Recollections Ch. 03


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Of course that was why you had asked about whether I'd had sex on a plane or boat.

"Actually, Alan, yes I have."


"Had sex cruising the Thames."

"Really on the Symphony?"

"No on a friend's father's boat."

"I see, was it good?"

"The boat or the sex?" I laughed running my fingertips round the palm of your hand which you had laid flat on the table.

"Both, but particularly the latter," you smiled back closing your hand and holding mine.

"It was good. Actually it was part pleasure and........."

"Part, how can sex be part pleasure?" You asked gripping my hand more firmly.

"If, granddad, you didn't interrupt, you would have heard part pleasure and part business."

"How, what do you mean?"

"I was at uni and was trying to earn some money."

"Yes? Go on," you said lifting my hand upwards from the table, which strained the few buttons done up on my blouse.

"A friend had got me some modelling work."

"Doing what?"

"Photographic stuff."

"Photographing what, modelling what?"

I wasn't sure that I should really tell you about it. I paused for a moment as I looked you right in the eye. I tried smiling with my eyes, smouldering with them even; I probably just looked as if I had a squint.

Quietly I said as I felt one of your fingers stroking the back of my hand. "Me."


"Yes me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was modelling for the photographer on his boat?"

"Yes, but what were you modelling?"

"I told you, me?"

"Oh I see, you were posing for him?"

"Yes exactly, lots of girls do it for their boy friends. It's quite the rage."

"What sexy photos?"

I laughed at the phrase. "Yes daddy o, sexy photos. That's what mobile phones and digicams were invented for isn't it?"

That made you laugh.

"Stops you having to go to Boots doesn't it?"

"So was he your boy friend?"

"Not before, but I suppose he was after?"

"How come?" You asked squeezing my hand as your knee pressed against mine under the table. I squeezed back with my hand and pressed back with my knee.

"Because," I said hesitating for a moment and staring even more intently into your eyes as I saw your's flittering from mine to my tits and back. I went on slow and quiet "He found out what it felt like to fuck me Alan, so I guess he had to become my boy friend didn't he?"


That's an interesting premise," I said, starting to feel out of my depth at the way the conversation had turned. How the hell had we got to this point, I wondered? Still, now that we were here, there was no point in not pursuing my thoughts further. "So... fucking someone means they have to become your boyfriend, does it?"

"You don't think so?"

"Well, that's interesting," I said, unaware that I was repeating myself. "Personally, I've never fucked anyone I hadn't become attached to, in one way or another."

"For an intelligent man, you don't half speak bollocks sometimes!"

For a moment, I was taken aback. Then that ability of yours to make me laugh resurfaced.

"Something funny?" you asked with a smile.

"Sorry," I apologised. "My laughter was part nervousness and partly in appreciation of the way you speak your mind. Yes, you're right, I suppose, but exactly which part of what I said was bollocks?"

"Personally, I've never fucked anyone I hadn't become attached to, in one way or another," you repeated, in what seemed like an uncanny mimicking of the way I said it. "What the hell does that mean?" You went on, "Unless of course the attached to is meant literally."

I pursed my lips as I wondered exactly what it was that I did mean. "It's obvious," I began, before realising it wasn't really. "I mean... oh, fuck... I don't know what I mean. Maybe it's just that someone of my age takes the act of fucking..."

"The act of fucking," you interrupted with what seemed like a frustrated smile. "There you go again."

I paused, wondering how to regain control of this conversation. How to re-establish the 'intelligent, man of the world' reputation that seemed to be in severe danger of slipping away?

"Speak more plainly," you advised, taking advantage of my temporary silence. "You'll feel much better!"

It wasn't just your voice that encouraged me to speak my mind. It was the way your hand squeezed mine, the way your knee pressed so firmly against my knee. I realised that I'd entered unfamiliar territory. Having been out of the dating scene for a while, I was behaving like an adolescent schoolboy.

Out of the dating scene? Shit, you had a point there! I was talking bollocks.

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath. "Let me explain what's going through my mind. If I just wanted sex, I could pop into any phone booth and call any one of the numbers in there. That would take care of the erection that's been pretty much permanent since we met."

