Ready For Love Pt. 03


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"Okay, thank you. Yes, we'll pick up. Twenty-five minutes, good."

With her arms around my neck and the baby bump pressed against my stomach we kissed.

"Hey, where's your mom? Did you order pizza? I thought your mom would want something traditional."

"Nope, I was going to make curry, she wants pizza, so, pizza it is. You need to be there by 5:45. Ravi has commandeered her to play trucks and tractors with him, Joel, she does nothing but smile, I'm so glad we can have her here with my dad gone. Although, from what she told me he'd been in Lebanon almost two years before he died. She told me they were only married on paper, that they'd drifted apart long before I married Chris. I never knew, maybe I wasn't looking."

After the evening meal and a little more play time with Ravi before his bedtime she asked that we excuse her for the night, she wanted to shower and rest after traveling most of the day. In the days that followed her mother and I got to know one another, we became comfortable as a family, she fit in well. Eleyna and I hadn't made love in ten days, that evening after Ravi was down her mom reached over the top of us, took the remote and turned the TV off. Yes, she had our attention and wasted no time getting down to business.

"Are the two of you okay in your marriage?"

Eleyna gazed at her mom with a surprised look, "Yes, we're just fine. Why do you ask?"

"Why don't I hear noises in the night? Why aren't you two making love?"

Eleyna turned ten shades of red, "I didn't want to do anything while you were here with us. I thought we were being polite."

Farah chuckled, "Never mind polite. I know what married people do in the dark, and you should be doing that. Don't be like your father who stopped after you were born. Make love, have babies, be happy. I won't be here forever, but it will be long enough that your poor husband will go crazy if he doesn't make love to his beautiful wife."

I gave my wife a sideways glance, Farah saw it and addressed the elephant in the room.

"I'm not planning to move in, but I am planning to move to this town. I want to be where my daughter, her husband, and grandchildren are. Your father and brother were full of hate, I refuse to be like them. When he had been gone a year with no intention of returning I filed for divorce. It became final two months ago. I have his stateside life insurance which will keep me for a long time, the house will be sold as of three weeks from now. I want to know my daughter and her family, too much time has been wasted. Joel, maybe you can help me buy a good car and find somewhere for me to live."

Looking at Eleyna I could tell we'd both had the same thought. The townhouse next to Albert and Eileen had just gone on the market. Not only would they be perfect neighbors for her mother, she'd be a block away from our house. What a night, Eleyna and her mom had it all mapped out. The next day they would contact the realtor, make an offer if one hadn't been accepted, grandma would keep Ravi with her during the day eliminating daycare costs, I was going to help her find a car the upcoming weekend. I held my hand up.

"Whoa, that's a lot to get done in three days. Babe are you sure you're up for this?"

She nodded and went back to making more plans with her mother, I kissed her goodnight and headed for bed. Feeling her slip in next to me I was brought out a sleep induced stupor when her hand went around my cock.

She nuzzled my neck and whispered, "Get those underwear off, I need this tonight. But first I want to play a little to get me warmed up."

Forty-five minutes later and my second orgasm compared to her three we slumped onto the bed, ten days of celibacy had been too long for either of us. It hadn't taken me ten minutes to launch the first volley of semen into her vagina and flopped on the bed, fifteen minutes later she had me hard and we were at it again.

I should have known better than to doubt my wife, not only was the townhouse not sold, the owner's had dropped the price by ten grand, Farah snapped it up immediately. She and I did find a car for her that weekend, a late model Ford Fusion with less than thirty thousand miles. The following Tuesday evening who should come waddling down the street but Eileen with her belly starting to stick out and her tall gangly hubby alongside. We introduced her to Farah, by the time they went home it was like they'd been friends for ages.

Farah flew back for the closing on her house, I went along to drive the trental truck back with the few belongings she wanted to keep. The trip home was a thirteen-hour day, she was up for it though, she never complained once along the way. Pulling into our driveway just after nine we were met with hugs and kisses from Ravi and Eleyna, all I wanted to do was grab a quick shower and hit the rack. With late fall upon us I got busy putting up Christmas lights before it turned too cold to do it bare handed. Ravi wanted me to turn them on right away, it took some persistence on my part to not cave, but I held out.

