Ravaged at the Crowded Convention

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I shouldn't have worn that skimpy costume.
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*All characters are 18+. This is fiction for erotic entertainment only; I do not condone nonconsensual sex.*


"Hey, you going to that gaming convention next month?"

I looked up from my desk. "Yeah! I wanna cosplay this year. Not sure as who yet." The first year of college had been chaotic, but I felt like I had a handle on things now.

My roommate jumped over and shoved her phone in my face. "Oh! I think you look just like her! You play this game, don't you?"

I held back a grimace. Yeah, I played the game, but their female characters were extra skimpy. This girl was practically wearing a string bikini with some ribbons. Her signature weapon was a whip—I wasn't sure where I could get one of those.

"Oh, yeah," I mumbled. "I was thinking something a little more... I dunno. Um, less skin?"

She giggled. "Don't girls cosplay just to show off some skin? Come on, everyone will be doing the same thing."

No, the point of cosplay wasn't to prance around naked, but my roommate wasn't much of a gamer. She wasn't entirely wrong though. I liked the attention of skin-tight costumes, I just didn't usually go that far.

She waved her phone again. "I'll go with you, it'll be fine." I must've looked nervous. She leaned on my desk, tapping at her screen. "I haven't been to one of these before, it looks like fun. Oh, wow, that's expensive. Eh, whatever."

Jackie always spent too much money. Usually, I was just amused at her random impulse buys, but now I felt a little obligated to go along with her cosplay idea. It wouldn't be so bad with a friend, and it wasn't any worse than what some girls wear on a beach.

So, a month later, we were standing at the bus stop, her in a sundress and me in barely enough cloth not to be arrested for indecency. Jackie didn't seem to notice all the stares I got. She definitely didn't feel the random groping on the crowded bus. Someone squeezed my ass, but I didn't see who.

It got better after we joined the sea of people milling about, waiting to get into the convention hall. I received more stares, but it was less creepy and more admiring. Many of them were cosplaying, too. There were more compliments about the skin paint detail and less groping.

Once we got into the con, it was a tight fit again. I rolled up my whip so no one would trip on it. We shuffled along until people started splitting off to the different areas.

The floor was as loud and dark as always. Booming bass from the music, occasional explosions and gunfire from whichever games, gigantic screens with flashy scenes. It was a bit overwhelming for the first few minutes.

Jackie didn't seem to mind. She handled the crowd like it was Black Friday and she had a goal. Maybe I should bring her to more of these things.

"Oh, shit, can I get a picture?"

I paused and smiled at the guy pointing his phone at me. A small group quickly gathered as I posed. I wondered if I was causing a traffic jam. They were all guys, probably eager to get a picture of a nearly-naked girl, but the attention was half the point, right? Some of them knew which character I was, which was nice too.

After a dozen or more such stops, Jackie got bored.

"Ooh, a raffle! Come on, let's sign up!" She tugged me away from my admirers. Probably for the best.

We collected as many tickets as she could find, most of them for stuff she'd never use: a computer case, video games, a fancy brand of headphones. She liked things though, she didn't care what the things were.

We played a few more games until it was time for the first raffle. I stopped and stared. Jackie grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. This was a mob. I'd never seen so many people for a raffle. Usually, there was some crowd control to keep the walkways clear. It looked like an entire back wall had been set for this.

Jackie slipped us into the hot, stifling mass of bodies. More people swarmed the area. No one paid attention to me anymore as they tried to get situated, the loudspeakers constantly telling us to get cozy and friendly with our neighbors. The few hands and arms brushing me seemed accidental.

I kept a firm grip on Jackie's hand. It was too easy to lose each other in these things. She was digging for her raffle tickets.

"Ten more minutes until the raffle marathon! Who's ready to win some amazing prizes?"

Screams erupted all around us. Jackie jumped up and down with everyone else, her hand almost slipping away. I looked up at the signs.

Raffle Marathon! TWELVE raffles in one place!

The large gathering made more sense. Whoever thought putting all the raffles together at once was crazy, but everyone clearly loved it.

As even more people trickled in, we got very comfortable with our neighbors. Someone stumbled and grabbed my shoulder. He apologized, then gave me a second glance and a smirk. Jackie reached over to smack his hand. He mouthed another apology as the crowd shifted and he was jostled away.

I felt more hands on me while we waited—my hips, my ass, basically every inch of my skin. Some of it was accidental. The squeezing and rubbing of my ass were definitely not accidents.

Finally, the announcer started the damn thing. I didn't usually do so many raffles, but at least Jackie was having fun.

