Ready Ch. 02


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Phil leaned over to whisper conspiratorially to Kevin, "Don't worry, we let Marc have all the wild, out-of-control children, just look out for them and you'll be safe."

"Uncle Phiiil!" came a wail from the doorway. Abigail, Marc's oldest, called him on his ornery comment, "And to think you were my favorite uncle!"

With that Phil reached out a long arm and pulled his niece into a tight hug followed by a big tickle.

Kevin smiled. No wonder these people meant so much to Deonne. Family had arrived slowly throughout the day, coming from near and far. Only her sister, Megan, had not been able to make it.

Kevin's fears of a redneck lynching never came to pass. The only comment came as Kylie was brought up into a big bear hug by her aunt. The four year old brunette had stared with wide eyes at Kevin and leaned over to whisper loudly into Deonne's ear, "Your boyfriend is black!" and gawked back at him in amazement. Kevin wondered if she had seen very many African-Americans; he hadn't since they left the nearest city.

Deonne smiled and said, "Yes, he is. Is that okay? He's really very nice."

As the girl openly looked at him with a cross between innocence and wizened matchmaker, Kevin realized he was holding his breath, feeling a discomfort he hadn't felt since his last stare-down on the drill field at West Point.

"Yes, it's okay," she acquiesced. Kevin exhaled.

Kevin had winked at her and Kylie squeezed both her eyes closed and open rapidly, 'winking' back at him.

"Wanna see my new puppy?" The matter of race relations was officially over and Kevin was thrilled to take a back seat to a dog.

Now, as the day wound to a close, Marc stood. "Well, I don't know about you all, but it was a long drive for me, so it's time I headed for the sack," he yawned.

Eye rolling and chuckles filled the room as Marc lived next door and shared the farm with his Dad along with his vet duties, which was the real reason he was tired.

Reaching down, he pulled his sleeping daughter from Deonne's arms. "Come on Abby," he called, "time to head home and get you two to bed." With that he took his little family towards the back door.

"He's doing much better these days," Camille noted as the back door closed, referring to his recent divorce.

"Yeah, it's been a slow climb back and the girls are finally starting to accept that Mommy won't be coming home," George McNeil stated.

After that everyone started heading for bed. Deonne and Kevin had, of course, been given separate rooms, but Deonne had been pressed up next to Kevin all evening and her wet pussy was screaming for attention. She could never understand how such mild, innocent contact could turn her on so much.

As they sat jammed next to each other, she had slipped her arm around his back, feeling his lean muscular side, the muscles flexing and rolling under her hand as he laughed and talked and occasionally wiggled to get comfortable. Glancing at his hard thigh pressed up next to her smaller one, she then let her eyes slide up to his crotch hidden by the table. The urge to touch had been nearly irresistible! Perhaps it was time to introduce Kevin to farm life, well, the barn to be exact. She definitely wanted to do a little milking and it had nothing to do with cows.

"... Deonne?" her dad was trying to get her attention. Trying to not blush she looked at her father.

"You'll turn out the lights and lock up, right?"

"Sure Daddy."

With that George McNeil turned his eyes to Kevin's for a short stare-down. Kevin returned the look. Shit, if I weren't so damn horny for your daughter, it would work, he thought.

"Good-night, sir."

"Good-night, General." General had become Kevin's nickname almost upon stepping foot on the farm. They all seemed to find it amusing to mildly mock his officer status, while respecting his service. McNeil men had been volunteering in the military for generations, but none had been officers. Deonne was the first officer and the only female to ever serve and family pride was obvious.

Still mashed against his side, Deonne turned to face him, throwing one leg over his, straddling him. Feeling the table cut into her back, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her smile faded as her hunger quickly overwhelmed her. Leaning forward she touched her lips to his. His hand came up tangling in her hair, forcing her mouth tight against his as he thrust his tongue into her. Retreating and driving back into her mouth over and over, he mimicked what he so badly wanted to do with his cock.

"God," he said, pulling back and leaning his forehead on hers. They were both panting.

"General Patton, sir, I believe your baton is sticking me in my stomach."

Chuckling and shaking his head, he commented, "Deonne, you nut. At least I know now where you get it. So, let me show you what I can do with my baton." He licked her bottom lip before pulling it into his mouth and biting on it gently.

His lips connected with hers and his tongue slid inside, rubbing against hers, coaxing her to come play in his mouth. When he started running his tongue around her smaller one like he did when he licked her clit, she felt the dampness grow between her legs. His hand moved down over her back, gripping her ass and her breath grew shallow as his hardness rocked against her.

"I gotta fuck you, baby."

Getting up, she grabbed his hand, pulling him along. "The barn."

His eyebrows rose, but wherever she led, his dick was sure to follow. As they worked their way around dining room furniture, Kevin jerked her back for a hard kiss, causing her to stumble and rattle the decorative teacups on the sideboard.

"Shhh!" she giggled.