We got through Thanksgiving and Ravi helped me with the rest of the outdoor deco's, I finally relented and set the timer for the lights the second week of December. Lying in bed Christmas eve I had my hand on her tummy as the baby moved around. She turned slightly toward me.

"Do you remember where we were last Christmas? If you hadn't been playing on the floor with Ravi we might have never met, when you gave him that truck I knew then I wanted to know you better. When you didn't push for sex I knew I wanted to marry you and have your babies. Here we are, only a little longer and our baby will be born, we've certainly come a long way in a year."

Ravi was going to grandma's house each day after school, life was moving along after the holidays, we were anticipating the baby's due date. I had fallen asleep first that night, in the fog of waking I realized Eleyna had my cock in her hand and was stroking me.

"I want it tonight Joel. I feel like the baby is going to come soon and I want to take care of you one last time. I know I'm big as a barn but we can do it with me on my side."

As I kissed and softly sucked her breasts I realized she was at the first stages of lactation, which made me be all the more careful with them. I had her left leg in the crook of my right arm as I slid in and out, her hips were rocking in rhythm with me, I could hear her breathing start to waver, when her head went back and her mouth opened with a long low moan I couldn't hold back any longer. I pushed tight to the vulva and shot my load deep within. I held her leg up until I knew she was relaxed, moving away my dick made a soft squishing noise as I slid out, a tiny rivulet of our mixed love juices trickled from her vagina.

Two days later I left work screaming across town to get Eleyna to the hospital, grammy had Ravi, it was a waiting game at that point. Nineteen hours later a seven-pound eight-ounce baby girl entered this world screaming her head off, her dark black hair looked exactly like Farah's, only time would tell if it stayed that color. We named her Miriam after my grandmother. In the beginning Ravi couldn't get enough of his new sister, wanting to help mommy with everything, what enthralled him the most was watching her nurse. Asking if he had done that as a baby and a million other questions only moms seem to know how to answer.

Farah was a proud grandma, helping while Eleyna recuperated and the household reached a new balance, cooking most days and making sure the household chores were taken care of. I would take over and cover things when I got home. Eleyna told me that with her mother doing laundry she had asked if she really wore such provocative underwear. With a smile she answered.

"Why wouldn't I? I wear mostly cotton stuff to work and around home, but I also know what turns my husband on when I'm not at work. I buy quality lingerie that isn't binding, digging in, itching, or constantly needing to be adjusted, so I don't mind wearing it for Joel. He's the only one who see's, or touches it, so why not?"

Eleyna said her mom's response caught her off guard, "It must be our age difference, but I see your point. If I ever find another man to love me for who I am I'll need to keep that in mind, I have to admit, it does sound sexy. Kind of naughty almost."

Somewhere around the six week point after birth Eleyna told me she'd be seeing the doctor in a day or two for the "all clear" to make love. To say it brightened my disposition would be accurate, we had also noticed over the past week that Farah was leaving right away when I got home instead of staying for supper with us. Eleyna was concerned and made her stay the evening after she'd been to the doctor for her six-week checkup. With the baby sleeping and Ravi playing in his room Eleyna sat next to her mom on the couch.

"Mom, have we somehow offended you, or made you feel like you aren't welcome? Am I expecting too much of you? It seems you can't get out the door fast enough most days."

Farah had a concerned look on her face, "Oh no honey. Nothing like that, I love being here with you and the kids. Joel, you know I adore you, what a great daddy and husband you are."

Eleyna took her hand, "Then what mama, what's going on?"

Farah looked as though she wasn't sure what to say, then sighed and spoke, "I feel a little embarrassed, but I've met a man. A very kind loving man, but he isn't muslim, he's Eastern European, but I haven't been divorced long enough to entertain the thought of being with someone."

Eleyna shook her head in disbelief, "Where is the rule book that says you must wait to fall in love? Baba ignored you and me for years, stop feeling guilty inside, I married a man who isn't muslim, twice. It may sound like blasphemy but I see no reason why I must marry a muslim man if I'm not in love with them. As sad as this sounds, there are too many who are like Baba and Abeer, I got tired of the hate. Enjoy yourself for a change, in fact, invite him for dinner on Sunday, we'd like to meet him. Wouldn't we Joel?"