My pause was more to allow you the opportunity to interrupt, than any doubt about what I was about to say. Your inquisitive eyes told me that no such interruption was likely. For better or worse, I ploughed on.

"I don't want just sex. That's cold, impersonal, and apart from briefly satisfying my body's craving, would leave me disappointed."

"What do you want, Alan?" you asked, your hand and knee maintaining their pressure.

"I want the mental stimulation, as well as the physical," I responded, hoping I wasn't lapsing into bollock-talk again. I tried to explain. "I want to know what it would really and deeply feel like to have sex with you, Sammi."

"I told you," was your immediate response, though this time it felt like some sort of test. "Unbelievable."

"I know that," I responded. It was true, I had no doubt of that. But it wasn't what I meant, or wanted. I needed more. "I'm talking on an emotional as well as a physical level. Sex is sex. But sometimes it can be more. Or less."

"Hmmm," you responded. It was the sound of someone who was either deep in thought, or distinctly unimpressed.

I had the feeling that I should have departed from bollocksville some time ago, and simply attempted to 'seduce' you into my bed. I mean, persuading a young bird into letting me fuck her at my age was impressive enough, wasn't it?

I realised the answer was no. Or, to be truthful, partly no. Yes, it would be impressive, but I wanted so much more than instant sexual fulfillment. I might be struggling to explain, but I knew exactly what I meant.

"I understand," you suddenly said. "You want to take me to your hotel room, fuck my brains out and have me do the same to you, before sending me home before it gets too late."

"Not quite," I responded, hoping I wasn't killing, or hadn't already killed my chances. I just wasn't ready to part company with you just yet. "What I want, Sammi, is to take you to my hotel and have you stay with me for the night. I want to experience you, not just sleep with you"


I sort of understood what you were going on about. It was actually the sentiments that most girls expressed. 'I don't fuck just 'cos he's good looking, it's because he wants to know me as person.' Yeah right! What she means is 'Please don't look at me as a slag if I have sex with him on the first date, for it's not just sex, it's so much more than that; we are getting to know each other as people, as real human beings! Again, yeah right.

Some girls and many blokes, mostly older, married ones, make such a big deal of this 'getting to know the real you' and 'experiencing you' as if it was something so unusual. They make it sound as if it was almost a spiritual experience they were after as opposed to a good shag. They ramp it up to make it sound as though it was something special to them 'I am different to most men, its not your 'tits and ass' that excite me, it's just the nearness of you,' I want. Can't they see, can't you see, I was thinking that it's not rare, it's not unusual, it's not specific to them and it doesn't make them much different. When you cut through all the bollocks, who are they trying to kid, the fucker, them, or the fuckee, her. Whose conscious are they trying to salve, whose dignity are they trying to uphold?

"Yeah, er right Alan, it's all the emotional experience is it?" I said in a dullish tone of voice.

"Well yes, sort of, I guess you could put it like that; well the physical as well."

"Right, can't have one without the other can you?"

Looking slightly less confident, even a little sheepish you nodded. "No, I guess you can't."

"Alan, don't you realise that what you have just said about wanting to experience as well as fuck me, is what everyone, in the main, is after? It's what sex and affection, shagging and liking is all about."

"Hmmm, but what I mean."

I interrupted. "What you mean is that you want to appear to be different to a bloke, particularly an older one, who picks up a bird, especially a younger one, and just shags her. Has what will be a one-night stand with her. What you want to be seen as is something different, so you want to 'experience' me as well as shag me. Yes?"

"Yes, yes I do."

"But Alan what is the big deal in that? It's what boy meets girl, boy shags girl is all about. It's nothing new, nothing different, nothing special. It's called having a good fuck with someone you like and get on well with."

"Yes Sammi , I guess you are right," you said rather resignedly, looking particularly dejected.

"If, and I stress the if, Alan, we do shag, I want you to promise that you will cut out all that crap. Take me and have me for what I am and what this is. Promise?"

"Yes, but I am not sure I understand."

"You probably don't now and maybe never will."

"Why not?"

