Reactions 06 - No and Fucking Hell No

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A loving wife loses focus on her marriage.
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Reactions #06


These "Reaction" stories are stand alone short stories or scenes and are not connected, apart from a husband dealing with a situation.

This is my version of the cliché ridden story of a wife saying "We need to talk.."

It's a short story, if you want something longer look elsewhere. Nothing too in depth here and not much sex. But there is a loving wife and there is a loving husband.

If you want a stroke story or a BTB story look elsewhere, a wife does get burned just not the main characters wife.

Most of my stories are about a husband or wife intervening to stop the problem before it goes too far, this is one of those stories.

One last thing, no wives get burned at the stake. Even if they are gullible and a bit naive.


My wife of 30 years has asked me to come home early because she wanted to discuss something with me and no, she hasn't given me a clue about this discussion.

Okay, short background to my life. My name is Gary Smith, I am 50 years old and in good physical condition, I work in a warehouse as a shift supervisor. Many people think I'm younger than my 50 years, although, people are usually wrong by five years. The work is very labour intensive and it keeps me fit and strong.

My wife, Corinne, is a PA to Suzanne, who is a managing director and owner of an IVF company. My wife has been there 5 years. Corinne is also 50 years old, but looks 10 years younger.

Both of us go to the gym regularly and we both watch our diets and watch what we drink. Our sex life is varied and very regular, at least 3 or 4 times a week, and yes, we like try new positions. We role-play, we exchange fantasies involving pop stars, sports stars, hell even weather forecasters.

But, at the end of the day, it's her and me and no one else. Yes, we have both been tempted over the years but we have never broken any vows.

My wife, Corinne, is a beautiful mature woman. She is short with curves in all the right places with short dark hair and medium sized breasts.

She can look very classy when going out for an evening, but she is a casual dresser, like me. Most days and nights out, we wear jeans and t-shirts or shirts in her case.

It doesn't matter what she wears, she always looks beautiful, and yes, even at her age, younger men hit on her, but we deal with it. We never let things get out of hand. She is polite to everyone, but she does not accept any nonsense. She is friendly, but never crosses any lines.

I am a straight forward person. I treat people how I expect to be treated. If I don't like someone, its normally because they are big headed, boastful, a bully or just downright rude. I seriously hate people that brag about how important they think they are.

Of course life always throws a Spanner in the works. That spanner is a woman called Judy Williams, she is a 40 years old married woman, she is married to Geoff Williams who is also 40 years old, Judy is a work colleague of my wife. It's because of her I'm driving home early. I have been waiting and watching for this particular talk and yes, I have been informed about the topic of this "talk".

So, I drove home and parked in our drive behind my wife's car, I half expected a strange car to be parked un the drive. I walked into the house and called out, "Corinne, I'm home, where are you?"

"Gary, I'm in the kitchen, take your jacket off and drop your rucksack on the hall table." She said coming out of the kitchen.

She handed me a beer, she had a glass of wine in her other hand.

"Gary, come and sit down, I have something to ask you and I must stress, I am asking you not telling you. I hope you understand this. I want your approval and will not do anything without your approval."

I was a bit confused by that statement, but I did as she said and sat down.

We sat opposite each other, for the first time in many years Corinne looked nervous.

"Gary, I have, an opportunity, to do something, and it involves me and another person, but, that person isn't you." She said looking more and more nervous.

"Okay, so what exactly is this "thing" you are going to do?" I said carefully.

"Well, it's like this, there is a friend from work, Judy. You remember her from the Christmas party?" she said in a guarded way.

"Yes, I remember her, the woman who arrived with her husband, but then spent the entire evening ignoring her husband, Geoff," I said remembering how embarrassed her husband was and how Judy had gloated about being able to dance with any man she wanted except her husband. I did wonder at the time why he accepted it.

(The Christmas party)

At the party, Judy, kept getting annoyed when I wouldn't accept her invitations to dance. Judy is tall, and elegant and slim, she is also an ex model. She has long legs, a tight arse and enhanced breasts, nothing huge, but they get her noticed. Everything about her body makes anyone notice her.

