Raven Nevermourn Ep. 010: HEXED OF KIN


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"You're convinced this other woman is your Mother?" Hector invited himself yet again.

"Grandma said she was. Why didn't she...say hi?" Raven teared up, it was just now hitting...home.

"Scared? She did abandon you Raven." Jody pointed out.

"Maybe! That or...she fears me now that I have this stupid mark."

"I wonder if they have that same mark?"

"Could be!" Raven shrugged at Jody, "It would make sense. Why did I get it on my 18th. birthday?"

"Curse carry over?"

"Maybe your Mother was protecting you by giving you up." Gwen concluded, "As a Mother I'd do anything to protect my child if there was any possibility of danger. I'd qualify this Argus as a danger wouldn't you?"

"So why didn't he come get me long before now?"

"Because you had to be of a certain age." Hector chimed in, "The mark appearing on you was the bait that reeled him in."

"Also makes sense." The redhead agreed. "This all gives me a headache."

"Please don't grow horns." Jody winked.

"Thanks!" Raven rolled her eyes, "They would match my tail when it arrives." As if a switch turning on she turned to Gwen and the boys. "Oh! Hector? Your neighbor is dead, he and his chihuahua. Argus took the dad over and threw him up in the tree dead, we got him down while you guys were gone."

"Frank Skinner? Only one I know on this street that has a dog."

"Son? Argus took over his son too but went away."

"Right! Frank's wife is dead, raising his son Jeffrey alone. Well he did, the boy started college this year. Somewhat independent!"

"Argus said Jeffrey would be a future serial killer." Jody added.

"Oh that's ducky." Gwen sighed.

"I buried his dog Tiny in the back yard. Can you believe when I was with Grandma back there fighting Argus that the dog came to life and attacked Argus?"

"Tell Daddy about his garden gnome." Jody snickered, "So cool. It was like watching Chucky."

"Yeah! Not sure how but the gnome came to life and punched the heck out of Argus. It was funny in a twisted kind of way." Raven giggled. "I use the gnome as a head stone for Tiny. I think...I own a dog now."

"And a gnome." Jody snickered then realized something funny, "Guardian gnome instead of garden gnome."

"That's cute!"

"I need sleep." Gwen yawned, "Boys? Can you just let me nap a few hours without talking about rock bands?"

"Do our best! We don't sleep so..." Brandon confessed to her misfortune.

"Of course you don't. Babies keep a mother up all night."

"Was I that bad?" Jody frowned.

"Of course not Honey! You were an angel."

Raven flared her eyes at the word knowing Jody could grow wings. What was even more eye raising was the fact that as Gwen walked out of the bedroom she caught a glimpse of more wings. Now Momma Alonzo was sporting feathers of light that only Raven seemed to be able to see.

"I could use a nap too." Raven curled up next to her luggage.

"I'll stand guard." Jody stretched over Raven and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams." Good thing the guys didn't hear her say that or they would have teamed up in singing Sweet Dreams by Annie Lennox and the Eurythmics. Gwen would have pulled her hair out.

"That's my motto." Grotto possibly!

Said the Succubus!


Jeffrey Dean Skinner returned home from a full day of classes to find his dad's car still in the garage. Concluding Frank had played hooky from work he went into his home and made a sandwich. With no dog to greet him he wondered if maybe it was sleeping with his dad. No TV on Jeff lightly knocked on his dad's door, it being ajar creaked open enough to peer in.


In his stupor of having Argus take over his body in the wee hours his brain omitted the fact and considered it as a weird dream he had. Frank not answering but obviously covered up Jeff opted to let him rest. As soon as he closed the door he caught a whiff of decay. How he missed it just walking into the house was beyond him. Rushing back in he pulled the covers away and stared at his Father's corpse. Right where Granny had repositioned him to cover Raven and Jody's tracks after tossing him in his back yard. The shock of finding him deceased Jeff sat on the bed and placed a hand on Frank's arm. While he should be crying he seemed...content.

Hearing a doorbell Jeff jumped and grabbed a can of air freshener from the bathroom and utilized it all through the bedroom, the hall and clear up to the front door. Peeking through the door's peep hole he noticed a young woman walking away. A very beautiful young woman with dark hair to her shoulders and pale complexion. Her black hot pants and cut off concert t-shirt for the band Cannibal Corpse caught his eye. Opening the door he dared to ask, "Can I help you?" She had him at Corpse! The Cannibal part was intriguing!

Turning back she smiled at him and skipped up to the front step, brilliant jubilant breasts dancing about with each jolt. Crop a feel why don't you? Yes crop top.

"Hello! I heard there was a cute boy living here. I'm new to the neighborhood. Did you hear about the craziness out here earlier?"

"What? No! What happened?"

"School bus full of young girls was hijacked and ended up on the street over there. Cops were everywhere. Even a news chopper."

"Wow! Really?" He looked suspicious.

"I took video. Wanna see?" She hopped closer her 36C's vibrantly bouncing with no bra on. Extending her cell she let Jeffrey witness the cops shooting at one another, blood splatter everywhere. Screams of young girls making him actually grin. The inner killer was intrigued!

"Wasn't that...awesome?" She bubbled up. "I'm Dahlia!" A greedy hand shot toward him for a first contact.

"Jeff Skinner." He shook her hand as she feigned a blush. "I love Cannibal Corpse!"

"Me too! Death metal is my jam."

"Same! Wanna come in and listen to some? I made a killer playlist."

"Do you live alone?"

"I do now."

"Love to!"

Brushing up against him he felt her nipples drag across his chest and whimpered. Dad who?

Love was in the lair.

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 2 years agoAuthor

I would say she's a foe but that could change. She might just admire Raven further down the road to Hell. Keep in mind this... Dahlia is sneaky and has read into some very forbidden books. Her knowledge might just come in handy. Raven could even help Dahlia reunite with her own mother. Just hang in there my friend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dahlia? Jesus christ that's a pretty name. I might name my own little baby girl Dahlia when i finally meet her and hold her in my arms in the future, need to fall in love and get married to a lady with a golden heart first before becoming a father lol!

Anyways, What might this new girl's intentions be tho? Is she a friend or a foe? I sure hope she doesn't clash with Raven and her friends in the coming chapters, i hate seeing gorgeous women bleed i really do. Maybe it is inevitable, is your mind already made up MR SZENSEI?

Storms brewing on the horizon always do make me nervous.

SZENSEISZENSEIalmost 3 years agoAuthor

Plenty more on the way. Raven goes monthly starting in September. I only release 12 to 13 stories a month on my various series so now and then Raven might skip 1 month in favor of a series that has not seen a new release in a long while..It becomes a puzzle fitting in series with only so much room to set it in. Thank you for taking the time to be a fan of Raven. I wish more people would notice her. Of all my series this one is taking off way too slowly. I love writing Raven so even if you become the only reader ill write her for you snd I. Lol. Look for chapter 11 :REAPERcussions early to mid September. Welcome to my world. ...ZEN

LadyCourtesanLadyCourtesanalmost 3 years ago

Looking forward to more...

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