Rainbow Party


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As she slowly worked over Todd's monster cock, sucking and stroking him sensually in just the right way to build him to a toe-curling climax, she glanced over to Jenna. The tall Russian girl, who was licking Chad's cock like a popsicle, caught her eye.

Sally flicked her gaze upwards, towards the vent in the wall, then back at Jenna. Jenba grinned around her licking tongue and winked at Sally.

Orgasm blocks and chastity spells aside, Sally had no interest in playing with her own brothers cock in any way. But she was certainly not above siccing her friends on him and getting a laugh out of the show.

Jenna turned her head and glance over to Mary, who was focusing on Ryan's cock head, sucking it in her mouth and the rolling her head around while rubbing him with her tongue. The poor guy was particularly sensitive to the swirling technique, and he was whimpering and shaking, trying to curl up like a little bitch. This elicited laughter from several of the others, leaving him red faced with humiliation. Mary kept pausing after several seconds of mouth-swirls, letting his tortured member pop free for a moment to let him breathe, before imbibing the glistening, plum-purple knob again.

During one of these pauses, Jenna nudged Mary's leg with her toe. As Mary glanced back at her, Jenna made a quick motion behind her back towards the vent. Mary furrowed her brow for a moment as she resumed her sucking, but seemed to get it as she listened to her sexual senses. As she turned her head, she winked at Jenna.

The two of them were the girls Timothy had jacked off to the most, and as such, it was only fitting they start his punishment for listening in on them. Now that he'd been pointed out, his aching lonely erection stood out starkly among the chorus a well-attended cocks around them. Even as they kept sucking the well-hung studs, they extended their power upwards to the sad little boy upstairs.


Timothy lurched as he felt the unmistakable sensation of a female hand cup his left ass cheek. Then a second hand cupped his right. They gave him a playful squeeze, then began to slide forward, around his hips, until they were a hairsbreadth away from his steely-hard cock! However, just before contact would have been made, the two hands veered downwards and began to caress his inner thighs with light, tickling traces of the finger tips.

Timothy froze, eyes wide, mouth agape, when he first felt the touch. Phantom hands! The girls knew he was there! He would have thought they'd be far too distracted with the other guys, but somehow, they'd picked him out, even though he wasn't even touching himself!

His heart nearly stopped when the hands began to slide towards his cock. Holy fucking shit, were they going to touch him? Was he finally going to feel the pleasure he so badly wanted? He almost cried out when the hands instead dipped to his legs. As the phantom fingertips tickled him, it caused his legs to jump, and this snapped him out of his stupor. He had to get out of here! He didn't know who had sensed him and decided to touch him, but he knew if Sally caught him, he'd be toast!

Even though it made him want to cry to deny himself the chance of pleasure, he could only feel dread at the prospect of what might happen if all the girls realized he was listening in. He'd be in so much trouble! Timothy started to get to his feet; he wasn't actually sure what kind of range a Sex Mage had, but he knew Sally had been cock teasing the boy two houses down, and the man in the house across the street. His friend Steve lived three blocks away. Surely, if he went to crash with him for the night, that would be well out of range.

However, before he got his butt barely six inches off the floor, a dozen more invisible hands seized him, grabbing him by the arms, legs, shoulders and hips, and pressed him back down onto the thin bathroom rug. There wasn't enough room for him to spread his limbs, so the hands locked his limbs straight, holding him in a supine position. He opened his mouth to shout, but another invisible force, not like a hand, but like some kind of inner pull within his muscles, locked his lips and jaw shut. He hugged and whined through his nose, but he was quite effectively muffled.

More hands appeared, as did what felt like soft lips and silken cloths, all touching his body. Fingers tickled him, silk caressed him, and lips kissed him all over his body, lovingly touching him from the top of his body to the tip of his toes, all except for one place: his cock and balls remained untouched. So many of the sensations got close, something so close it almost felt like a hand or mouth was about to enclose his desperate organ, but they shied away or vanished at the last split second, and touched him elsewhere.

Tears welled up in his eyes. Even as the phantom sensations made him moan and giggle and squirm, they refused to stimulate the only place he truly wanted, the place he desperately needed, to be touched. He let out a mournful, pitiful cry as the girls broke him with the cruelest tenderness he'd never even imaged before. And as his tears flowed down his cheeks, he could hear the girls downstairs burst out laughing.


Rodger wasn't sure why all the girls had laughed uproariously like that, but he was finding it hard to focus on anything save for the girl between his legs. All he knew was that he was about to lose his mind! His cock was on fire, his balls ached like he'd never felt before, and each girl's technique left his head spinning. He was going cross-eyed with the sexual high, and he didn't think he could take much more of this. Not that he'd dare admit it. He glanced around the room. All the other guys were red-faced, sweating, some were shivering, other were gasping with their eyes rolled back. All of their cocks were beet-red and bulging, the veins swollen, the heads dark with pressure.

