Recovery of a Hero Ch. 08


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She told them that she'd keep an eye on me while they took their showers.

I looked at her and said, "Won't that hurt? I know I wouldn't want to do that."

She gave me a blank stare and said, "Huh?"

I smiled and said, "Gotcha."

The girls caught on first and started giggling. Then the coach caught it. She glared at me and said, "Oh great, now the cheer leaders have a mascot with a bad sense of humor. Just what I need...."

The girls started laughing and headed toward the girls shower room. The woman started pushing me toward her office, while mumbling about bad jokes.

I said, "If you liked that one, I know some others."

"Oh don't start. Don't even think of starting with me. You can't get away and I'm vengeful."

"And you like what you do, so you help 3 kids with a cripple." I said.

She said, "I helped 3 kids with a man who got shot saving the life of the brother-in-law of one of them. And don't use that word around me again. You may be a bit shop worn, but when we get done with you, you won't be a cripple."

I must have had one of my lapses about then, because I don't remember much else real clear for a bit. I do remember when the girls came back out wearing different clothes, and I remember the Coach slipping into her office so they wouldn't see that she'd stayed with me during my episode.

When they got their, she asked them into the office. I don't know what they talked about but they were real excited when we left. When they came out, they were all saying, "We made it. I told the coach, "I don't want to be a problem for Sally, so when she comes to practice I'll stay home. She wants this so bad that I don't want to be a problem for her.

The coach said, "Now you listen to me. I had a grandfather who lost a leg at Normandy in World War 2. My father was a P.O.W. in Korea for a year. My oldest brother fought in Vietnam and I have a nephew in Iraq. They wouldn't forgive me if I cut you out like that."

"Now, the question isn't whether you can come or not, but how. Sally is on the team and that's final. You are welcome to the after school activities and you will come. That's also final. All we have to do is figure out how."

Shelly and Sandra said at the same time, "I'll ask my folks if they can help."

I don't remember anything else about that conversation, but I was happy that I wouldn't be getting in Sally's way of being on the cheerleaders squad. That's all that mattered to me because of what she'd already done for me.

After that, we headed out of the building. As we went outside, they chatted about the fact that all 3 had made the team. I remember saying to Sally, "Told you so," but I'm hazy on anything else.

I do remember getting to the bus stop and the twins walking up. Turned out they were on their way to the mall too, so they joined us.

They all 5 chatted while we waited, and when the bus got there Sally got me loaded onto it and then strapped me into the wheelchair space. All of them found seats close to me and tried to include me in their conversation. I don't remember much about it but I started to feel less foggy as we got off at the mall.

It wasn't as big as some I'd seen but was decent sized.

All 3 pushed me in, and I saw the electronics store that George had told me about.

I gave Sally some money and asked her to get me a cup of coffee.

While she was gone, I asked the others if they'd help me. I told them that I wanted to get a surprise for her and I needed their help to do it.

When Sally got back, she handed me my coffee. Shelly beat her to the back of my chair and said, "My turn to push for awhile. Since we're a team, we take turns."

Sally said, "Ok, but be careful of bumps. Dar's balance is a bit off."

I faded out a bit on the conversation but I remembered about suggesting having a party so Sally could have her friends over. Ellen and Nancy got excited when they found out that Sally had a pool at home, too. I figured that with that incentive, Sally would have more of a problem getting rid of her friends than getting them to come over.

I looked up and saw we were close to the electronics' shop and said, "Look, a lectronic shop. Can we go in and look?"

Right on cue Shelly said, ""Hey Sally, look at that shop. It has some cool music cd's. Lets go there for a second."

Sally said, "I need to stay with Dar."

"Aw go look at that stuff, Sally." I said. "You don't need to look at everything I want to look at. I just haven't had a chance to see any of the newest stuff so I want to look for a bit is all. Sandra won't loose me, will you Sandra?"

She laughed and said, "Now how would I loose a lump like you? Go ahead Sally, I'll take care of Dar."

Sally finally agreed and said, "Ok."

Sandra and the cousins took me into the shop and back to the computer sales. I got the attention of one of the sales people, and said, "I want to see the best you have right now. I'm looking for 2 full towers with the works. Full antivirus and such. One is for a girl of about 13, and is a gift. It'll get picked up in an hour or so."

I gave him Georges Cell number and said, "When we're done, call this number and tell George Carson that the goods are ready for pickup. I want this to be a surprise for her."

The man said, "I'm Larry, and I'll be happy to help you." He led us back to where there were several full tower systems set up for display. I checked them all out, and decided on 2. I also had him show me the desks they had and got a simple but sturdy one.

After that, we went to the lap tops and I got one each for Janny and Erica. When we went to the checkout, I took out my Debit card. The sales man said that he needed to verify it because of the amount of the sale. He called the number on the back and started talking. After a moment, he asked for I.D. and I gave him my Department of the Navy civilian I.D.