As usual, they gave a spiel about the company sponsoring the raffle and a list of the prizes for the first round. I zoned it out as the crowd kept cramming in. Jackie and I were almost to the back of the wall now. There was one guy behind me that I was getting shoved into.

"Sorry!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"It's fine! Getting cozy, right?" He yelled back. I sidled closer to Jackie nonetheless, who was only paying attention to the announcer. Everyone was shouting and screaming. Jackie had me jumping up and down, waving our arms in the air.

I think she dropped something because she bent down and shook off my hand. Someone touched my bouncing boobs at the same time. Then I'm not sure what happened.

I turned away from the groping hands, but someone else bumped me—or I bumped them. I felt a tug at my waist as I stumbled into the poor guy behind me.

"Woah!" He laughed as he gently stabilized me. I shouted another apology and looked around for Jackie. She was gone. I sighed.

There was no maneuvering through the crowd now. I was stuck with my back pressed into this guy's chest, his back probably smashed into the wall. I shifted and pushed at some backpacks and shoulders, trying to give the poor guy some breathing room.

He flattened himself on the wall, but there wasn't anywhere for him to go. His hands stayed on my arms. I felt his breath in my hair.

My costume felt loose. I pulled at the thin fabric covering my crotch. It fell apart in my hands. I froze. It must've torn somehow, maybe caught on someone's costume.

A bulge pressed against my lower back.

My face turned red, and I tried to stop moving. He didn't stop though.

"It's not every day I get to hold a sexy little princess," he said right next to my ear, his fingers tightening on my upper arms.

I grimaced and shot back, "Let go of me." I wriggled but got nowhere. I had to get out of this crowd, find my friend, and some clothes.

He chuckled. "What's that? I can't hear you." He seized my whip and other wrist, tying my arms behind my back. I struggled, stomping on his foot, twisting my shoulders. He hooked my leg with his foot, rubbing his bulge on my bare ass, yanking my body closer, crushing my arms between us. He kept me close with an arm just below my breasts and a hand on my hip.

"Mmm, you feel nice. Such a soft little princess." His lips brushed my neck. I shuddered.

"Stop touching me, creep." I snapped, hoping he didn't notice my state of undress.

He only kissed my cheek and laughed. "I'm just being friendly. Getting to know my neighbors better." His hand wandered lower, groping my hip, his fingers dangerously close to my crotch.

I raised my voice and struggled harder. "Hey! Seriously, get your hands off me!"

The crowd chose that moment to scream louder, encouraged by the announcer to yell a brand slogan. His fingers squeezed and massaged my thigh in rhythm to some garbled shouted nonsense about gaming hardware.

I couldn't get anyone's attention. Usually, if I won anything, I'd jump up and down, waving my arms, shoving people out of the way. I was never stuck in the back like this.

I flinched. His groping fingers wedged their way between my thighs, his thumb poking at my mound. He paused. "Looks like someone's lost something."

I tensed my muscles and squeezed my legs together harder. He jerked my foot back, making me lose my balance, his hand cupping my pussy as he caught me. I shrieked. "Fucking perv, stop touching me!" I heard a faint chuckle, mostly drowned out by the noise.

His fingers gently explored my soft folds. Any movements I made now only rubbed myself against his hand. I went still. He seemed to take that as encouragement, pressing a finger to my entrance and pushing. It slid in with far too little resistance. Apparently, all this bumping and touching had worked me up.

My face heated while his finger casually stroked in and out, soon joined by another digit, both of them swirling around inside me. I was tense but otherwise still, hoping he'd have his fun and get bored if I didn't react, or maybe the crowd would start thinning and he'd have to stop.

He pumped my pussy to the beat of the nearest music. It sounded like a fast-paced fight scene: thump, thump, thump. Thrust, thrust, thrust. His thumb joined the action and rubbed my clit. I had to be dripping all over his hand by now, my thighs trembling, my breath quick and short. My knees probably would have collapsed if he wasn't holding me up.

He was thrumming my clit like a guitar, the deep bass all around us echoing in my chest. The music sped up. So did he. A choir that sounded like Latin. My hips jerked sporadically, my inner muscles grabbing at his fingers. I couldn't be this turned on. I refused to be so aroused by this asshole's assault.

My body didn't give a fuck. Well, I supposed it literally did, humping wildly at his hand as he coaxed a maddening orgasm from my unwilling flesh. I could imagine his satisfied male smirk as my traitorous pussy twitched and squished all over his hand. At least he couldn't hear my pathetic whimpers and moans too.