Rodger quickly looked away from the other guys' cocks, a pang of homophobia running through him. For some reason, Beverly giggled at that moment. He flushed hot with the remembrance that she could read his sexual thoughts, and had no doubt seen him looking at the other guys. She bent down his cock a bit and looked up at him with those brilliant blue eyes that made him absolutely weak in the knees. His dick was as dark red and swollen as the other guys, entrapped by the ring of her purple-painted lips. She made a soft moan against his cock and winked.

Then she closed her eyes, leaned up a bit and deep throated him, sucking him harder than any of the other girls had up to that point. Rodger felt his breath leave him and he writhed, making little girly whimpers as his toes curled and his face scrunched into an embarrassing O-face. At the same time, he felt her buck between his legs and let out a long squeal.

And then suddenly, she pulled off him with a soft pop. Rodger's body held that tight clench for what felt like eternal second, then he let out a huge sigh and sagged back into his seat. Beverly leaned against his thighs, her head resting on his left, gasping as well. He was able to look right down past her breasts and his cock and see that he thighs were wet. No fucking way; even as she brought him so close to the edge, she'd cum, without even touching herself?

There was something fucked up going on here; they were doing something weird with their freaky new Magic. Rodger tried to piece together what it was. He had literally felt himself reach the peak of orgasm, and yet no semen had shot out, and when he dropped down from the peak, he was hornier than ever. He should have had an orgasm. Not that he wanted to admit it, but he didn't have the kind of self-control to hold out from that intense of pleasure.

But now Beverly was sliding over to Frank, and Sally was crawling up between his thighs, applying a fresh coat of red lipstick. Whatever suspicions he had were quickly washed away by her mouth ensnaring his hyper-teased dick.


Finally, their task was complete! The girls all stood, stretching and catching their breaths They were smiling wide, standing tall and confident and flushed with power.

The boys, meanwhile, were total messes, disheveled, sweaty, and exhausted. Their cocks remained painfully hard, glistening with the girl's saliva, and streaked with a rainbow of colors. The girls narrowed their eyes and concentrated on the guys. As they did so, their penises quivered with sudden tension, and then a series of colored rings appeared on their skin, matching the colors of the lipstick smears. As if magically tattooed onto them, the color appeared set into their skin.

Gradually, the guys became aware as they realized the sucking had ceased. Brad was the first to say something. "A-are we done now?" he said. "Ow, god, my nuts hurt. Hey, don't just stand there, finish us off! We lasted like you said!"

The girls burst out laughing. Sharon pointed at him. "You didn't even last on the first round! The only reason any of you guys didn't cum in the first five minutes was that we blocked your orgasms!"

"So fucking unblock them!" said Chad. He was looking crabby. "Come here..." he tried to reach for the nearest girl, but he was still bound down hand wouldn't move from the side of the chair. "Hey... what the fuck? Let me go!"

The other guys started trying to get up, but invisible bonds held them fast. "What the fuck?!" yelled Chad. "This isn't funny! Let us up!"

"Yeah, it's our turn now!" said Ryan. "I know you were getting off sucking us, so fuckin', let us just fuck you to the finish!"

The girls just grinned and smirked watching the boys struggle for nearly a minute, getting more and more pissed. However, the cocks stayed iron hard, and their bonds didn't give a millimeter. The girls just laughed once more as they started to give up, one by one.

"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" said Jenna. "Just fuck us like you always do, shoot a load in us, then shove us to the other side of the bed so you can sleep. Well, not this time. This time, we're the ones going home satisfied, and kicking you to the curb without relief!"

"You bitch! You can't do this to us!" hollered Leonard.

Sally flicked a finger at him, and he let out a huge yelp and curled up as best he could given his bondage. He looked sick, as though he'd just been kicked in the nuts with a steel-toed boot. And yet his cock remained hard; if anything, it seemed even harder!

"Oh god... oh fuck..." he sucked in air, trying not to puke.

"Oh, get over it, ya big baby," said Jenna. "You're not even actually injured."

"Dude," said Ryan. "What the fuck?!"

"You want to know what the fuck?" Sally crossed her arms and looked sternly at the boys. Despite being cute, naked, and drenched in her own juices, the guys suddenly had a new respect for this girl. The ramifications of what Sex Magic let her, and the posse of girls behind her, do to them with just a thought were slowly starting to sink in.

Sally unleashed her arousal aura. The guy's already too-stiff dicks became, impossibly, even stiffer, quivering and darkening until all seven guys were writhing in their seats, whimpering for mercy. They had never experienced an erection that this before, a terrible ache between their legs that was more than just a painful hard-on, but a gut-wrenching need to be touched, a sexual pressure that continued to increase even when their cock physically could not get any harder.

"Here's what the fuck, boys," Sally continued, slacking her aura off just enough that they could, with an effort, get their whimpers under control. "You all are now our bitches. If you ever want to cum again, you will do everything we say, when we say it. If that means you eat one of us out every day for a month without being touched back, you do it and you don't complain. If that means leaving work early to give one of us a ride to the mall, you do it.