After verifying it, he hung up and said, "No problem. It's just that we have a policy to verify all credit card sales over $500.

I said, "I don't mind. In fact, I like that so I think that I might be doing business with you in the future. Do you take special orders at all?"

He said, "Yes. We can order just about anything you want and assemble it here. We have service techs that are certified with most of the major manufacturers that work for us. If you want a special system assembled, we can do it and we deliver too. Since we have several stores all over western Washington, we deliver free in most areas. As a matter of fact, with your current purchases we can deliver it to you."

I said, "I want it tonight. I don't normally hurry much, but this is special. I'm getting a girl a special present because she's been taking care of me since I got out of the hospital. She even gave me her new computer and started using the old one, so I'm in a bit of a hurry this time. I'll remember what you said, though and I'll be back."

With that, we left. I looked at a clock and saw that we had only been about 10 minutes or so. I guess it doesn't take long when you already know about what you want if it's available.

We met the others as we left the shop. I said to the 3 with me, no telling." They giggled and agreed.

When we met up with the others, I said that I was hungry. I asked if they were and said, "My treat. What do you want for lunch."

They all smiled and said, "Godfathers." I said, "Ok, lets go."

I'm a bit fuzzy about the rest of the time we were at the mall, but when we met George outside later, he had all the stuff I'd bought at the computer store.

Sally asked if he could take the others home, and he agreed. Then he smiled and said, "How bout you 4 call your parents and get permission to come out to my place? I'll run you home so you can get some stuff for the night, and then we'll go home. Bring swim suits with you too and you can use the pool tomorrow."

I bet those kids set records getting out cell phones and calling home. We ended up taking all 4 to their homes and they got their stuff and packed it in back with the rest That done, we went home.

When we got home, George said, "Ok ladies, Sally has to take Dar in, so I need some help taking all this in. You willing?"

They all agreed, so while Sally took me to my room, they helped George unload the truck.

After I had cleaned up, Sally took me into the family room with the others, then went up to her room to get cleaned up and such.

Once she had started upstairs, we all went down into the basement and started getting everything put together.

Shortly after we had started, Sally rejoined us. She asked what we were doing, and George said that he was setting up a desk that I'd bought. She asked about the other stuff, and George gave a vague answer about it being stuff that I'd gotten from the mall.

I suggested that we all go out back so George could finish with setting up the computer for Sally.

They agreed, so we all went upstairs and out the back.

Nancy said, "Wow, you weren't kidding about a pool.

Sally said, "Nope, nice ain't it? All 4 agreed.

Sandra said, "We come over all the time to swim. It's fun when you don't have to scramble around for a good place like at the beach."

We talked for awhile, and finally George came out with some drinks.

I asked, "Is it ready now?"

George said, "I may not be in your class with that kind of stuff, but I do now a bit. It's ready and running."

"Great," I said. "Lets go check it out."

With that, we all went down to the basement.

When we got downstairs, Sally saw the new computer set up on the new desk and said, "I see you got a new computer. How come it's down here instead of in your room?"

I said, "Because I didn't get it for me."

She didn't get it and asked, "So who's it for?"

"You," I said.

She looked at the system again, and started crying then she asked, "Why?"

"The computer you gave me wasn't your old one," I said. "It was brand new. You spent all your free time with me since I've been here with me instead of seeing your friends. When I want a cup of coffee, it's almost always you that gets it."

When you found out about the cheerleading competition, I asked George if he could help me see about what was happening with my pay. I'm 100% disabled with the Army now so I get a good pension from the V.A. I get another pension from the Navy since I was working for them when I got hurt. I get a lot of money every month."

"So, I asked George if I could get you something special. You've given me something special so I wanted to give you something special. You gave me back my hope. I was ready to die in that hospital and you gave me a chance to live again. That is for you."

She ran over to me and gave me one of those addictive hugs. I hugged her back with my left arm and said, "Go check it out and see if you like it."

She went over and looked it over. From the way she was smiling, I knew I'd made a good choice. She started it up and her grin got even bigger.

When she was done looking everything over, she came back to me and said, "This is incredible! Are you sure this isn't for you?"

I said, "Nah. I got the good stuff for myself. This one is just an off the shelf system. I hope you like it though."

She started crying again, and George said, "I don't think she likes it. Can I have it?"

I laughed and said, "Too late. I already got a hug. It's bought and paid for now. Besides, I bet she hugs better than you."

George laughed at that. While we were talking, Janny came down.

"Where did that stuff come from?" she asked.

"Dar got it for Sally," said George.

"Dar, you didn't have to spend all that money," she said to me.

"It's my money and I wanted to," I said. She hasn't had much of a summer because of taking care of me and she gave me her brand new computer when I first got here. This is pay back. If I had to pay her for the kind of care I've gotten, it would have cost me a lot more than that computer."