"Ooh, your pussy liked that," he said. I bit back another moan.

His fingers finally slid out of me, wiping himself on my thigh. I was relieved, my body going limp, my muscles relaxing. That is, until I felt his cock pressing insistently at my dripping slit. It was unmistakably his cock—large, warm, velvety soft and hard. He rubbed the tip through my juices, up and down.

I renewed my struggles frantically, though my legs were exhausted. "What the fuck are you doing?! Stop!"

He either ignored me or didn't hear me, pulling at my hips as he pushed into me. Anyone could turn around and see him fucking me, but no one was looking at us.

I yelled and flailed, but he held me firm, sliding deeper into me no matter how I protested. He grunted, lifted my hips higher, and drove the entirety of his shaft into my body with one last hard thrust.

I gasped at the invasion. I was impaled on a random creep's cock in the middle of a crowd. I was getting raped where hundreds of people could see me. And honestly, if they did, how many would think I'd asked for it, dressed the way I was?

He set a steady pace in and out of my throbbing passage, his shaft slick with my fluids, my body prepped and ready for his invasion. Every stroke made me want another, made me want to scream.

With the loud music, and everyone around us screaming, no one paid attention to my shouts. My assailant seemed to time his thrusts with the bass, ensuring my cries and moans were lost in the noise.

His groaning in my ear was just as obscene as the slippery feeling between my legs. He alternated between sucking on my neck and nibbling my ear as his speed increased. My inner walls tightened. His fingers fumbled for my clit, found it, and rubbed me as quickly as he was fucking me.

I screamed in both pleasure and horror, my pussy spasming uncontrollably. I was cumming on this bastard's cock. No, ah, fuck, no, ohh...

"Oh, yeah. I'm about to fill you up, princess," he panted into my ear.

"No!" I shrieked and strained against his firm hold. He had to pull out—I wasn't on birth control. "You can't! Please don't! Please!"

He grunted, ramming his bare cock deep inside my twitching flesh, his shaft swelling. I still couldn't pull away, crying out and yelling as heat pooled in my belly, as rope after rope of hot cum shot into the back of my tunnel.

He was cumming inside me. Oh, no. Oh, fuck, it felt so good, so warm. I couldn't help squeezing his spasming cock as he thrust the last of his seed into my fertile pussy. He held himself deep inside me for a moment, slapping my ass before he relaxed.

"Mmm, yeah. Thanks for the ride," he mumbled before slipping out of me. Our fluids dripped onto my thighs. He finally let go of my wrists, my whip falling to the ground.

I twisted around to smack him, but the crowd moved again right then. All I saw was a glimpse of brown hair and a mask before we were jostled and shoved apart. He slipped away, and I stumbled along to keep from falling over and getting trampled.

I covered my crotch as I was pushed face-first against a wall. I could only see backpacks and shoulders, all smashed together without an inch of space to squeeze through.

Cum oozed out between my sore pussy lips. I winced. I had to get to a bathroom, at least. I elbowed a backpack, kicked a few legs. Everyone ignored me.

The mass of bodies moved again, flattening me on the wall, a large hand landing on my waist. Maybe it was an accident, but not for long. The hand slid lower, grabbing my butt. Then I felt a body press harder at my back and the stiff length of an engorged cock on my ass.

This guy didn't say a word. After a quick feel of my soaking wet opening, his fingers plunged in and he started fucking me with his hand. I swatted at him but I couldn't see him except for a glimpse of a cape that would easily cover his activities. My yelling was just a part of the crowd's noise.

When his hand disappeared and was replaced by the hot flesh of his shaft, I heard the announcer:

"Ready for round two?! Remember, we have ten more rounds after this!"

The crowd screamed.

The cock stabbed into me, thrusting away vigorously, squashing my breasts again the wall. I really hoped I wasn't going to be fucked ten more times.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I loved it. I keep looking for part 2. More please. There's supposed to be more "drawings", so more parts.

UncleBullyUncleBully7 months ago

Ever thought of writing longer stories?

Elle4u2useElle4u2use8 months ago


So good

Im so wet

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

My wife found this and we both enjoyed it tremendously. It was well-written and erotic. My wife related well to the girl in your story. Several decades ago my wife, then she was just my girlfriend, would ride the subways around the capitols of Europe when we were on vacation there.

I would stand a few feet away as other men swarmed her, groped her and many times fucked her. She never wore panties or a bra and she wore sexy, but loose fitting clothing. She has been ‘raped’ over twenty times and we both loved it! She actually orgasmed each time!

My wife loved your story. Please write a sequel!

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