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That chuckle again. "Mary and I'd like that, Jeff. Oh, and Bonnie tells me there's this neighbor lady, Rebecca is it? She'd like you to bring her along."

I thought for a moment. "How would you and Mary feel about that?"

"Jeff," he said quietly, "you're a young man, and you did no wrong by our Rachel. What happened, happened. We can talk about this later, when you're here, but it won't offend either one of us. She sounds like quite a woman, the way Bonnie carries on," he finished with a laugh.

About then, Rebecca walked back into the room and sat. I looked at her and smiled as I said, "I'll run it past her and let you know one way or the other. Okay?"

"Don't disappoint me, boy!" he growled, though I could see him winking as he said it.

I laughed. "Yessir! Kiss Mary for me, and Bonnie."

"I'll do 'er," he replied, and we hung up.

As I hung up the phone, Rebecca said, "That is one terrific girl you have, there."

"I thank you, ma'am," I replied.

We were silent for a while. "I didn't tell you, she really benefited from that girl's night out."

She brightened at that. "Did she tell you what we discussed?"

"She gave me a rundown," I replied. "You gave her some very, very sage advice. She'll probably listen to you, too."

"I hope I didn't say too much to her," she said.

I held up a hand. "I gave you carte blanche," I replied. "You fulfilled my obligation. I am very grateful."

We sat in companionable silence for a moment; then she asked, "So, you were going to run something past... me? The way you looked at me when you said that...?"

"Yeah. It seems Frank... well, wait a second, back up. Frank and Mary are Bonnie's grandparents. Frank said something about re-establishing contact with a cousin of his, and there's going to be a reunion in early August. I think he just wants me to come come get Bonnie," I said, grinning.

Rebecca laughed.

"Anyway," I continued, "they asked me if I'd like to invite you. I'd like to do that, but it's asking you to walk into a crowd you don't know. Hell, most of 'em I don't know. Rachel was about fifteen the last time the families were together."

She cocked her head. "You really want me to go?"

I nodded. "So does Bonnie. She's apparently talked you up quite nicely."

She was silent for a moment. "Give me a while to think on it?" she asked.

"Oh, sure," I replied, "it's a month away."

I remembered the glasses of Chardonnay. I picked them up, and handed one to her. "To good friends, and good families."

We sat quietly for a moment, after the wine was gone. We had moved a little closer together.

"Jeff," she began, "could I tell you something?"

"Of course," I replied.

"I told you I'm divorced, but I didn't really tell you the circumstances. Joe was charming while we were dating, and he even won over my parents. As soon as the honeymoon was over, the honeymoon was over. I mean, really. He showed his true stripes. He began to drink, and eventually got abusive."

"A person does not 'begin to drink' and then become violent," I observed.

"No," she sighed, "he was just adept at hiding it from me. Once we were married, I guess he figured I wouldn't fight him on it."

She paused, then continued. "It soured me on marriage, and on relationships, at least for a while. Then... well, may I be honest?"

I nodded.

"Since I met you, I've been re-evaluating my feelings. I've been suspicious of men for a long time, but you're so nice, and genuine... and then there's Bonnie. I think she's proof of what kind of person you are. It's very sexy, and very arousing, that a single man could do so well, raising a young girl."

"I appreciate those words very, very much," I replied. I had moved a little closer without being fully aware of it.

"It's so obvious," she continued, "I mean, a single man bringing up a polite, charming..."

"Rebecca?" I said. She stopped talking and looked me directly in the eyes. "Shut up and kiss me."

With that I leaned in, and she complied, gently, tentatively, at first; then the passion of the moment overtook us, and we lost ourselves in one another.

We made our way to the bedroom, kissing, shedding garments, trying not to stumble. We threw back the top sheet and landed on the bed, she on top of me, trying to retain some dignity while grinding pelvises.

After a few moments, she flipped me on top of her and spread her legs. "Don't you want... a little foreplay?" I gasped.

"Uh-uh," she growled. "I haven't had sex in years, and I want you in me, now!"

I slipped into her, intending to be gentle; but my long repressed needs, and hers, had us banging like drums. She squealed out an orgasm, and before I knew it, I had erupted inside her.

Those moments of making love are all but lost to me, so intense was the experience; but as we lay there panting, dripping shared fluids, hands running over shared bodies, I remembered the way loving had been with Rachel.

After a few minutes of post-coital touching and feather-soft kissing, we managed to look into one another's eyes. "Was it really okay for you?" I asked. "I mean, sincerely okay?"

She smiled sweetly and placed a palm on the side of my face. "That, kind sir, was the best sex I've ever had. Not to interject a sour note, I really don't have a lot of experience for comparison..."

"But you'll come back for more?" I added, hopefully.

Her smile widened, and she kissed me, softly, erotically. "Oh, yeah," she whispered. "I gotta get me some more of that."

"I know I'm not all that large," I continued.

"Stop apologizing," she scolded. "You're bigger than average. Besides, 'It Ain't the Meat, It's the Motion.'"

