Ralph Gruff's Revenge Pt. 01

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He gets revenge and then some.
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Ralph Gruff or Gruffy, which is what his high school students liked to call him when he wasn't around, was a recently divorced 53 year old history teacher. He was notorious for being one of the most strict and boring teachers on campus. Ralph despised the kids he taught and went into teaching because that's the only job he could seem to find with his history degree. It paid the bills and Ralph being a boring guy who didn't take too many risks decided to stick with it and make it a career.

Gruffy taught 12th grade U.S History, he enjoyed the fact that most of the kids were mature and even though he thought most of them were pieces of shit he didn't have to police them as much as the younger kids. Most people would describe Ralph as a grumpy old man who seemed to hate the world. When kids got out of line in his class it seemed like he took all of his anger and frustration out on them.

His wife Crystal had left him 3 years prior for her young boss who had some fancy penthouse in Miami. Since they had no kids the divorce was quick and clean. Crystal was kind enough to leave him with everything and just wanted to get away from her now ex-husband. He was just too boring for her. Even though they had a passionate sex life everything else around their marriage was just dull and she at a young 41 wanted to experience life so she ran off and never looked back. For the most part Ralph didn't mind except for the lack of sex. That was the hardest part for him.

"Open your books to chapter 13." Ralph said in a deep monotone voice as he scratched away at the chalkboard.

Suddenly Ralph felt a balled up piece of paper hit him in the back of the head. The class room then erupted in stifled giggles. Ralph slowly turned around with a menacing glare. He could see most of the students covering their mouths to try to hide their laughter.

"Who did it." Ralph says in a low grumpy growl as he clenched his jaw.

Ralph looks around the room and the class sits still in their silence as they all stop their laughter.

"SPEAK UP! WHO THREW THE PIECE OF PAPER!?" Ralph says thunderously as he slams the heavy textbook he was holding onto the floor.


The entire class lets out an audible gasp as the sound of his voice and the slam of the book shock and frighten them stiff.

"If someone doesn't fess up to this within the next minute, all of you are getting detention and a zero for the day. Not only that but chapter 13 AND 14s homework will be due TOMORROW." Ralph said as he paced slowly in the front of the classroom looking up and down each row.

He could see the kids start to look at each other. They were going to break soon. Someone had to tell on the unknown paper thrower.

"Fuck it, it was me Gruffy." He heard a female voice say in the back of the classroom.

"Who said that? Raise your hand." Ralph said as he scanned the back of the classroom.

Sarah stood up quickly and stomped her foot lightly on the ground as she raised her hand up proudly. Her tits jiggled a bit from her sudden motion. She was an 18 year old senior who had straight A's in every class except Ralphs. She didn't bother trying too hard in his class and had a low effort C. She was going to graduate no matter what and thought that she was for sure going to be accepted to the local 4 year university. Sarah was suffering from what they call senioritis. She had taken her studies too seriously for too long and she started to get burnt out in her final year.

"I threw it OK?" Sarah said as she crossed her arms to cover her 34 DD sized tits.

"You're serving detention with me after school. FOR ONE HOUR young lady. If I don't see you after school you will be suspended and you will not be able to walk at graduation or go to prom." Gruffy said as he walked towards her.

"Fine." Sarah said reluctantly under her breath as she sat down and rolled her eyes.

Sarah was one of the popular girls in school. She was your stereotypical high school alpha female. She was a tall blonde at 5'10 with long hair and a full hourglass figure. Most of the male student body had fantasized and jerked off to her. Her jaw line was sharp which highlighted her full pink lips. She was always in shape and athletic but she still maintained thick thighs with a massive round ass. Sarah liked to keep active and her cheer squad recently took home first place in the state cheer tournament. The only guys that could even dream of getting with her were at least 6 feet tall, ripped and had to play sports.

She liked to keep her clothing options simple so she only wore leggings to school most days which most of the boys liked as it showed off her meaty yet toned ass. Some days when she would wear a white thong under it you could clearly see her panties through her leggings if you were sitting behind her. Most boys who were smart would try to get a seat behind Sarah so they could get a glimpse of her round butt as she got up or sat down. Other times if they were lucky enough and she bent over to get something out of her backpack or the floor, they could catch a glimpse of her exposed thong riding up the top of her ass.

