I also heard that he managed to become part of your son's company. There was even an article of them dancing at the governor's party. I thought he was really the one. And honestly, I don't understand how such a boy could have turned out to be a snake. I thought he was well cultured and had great values. But you're lucky your son married someone better instead."

Emma chuckled mockingly, smiling like an evil genius. "Birds of the same feather if you ask me. Even that Travis is no difference from him." She spoke so loud just so that whoever wanted to hear could hear her. "They're all just after my son's wealth. You know Antonio is very rich and very handsome. Even whores pretending to be rich can't resist him. But who can blame them? They can try but they'll never be able to get him."

Emma laughed and her two friends joined her.

Meanwhile, Travis who had no intention of bumping into any member of Antonio's family got unfortunate when he saw Emma and as usual, she was acting like a bitch. He got really upset when he heard her calling him a whore. He had come to get some things for himself and for his son but someone had managed to ruin his mood.

"The other one cheated on him..." The blonde lady laughed. "...and now the lookalike is following him like a whore! Wow!"

"What did you just say?"

All the women looked in the direction of the voice and saw Travis coming to them with a stern look. He looked like he was getting ready for war and all of them lost their smiles. Travis had his eyes on the blonde lady and so God help him, he didn't like her one bit.

"How dare you talk about me like that?" He snarled. "Who do you think you are? Just because you've heard of Travis Marasigan doesn't mean you know who he is so be careful what you say to me."

Emma shook her head. "Respect yourself Travis!" She warned, pointing angrily at him. "Why do you like interfering in matters that don't concern you?"

Travis laughed. "When someone thinks they can talk bullshit about me, why should I keep quiet?" He asked angrily. "And this is not your house where you can think you can just talk anyhow, remember that. Just because I kept quiet the other day doesn't mean I will today."

The other two women looked at each other in shock because they hadn't expected him to answer like that. They'd had an encounter with Praveen in the past and Emma had insulted him and he had just kept quiet.

Travis looked at the three women. "Look, I respect your age. But, please learn to know your limit."

"What nonsense!" The brunette lady snapped. "Don't you have respect for your elders?"

"With age you gain experience." He spoke softly. "With experience you gain intelligence about what should be spoken at what time. But look at you three old ladies, don't you have anything else to talk about rather than gossip?"


"Enough!" Travis gestured with his hand. "I have had enough of everyone trying to talk like they know me. I will not take this nonsense lightly next time so I urge you to be careful. You think just because you're rich and your husband are powerful, that gives you the right to talk about anyone however you like? You should really be careful because you'll be disappointed. I may look young to you but I am ready to put you in your rightful place."

Emma was so mad that she saw red. "I think I have had enough of your stupidity, Travis!" She roared.

"I can say the same for you!" Travis said, making the other two women look at each other in shock. "I am not one to hide my feelings so why should I hide that I don't like you?"

Emma clenched her fists, groaning. "I think I have had enough of you and today, I'll teach you a lesson." She vowed, pointing at him. "Security! Security!"

Travis got shocked when she heard Emma calling the security like she was going insane. It attracted some attention and some shoppers started watching them. It didn't take long and two muscular security guys came.

"Yes, ma'am, any problem?"

Emma glanced at Travis. "Yes! I need to see the manager right now. Tell him Miss Emma Gonzalez wants to see him."

The two security guys slowly bowed and left. Emma looked at Travis with an evil grin while the boy just looked like he was in deep shock. She was gonna show him that she wasn't known as Emma Gonzalez for nothing. She was a powerful woman.

A few seconds later, a man who looked to be in his mid-40s came rushing. He was a tall man, dark well shaven hair with a green eyes and spectacles. He was dressed smartly in a black designer's suit with a white shirt inside.

"Yes, Miss Gonzalez." The manager said, wondering why she had called him.

"Yes!" Emma smiled mockingly. "I just got insulted by this stupid boy here." She angrily pointed. "I can't just stand such people so I want you to get him out of here and ban him from here."