Grabbing a blanket from her mother's quilt rack before tip-toeing across the kitchen, she felt more like a sixteen year old sneaking out than an adult woman. What was it about being around family that stripped years off your maturity? Slowly and quietly she opened the back door, knowing it had its own special kind of alarm system that her father could hear through deep REM sleep from the other side of the house. She paused, listening and hearing sounds of her family still readying themselves for bed. Good, she was sure they wouldn't be heard leaving the house.

As soon as they closed the door, Kevin grabbed her arm as she moved past him and shoved her against the house. Kissing her hard, his tall, lean body pressed against hers. His hands were eager to continue where they left off earlier in the bedroom and slipped under her shirt to find her tits. He kneaded her desperately, almost roughly before pushing the offending bra out of the way. His hands squeezed and twisted, reflecting the same eager hunger his mouth was demonstrating on her lips. Fingering her nipples, he pinched gently, then harder. The cool air aided in stimulating her stiff nubs. Deonne groaned, her hips rocking forward.

"Like that?" Kevin asked, pinching them even harder, causing her pussy to spasm.

God, she was so turned on she couldn't think straight. Her family was just inside, it was cold. They needed to get to the barn for a little privacy and warmth. She tried to pull away.

"Kev..." she got out before he thrust his tongue back into her mouth. Pulling back, she saw the raw lust in his eyes.

"... the barn ..."

"No. Here," he muttered, sucking one nipple hard into his mouth. It had been too long and he wanted to be inside her now.

Three months of waiting and Deonne nearly climaxed feeling his warm, wet tongue close over her cool tit, the quilt dropping from her hand, forgotten. It had been so long and her body remembered better than her mind how good this felt, how good he felt inside of her.

Unsnapping her jeans, he pushed them down out of the way, his breathing hard. Jamming two fingers between her puffy lower lips he felt just how ready she was for him. She was soaked, swollen, her little clit distended well out of its hood.

"Pants off, babe," he demanded, an edge to his voice.

Deonne whimpered as his fingers left her moist center and jerked his belt open. Clawing at his jeans, his fingers shook as he pulled his hard length out. How was he able to stay away from her so long, to go without this?

Stepping on a pant leg with her foot, she managed to get one leg free before Kevin leaned over and in one movement pushed his arms between her legs and lifted her body, forcing her wide as he shoved hard up into her.

Crying out, she took him all in, but even with her pussy dripping and screaming to be filled, she was not quite ready for his size. Before she could adjust he pulled out and rammed home again with a grunt. As he stopped deep inside her, Deonne felt herself adjusting, becoming reacquainted with his body. Her hands ran along his flexed biceps, up over his sculpted shoulders, feeling his strength as she was pulled along with him towards completion. She loved when his need for her overwhelmed him and he lost control. She loved feeling his power.

"Ung! I forget how tight ...," he whispered into her ear.

Moving his hands under her ass he drove even faster into her, his fingers squeezing and digging into her cheeks before sliding a middle finger through her pussy juice and placing it over her tight asshole. God he wanted her ass. Soon, he thought.

"Oh, God... yes... feels so good..." Deonne whimpered, his finger on her sensitized hole driving her closer.

She felt him grow that last amazing bit more inside her, swelling and filling her. Every nerve ending in her body was getting energy from the driving friction of his cock against her inner walls. Almost there. This was her favorite moment, when she felt most alive, connected to him with every cell, the second before climax. "Now," Kevin grunted out through clinched teeth. Jammed to the hilt, he shoved his finger up her ass.

Deonne bit her lip to keep from screaming. Unstoppable keening sounds were coming from her throat as she lost control over his thick shaft, her pussy clamping down so tight he couldn't breathe, her hands on his head and shoulders, nails digging in, hips driving down forcefully. Her body shook, muscles clinched, nothing but this mattered. She fell forward onto his shoulder as it continued to pour through her body, causing her pussy to milk him over and over.


With a low growl, Kevin erupted deep into her. It had been too long. Ropes of come shot out of his cock, coating her as he thrust hard jabs up into her, once again proclaiming her body his with his seed, with his domination.

Sagging against the house gasping, they both slowly came back to earth.

"Jesus girl. Whaddya do to me?"

Untangling themselves, they quickly pulled their clothes on, the cold November night air making itself known now that the heat of lust had worn off. Bending he picked up the quilt from the floor and put it around her. Holding her tightly, he rubbed his jaw back and forth against her hair before giving the top of her head a quiet, unfelt kiss.

"We need to get to our assigned rooms before they send out a search party," Kevin stated quietly.

"Mmm... This feels so good. I missed you," she said, feeling his come leak out of her, she realized she missed that too. "But you're right, my sister will be grilling me enough as it is, though if we stay out late enough she may just fall asleep and I can avoid it tonight!"

Gently pushing her back from him he brushed his full lips against hers then kissed her almost tenderly. "Babe... come on, let's go."

Gingerly stepping over suitcases, shoes, and a sleeping bag full of a child, Deonne carefully made her way to her old bed.

"So, you've been keeping secrets," Becca whispered loudly, chuckling.


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know. Chicken." Thinking a moment she added, "I guess I couldn't stand knowing there would be family gossip going on. Reality is so much more reasonable."

"Like there won't be now? Are you kidding?"