"Each of you will notice you've been marked with a color ring. Each ring represents the girl who sucked you with that lipstick color, and the orgasm block she placed one you. If you want her to remove her block, you have to do something to please her, something good enough that she'll take pity on you, and remove the block and the ring representing it. You need to do this for each of us, every single time you want to cum. Whenever you manage to orgasm, we will know, and we'll immediately replace the rings."

The guys gawked at her, or at least tried, as they struggled with their unbearable erections. "Y-y-you can't do this!" whimpered Brad. "Y-y-you c-can't just... make us y-your... your s-s-slaves!"

"Sure we can," said Jenna with a grin, seeing the big, strapping young man brought low through the very dick he was so proud of. "You have penises. We have Sex Magic. That means you're our little bitches, forever."

Several of the guys struggled against their bonds again, absolutely determined to prove that their masculine might and willpower could somehow triumph over their Magic. Such efforts were naught but pipe dreams, however. All six of the other girls unleashed their auras as well, flooding the young men with an absolute overload of erection commands. The men howled and thrashed in sheer sexual agony just from the most basic manifestation of the girls' newfound feminine omnipotence.

Brad was the first to break into tears and give a string of gibbering pleas. The other guys, seeing the most alpha of them crack, followed suit. Apologies and prayers and pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears for several minutes as the girls just laughed and reveled in their power. Finally, however, they relented, shutting off their auras, and releasing their bondage spells from the guys' limbs. The seven destroyed studs collapsed to the floor, gasping and whimpering. They tried to cup their genitals, only to feel the girls' power pulling their hands back until they gave up and just grit their teeth and bared it. Slowly, their cocks cooled down enough to shrink back to "normal" erections, but they were too sensitive and teased to go fully flaccid just yet.

The girls all tossed the boys' clothes to them, and everyone started getting dressed, pausing only to wipe themselves dry with hand towels. They would all definitely be needing showers when they got home.

Sally saw all of her friends and their boyfriends out the door. Already, several of the girls were excitedly coming up with ideas of what to make the boys do, and the boys could only wince and shudder as they limped to their cars.

When the last of them left, Sally stretched and yawned as she shut the door. She strangely didn't actually feel tired despite hours of activity. It seemed the Magic really did refresh the body. Even so, the afterglow of so many orgasms made her feel warm and fuzzy inside, and if only to settle her mind, she figured she might take a nap.

But first, she definitely needed a shower. She went to the bathroom, and blinked in surprise at what she saw. Then she broke out into a fit of giggles. Timothy was still bound to the floor, shivering and gagged as various sensation spells touched his body all over. An absolutely huge pre-cum stain had soiled his gym shorts above his diamond-hard, still untouched cock. She had gotten so used to the psychic "hum" of his erection, she'd almost completely forgotten about him.

Timothy noticed she was there and his tearful eyes opened, looking at her pleadingly. He was still magically gagged, and could only whimper pitifully. Sally raised her hand and almost removed his spells. Then she paused and gave him an evil grin.

"I take it you heard the deal we made with the guys?" she said. "How we won't let them cum unless they keep doing us favors?"

Timothy nodded, and for a moment, his eyes flashed with hope. Could it possibly be that his cruel sister was going to give him a chance?

Reading his thoughts, she laughed once more, then leaned over his bound body. "No, don't worry, little brother. I'm not gunna bother making you be little slave so you can cum. Rest assured, I'll put you to work when I need an extra set of hands. But I'm going to make sure you never, ever, ever cum again!"

Her evil laughter matched his high-pitched whimpers as she left him bound and teased on the floor. Stripping right in front of him, she made him watch her masturbate in the shower to three more powerful orgasms, each climax sending shockwaves of aura pressure that made his cock surge until he nearly blacked out. Then she left him on the floor like that for the rest of the weekend, laughing every time she passed him by.

If this was the kind of power Sex Magic could give to a single girl, she could only imagine how the world was going to change.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

As a guy reading this, my first thought would be mass suicide. Like lemmings running off a cliff. A guy, any guy can only take so much till they break. Knowing that they are, at best second class playthings. Realizing that the only way out is to end it all. The ultimate in forlorn desperation is pretty good motivation for ending it.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 6 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the compliments, Im glad you enjoyed it!

If youre interested in the setting, I have several articles detailing it further here:


WillieTurnerWillieTurnerover 6 years ago
I really like this theme!

Frankly, I never thought about this sort of magic as a Femdom vehicle. I find it very interesting AND titillating! I'd love to see what this alternate world would be like, in say 50-100 years, then what would happen if the magic went away!

Sorry! the science fiction writer/anarchist in me never rests!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
A Woman's world!

Wow! What a great story. It's too bad it's only a fantasy and not true. This world today is so messed up it's ridiculous and it would be wonderful if the women would take over. The men have surely screwed it up! But those young, pretty girls have a magic that will keep their boyfriends at their service for a long time. And how about Sally's complete dominance over her little slimy brother? I love it!

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