Reactions 04 - No, No and F***king No

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Someone chases after my wife at work.
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(Writers Note: Okay, its been a while since I wrote a story, I have been busy reading the stories on here instead of writing. And yes real life does exist and it does get in the way. So this short story is yet another often used plot on Lit where the wife/husband is being chased and deals with temptation in the form of a business woman or hunky male colleague.

My stories rarely go where the wannabe cucks or out and out cucks want them to go so don't jump to any conclusions just yet.

Just for those people who have not read my previous stories, I do not write "cuck" stories I go against the trend and don't write about popular "Hotwife" and "willing cuck" stories. I maintain that cuck/Hotwife lifestyles are great for the wife absolutely crap for the cuck husband but that's just my opinion. But I'm selfish and wouldn't ever share my wife. And vice versa.

If you want a story with those characters in it look elsewhere, you won't find it here.

One last thing, a big thank you to my followers and any other readers who like my stories and vote accordingly. If you don't like my stories, well I write the stories I like to read, if anyone else, even one other person likes my stories then I am happy with that, I know I'm easy to please.

Writing a story is relatively new to me and actually making a story that makes any sense to anyone is sometimes difficult, so apologises in advance. Okay rant over on with the story.)

Reactions: #4- No, No, f**king NO.


My name is Gary Smith and I have been married for 30 years to my beautiful Mexican wife Luisa, we don't have a any children, by choice, I work in a warehouse as a shift supervisor, my wife works for the chairman of a medical company, she is basically the head personal assistant, she is in charge of five other PA's and assists five managers, she is a highly experienced and qualified professional Personal Assistant.

Luisa is five feet four inches tall with long black hair and a beautiful body that she work's hard to maintain by going to the gym and taking part in exercises at the gym, one activity is boxing, to keep fit. Most people don't know she is fifty years old, the same age as me, most people think we are both in our early forties, we let people think what they want.

We met thirty years ago in a bar in Mexico. I was on holiday back packing around Central and Southern America. One night I walked into a hotel to find a room and be gone the next day. Well there behind the bar was Luisa Alonso, my future wife, it really was a case of our eyes meeting across a crowded bar, and it truly was love at first sight.

I won't go into too many details, but we just clicked, we talked, we danced, she taught me how to serve beers and make cocktails and cook basic tasty Mexican food. I met her family, her two brothers, her parents and their extended family.

They accepted me and took me in. I spent a month working in the bar and helping out Luisa. During that time we fell in love, and when I announced I had to go back home to England, Luisa insisted she was coming with me.

Her parents argued with her and accused me of stealing their daughter, but strangely her brothers sided with me, which is a good thing, Marcus the older brother, is six foot three inches tall and very broad shouldered, Luisa's younger brother, Anthony, is six foot two inches tall and just as big as his brother.

They understood their sister loved me and they wanted her to be happy, and as Marcus said, he would love to see London. Well a year later he and all Luisa's family and my family met in a hotel in London to see us getting married.

Life has been good to us, there has been no real dramas in our lives, we moved into a small one bedroomed house in Oxford, with help from my parents we got a mortgage and both of us got jobs, Luisa went to secretarial college and soon got a job working for a small accountancy company. I started working in various engineering warehouses, and got a diploma in engineering.

Time has moved on, the years rolling by, we have both progressed in our jobs and now we live in a rural town about an hours drive from London where my wife works, I work in a warehouse that sells car parts, its not the most challenging job, but I know my job and get on well with the staff, plus the pay is good.

I work out occasionally at the gym but due to my job I am strong, broad shouldered and fit. I am average height and average every where else, body wise.

Now I freely admit I am very selfish when it comes to the idea of "sharing" my wife with anyone. And likewise she is just as selfish. We do not need to "Swing" or "Share" or allow someone else to get involved in our marriage. We have known friends who were in the swinging and sharing lifestyle but when it was evident we had no inclination to get involved they moved on to people in their lifestyle.