I laughed. "Maria Muldaur."

She buried her face in my neck and giggled.

Suddenly I had a thought. "Are you on the Pill?" I asked, "'cause we didn't..."

She turned my face to hers. "Ssshhh... I finished my period yesterday. I should be safe. I'll get a prescription next week."

I glowed at that. "So you were serious about... y'know, wanting me some more?"

She smiled that same soft, sweet, pitying smile. "Silly boy," she said, and kissed me lightly.


My next memory is of sunlight streaming through the window. I remembered last night; I turned my head to the left, and there she was, gazing at me.

"Mornin'," she murmured, then yawned.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"Couple minutes," she replied. She threw back the sheet; and as I saw her body by full daylight for the first time, I was truly impressed. Smooth, almost flawless skin; tight breasts, small but luscious; nicely trimmed pubic thatch over a healthy-looking mons.

She watched me looking her over, and giggled. "Still like what you see?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Got an extra toothbrush?" she asked, grinning.

"I think I can rustle one up," I answered.

We rid ourselves of morning breath, and she dragged me back to the bed. "This time," she whispered, "I want you to make love to me."

I carefully inserted my middle finger into her lovely slit, playing gently with her clit, enjoying the sight of her body moving in response to my intimate touches. I leaned over and took a nipple between my lips, provoking a strong, positive reaction.

When I thought she was nearing critical mass, I positioned myself and sank into her, for the second time. I noted with satisfaction, she felt even better this time.

We gazed into one another's eyes as I moved in and out; then, as I felt my moment approaching, we kissed, a deep, passionate, loving kiss which only broke when we did.

Our orgasms were intense, and perfectly co-incident. This, I thought to myself, was making love, not rutting; and I could tell she felt the same way.

Once again we disentangled, and held one another, caressing and teasing, kissing and being kissed.

"I guess we need to get out of bed at some point," I said, chuckling lightly.

"Any plans for the day?" she asked.

"Spending the whole thing with you," I replied, winking.

I got a wink in return. "Good. Let's get a shower," she commanded.

After our shower, we had a light breakfast, and then spent the rest of the day, as unsexy as it may sound, helping one another with household chores. We did laundry and dishes, grocery shopping and car lubes, and other mundane things that simply must intrude.

In short, we acted like a married couple.

The next evening, and each one for a couple of weeks thereafter, was a replay of our first, though without the urgency. We experimented with love techniques and foreplay, lots and lots of foreplay. I impressed her with my oral techniques, and she wasn't bad in that department, either.

We began to spend every night together, and I knew love was truly in bloom. Our lovemaking was nourishing us as a couple; we both felt it.

Toward the latter half of July, she said, "Well, I guess my answer is yes."

I was a bit confused; then it hit me. "You'll go to Frank and Mary's with me?"

She smiled. "You're quick. Yes, I'd love to go. Before we do, though, we need to discuss something."

I understood. "Right. We've known each other for six months, and we're sort of offering the family in general, and Bonnie in particular, the hope of a new family."

She nodded. We were sitting on the sofa, and she scrunched closer to me. "Do you think you're ready for another marriage?"

I nodded. "If you are, I know I am. I've missed that... oh, what can you call it? that whole-family feel. Bonnie and I are a family, but I've always thought she needed, and wanted, more. A mom. Are you ready to step into that role?"

She put an arm around me. "I've always wanted a child. And maybe..." she hesitated, then, "maybe Bonnie would like a little brother, or maybe a sister?"

I stared at her. "Are you..."

She shook her head. "No, just thinking of the future."

I grinned. "Then, I have to say, gotta be at least a couple of babies."

Her eyes glistened. "You really want me to have your babies?"

"I love you Rebecca, and always will," I replied softly. I kissed her, she kissed me back, and that was that.


As we drove down the long driveway to the home of Frank and Mary Turnage, Rebecca grasped my hand. Hard.

"Don't be nervous," I said calmly.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one about to go without your penis for a week."

I looked at her in surprise. She grinned and winked, and said, "Gotcha!"

We had decided not to expose Bonnie to the fact of our intimacy, at least not right away; partly out of concern for Bonnie, setting a good example for her, and partly out of respect for Frank and Mary. I was sure they knew we were already intimate, but they were old-school, and I really cared about their opinions.

So, we were to be chaste for a week. Oh, the horror.

We pulled to a stop, and a swarm of humans flocked out of the house. Bonnie ran to Rebecca first (I was pleasantly surprised to note), and then to me, squealing with joy.

Frank and Mary were no less welcoming, though the volume was lower. Rebecca and I were soon introduced to cousins and uncles and aunts and great-nieces and -nephews, and I don't know what all else.

The next few hours were spent in a ping-pong conversation; trying to keep all the threads straight was a challenge, but we managed. Bonnie and some of the other female conspirators whisked Rebecca away, leaving me to meet, and swap life stories with, guys I'd never known existed.