"Because basically, and without being rude, you are old and I am young. You look for reasons, we just look at opportunities; you look for meanings, we look for feelings, if we have good vibes we do it, if not we don't; we thrive on our intuition, not on facts and analysis; you look and follow rules and structures, we seek and go with gut instinct and how things feel; you read instruction manuals, we just do it and we can work VCRs and programme Sky plus, your lot can't," I finished with a laugh as I ran my fingers up your arm and my toes, out of my shoes up your calf.

"So what, essentially Sammantha, does all that mean?"

"Firstly, Alan," I said looking from side to side and removing my hand and foot from you. "I think it means we should go. We have entertained this lot almost as much as I might have done the people having photos developed in Boots, which seems about a week ago."

You quickly settled the bill. I thought of suggesting I pay my share, but felt that was pointless, for I was sure you wouldn't let me and, in any case it made me feel more like a proper pick up letting you pay.

We walked out into Wellington Street in the depths of Covent Garden. It was still warmish, but there was a breeze so I pulled the thin pashmena I always keep in my large, totally impracticable, because you can never find anything, WAGS bag and wrapped that round me.

"Now that's a shame," you said.

"What?" I asked.

"Covering that lovely sight up of course, see I forgot the rules."

I laughed and took hold of your hand.

"Now, now, don't get carried away. What's the time?"

"Just after eight thirty."

"Perfect, just right."

"What for?"

"For where we are going."

"And where's that?"

"You'll see, come with me." I said pulling your hand. "By the way, what and where is the hotel where you want me to stay the night with you so you can experience and fuck me?" I asked as we stopped outside a building with a large, black door with six or so steps up to it. There was a large bouncer at the top of them.

"So what's this then?" You asked.

"Just the best and most exclusive lap dancing club in town, come on I've got a VIP pass."


My mind was whirling.

Everything Sammi said was true. You had the old versus young thing off to a tee. This young bird was wise beyond her tender years, I found myself thinking. But still, you missed my point. And I didn't know how to explain my point. Not any better than I had. So, I chose to do the only thing possible in the circumstances. Forget about trying to make you understand. The reality was, that it was all bollocks to you.

Just go with the flow.

As for the lap dancing club, that thought made me laugh. There I had been a little earlier, attempting to second guess a woman and come up with a romantic venue for the evening! Yet your suggestion was not just a lap dancing club, but the most exclusive lap dancing club in town!!

I should have known better than to try and second-guess a woman, especially one as perceptive as you. I found myself thinking that whoever wrote 'Men from Mars, Women from Venus' had got the basics exactly right.

So, where the fuck did all this leave me? Being dragged by the hand up the six or so steps, past the bouncer and through the large, black door. So, we had a VIP pass?

I'd been to a few lap dancing clubs before, all with 'the lads' of course. Though curiously, I'd never had a private dance. The girls in Leeds, Preston and Liverpool all had one thing in common. Well, two actually. Very good bodies, and being very good at what they did.

But the three clubs were soulless, despite the baying hordes that were 'appreciating' the girls' efforts. Maybe this place would be different? I mean, if it were as exclusive as you were indicating, perhaps it would reach the parts that the North of England clubs couldn't reach?

My thoughts flickered to the movie, Showgirls. Universally panned, but any movie starring Gina Gerson would do for me. And then there was the lap dance that Elizabeth Berkley performed. Now that was a lap dance!!

It also occurred to me as I stared around the grand interior, that there was one other difference with this place compared to the Northern clubs. There were women in the audience. Well, there had to be, didn't there, if Sammi had brought me in there.

Hmmm. Did that mean...?

"Tell me," you said, tugging my arm.

"Tell you what?" I responded, turning to see that amused Sammi-look staring at me.

"Your hotel, daddy," you told me, raising your eyes to the ceiling. "The venue for the proposed great seduction. For your spiritual enlightenment. For your emotional experience. Where you want to experience me, and fuck me! Where is it?"

Very funny, I thought. For a second, I almost gave you my best 'don't-fuck-with-me' look, but decided it would be a waste of time. This wasn't a girl, or a situation, that I was going to be in control of, so why try?

What was it I'd told myself earlier? Just go with the flow!

"The Landmark," I said.


I nodded. "Yes. My favourite. But please don't tell me that you've had any modelling experiences there," I said, hoping to disguise the feeling of whatever I was feeling in my voice.