For the record, Luisa and I have sex and make love very regularly, sometimes after reading the "Romance" category on Lit sometimes watching porn on the Internet. We get each other off and we both take care of each others sexual needs. If we want to try something different we do it by mutual consent.

We have tried Role-playing, we have sex in risky places and in every position we can think of, Luisa uses her sex toys when I'm not around and if she is horny or when she stays overnight we facetime each other and she always sends me a video of her doing so.

And yes once, just once we tried the "pickup" game. But the wrong man tried to "pick" my wife up, he ended up in hospital, not me my wife did it. I was very proud to bail her out. Apparently the man got the wrong idea about seeing a beautiful Mexican woman alone in a restaurant, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

I know it sounds like the perfect marriage, well to us and our friends and family it is. I have met Luisa's boss, Stephen, on several occasions and I like him he might be a multi billionaire but you wouldn't know it the way he dresses, and his wife, Amanda, is the same they are a down to earth church and charity going couple.

And although I'm not religious we have attended their church services and occasionally when Stephen and Luisa are away on a business trip Amanda and I go out somewhere and keep each company, Amanda is a good looking slim sixty year old woman, in an earlier life she was a model and she still carries herself like one.

Stephen is a tall well built man with thin grey hair and a noticeable paunch. But he is still in good shape. Stephen is very strict about couples staying couples, he does not tolerate any man going after a married woman in his company.

Single unattached women in the office are fair game, but any executive or male office worker asking for a date from a married or any attached female employee, that male employee would end up in the post room for a couple of months, if they persist then they are told leave the company without references and all the companies are told about their misdeeds.

My wife has told me over the past year three young executives have started with the company but soon left because they either chased after or got too close to the married women in the office, however the married women are also made aware their participation in any extra marital affairs are also not tolerated So that is the background to our lives and how we live them.

Generally I get home first, we share the cooking throughout the week and tonight was my evening to cook, in my case it was putting frozen chips and frozen fish steaks into the oven and then feed our tabby cat, Misty.

Everything was cooking, Misty was purring on my lap as I watched a quiz programme. My wife came through the front door called out my name, "Gary? Is everything ready?"

I lifted the cat off my lap and walked into the kitchen, I stopped dead in my tracks, there was Luisa leaning against the kitchen table...completely naked, her clothes were in pile at her feet.

"Gary, the chips take thirty minutes to cook the fish steaks take twenty minutes to cook, so get your clothes off and make love to your wife..." she said this as she touched her breasts and vagina.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and my hard cock lead the way.

I am taller than my wife and obviously broader. I easily picked her up and sat her on the table and kissed her lips, our tongues quickly finding each others. Luisa clung to me and pressed her vagina against my cock and I soon felt her juices coating my cock.

"Gary, thank you for the photos of your cock bb, I could hardly stop touching myself, that's why I'm so wet bb, I went to the bathroom bb and stroked my clit, but don't worry I didn't cum, I saved it for you my love, but as soon as you put your cock inside me I'm going to cover your cock in my juices, so Gary my love, fuck me, fuck me hard my love..." she gasped between kisses.

"Luisa, my love, thank you for sending those photos of your sexy body, you are so sexy my love, now take my cock my love..." as I said this I held Luisa's arse cheeks and pulled her onto my cock.

Without much finesse I thrust my cock inside my wife, we kissed and bit each others necks and shoulders, as I moved inside her, and true to her word Luisa's vaginally juices covered my cock and that helped me fuck her harder, this was not a gentle love making session, all day we had been texting each other, the texts and short videos of each others naked bodies.

Its something we do a lot, we have been doing it for years. Yes we occasionally almost get caught, but I think for both of us that is part of the excitement.

Luisa leaned back and cupped her breasts, I didn't need an invite, I bent over her and kissed and licked her breasts and sucked on her nipples making her moan and she started thrusting her vagina against my cock, we soon had a rhythm going and both of us were very red and very sweaty and yes both us were very turned on.

My pace increased I was now really fucking my wife hard and fast and she loved it, calling out my name as I moved her across the table. Our focus was just on us nothing else mattered, finally I couldn't take anymore of her squeezing my cock with her vagina.

