Reborn: Tale of a Body Servant


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"Are you ready for your massage, Mistress Lori?" Thomas asked, jolting her from her reverie.

"Yes, Thomas. You may remove my clothing and begin," she said, standing up next to the chaise.

Lori's sun dress and sandals were quickly removed. Thomas knelt to remove the shoes, then stood to slip the thin straps of the dress off Lori's tanned shoulders. He didn't let it drop to the floor. Rather, he held it in his hands and slowly knelt, bringing the dress down with him. When he'd lowered it to her feet, Lori simply stepped out of it, standing before his adoring eyes now wearing only her soft, white panties. As always, Thomas's hands shook as he removed those panties. Also as always, his eyes never left her soft-curled triangle and the cleft it surrounded as he lowered the panties. Her sex, her royal pussy. More than anything - even more than the beautiful feet that first enslaved him, or her tempting ass and breasts - Lori's sweet, succulent honeypot held him enthralled, enslaved for all time. He never tired of admiring it, adoring it, craving it...existing every second to please it.

Lori stood there, allowing his eyes to devour her pussy. She stroked his hair, almost petting him. She stepped out of the panties, and he held them in his hands for a long time as he continued to visually adore her now glistening slit. She could see in his eyes that he wanted to kiss it, mash his mouth on it passionately, worship it...and her. She loved that look in his eyes, and that's why she always let him stare at her pussy. Because the more he stared, the more he desired, and the more she owned him.

With a twinkle in her eye, she asked, "Would my faithful servant like to kiss his Mistress's pussy before he massages her?"

Thomas's head immediately shot upward, his eyes looking longingly into hers. His pupils were dilated and his mouth hung open. There was no hiding his desire now. But the desire on his face was clouded over by doubt. Lori rarely gave him such an honor until after she'd been massaged and bathed. She believed that a slave should EARN such rewards, and they shouldn't be given out lightly. But, nonetheless, with a hopeful look in his eyes, Thomas bobbed his head eagerly. "Oh, yes, Mistress...I would LOVE to kiss it. May I? Please?" He fought hard to keep his voice deep and masculine, but the desire in it raised the pitch just enough to register clearly on Lori's ears.

To Lori's way of thinking, there was nothing more delicious than a man on his knees, eyes eager as a puppy's, begging to put his head between her legs. True, all she had in mind was letting him kiss it, but that would be enough. His eagerness to do that - and only that - was joy enough...for now. She so loved teasing and tormenting him little scraps of joy. It made him the absolute hottest lover when she needed him to be. A little teasing and seduction, and she'd have a snorting, ramming stud servicing her more carnal needs all night long.

"If I let you kiss it," she cooed, stroking his cheek with her fingertips, "will you promise to ONLY kiss it, and not try to lick it or anything else? Can you promise me that, Thomas?"

Thomas knew full well that doing anything Lori didn't want done could be reason enough for her to not only dismiss him for the night, but toss him out of her home altogether...forever. He'd be crazy to take that kind of risk for just a quick, unfulfilling lick that she would immediately put a stop to anyway. So, of course, he agreed to her terms. He always did.

"Of course, Mistress," he said, "I only want to properly worship it if you so wish me to. I would never take liberties, you know that." He almost had an indignant look on his face, which amused Lori no end. And during this reply, his posture was not slumped, but tall and straight, trying to look strong and proud. The combination of his being on his knees almost pleading to kiss between her legs and yet attempting to look anything BUT submissive was at the same time humorous and exciting. While Lori liked her men obedient, she did NOT like wimps. Thomas was deliciously accommodating to her wishes, but easily as masculine and desirable as the studly Nathaniel Broom. In her eyes, he was the perfect masculine hybrid.

"All right, then," she said, "you may kiss it a few times. You did, after all, do a WONDERFUL job on my feet outside. They've never felt so incredible on such a warm day. You've earned a sweet reward. But don't start expecting it now. Just this once, because I think you earned it."

With Thomas's head still raised, his eyes looking deeply into hers, Lori raised her left leg up, placing her foot on the soft cushion of the chaise. This act triggered an automatic response from her adoring slave. His eyes pulled away from hers and darted instantly downward, knowing what such a stance would reveal to their already dilated pupils. Her leg thus turned to the side and her thigh raised considerably, with Thomas's head at eye level with her soft triangle, gave his eager orbs a bird's eye view of her now shiny slit. He gasped at it's complete unveiling, it's supreme beauty. Again he stared. Lori smiled down at him, a warm feeling creeping all over her to know how much he worshipped her, how easily and eagerly he'd given his very soul to that warm, needy crevice.