I was serenaded by tales of Rachel as a child and teenager; how she and this cousin had done this, and she and these other cousins had perpetrated that. I was praised for having been good enough for Rachel, and equally for having raised Bonnie to such fine young-ladyhood.

Rebecca and I managed to navigate our way through the constant attention for a few days; and then I asked Frank if we could maybe get away for a bit.

"Well, Jeff," he said, "most of these folks are leaving tomorrow. School's starting next week, at least football practice for some of the guys, and college starts soon. Another day, maybe thirty-six hours, it'll just be Mary and me, Bonnie, and you two."

Rebecca and I looked at one another, and exchanged knowing glances. "Okay," I replied.

Frank grinned as only he can.

Sure enough, just over twenty-four hours later, the crowd had dwindled to the five of us. The parting had been sweet and sorrowful, with addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses exchanged all around.

When it was all over, Mary flopped onto the sofa and said, "I've got my house back!" We all laughed.

"You still have the three of us," I noted.

She waved it off. "You three are immediate family." She paused, looked at Rebecca, and said, "I'm sorry, honey, I hope I didn't embarrass you."

Rebecca laughed. "Not at all. I love this place."

Bonnie came dragging onto the living room, freshly showered and smelling like new body-wash. I could have sworn she had grown three inches since the first of summer.

"I need to go to bed," she announced. It was almost ten o'clock.

"I'll come tuck you in," said Mary, rising.

"Could Rebecca do it?" Bonnie asked in a small voice.

All eyes focused on Rebecca, who said, "I'll be delighted."

As the two left the room, Frank said, "That's a special woman, Jeff."

I smiled. "She sure is."

"Are the two of you intimate?" asked Mary.

Well, I wasn't going to lie to her, no matter what. "Yes, we are. Have been for about a month, now."

Frank spoke up. "Jeff, like I told you before... you treated Rachel like a queen, and you've done very well by our only grandchild. We do not sit in judgement of you."

Mary added, "I think you two were very considerate, not sleeping in the same bed with Bonnie here."

"We wanted to set an example. I think that's going to change," I said. "I believe... well, we've been talking about... uh, marriage."

Frank chuckled. "No need to explain, son. You were a good husband before, and you'll be a good one again. All we ask, just don't take Bonnie away from us."

"Never," I replied. "Groom's gotta have a family at the wedding, right?"

Frank and Mary positively beamed.


It was was music to my ears: the sounds of crunching gravel on my driveway, car doors closing, teenage voices chattering. A few seconds later, Bonnie and Mindy entered, softly, like civilized folk.

Bonnie had benefitted, I pondered, from having a mother. At seventeen, she had transformed from an energetic child into a refined, responsible young woman.

"Hi, Daddo," Bonnie said, and kissed my cheek as the two girls sat beside me on the sofa.

"Hi, Mindy. Long time," I offered.

She ignored me. "Hi, Sean," she said, extending a hand to the child in my lap.

My four-year-old son grabbed the hand, wriggled to get down, and squealed, "Minny!" He leapt into her lap.

What could I do? I laughed.

"Oh, hi, Mr P," Mindy said, a bit sheepishly.

"Not a problem, Mindy," I said.

Rebecca walked around the corner at that moment. She smiled broadly when she saw the girls.

"Hey, Mom?" said Bonnie, "is Caroline awake?"

"I think I just heard her stirring," replied Rebecca. "Probably needs up."

"Come on, Mindy," commanded Bonnie. They left the room, Sean holding one hand apiece. "She's gotten bigger since you saw her..."

I put my arm around Rebecca. We watched the kids retreat down the hallway, our heads touching. As was my habit, I surreptitiously stroked the side of her breast, before edging my way around for the prize.

"Mm-mmm," she murmured. "Tender."

"Sorry," I muttered, moving my hand to her waist.

"It's a shame, you know? I mean, they say breast-feeding helps to prevent conception," she said, distractedly; then she turned her face to mine.

I looked at her, knowing, smiling.

"Didn't work. At least, not this time," she said; and with that, she placed her arms around my neck and kissed me warmly. "But this is the last one," she added softly. "And this time, I mean it."

We grinned at one another, and shared another kiss. Oh, yeah. Four would be plenty.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story, well written. 5 stars

abboncabboncover 3 years ago

is Bonnie's schoolfriend who lives in a upstairs apartment. Bonnie goes to Mindy's to work on a school project, and Dad tells her "7-8-9".

flareb2343flareb2343almost 4 years ago

too many have ended up getting p regnant while nursing

flareb2343flareb2343almost 4 years ago

that's the way my late wife passed, sitting on the bed laughing fell backwards & was gone.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 4 years ago
Mindy who?

The story wasn't too long and was enjoyed very much but, who is Mindy? I've reread the last part several times trying to find out about Mindy but I'm still in the dark about her. Are Mindy and Bonnie lovers, friends or what? Sorry to be so dense but I don't get it, especially when Mindy inorged saying hi to Jeff, or is this just one of those things I'm supposed to infer?

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