"But," I continued before you could respond, "It's the four poster bed and mirrors on all the walls that attract me."

Your blue eyes did a double take, knowing I wasn't telling the truth, but maybe wondering a fraction.

"Ever watched yourself having sex?" I asked, the words spilling out before I could stop them.

You didn't need to answer. Those blue eyes said, of course, hasn't everyone?

"Okay, no four poster or mirrors," I conceded, wondering when, where, with whom, how many times and probably half a dozen other things. One thing was for sure, I'd never met anyone quite like you before.

"But they're still great rooms." I lamely added, glancing around. Time to change the subject. "Anyway, enough of where I go to for spiritual release, tell me what the form is here. I assume we'll enjoy a nice drink and some entertainment before I arrange for you to have your private dance?"


"Don't be daft, guests can't dance," I replied as we followed the shapely, black hostess to the VIP area at the back of the club.

This was raised up with a bar on a sort of balcony so that the 'VIPs' could look out on the less fortunate and preen. Myrla, our hostess, took our drinks order, and we found a booth away from the balcony. These could hold up to eight punters and each had its own small stage, which was really an extension of the table, the banquette running almost all the way round the table; yes you got nearly 360 degree views of the girls fannies! Each booth also had a little controls console, which closed the curtains round the booth, opened them to the main stage and had a small TV screen.

"Well not here, maybe later as part of your 'experience with me," I smiled flopping down on the deep, red leather almost circular settee.


"Who knows, gramps?" I smiled back actually now really beginning to enjoy myself.

Was it perverse I was asking myself as I saw you sort of squirming as more and more I wrested control of the situation away from you. It was strange, but then maybe it wasn't and it was just that I was half, or more, pissed, but I liked that, and that wasn't really like me at all. Generally with a new bloke who is a potential lover, I'm fairly meek and tend to follow his lead, as really I had with you earlier on. Now though, for some reason I wanted to lead and control; what a mixed up, silly little bitch I can be sometimes.

"How do get a VIP pass for this?" You asked. "It really is a fabulous place," you went on looking round.

Massive plasmas were all over the place, most showing women, but a few showed men. Not just both sexes stripping, but also catwalk models, dancers and beautiful people doing beautiful things. The hostesses, waitresses really, were all beautiful and scantily dressed in retro 'bunny' fashioned outfits; their almost uncovered boobs and black fishnets very much on show.

"From the agency I pitched to Lejaby, we have to entertain clients."

"What you bring male clients here?" You asked sounding very surprised, quite naturally I suppose.

"No, but sometimes I come along with a larger group."

"Phew, I would hope so," you said seriously.

"Yes it would be a rather outrageous thing for a young bird to bring a male client, or otherwise to a lap dancing club wouldn't it?" I asked laughing as I switched the on the TV.

You got irony of my remark.

"Yes, sort of double standards on my part really."

I laughed as the menu came up on the screen.

"Goes with the territory, the age," I giggled. "So what sort of bird do you want?" I asked flicking through the menu which listed all the girls the club used with those who were working tonight being clearly shown.

Myrla returned with our drinks and stood before us in a rather provocative pose.

"Will there be anything else miss, sir?" she asked.

"No not right now luv, thanks" I said, letting her get on hustling for more tips.

You looked at the screen as a galaxy of very tasty birds flashed across it and then looked up at me. We were sitting fairly close, I had my hand on the seat, you put yours on top of mine and looked at me.

"Well Sammi I saw some lovely girls there."

"Yes they are all beautiful."

"But none were quite what I really want."

"No? And what is that?"

Squeezing my hand and moving closer you said. "Well a blonde, of course, and naturally a natural one. Young, twenty two or three, slim with nice, but not big boobs and nicely tanned legs."

I saw where you were going with it and decided to play along as we sipped our drinks, both of us it seemed very aware that we had drunk quite a lot during this amazing day..

"And what would you like this young blonde bird to do?" I asked, pressing the button that controlled the curtains. We were completely isolated.

"Er well undress of course."

"Like this?" I asked, standing up and undoing a button on my blouse.

"Oh fuck Sammi , can we do this here?"

I laughed "No, I was just joking. Come on make your mind up let's order something"