Sarah was popular not only at school but she already had thousands of Instagram followers. In her next class Sarah pulled out her phone to look at the Instagram video she posted of her throwing the balled up piece of paper at Gruffy's head. She almost burst out in laughter as the video already had a couple hundred views and likes. She clicked on the likes to see who was checking it out and she ran across a name that stood out to her.

RGRU68 liked your video.

She paused for a moment and thought that the user name was strange and familiar but continued to look with a huge grin on her face and didn't think anything of it for the rest of the day.

Most of the kids had already gone home as Sarah slowly walked into Ralph's class room 10 minutes late.

"You're late." Ralph said while sitting at his desk quickly putting his phone away.

Ralph got up slowly and walked over to Sarah.

"I was almost about to talk to the principal about suspending you but I guess you can make up the 10 minutes another time." He said winded from getting up.

Ralph is what medical community likes to call obese. He was only 5 foot 4 but he weighed almost 300 pounds. He was in terrible shape for his age and students liked to joke that he looked like a big tomato when he got angry. Most women wouldn't use the word attractive when describing Ralph's looks. When he was younger and thinner he would've been lucky to get called decent looking, even on his best days. He had a full grey beard that led up to a messy but trimmed balding head. He had a small baby face with a small nose and thin lips. Sarah didn't know at the time but she was quickly going to find out that afternoon how he was able to get married and stay married for so long even though she thought he was a big ugly bastard.

Ralph thought he was pretty good with most new technologies but failed to realize that he wasn't so discreet when following the hot girls that were in his class on Instagram. He would stalk them and like all any pictures that he thought were hot. His favorite however was Sarah. He had overheard her giving away her social media information to one of her friends during his class. What looked like him grading papers was actually him writing all her information down. He would then go home and jerk off to their photos. He couldn't believe the type of thong bikini pictures and other risque things his students would post. At the end of the day he loved it and never really considered taking things any further than simply stalking them.

As soon as Sarah sat down she pulled out her binder to work on some homework. The class was silent as Ralph sat in the far corner of the room at his desk. Sarah was the only other person in the room besides him. With a long sigh Ralph got up and walked over to the door and stepped out. He looked around and there was not a student or teacher in sight. The campus seemed empty. As he went back in he saw Sarah with an air pod in her ear hidden poorly by her hair writing stuff down in her notebook. "This little cunt thinks she's slick doesn't she." Ralph thought to himself.

That's when it hit him. Ralph looked at this sexy young girl who was all alone with him in this classroom. He quickly looked out around the room and noticed all the windows shades were already drawn and the room was completely private from the outside. As he kept his eye on Sarah he locked the door lightly as he walked back to his desk. He didn't know if he was going to take things further or do anything at all but locking that door was a scary first step. He felt a jolt of nervousness and excitement at the thought of them two being locked in this room together.

Ralph went back to his desk to sit down and took a good look at Sarah. She was wearing her high school's hoodie. It was baby blue and fit small on her. You could see how plump her tits were as even though she was wearing a sweater her chest was still bugling out. The bottom of the hoodie hugged her waist which led down to her massive ass which was covered by the typical black leggings she wore nearly everyday.

Ralph purposely dropped his pen on the other side of his desk so that he had an excuse to go around to bend over to pick it up. He angled himself in a way so that he would be able to look at her ass from behind as he bent down. As he dropped to one knee he let out a winded grunt. And on the way down he made sure to look at her the whole time to make sure she wasn't looking back at him. He saw her pink and white thong sticking out of the top of her leggings. The upside down triangle of the thong covering her ass crack which was surrounded by her massive butt cheeks. "What I would do to be able to peel that thong off her with my teeth." Gruffy thought.

He looked down to pick up the pen then looked back up to get a second look. This time she's leaned forward a bit and this time the back of her thong was sticking out even further. You could even see the back string that was usually nestled between her ass cheeks. To his horror however, as he looked up even further he found that she was leaning forward with her neck turned around looking directly at him.