Luisa climaxed first squirting over my cock and the table, one final thrust and I climaxed too, this triggered another climax in my wife. I lay there resting with my head resting on Luisa's breasts, she in turn stroked and touched my back and shoulders.

Eventually I stood up and after gently kissing each other on the lips we went hand in hand to the bathroom, we shared a shower and made gentle love to each other as the water covered our bodies.

We slept naked curled around each other both very satisfied, tommorow was Saturday we both had the weekend off. We both slept soundly and both woke refreshed.

We both put on our dressing gowns, as always England can be chilly in the morning even in the summer so no walking around naked. We shared the shower and after putting on our dressing gowns made our way to the kitchen Luisa sat at the kitchen table as I cooked bacon and eggs on toast.

As we ate we talked about our time at work and who was doing anything they shouldn't have been doing, and those people who we thought did well, Luisa mentioned a new executive, Andrew Jenkins.

Jokingly I asked "Is he tall, dark and handsome?"

"Well Gary, funny you should say that, because he is tall, dark and handsome" she said with a smile.

"Really? Should I be worried?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't be silly, you know Stephen wouldn't tolerate any nonsense, he has apparently bedded a few of the single women, but so far he hasn't gone after any married women, and anyway, I have you I don't need any one else."

Luisa leant over towards me kissed me on the lips and stood up, she undid her dressing gown and it dropped to the floor, she then knelt in front of me undid my dressing gown and kissed my hardening cock, she looked at me and sucked my cock to its full length, she then stood up kissed me, her tongue slipping into my mouth and rubbed her vagina against my cock.

I felt her wetness on my cock and a few seconds later felt her vagina on my cock as she slid down and took it all inside her, I will say this I fill my wife completely, both with length and girth.

Still kissing me she rode my cock bouncing up and down as she did so, Luisa's beautiful breasts we rubbing against my chest, Luisa started off doing all the work but I couldn't resist and took hold of her arse and started thrusting in and out of her vagina.

We were both hot and getting hotter, we kissed, licked and fucked each other hard and fast, this was sex at it most basic, two people fucking, but also madly in love.

I don't know how long we fucked, but Luisa climaxed first, and I quickly followed, we clung to each and slowly kissed each saying I love you to each other as we came down off our high.

Finally she looked deep into my eyes, "Gary, you are the love of my life, you are my best friend and my world, this body is yours my love, these breasts are yours my love, this vagina is yours my love, no one else will ever have this body. And besides, you my love are tall, dark and handsome. So never think I will do anything stupid and go looking for something else."

"Thank you my love, I'm yours too, I'm the luckiest man alive, Luisa, thank you for being who you are." I said with my voice full of love for this beautiful sexy woman.

I held he against me then stood up with her legs wrapped around my waist. Her head rested on my shoulders and I carried her upstairs. Everything in the kitchen could wait until the morning.

As I carried my wife upstairs I felt her gently moving her vagina against my again hard cock, I didn't mention it, but when we got to the bedroom and the bed I gently laid her down on her back, she looked up at me and smiled, "This time make love to me."

I did, we did and we fell asleep in each others arms.

Sunday morning we just lazed around the house, both of us doing our allotted house work. Luisa wore shorts and an old t-shirt of mine it was too big for her and it kept slipping off her shoulder.

The day was filled with humour, light hearted banter and towards the end of the day my wife riding my cock as we made love on the sofa. All in all a good weekend.

On Monday morning we both got ready for work, we have our own cars, I drive a blue ford fiesta my wife drives a sporty Mazda MX-5. We work in opposite ends of the county.

We had breakfast together my wife wore her usual trouser suit outfit, my wife dresses for the occasion, and work for her is a serious matter and she dresses seriously, no mini skirts of white see through tops, at least not at work.

I wear old jeans old t-shirts and steel toe capped boots. We kissed each other goodbye got into our cars and headed off to work.