"You may worship my pussy, my slave."

The words were like sweet chords of angelic music to Thomas. He sighed. It was a long, lingering sigh. Slowly, he reached up, one trembling hand barely touching Lori's right inner thigh, the other - equally bereft of steadiness - slipped under her upraised thigh and landed lightly on her left buttock. Lori thrilled to the shakiness of both hands. It told her of his desire, his need.

Leaning forward with a look of pure awe and worship on his face, Thomas puckered his lips and pushed them through the short curls, aiming for the moist crevice, the pouting lips. The look of worship on his face instantly took on another look...a look of ecstasy. Lori could feel his lips trembling as much as his hands were when they brushed against her slit. The first kiss was devoid of thought, purely instinctual, needy. The second and third involved more thought. He needed that first kiss like a fish needs water, but he wanted to savor this rare gift. After that first, urgent pressing of his lips on hers, the following ones were slower, more deliberate. He pressed his face firmly against her mound as his lips lingered along her sweet valley. As he kissed, he glided his mouth along her lips, trying to savor every inch of it. He pressed his mouth more firmly, forcing his lips between hers, feeling the hot wetness embrace them. He was in Heaven.

Lori allowed him to kiss her pussy for several minutes, stroking his head, watching his glassy eyes flutter as he worshipfully adored her sex. His sighs and trembling made her hotter and hotter by the second. His warm lips pressing into her moist, pink petals aroused her, causing her juices to flow substantially. She was tempted to let him kiss her deeper and deeper until he did indeed begin licking. She was certain that no matter how much he would never want to disobey her, he wouldn't be able to resist slipping his tongue inside her if she let him continue past his breaking point. And the way he was nuzzling his face in her carpet and moaning as he kissed her lips reverently, told her he was reaching that point.

She pushed his head back, enjoying his disappointed look with more than a touch of twisted glee. His lips were wet, her juices smeared both above and below them. His glassy eyes took several long seconds to refocus and regain lucid thought.

"Enough, my pet," she said quietly. "I want my massage now, and then my bath. After you've completed those, you will have the honor of servicing me more fully with that tongue of yours. And with that," she smiled, pointing at his throbbing muscle.

Flustered, regaining what composure he could, he replied, "Yes, ma'am. Of course. You know I'll do my best for you."

"Of course you will. You always do."

She waited while he spread the long beach towel on the chaise, then she sat down. Stretching and sighing with expectation, she then lay back, lounging seductively with her arms above her head. She closed her eyes and smiled broadly. "Massage me, Thomas," was all she said.

Standing, his erection still bobbing between his legs, he retrieved the oils. Had this been a cold, winter night, he would have brought the tiny braziers to warm the oil in. But, being a warm summer night, the oils had been kept in a bucket of ice until being brought to use. So he would use the oils right from their bottles.

"MIstress," he asked, "which oil would you like tonight?"

"Mmmm," she pondered, "I suppose tonight I'd prefer the Lavendar oil. Yes, the Lavendar."

Pouring a generous amount of oil in his hands, he rubbed them together...but not too much. He didn't want to warm up the oil to the point where the ice soak was negated. He then quickly began massaging his chosen Goddess. As always, he began at her feet.

"Mmmm.....I just love your strong hands on my feet," she murmured, the words enveloped in sighs.

"Thank you, ma'am," was all he said by way of reply. His full concentration was on pampering his Mistress.

He kneaded her soles firmly, active fingers banishing tiredness and pain from her royal foot flesh. He worked slowly from heel to toe, first one foot, then the other. Lori's sighs were once again a symphony to him. Her pleasure was all that was needed to satisfy him...for now.

Having to be mindful of the time - for he didn't want the tub to overflow - his eyes darted up to the clock above the fireplace over and over, his mind gauging how much time he could devote to each inch of her. Practice had made him perfect. He knew from countless hours of massaging her exactly how much time to spend on her feet before moving upward.

As he began to massage her lower calves, just above the ankles, Lori couldn't resist teasing her servant once more. She lifted her foot and shoved it directly in front of Thomas's face, flexing and rotating it mercilessly.