Sarah's was shocked. Her mouth was slightly open as her eyes widened. She couldn't believe that her fat, old and ugly teacher was checking her ass out. Without breaking contact she got up to pull her pants up jiggling her hips left and right to pull her leggings up.

"What the fuck are you looking at you old perv?!" Sarah barked.

"Uh n-nothing?" Ralph stammered with his face turning bright red from embarrassment. The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end and he began to sweat profusely.

"Nothing Sarah I was picking up my pen." As Ralph tried to clear his throat and use a more commanding voice as he stood up.

"FUCK YOU GRUFFY. You were looking at my ass you fucking nasty old fuck!" Sarah shouted back angered and disgusted.

"Now don't you cuss at me you little liar." Ralph replied back in an angry tone.

"I wouldn't risk my career over some bullshit like that. How dare you accuse me." Ralph said boldly even though he knew he was caught red handed.

"I'm fucking out of here. You're so done you eye raping perv." Sarah said as she quickly gathered her things.

"Oh yeah?" Ralph quickly replied as he pulled out his phone to show her the video of her throwing the piece of paper at his head.

"Who are they going to believe huh? Me or you? In fact I'm going to ensure you get expelled for this baseless accusation young lady." Ralph shouted as Sarah stopped gathering her things.

"How did you even get that video?!" Sarah said shocked yet sort of scared by his threat.

"Another student showed me after class." Ralph said, lying out of his teeth.

"Whatever? You still looked at my ass. That's worse than any of that shit. That's like ten times worse, you're going to get fired or go to jail or probably fucking both!" Sarah shouted.

Sarah grabbed her book and threw it at Ralph hitting him in the forehead. Ralph collapsed falling straight on his ass. He was furious and shocked that she would hit him but he knew he had to think fast and use this to his advantage.

"ASSAULT! ASSAULT! You will go to jail over this young lady. I am going to press charges! Your life is OVER!" Ralph said as he got up while holding his forehead. "There is a hidden camera in this room!" as he pointed at the upper corner of the room which was nothing but a light sensor. He banked everything on that and it worked. Sarah didn't know what that thing was and to her it could've been a hidden camera. Also, in truth the book didn't really hurt him and was just more of a shock. Ralph had a big head and wasn't in any real pain at all.

"I'm not only showing these video's to the principal but I'm going to the police as well. Say goodbye to prom and walking when you graduate. That's if you graduate because not only are getting expelled you're going to jail or even prison. Your future is done." Ralph said as he walked towards Sarah and got in her face.

Sarah was starting to feel a little intimidated and sat back down in her chair and feelings of concern overtook her anger.

Ralph put both of his hands on her desk as she crossed her arms with a slight pout. "What proof do you have huh? It's your word against mine while I have these videos plus I am a respected teacher here. I've been teaching at this high school for over 19 years now!" Ralph said in an authoritative tone.

"You're done kid. Now get the heck outta my class room. I've got to report this." Ralph said, walking away from her desk.

"No, wait I'm - I'm sorry." Sarah said as she was almost brought to tears.

"I'm sorry I didn't - I'm wrong, please don't kick me out Gruffy. I mean Mr. Gruff , I'm sorry I accused you. I didn't mean to hit you either I just - It wasn't intentional." Sarah pleaded with tears welling up.

As Ralph faced away from Sarah he realized that this was his moment. It was the only moment he was ever going to have to have his way with the hottest girl at school. He knew he had to play this perfectly. He didn't want to go to jail and he didn't want to take things too far but his growing lust was starting to push him over the edge.

"I saw you just picking up your pen and I thought you were looking at me and I was wrong OK?" Sarah said while wiping her eyes.

"No." Ralph said as he turned around.

"Get out you little brat." Ralph commanded.

He got up and walked towards the door. Unlocked it and stood by it as it lay open.

"You're not going to get your way this time. You've taken things too far young lady." Ralph said as he stood by the door.

Sarah got up angrily and stomped her way to the door but instead of leaving she pushed it closed.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not letting you ruin my life over this." Sarah said while she looked at Gruff dead in the eyes standing over him.

"What do you want me to do?" Sarah asked as her voice trembled.