Janny didn't say anything in response. She just walked over and said, "Thank you for letting me keep my husband. Sally is thanking you for letting her keep her brother. Erica is thanking you for letting her keep her brother."

"The only reason that Sally spends the most time with you right now is because George and I work and Erica is in school. We all take our turns, though, because you took the risk to save George and we're all very grateful to you for that. You don't owe us anything."

I said, "I owe you my sanity. I owe you for saving my life by getting me out of that hospital. When I could think straight, I was seriously considering suicide. I was going insane there. You saved me from that. But Sally has paid the most for that rescue and I do owe her for that.

George butted in and said, "Don't argue with him or he'll get mad and buy you something too."

I smiled and said, "That reminds me, now where are those 2 packages."

"Uh oh," said George.

Janny said, "What?"

Sandra picked one of the laptops up and said, "You mean this?"

I said, That's one of them."

She brought it over to me, and I gave it to Janny. "For you," I said.

She took a deep breath and said, "I guess it isn't worth arguing with you about this, is it?"

I said, "Nope. You'd just loose."

She looked at me for a moment, and then opened it. Inside was one of the newest Sanyo laptop computers. Top of the line for Laptops, in my opinion.

She looked at it for a bit then looked up at me and gave me one of those smiles like Sally had and said, "You really are a sweet man. Thank you. What about another package?"

"It's for Erica," I said.

When she got home a bit later, I gave her the second package. She didn't even argue like Janny had, but when she opened it she started crying and gave me one of those hugs and smiles and said, "Thank you. I've wanted one of these but with school cost, I couldn't afford it yet."

I said, "Well I think I got the better gift. I got 2 great hugs from 2 pretty girls and 3 of the best smiles I've ever seen from 3 pretty women. I think I came out way ahead of you 3."

With that done, I said to Sally, "I'm tired now, so I'd be grateful for a push to my room."

She came over and I whispered to her, "When you get me to my room, come back down and spend some time with your friends. You have 2 old ones to make up lost time with and 2 new ones to get to know better. I'll be fine until Janny and Erica help me get to bed, so have fun and enjoy yourself.

She gave me another hug and pushed me to the stair lift. When it had got me up the stairs, she pushed me into my room. I saw that the boxes with my stuff were already here, so I told her to tell George he had another puter to put together. She smiled and said, "Ok. He loves doing it so I bet he'll be right up.

I said, "Good. Now go be with your friends for awhile. I can get by till George gets here."

She smiled again, and left.

George came up and helped me set up my new system and put the other one away.

When we were done he said, "Thank you for what you gave the girls."

I said, "I didn't give them nearly as much as the 4 of you have given me the last few weeks. I meant what I told Janice."

We chatted a little longer, and Janice came in and the 2 of them helped me get ready for bed.

I asked how the kids were doing, and she said that they were all 6 playing video games on the 2 computers."

That made me even happier. It had been a wonderful day for me and with that thought, I drifted off to sleep.


This ends chapter 8. Chapter 9 will continue with Dar telling the story.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Out of order

This chapter should have been interspersed with the telling by the other characters. It seems very out of place.

You are still struggling with spelling. "loose" instead of "lose" and "to" instead of "too", and possessive nouns trip you up a lot.

Zoomie69Zoomie69almost 7 years ago
You Have Nailed It! See Chapter 1 Comments! 5*

Roadbug, As a 'Nam Vet, you have described exactly what I've heard from Iraq and Afghan Vets at the VA Hospital in Denver, CO.

This story is about a close to covert action, that you will see. I have worked with covert ops before, and believe that this author has had some contact as well, or friends that have.

So, to those who would condemn this author, I say, go elsewhere. I am tired of the negative Anons, hiding behind, not revealing themselves, just like the insurgents with their head wraps! To those wanting sex, what are doing in the "NON EROTIC" section anyway?

deJay_13deJay_13over 8 years ago
Editing and Grammar

Good story but it's difficult to read and keep the story line fluid. MOST writers in Lit. have problems with grammar but it is only worth commenting when a good story teller loses stars due to poor grammar. Typographical errors occasionally cause problems and are acceptable to a degree. A good editor should be able to reduce "typos" significantly. A better editor should be able to correct grammatical errors

Please continue to write good stories and get some help with the grammar.


de Jay

DesertPirateDesertPiratealmost 16 years ago
Very good!

I love it so far! Nice seeing the different view. Keep up the good work.

bruce22bruce22almost 16 years ago
Continues to hold my interest

But you know at least in this chapter he seems to be justifying the CPS agents worries about his lucidez.

Interesting that his conversation appears to be excellent but the inside of his head seems filled with confusion! Good work especially in creating separate view points and personal interpretations.

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