"If we weren't in such a hurry before my bath, I'd have you massage my feet with those soft LIPS of yours. They feel just wonderful on my soles. And when you squeeze them between my toes....oh, my....such a delicious feeling. But we'll do that when we have more time. Maybe tomorrow morning at breakfast. Yes, I think I'll have you sit under the table and massage my feet with your lips while I enjoy my meal. That would make a wonderful start to my day. You'd like that, wouldn't you, my pet?"

"Yes, ma'am. It would be an honor to comfort you that way," Thomas replied, not noticing Lori's knowing smirk as his dilated pupils were locked on the soft, wrinkling soles and wiggling toes. His penis rose again, as if saluting those impish and haughty feet.

The brief diversion played havoc with Thomas's timing. He would have to adjust his schedule. He quickly massaged both of Lori's legs, then her belly and breasts. Yes, she always insisted he massage her breasts, even though it often excited her. And nipple massage was a requirement, too. She just loved his strong fingers manipulating her breasts and probing her aureolas and nipples. With Lori, massage was almost always a precursor to sex, more like an extension of foreplay than anything else. The same was true of her baths, where she enjoyed combining a soothing bath given by her dutiful body servant, with overtly erotic stimulation. Sometimes - often, actually - she had her slave service her sexual needs right there in the tub. Tonight would have to be one of those nights. Oh, yes, most certainly so.

By the time Thomas reached her neck and shoulders, time was running out. But Lori was adamant about wanting a full massage, so she had him run up the stairs to check the water, telling him to turn it off if necessary, then resume - and complete - her massage.

She heard the water stop running. Good, she thought, that meant there would be no more rushing. It would take quite some time for the water to cool, and Thomas would be long done pampering her by then. Then it would be up the the bath for still more pampering...and other pleasures.

"Turn over, please, ma'am," Thomas said politely.

Lori rolled onto her stomach, sighing as she did. She immediately felt firm fingers on her shoulder blades and along her back. It was heavenly. His fingers felt like hundreds of bouncing marbles dancing along the skin of her back. Even the very tips of his fingers were strong, and she loved this part of the massage. It felt as if he were playing a piano concerto on her back with his fingers. It was always one of the loveliest, most soothing segments of the massage.

When those talented digits found their way down her back to her bottom, she sighed a deep, longing sigh. Both hands would massage first one cheek, then the other, kneading and squeezing them both vertically and horizontally. With a wicked grin, she thought about telling Thomas to massage her ass with his lips, too, but again thought that another time might be more feasible. Still, the thought made her tingle and titter. Between sighs, that is.

Thomas worked his way down her thighs and calves, to end where he began, at Lori's arrogant, demanding feet. Knowing that Lori's favorite thing was foot worship and massage, he massaged them both a second time. Having extra time, now, he figured he'd get some extra bonus points for his initiative. He was right.

"Mmmm.....a second foot massage? Very nice, my pet. You've earned yourself a little extra time spent pleasing me later. You'll be kissing between my legs til sunrise now." Thomas's erection screamed and howled between his legs. He wanted to rub it strongly against something to stop the annoying itch and burn it was enduring.

When he was done massaging her feet for the second time, Thomas asked quietly, "Would my Mistress like her bath now?"

Rolling onto her back again, stretching and smiling her pleasure, Lori slowly sat up. She looked down at the still kneeling Thomas and replied with a grin, "Oh, yes, I'm ready for my bath. But, you know how I am, my pet. You've started my juices flowing. My bath will be much more than a bath. Mind you, I'll expect full pampering from you - a deliciously relaxing bath - but I'll be needing more from you, as well. You do understand what I mean, don't you, Thomas?"

Lori could see his eyes glazing over again, ever so slightly. She knew she would have his full cooperation. Not only because of his sexual needs at the moment, but because he lived to please her. He enjoyed every moment when he was making her feel good, in whatever form that pleasuring took. The method meant little to him. Her satisfied, pleased smile was all his soul needed by way of reward.

Lori rose and swayed seductively out the door, into the hallway. As she passed through the doorway, she looked back to see her hard-bodied foot boy gathering up the bottles of oil and taking the towel off the chaise. He was like a bull in a China shop, all clumsy and uncoordinated. She laughed. He must be so horny that he can't wait to get upstairs to give her her bath...and her other pleasures. She felt cruel, so she added to his jittery, amorous condition.

"Hurry, my pet. You've got lots of work to do before I let you rest tonight. Don't dawdle now. I need my bath, so put those away quickly and come service your Mistress right away."