A wave of nervousness shot across Ralph's body as he instantly felt butterflies in his chest. His voice shaking he manages to mutter out, "What do you mean?" As he started to sweat profusely all over his body. He knew exactly what she meant as had she had fallen into his trap which he couldn't believe was actually working.

"What do I need to do to get out of this? I can't miss prom. I can't miss graduation. I can't fucking go to jail." Sarah said while tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Shh, OK don't cry. Alright. Just -" Ralph said as Sarah leaned forward and began to cry on his shoulder. Her arms naturally wrapped around him as she sought comfort. Ralph had hairy and stubby yet meaty arms which he wrapped around her waist.

"There there, its OK, calm down. We can work something out." Ralph said softly.

Sarah raised her head and wiped the last tear from her eye as her sobbing slowed.

"Really?" Sarah said with a sigh of relief.

"Really." Ralph said as his heart began to pound out of his chest. Ralph lowered his hands to cup each of her juicy butt cheeks in the palm of his thick hands. He ground and massaged her butt spreading her ass cheeks then pushing them together with a circular motion in each hand.

Sarah, shocked at feeling his meaty paws on her butt pushed him back lightly and realized the seriousness of the situation she was in. "He has video evidence of me assaulting him. He has the power to ruin my life." She quickly thought to herself.

Sarah briskly walked back to her desk to sit down as she was nervous and confused at the situation.

"W-what do you want me to do?" As she asked as her face flushed.

"Help me and I'll help you get out of this." Ralph said softly as he walked towards her desk.

His cock was already starting to swell as everything was falling into place. A bulge started to form in the front of his khaki shorts.

"Do as I say and I delete all of the videos and I will act like nothing has ever happened. I won't press charges or tell the principal about you being late to detention." Ralph said as he stood over Sarah.

"You're blackmailing me." Sarah said as she looked up at her teacher after she realized what he was doing.

"No, no, no it's not blackmailing if we're helping each other." Ralph said as he tried to reassure her knowing full well he was blackmailing her.

"I just want to let you know, I'm the only one who has control of that footage up there." Ralph said as he pointed at the light sensor. "It's been recording everything and if you turn on me I can alter it to make only you look bad. Also, if you for some reason want to expose me. I'll release the footage of us helping each other out on Instagram. All of your followers will see you doing stuff." Ralph said as his quick thinking started to finally come of some use.

Ralph walked back to the door and peeked outside of the classroom one more time to see if anyone was there before locking it shut making sure that Sarah was watching him do so. He then walked right up to her desk with his chubby cock now making a tent on his shorts a mere inches from her face.

"So what's it going to be Sarah? You're 18 now and an adult. Make your decision. Jail or this." Ralph said as he picked up Sarah's hand and made her rub his swelling cock head through his shorts. Sarah resisted but only a little bit. She realized that she was in a tough position and didn't want to anger him anymore. She's sucked and fucked guys before so she definitely wasn't an inexperienced virgin.

"Fine." Sarah whispered softly as she pouted her lips and squeezed her hand on his still soft cock. "Oh my god." Sarah thought as she was shocked at how thick his cock was. It was still soft but it seemed like it was almost as thick as a can of soda.

"You like?" Ralph asked as sweat dripped from his forehead.

"It's why my wife stayed with me for so long. Go ahead squeeze it." Ralph said proudly.

Sarah ran her long slim hand along the length of his cock. It wasn't long at all but she still couldn't believe how thick it was. It was way thicker than any of the guys she's been with and Sarah was into black guys.

"My wife always told me that it was the girth that women enjoy not the length." Ralph said as he unbuckled his belt.

Sarah at this point was nervous as she stared up at her fat short hairy teacher. She began to accept that she was touching his cock and there was nothing she could do about it. Not in her wildest nightmares did she ever dream that this was going to happen that day.

"I'll jerk you off and that's it. After I jerk you off you're going to let me go home and forget any of this ever happened." Sarah said confidently.

"Sarah, Sarah, Sarah - My you are naive aren't you? Tsk tsk tsk." Ralph said with a smile on his face as he pointed at the light sensor. "You're going to do what I want to remember? I'm making the rules now." He said squeezing her chin and rocking it side to side slightly.