The manager first looked at Travis and then at Emma. He got nervous, really nervous. "But ma'am..."

"Didn't you hear what I just said?" Emma snapped. "I am one of the biggest clients here and you won't like what I will do next if you don't ban this boy from here right now. He just insulted me and..."

"We cannot do that, ma'am."

Emma got shocked when she heard the answer from the manager. She furiously turned and faced him, giving angry eyes. "What the hell did you just say? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Ma'am, I am aware that you're Antonio Gonzalez's aunt and the Gonzalez family are one of our biggest clients." The manager said softly. "But I am sorry, Mr. Marasigan is the biggest client that we have here."

Emma shook his head. "Excuse me! This stupid boy has only been here for a month and..." She paused and glanced at Travis who was now wearing a smile. "...we've been your clients for a long time now. You won't like it when I stop coming here."

"We know that, ma'am." The manager said. "But Marasigan industries has helped this shop to be the way it is. Most of the designer clothes here are actually from their company and at times, they just donate to us. We can't risk losing him for the sake of you, ma'am. We're very sorry."

Emma felt tears building in her eyes when she saw that mocking smile on Travis' face, a smile that gave her nothing but pain. She just wanted to wipe that smile off his face with a slap but she couldn't. The most humiliating thing was that her two friends whom she usually boasted to were actually there witnessing everything.

"And I am sorry, ma'am but..." The manager paused. "...I am gonna have to ask you to leave right now."

"What?" Emma gasped, her eyes widening. "You want me to leave because of..."

"Please, don't let me call security."

Emma felt like someone had just stabbed her in the heart with a really hot knife. She clenched her fists, looking at Travis who was smiling in anger. She was never gonna let him go just like that. With an angry groan, Emma cursed and stormed out of the shop with the two women following her behind.

"I am sorry, sir!" The manager apologized, putting his hands together. "Forgive me for..."

"Why are you apologizing?" Travis smiled. "I am not complaining. You can go back, sir!"


The manager quickly left.


"I have never been so humiliated my entire life, Emma!" The blonde woman complained bitterly. "We just looked like fools in there. Are you gonna let that little rat humiliate you just like that?"

Emma breathed harshly. "Never! I will pay him back for this humiliation." She pulled on her hair hard. "Fuck! Damn you, Travis!"

She screamed like a mad person, throwing her expensive purse on the ground. "Damn, that Travis. This is your fucking fault!"

Emma had never been as mad as she was. That had been the most humiliating moment of her life and she felt like it was a dream, a terrible nightmare and she wanted to wake up from it. There was no fucking way she was embarrassed in front of everyone. It was impossible.

Emma took a deep breath and then knelt to pick up her purse from the ground. But as soon as she tried to reach it, she just got another shock when she touched white snickers instead. She quickly moved her face up and just met with Travis' mocking smile. She looked at where her purse was and she saw that he had actually stepped on it.

"That's what's happens when you try to play smart with me." He chuckled bitterly. Emma couldn't even stand but she just looked up and stared at him. "And I like you in the position where you are, on the ground where you belong."

Emma opened her mouth to say something but she got surprised when no word came out.

"Perhaps if you mess with me some more, you might just find yourself permanently there." He shook his head and left laughing.

Emma picked up her purse and got up, watching as he entered his expensive sports car and drove off like a king, waving his hand as he went. A tear of anger went down her cheek but she quickly rubbed it. He was gonna pay and that was a promise.


Antonio was seated on the couch in his room with his eyes glued on his phone and a smile on his face. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His latest song, 'Found by you' had just been released and it was already topping the charts. He was so happy and his heart jumped with joy. He felt like hugging someone, anyone because that was how happy he was.

He almost jumped out of the couch when he heard his phone ringing. It was Ethan.

"Do you know I could kiss you right now?" Antonio gasped, acting like a mad person.