Especially when she wears a short, practically see thru tight mini dress, as she did that night. I did ask her why she wasn't dancing with her husband, she said,

"He let's me dance with other men because he can't dance, or won't dance with me. He knows I will go home with him and fuck his brains out after all those men get me hot, it's a pity you will miss your turn to help me get hot, but your wife is gorgeous. So, I understand why you are reluctant to dance with me. By the way, I would keep an eye on her, I know when someone is being chased," She said looking at me and smirking.

I was little bit puzzled, was it a warning? I didn't say anything I just looked over and saw my wife talking to her boss, Suzanne and her husband David, there was no chance anyone would make a move on my wife with her boss next to her.

With that, Judy walked away, swinging her hips for my benefit. She was soon dancing with another man, while Geoff, looked into space while drinking his beer.

When we got home I asked Corinne about Judy and her husband and their relationship.

"Well, as you already know, Judy flirts and dances and generally makes out with other men, but never has full sex with them, she gets hot and goes home with her husband and fucks him, apparently it's good for both of them."

That statement made by my wife, did concern me at the time, but I trusted my wife not to get involved with anything like that, and to be honest, its none of my business if a husband accepts his wife is or will cheat on him, with or without his consent. I never will give my consent my wife knows this, or she should.

But I was curious, so after that evening, I went looking for Geoff to find out the real story and boy, I did get the real story.


So, as Geoff had predicted, when we talked last week, his wife has persuaded my wife to do something that involves Judy and understandably that makes me very nervous. Time to tell my wife some home truths.

I looked at my wife, "I certainly remember Judy, and I remember our conversation afterwards. You said she gets hot turning on men, then fucks her husband. However, a few days after that party, I had an interesting talk with Geoff. We have talked quite a few times over the past couple of weeks since the party."

I paused to let this information sink in.

"Apparently he gets nothing out of her flirting and teasing other men. In fact, he hasn't had sex with his wife for 3 years. He is staying married until his kids are 18, then he is going to divorce his wife. His kids are now 15 and 16 years old and they know that their father is going to leave their mother. They also know the marriage is dead as Geoff and Judy sleep in separate bedrooms. They have for known for 3 year's."

My wife looked stunned. This was obviously news to her,

"Geoff is a successful businessman who owns a multi million pound company, he is not going to give that up to his cheating wife, apparently everything is now in a trust fund for his kids, when they divorce Judy won't be able to touch his company, he sold the company to his PA, Andrea, he still works for the company but just as a CEO, yes Judy will get her fair share of anything else she wants, materially, but Geoff will be free of his cheating wife and he gets to keep his job, and between you and me, his PA is comforting him." I said to my stunned wife.

"Gary, I really didn't know. I thought her life was perfect, a husband who doted on her, kids who adored her, and she told me she had great sex with her husband. Honestly Gary, she paints a completely different picture to what you have just told me."

She looked down at her hands and visibly shook herself.

"Gary, I was going to do something that was completely stupid. I have to admit I did believe her lies, and yes the idea of having fun on a night out with the women from work, is appealing. But Gary, I would never cheat on you. If I wanted to fuck another man, I would ask you, I would never do anything without your consent. Honestly, thinking about it now, I would tell you and I would expect you to slap my face and divorce me."

I had to smile, "You know I would never slap you. Maybe slap your arse, but not your face, and yes I would divorce you. So, let me get this straight, the idea was you get hot by dancing and getting close to other men, maybe a little grab arse and maybe your breasts get felt up and last but not least your vagina gets felt up, but you would then claim it wasn't actually sex because no one got inside you, and you would bring that hot feeling back to me? Is that the gist of what she told you to do to spice up our sex life?" I asked in a normal tone of voice. I was trying hard not to lose my self control.

"Gary, yes, that's what she convinced me to do or at least think about it. Do you know something? I really need to see a shrink, I could have done something so stupid and so ridiculous and for what? Getting horny and then get you to make love to me, Gary I really think I need to make an appointment with a professional."