With a sadistic smirk, she then turned and walked up the stairs, swaying her hips like a trollop, letting Thomas's eyes focus like hundred power binoculars on her arrogant ass as she ascended. She walked slowly, looking back at him, grinning, her bottom glistening with massage oil.

His cock throbbing harder than ever, Thomas quickly tossed the towel in a hamper and rushed up the stairs. His hands shook excitedly as he put the oils in the special closet down the hall from the bathroom, his Mistress's "pleasure" closet. Taking a deep breath, collecting himself, he then headed for the Master Bath, glancing briefly down at his still pulsing hardon, sighing as his mind conjured up all sorts of wonderful uses his Mistress might be generous enough to put it to.

When he entered the bathroom, there was steam still lingering near the ceiling. But the bath itself steamed only slightly. Lori stood beside the tub, her back to him. As he entered, she held out her hand in his direction.

"You may begin my bath, Thomas. Come, help me into the tub...and then pamper me beyond my wildest dreams."

Taking her hand, Thomas dipped his foot into the tub to see if the water was too hot. It was hot, but not so hot as to scald. So, he stepped into the water. He then took both of Lori's hands and held them as she too stepped into the water. He stood there, gazing in awe at her naked body, the glisten of Lavendar massage oil giving way to the gleam of sweat from the heat and humidity of the room.

Her skin wasn't all that was dripping, and Lori knew she would definitely be putting her boytoy through his paces tonight. She grinned and said in a husky, no-nonsense voice, "You may begin pleasing and pampering me, slave." In a far throatier voice, laced with passion, she added, "In fact, I insist upon it. Begin at once."

Lori felt Thomas's hands tremble as he looked her up and down, obviously trying to keep from appearing too needy, too...aroused. But it was ridiculous for him to even try. His erection was pounding like a bass drum, bobbing like a clock second hand somehow stuck on the ten, pulsing with its electric prodding, but unable to move either forward or back. She always had this effect on him, and she absolutely relished it. His need kept him ever attentive to her, for the key to his own pleasure lay in keeping HER satisfied.

Thomas knew the drill. He had everything ready. He had earlier anointed the deliciously hot water with sweetly scented Lavender bath oil. As the water steamed, the scent wafted throughout the room, already relaxing his Mistress. She inhaled its sweet aroma and smiled, her eyes shut, her body expectant.

The large, almost square tub - as large as an above average Jacuzzi - was easily six feet wide by eight feet in length. Every inch of it steamed with the odor of mood-mellowing Lavender. As Mistress Lori stood in the center of that tub, water filling it almost up to her knees, Thomas reached to one corner of the scented pool and retrieved the ever present plastic and metal bathing chair. Feeling instantly that it was colder than the water and might cause his Mistress discomfort and/or displeasure, he dipped every inch of it into the hot water to warm it. This done, he placed it directly behind his standing Goddess.

From the tiled wall he removed the soft, blowup plastic seat cushion for the royal bathing chair, tugging the four suction cups from the slick wall with loud popping noises. This, too, he dipped in the water to bring it to comfortable temperature for his Mistresses haughty backside. To complete her bathing throne, he attached the pillow to the chair seat by those selfsame suction cups, and motioned for her to sit. With an audible sigh and absolutely no hesitation, she did so.

As Thomas checked his pampering implements lined up on the rim of the tub, he covertly peeked at his Mistress's soft, sweet cheeks - cheeks he'd paid oral homage to on many occasions - as they descended upon the lucky pillow. It was his turn to sigh...though he did so much more discreetly than Lori had.

Once seated, Lori sat straight and tall, smiling at her faithful servant. She tingled with expectation. Thomas's baths were always so satisfying. But she was impatient to begin.

Thomas knew the routine well. He was to always start with her feet, her favorite place to have pampered, pleased and worshiped. He got on his knees before her, the head of his bobbing penis pulsating rhythmically just above the water level. But as he reached for the scented liquid soap and the loofah bathing sponge, Lori could no longer wait for his attentions. By the time he had lathered up the sponge and turned to pleasure his Mistress, he was nearly knocked back by the dripping leg that sprang form the misting water. The suddenness of its rise sprayed his chest and neck with warm droplets of water as a wiggling, excitedly cavorting foot unexpectedly appeared in his face. So close had she come to kicking him that the pads of her toes and the ball of her foot came within a centimeter of his nose, and they were blurred momentarily in his vision until his retinas and pupils could adjust. Lori merely giggled her glee.