'First of all, eew!' Ethan said on the other end. 'And secondly, I haven't done anything. It's just your hard work paying off. You were able to give your fans what they wanted and social media is going crazy. Everyone's asking when the video will be out."

Antonio combed his hair with his fingers, sighing. "What do you mean, you and I both worked on that song together. We both wrote the lyrics so you deserve the credit as well."

'I didn't sing it, you idiot!' Ethan laughed on the other end. 'It was all you and I am so happy that you can smile even though I am not there to see. I just hope when I come there, you'll still be smiling.'

"Why not!" Antonio chuckled. "This is some great news and we need to celebrate. Can we meet, just the two of us to celebrate this?"

'As if I am insane to say no to an offer like that. But I am gonna have to call you because I am a bot busy.'

"Your call. I will be waiting. See ya!"

Antonio cut the call, put his phone on the table and started checking out the comments on his PC that were on his new music video. He was on the edge of his seat, smiling like an idiot. Every comment he read made his heart jump with joy and his smile to grow even bigger.

Antonio was so engrossed in his phone that he didn't even hear as footsteps got closer to him. The next thing he heard was a voice, a voice that gave him chills.

"Handsome uncle!"

Antonio abruptly looked in the direction of the voice and saw little Sean standing in front of him with the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen on a child. He was dressed in a red t-shirt, black skinny jean and brown snickers. His hair was well shaven and lord, he smelt so nice.

Antonio felt his heart race as he stared at the handsome young boy. Everything around him seemed to disappear and he could feel his heart as it pounded in his chest harshly and each breath he took, he felt like it gave him peace, the same peace he felt when he had seen the boy the first time.

As if he didn't have a grin on his face already, Antonio smiled like an idiot, feeling tears forming in his eyes. He had no idea why he still felt that kind of connection with the kid, a connection that he didn't even feel with Stephanie. Not even Stephanie had been able to make him as happy as he felt at that time. It was strange.

"Sean!" He gasped, rising quickly from the couch.

He wrapped his arms around the boy, kissing his cheek severally.

"When did you arrive here?" He asked as he pulled away. He cupped the boy's cheeks, looking into his beautiful green eyes. "And how did you find my room?"

"I am sorry, uncle!" The little boy actually apologized. "I lost Stephanie and I thought she came upstairs so I followed and I found your door open."

Antonio smiled and leaned to give the boy a kiss on the forehead. He took him to the couch and made him sit on his lap. "You don't have to apologize, baby. Handsome uncle is very happy that you came here. I missed you, little man." He playfully pinched his cheeks.

Sean giggled happily. "I missed you too, handsome uncle!"

"Really?" Antonio felt a shiver when he heard those words. "You missed me?"

"Yes!" Sean nodded. "I even told my daddy about you."

Antonio smiled, raising an eyebrow. "Really? What did you tell him?"

"That you're very handsome and very nice." He said happily. "My daddy even said I should say thank you."

"For what?"

"Just thank you!" Sean said, wearing that smile that melted Antonio's heart.

Now Antonio was curious about the father of such a handsome boy and in his heart, he was dying to know who it was. He had no idea why his mind was telling him to find out more about the little boy's father.

"Err, baby..." Antonio muttered, ruffling the boy's hair. "...what's your daddy's name? You didn't tell me the last time."

Sean looked at Antonio. "His name is..." He chuckled happily. "...his name is papa. He is my daddy and he is very beautiful."

Antonio laughed, shaking his head. He knew that he wanted to know who he was but...

"Papa, huh? Doesn't he have another name?"

Sean nodded. "Papa!"

Antonio gave up and he rose his hands like he was surrendering. "Okay, Sean..." He rose with the boy in his arms. "...would you like handsome uncle to buy you ice cream and chocolates?"

"Ye!" Sean literally danced in Antonio's arms.

"Okay!" He made the boy sit on the couch. "Let me go and get changed and then we'll go out."