She put her head in her hands and cried. I let her cry so she could come to terms with how stupid she has been.

After about five minutes, I finished my beer and got up and poured us both a glass of wine. I put one in front of her.

"Alright, enough crying, you were fooled by a master manipulator. Geoff told me she has corrupted several women, and they have all been divorced by their husbands. I bet she didn't tell you that either. Honestly, I thought you were clever enough to see through bullshit like this, and honestly, did you really think I would let you do this? In all our married life, when have I ever said I would let you be groped and fingered and made hot by another man or men? The answer is never, and if you had asked me the answer would be HELL FUCKING NO!!!"

I shouted those last words to make my point and make it perfect clear where I stand.

"Gary, I'm so sorry. I got swept up in the fantasy, and yes I really am that stupid, please Gary, please forgive me? You are my life, I love you forever. Can you please help me and help fix this fucked up cluster fuck I have caused?"

She sipped her wine and looked at me with such helplessness that my heart gave in. Yes, I am soft hearted and yes, when it comes to my wife, I will try to protect her. Even though I probably shouldn't, and even how stupid she is.

"Okay, first things first, and this is non negotiable, you do not speak or in any other possible way contact that bitch, except with my express permission and I am with you as you do it! Second, I want you to block her phone number and any social media you are connected to her must also be blocked! Do you understand me? You and her are finished as friends."

"Yes, Gary, consider it done."

I stood behind her and watched her block Judy on her phone and then email and social media.

"Good, now tomorrow when you are at work, talk to your HR department. I want you to change departments. You always said you wanted a different role. I know your boss will still be your boss, after all its mostly her company, she can do as she wants, so I'm sure she can find something for you. I want you nowhere near that bitch."

"Gary, thank you, you do know I would have never done anything without your approval. I know I'm definitely not the smartest person in the world, but I am not a cheater. You know that don't you?" she said softly.

"Well, that remains to be seen, the fact you even thought about this absurd idea makes me wonder what else you might do."

She stood up and hugged me.

"Gary, I love you forever, please believe me. I am stupid, I considered doing something stupid, but my love for you is real. It always has been and always will be."

"Look, Corinne, I know you love me, and I know you almost did something stupid, but Geoff gave me the heads up on what was going on. So, truth be told, I had a good idea what you planned to ask me. I just wanted you to squirm a bit. However, going forward, I will be watching you and watching how you interact with people. So be prepared for me to ask where you are or where you are going and with whom."

My wife smiled, "Gary, you can have access to my phone, my emails, my work phone and we already share our social media, so that isn't a problem. I will tell you everything you need to know, I promise to never let you down again. But Gary, please do one thing for me, if I ever do anything so stupid again please get me checked into a mental hospital, because I really would have gone and be completely mad."

We both smiled at that.

"Yes, you have my word, I will lock you up and make sure they throw away the key."

We both finished our wine, Corinne seemed to hesitate, not sure what to do, I took her hand.

"You can start apologising to me properly by fucking my brains out, right now. I want to cum in every hole and you will take it anyway I want. From there we will think of something else." I said in a mock stern voice.

We went upstairs and she did fuck my brains out, and she did give me every hole. After we had both cum several times, exhausted, we hugged each other in bed, my wife rested her head on my chest, almost asleep she said,

"Gary, so, as I suspected at the time, the answer to sharing me or letting me play with other people or letting them play with me is a definite no, right?"

"Corinne, listen carefully, not just no, but FUCKING HELL NO! Go to sleep because we have a busy day tommorow. We need to have a serious talk with your ex friend Judy."


The next day we went to Judy and Geoff's house. Geoff had already told me he and the kids would be out. Actually, they were looking for a new house to live in, after I had told Geoff that his wife was trying to corrupt not just my wife, but apparently several other wives. He realised it was time to get the kids away from her, at least temporarily. Geoff did say they would drop by later.

We pulled up outside their house, got out of our car and walked up to the house. My wife knocked loudly enough to shake the door. However, it took about five minutes before we saw movement.