"Yeah, but..." she slowly replied, "maybe everyone won't be on board having met him. They might just think for themselves, you know. I can hope anyway."

"Come on, Deonne. Did you really think the guys would have a problem with him? This isn't 1958, you know?" All of a sudden Becca's eyes got big. "Oh, my God! I just thought... Can you imagine the look on Aunt Silvia's face when she sees him? I can't wait, I just can't wait. Maybe the ol' bat will have a heart attack on the spot and put us all out of our misery!" Chuckling, she rolled back and forth on her bed. "Oh, man. It's gonna be good." Sighing, she bent over the bed to make sure little Timmy was still sleeping after her outburst.

"For what it's worth, I like him. Though I can't think straight around him, he's hotter 'n hell! You should have warned me about that, too!" Becca admitted, smiling at her sister in the dark.

Becca found it all amusing, but Deonne groaned. Aunt Silvia was her mother's oldest aunt, and she had been driving her family crazy for as long as she could remember. Loud and obnoxious, she was just the opposite of her husband, Uncle Buster, the mouse.

Deonne hesitated a moment, then asked, "What do you think Dad thinks ... on the inside, you know?" She was so concerned; he really was the only one whose feelings mattered regarding Kevin. She would hate for her father to not accept Kevin, but he gave up so little when it came to his feelings and he was from a different generation.

"Well, has he been glowering at you all day? Has he refused to speak to Kevin? I wouldn't worry then," she replied, speaking from personal experience.

Deonne had to chuckle. Everything went very well when Becca brought the lanky medical student home from college the first time. A future doctor. A family first. It went well the second visit. But on the third visit, when Dan was helping the family put up hay that late August weekend and feeling the heat, he decided to take his shirt off. Her dad had almost forgotten to release the bail of hay he was tossing and nearly thrown himself off the wagon head first.

Wrapping itself around Dan's waist and circling his back with the head occupying a large part of the middle spewing venom and hatred like the wrath of Satan was a tattoo snake. In a former life as an undergrad Dan had played lead guitar in a heavy metal band, as a matter of fact, it had paid most of his tuition.

Deonne and her sister, Megan, had been watching from the door of the barn and noticed the look of shock on their father's face before turning to see Becca's realization turn to mortification as she ran towards Dan frantically trying to get his attention. Deonne and Megan began laughing and soon they were doubled over. Seeing their Dad's look of anger swing towards them they quickly hustled around the corner where they fell on the floor of the barn unable to stop. Becca had brought a metal head home. It didn't get much better than this.

Sobering up, Deonne focused on what her sister was saying.

"I mean," Becca continued, "I think it was a surprise to him. You know, you've talked about Kevin for ages and, well, you kind of get a mental picture. It would have been fairer to us if we'd had time to think it through. I know that sounds stupid. I think Dad wants you to be happy most of all. He wants you to have someone who cares for you, treats you right, and will be there for you in the good times and bad.

"Maybe a few years ago," she shrugged, "he would have been more judgmental, but times change, life happens and sometimes what seemed important in the past isn't anymore." After a moment she added, "I think most of us around here have done a lot of re-prioritizing." Their mother dying has caused a lot of personal reflection in the family, and Deonne noticed the deeper care they took towards each other over the years since.

"I guess you're right. And thanks for paving the way, big sis, I knew it would pay off someday," she teased her sister.

"Sure. Anything for you, brat," Becca replied wryly.

With Kevin's family it was so different, it wasn't even a speed bump, but times moved more slowly here. This area was settled by a tough, stubborn people who dug out a hard existence in mines and narrow bits of flat land patch-worked against deep woods. A hard life for a hard people, and change did not come easily.

"Do you love him, Deonne? You did bring him home, bless his heart!"

Deonne didn't want to answer that, but finally she whispered, "Yes."

"He seems crazy about you."

"Yeah," she responded, still sounding unsure.

Rolling over, Becca ended the conversation with, "Well, that turkey's not going to cook itself tomorrow, so we'd better shut up and get some sleep. I'm so glad you're home, little sister," and with that she turned over on her twin mattress, facing the wall.

"I'm glad to be home." Deonne lay staring at the ceiling.

All votes, comments and feedback are very much appreciated. Yes, I'm begging!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

A story with a black male and white female where the black guy isn't some asshole thug and the white woman isn't a slut. Those got old real fast. Thank you for being creative and not following the tired old narrative.

kromenkromenover 14 years ago
nice continuation

I'm waiting for the bottom to drop any sentence now. lol. I like your writing style and the tale, but it's going a little too smoothly for my taste. I need conflict. :)

Scotsman69Scotsman69about 15 years ago
Sweet and powerful..........

.........But. Ach, there's always a but, isn't there?

The unfolding tale is lovely. But,there are so many people in it, that makes it a bit hard to keep up.

At this stage, maybe you'd be better to concentrate on just a few?

Never mind my nitpicking, just keep writing. You are good, and have the potential to be better. Do it!

daddysgirl1daddysgirl1over 15 years ago

I cannot wait to see what this author has next for these two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Truley a great love story. Like to see more of this love story. Great writing skills. Keep up the great job!

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