Warehouse work is fairly routine and can be tedious sometimes, but over the years I have learnt to do my job not worry too much about any problems that might occur and then go home, the team I am with is an experienced teams and they know their jobs, I just push them in the right direction.

Six o'clock came around quickly as today there was a lot of stock to put away, bit we got the job done. As I got into my car to drive home my phone notified me I had a text message. I looked at it.

"Gary, come to my work place, you need to deal with someone or I will deal him permanently, by the way I told him you were very possessive of me and a borderline psycho. See you soon kisses."

It was obvious who Luisa was talking about. Where my wife works is about twenty minutes away. I also received a message from Stephen.

"Security standing by, your wife is handling the situation but you need to be here soon, I know she has already text you.."

I was soon at the door of the building and one of the security guards that knew me smiled at me and opened the door.

"Gary, try not to break anything too badly, bones, yes, furniture no..." he said with a laugh.

"Don't worry, John, I'm just here to back up my wife, however if the arsehole starts anything I will finish it." I said with a mock serious expression.

My wife's office is on the second floor I took the stairs instead of the lift. All the offices are open plan with only glass dividers between them. Most but not all the staff in in office were still there working, apparently there was a big project and Stephen wanted it finished tonight.

Many people in the building know me and as I walked towards Stephens office and the desk where my wife worked they moved out of my way.

It took me two seconds to size up the arsehole, he was as tall as me and had a gym body, he obviously takes care of himself, he had an immaculate beard that looked a lot of maintenance, he had a shirt and tie and a suit jacket on.

He was sat on my wife's desk leaning towards her. I could tell he was trying to ask or tell her something and I could see she was basically ignoring him. As I got closer to them I heard him say,

"Luisa, I can treat you so much better than your warehouse worker husband, I earn more money than him in commission." He tried reaching out to touch my wife.

She instantly stood up, she looked up and saw me standing about a foot away from them my arms crossed.

"Listen arsehole, I have no intention of going anywhere with you for lunch or anything else, I am not going fuck you or let you get close enough to touch me, you repulse me, any man who goes after a married woman is sick, you need help, go see a shrink and tell him why you chase after married women, and for your information my husband is a warehouse manager he is in charge of three hundred people. More importantly he is very protective of me and that's just how I like it, now I will tell you politely, get off my desk walk away now and never talk to me again about anything personal."

She again looked up at me but didn't say anything to me, "And for your information, my boss and your boss are personal friends with me and my husband and trust me if I let my husband loose on you no one in the building will see anything and once my husband has finished with you it will be my turn, anything he leaves of you I will mop up and get rid of, plus you won't have a job and Stephen is very well connected you will end up working in a burger joint."

The arsehole obviously had nothing to say, he was obviously shocked and angry by her response, for a moment he just sat there, then suddenly stood up and did the one thing he should have never done, he grabbed Luisa's arm and pulled her towards him so she was stretched across the desk. He started to say something while putting his face next to hers, but Luisa spoke first.

"Arsehole meet my husband," she smiled at him.

He turned around and saw me approaching him, too late he tried to let go of my wife's arm. My fist connected with his chin as Luisa pulled him across the desk. I admit it was a bit harder than I intended, he was out cold for a few moments.

Luisa walked quickly around the desk and kissed me hard on the lips, she put her arms around me and appeared to have no intention of letting me go.

The silence in the office was broken by Stephen and his wife and two security guards walking towards us, Stephen spoke first,

"Gary, well done, many husbands have apparently been wanting to do that, your wife is correct, nothing happened here except this man being fired for sexual harassment, and yes my friends in other companies will accept my view of things, he won't work again in this city or possibly this country."

He smiled and shook my hand and then shook my wife's hand. His wife then hugged Luisa and said, "Luisa, you did very well, the case against that arsehole is water tight. I spoke to five other women who almost fell for is sales pitch, now you and your husband go home, come back fresh. In a couple of days."

I took Luisa's hand and after saying our thanks we walked out of the building and out to the car park. We kissed and hugged and both got into our cars. I followed her as we headed home.