We saw Judy through the frosted glass of the door, she came down the stairs in a dressing gown. It was midmorning, I was wondering why she wasn't dressed yet.

She opened the door and looked very surprised to see us.

"Corinne, its good to see you, but we aren't going out until tomorrow night, and um why is Gary with you?" She never saw the slap coming.

Corinne swung her arm and slapped Judy hard across her face. It was a very good connection, Judy fell back on her arse, and her dressing gown opened, her whole body was on show. It looked very red with red marks all over her body and her vagina was very red and swollen. It was definitely a just fucked vagina.

I thought quickly got out my phone and took a photo. On her breasts were finger marks. Her whole body looked like she had just had rough sex. This would certainly help Geoff in his divorce.

At that moment, a middle-aged man with practically no hair and a slight podgy stomach came down the stairs half dressed. I took another photo of the husband of my wife's and Judy's boss.

He was about to say something but stopped. He obviously realised there was nothing he could say, and it might make things worse. He carried on getting dressed. Once dressed he just stood there not really sure what to do.

Judy had finally recovered and stood up holding her face, she pulled her dressing gown tight around her body.

"Corinne, Gary, I can explain, David seduced me. He has been forcing me to have sex with him. He is blackmailing me. Please Gary, don't tell Geoff. I love him, really I do. I don't want a divorce."

The words just tumbled out. Corinne and I didn't believe a word of it, together we said,


Her countenance suddenly changed and she smiled, it did not look good on her, she looked at Corinne, "Let me guess, your husband said no to you playing around on him and getting fucked by other people. What an out of date dinosaur with outdated ideas. Lots of married women fuck around these days, and their pathetic husbands let them, just like my husband let's me play around."

She said this with arrogance.

My wife laughed, "Judy, you are an idiot. Of course I am an idiot too. I listened to you, and like a dumbass, I almost did something really stupid. My husbands reply to my request was "NO, FUCKING HELL NO," and I expected nothing less. Why I ever even considered doing anything like you are doing is beyond me. Gary is going to make an appointment with a shrink for me. Honestly I need to find out why I would be so stupid, and work out how mad I really am."

Judy's smile slipped, she looked at me, "Gary, I am very disappointed in you. You should allow your wife more freedom. Geoff let's me fuck anyone I want, as you can see. I just got fucked by my bosses husband. Now that's a twist isn't it?" she said looking at me.

"Judy, you have ruined several marriages and you are about to ruin another one. Most importantly, your own marriage is toast. So well done for being a slut and a self entitled narcissistic bitch. You are just another slut fucking around and disrespecting your husband, the man you claim to love. You are also just another out of control slut. Soon, your husband and kids will see exactly what and who you are. Suzanne is also on her way, I text her to come and see her cheating husband. So David, I suggest you and Judy try and get your stories straight, although I am sure nothing you say will make any difference." I said smiling at them both.

At that point three cars turned up, Geoff and the kids got to the house first. The kids stopped in their tracks at seeing the mother in just her dressing gown and then they looked at David who was slowly trying to slip away.

However, Suzanne arrived and was watching him. She looked at her soon to be ex husband and then looked at Judy.

"Judy, on Monday report to my office. I have a special job for you. You won't like it, but I don't care! As for you David, this nice young man standing next to me is going to hand you some documents, yes everything was already in motion, thanks to Gary. Just sign them. It's a 50/50 split, at least as far as our money goes. You won't get anything else from me."

She looked at my wife, "Corinne, we need to talk about your judgement on certain things, however, it's not me you need to prove anything to. It's your husband. Now David, accept the paperwork. We need to get this whole thing over with."

He grudgingly accepted the paperwork and the processor took a photo, "you have been served."

Then he turned to Judy, and held out another folder. Judy looked at her husband and kids.

"Judy, just take the documents. All the proof and all other details are inside. Contact a lawyer because you will need one. After today, I will never speak to you ever again. Yes we will meet because of our kids, but any interaction between us is over." Geoff said hugging his kids who looked at their mother with hatred.