Antonio went and got dressed simply. He was putting on a black designer's t-shirt, white skinny jean and black snickers. He had a band tied around his head, something he hadn't done in a really long time. But it just felt right at that moment.

When he came back, he took Sean into his arms and both of them went downstairs. There was just a strong connection that Antonio felt when he held the boy. It was really sweet and Antonio could feel it grow stronger and stronger.

"Hey!" Celine sighed when she saw Antonio with Sean in his arms. She was holding Stephanie in hers. "We've been looking for Sean! I had no idea you took him."

"I didn't!" Antonio shook his head but wearing a smile. Then he leaned and kissed Steph on the cheek, making her giggle. "He actually came to my room."

Celine looked at Sean and couldn't help but smile. "Wow! All the way to your room. The boy really likes you."

Antonio nodded. "The feeling is mutual. I have no idea why I am really happy whenever I see him. It's like, I can't even explain it because I don't understand it myself."

Celine nodded. "I completely understand you. Anyway, we were just..."

"Actually, I was thinking of taking the kids out for ice cream and chocolate." He said, smiling when the boy literally jumped in his arms. "I just want them to be part of my celebration."

"Celebration?" Celine raised an eyebrow. "What about?"

Antonio chuckled, putting little Sean on the floor. "I will tell you later when I come back. It's actually a surprise for the family."

"Hmmm..." Celine frowned. "...now I am curious. Anyway, I don't know because Sean's driver will be here to pick him up around 5:30 pm. I think his father is taking him out or something. His grandmother told me that his father wanted him at 5:30."

Antonio glanced at his watch. "There's still like 4 hours before that. I'll bring him back before that. And by the way, do you know who his father is?"

Celine shook her head. "No! Actually, I was supposed to meet him the other day when I took Sean home but..." She sighed, rubbing on her forehead. "...unfortunately, I couldn't. Eduardo called me for that date. Anyway, why do you ask?"

"Nothing!" Antonio kissed her cheek and took Stephanie from her arms. "I will see you when I come back."


Antonio took the two kids and he left in a hurry. He was really so excited and it wasn't because his song had become a hit but because he was gonna spend almost an entire afternoon with the little boy that made him so excited and peaceful.

Celine watched as Antonio left with the two kids, holding Steph in his arms while ruffling Sean's hair. She didn't miss that smile on his face and she also couldn't help but remember the last time he had smiled like that.

"I have never seen him smile like that in a long time."

Celine lost the smile on her face when she heard that voice. It was Emilia and she was standing right beside her, staring at the entrance where Antonio had just disappeared. But she had a smile on her pretty face.

"It makes me happy to see him smile like that." She sighed, glancing at her daughter in law. "He might still be mad at me but as long as he's happy, I am okay even if he shouts at me." She chuckled nervously. "By the way, I can see that he really loves the boy a lot. I saw him the other day and his reaction."

Celine sighed. "Yeah! He really likes him. Sean is such a sweet boy and I am not surprised." The she proceeded to her mother in law. "What about you, mother? Are you alright?"

Emilia smiled, nodding. "As long as my son is okay then I am okay. It's just nice to see him smile after that boy almost destroyed his life. Even when that Travis is trying to make him miserable, I know he'll pull through. I am ready to do anything to make sure that my son regains his happiness. Even if it is the last thing I'll ever do."

Celine smiled, patting on her shoulder. "He'll soon regain it." She didn't wanna talk about that. "Now why don't you come and help to start making dinner. And then we can also talk about the plans for the upcoming fast."

The two women went to the kitchen.


Travis entered Tonzalez blue building looking amazingly sexy and yummy. He was dressed in a sky blue designer's suit with a blue sparkly shirt inside and a blue necktie. His jacket was unbuttoned and he looked amazing with blue designer's shoes on his feet. His hair was in slicked back high-fashion style, revealing his face. He was looking really yummy, especially with his beautiful walk. He had many people staring.