There I sat like a deer in headlights, "Uh, yes, of course. Please invite him to dinner. Tell us a little about him."

She grinned, "I met him at the doctor's office. I was there for my annual physical, he was there for an ingrown toenail. His name is Delbert, I've never met a Delbert before. He's from Hungary and has an accent, which I like. He's 61, a semi-retired widower and lives in the apartments three blocks away. He's a very nice man, you will like him."

Eleyna hugged her mom, "If you like him, we'll like him. I'm so excited for you, maybe this will turn into something long term, you deserve to be loved and pampered. I'll see you in the morning, I love you mom."

I took Farah's hand and escorted her to the door, she gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek then whispered, "Have lots of fun tonight."

With her mom gone I turned to see Eleyna right behind me with a seductive look in her eyes. Leaning into me she cooed.

"I'll have Ravi in bed within ten minutes, get naked and the shower heated, I'll join you. Then my dear, we're going to romp and play. Doctor Emily said I'm healed and we should have a blast."

I had built the shower big enough for two when I remodeled and now that I was married I was so pleased I had. I no more than got into the shower when the glass door opened and in stopped my naked bride. We soaped one another taking extra time to "hand wash" the most intimate parts, her hands felt like silk gloves as they softly caressed my balls. My cock was pointed straight up, had I ejaculated I felt like it would have streamed over my head. As she played with me I was gently playing with her breasts, making sure I didn't press too hard or irritate the nipples. She pulled back from me.

"You can be a little more aggressive than that hon, you know how much I like my boobs to be slobbered on and adored by you. Goodness, the baby literally sucks my nipples an inch long, you can be a bit more manly about my "tits" as you like to call them. There's only a taste or so, but in the shower might be a good place for you to empty them before I ride your cock, then they won't be dripping milk all over your chest."

I sat on the bench at the end with her standing in front of me, with a nipple in my mouth and my finger buried inside my wife's pussy I emptied each breast and gave her a mini orgasm with my fingers. As her body shuddered she slumped forward, I stood at the same time and scooped her into my arms. Laying her on the bed wet and naked I quickly went to turn off the shower, returning to find my loving wife shivering. I held her tight to warm her as we kissed. Working my way down her body I found my face in her pussy.

She was no longer shivering, her legs were parted and her knees bent creating a valley for me to lie within, sliding my hands under her thighs and grasping her hips I pulled her to me. As my mouth made contact with her vulva she moaned and commented.

"Oooohh, it's been too long honey. Make me cum with your tongue Joel. Hurry, I need you to fuck me."

I didn't bother with teasing, I went directly to her favorite spot and took her over the edge in less than five minutes. Her hips were humping into my face, her legs would squeeze and then relax again and again until they finally flopped open completely and she pushed my head away. It had been weeks since my face had been covered with her sweet delicate cream, I was savoring every moment. Knowing she would want me to kiss her I moved up on the bed and lay next to her as she breathed deeply. With our lips mashed together and our tongues battling for possession of the others mouth we began to grind, our pelvises pushing into one another.

Without a word I moved sideways and lay down, she rose above me, straddled my waist and lowered herself until my cock met her body. She was sloppy wet, enough so that she slid back and forth the length of my cock a few times without it being inside. Raising up she reached between us and grabbed my cock putting it at the entrance to her vagina, slowly, ever so slowly she lowered herself onto my throbbing cock. I wanted to cum as soon as she had bottomed out, but instead, to keep from exploding I thought of anything but how wonderful it felt to be inside my wife once again.

As she rode her breasts swung slightly, droplets of milk were strewn across my chest, a few times I felt one hit my face, she smiled when I wiped it with a finger and put it in my mouth. She grinned as she quipped.

"You little tit baby."

I was ready to shoot and she knew it. Grasping a hand full of chest hair with each hand she rode with greater fervency, tilting her head back with a long moan she hissed "Now, cum with me, now", so I did. I grabbed her hips pulling her tight to my body and pushed upward into her. Shot after shot, it was a euphoric feeling, we'd been without for six weeks and our bodies were seizing the moment as they say. I could feel her pelvic muscles tighten and loosen as she coaxed every drop of semen my cock possessed into her warm soothing tunnel of love.

Leaning over me she held a nipple above my mouth as I grinned, it was her signal to lower her chest until the nipple was between my lips. I sucked and nuzzled gently, very little milk was present, it was sweet and warm, the sucking was also sending signals to her nether region. Lifting she slid to my left, her hand was on my softening dick.

"Honey, if I can make it hard can I have more? I'll probably regret it in the morning but I don't care. I need more cock."

I was nodding as she moved her body lower, taking my cock in her mouth, in less than a minute I was ready for more. I wasn't sure how much I had to contribute from a semen standpoint, but I was certainly going to give it my all. With my dick hard she scooted into the middle of the bed on hands and knees, wiggling her ass in a seductive manner as I positioned myself. As I lined up and moved forward she pushed back as soon as she felt me make contact with her vagina, I was in on the first stroke.

"Not too hard baby, at least not tonight. Just deep and slow, I want to feel every morsel inside me, it stretches me so nicely. Our baby went through there, it's time for you to reclaim her as yours, fill me with baby juice."

Sleep came upon us rapidly, my bride was worn out, her vulva was red and puffy. I knew she'd be sore in the morning and there was nothing I could do to alleviate that. I got up at two for the bay's feeding,

I got up to retrieve the baby for its two o'clock feeding, after she'd nursed the baby I walked, burped, and put her back to bed. By the time I was done Eleyna was sound asleep, I stared at her in the moonlight that drifted through the window, how could I be so lucky to have found another woman to love as much as I had Karen? Morning arrived all too quickly and the day seemed to drag, by the time I was home from work I felt like I needed a nap, which was not to be. Eleyna was visibly sore, she walked slowly and with deliberation, with my arms around her from behind I kissed her neck.

"I can see you're uncomfortable, sorry, guess I got carried away last night."

She turned and snuggled into my chest, "It wasn't you, it was me. I'm the one who asked for seconds, and yes, I feel it, at the same time it was delicious and I'd do it all over again. Just not tonight."

Farah and Delbert walked in the back door just before noon on Sunday. The difference in body size was striking, whereas Farah is an average five foot seven and has a normal mommy figure, Delbert was a narrow waisted, barrel chested man of at least six feet. The fabric of his shirt sleeves was taught over solid biceps, his crisp jeans and cowboy boots made him look like his picture should be on someone's cigarette advertisement. Reaching forth my hand I expected to have it nearly crushed in his grip, I was pleasantly surprised to feel a firm but not overwhelming handshake. He had the ability to make me wince if he wanted, I gained an immediate respect for him when he didn't.

"Howdy, I'm Delbert, appreciate you inviting me to dinner. I don't get home cooked meals very often anymore, mostly diner stuff, but it fills the void."

Farah piped in, "Del owns the welding shop on Pinecrest, you know, the one on the corner by the gas station. His boys are going to take it over next year. Right Del?"

He grinned, "It's more a fabrication shop, but yes, we do welding, and the boys will take the reins on January first."

After introductions Ravi commandeered Del to play with him, when I tried to intervene Del told me all was well and that he could still play with the best of them. What he said next not only intrigued me but is something I adhere to til this day.

"I never bought the boys toys I wouldn't play with, cuz you know darned well you're gonna have to at some point. Might as well be what you like. The girls, that was different, I never did understand them, thank God for a good wife and mother."

Following dinner Del wanted to see my wood shop, we spent the better part of an hour leaning against the bench talking about everything and nothing. By the time we ventured back in the house the baby was fed and napping, Ravi was busy making tractor sounds in his bedroom and the girls were ensconced on the loveseat. After a little chit chat Delbert looked at Farah.

"Did you still want to walk along the river trail? Today would be a good day to do that, lots of sun and warm temps."

Farah stood and took his hand, which surprised me but not Eleyna. After they left she and I sat on the couch discussing the afternoon. Eleyna took my hand and looked at me.

"I think mom is head over heels in love with Delbert. Did you see how lovingly he treats her? That's something our dad never did, she loves the attention and unless I'm missing the mark I have the feeling they'll be in bed soon. My mom isn't loose or anything like that, but she asked where I buy my underwear, the sexy ones. I almost wet my pants when she asked me that Joel, who'd have thought, my mom in sexy undies."
