Red Doors Ch. 08

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Learning the depth of selfless love.
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Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/04/2022
Created 04/15/2004
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It had gotten to the point that coming from classes to rotations I was just running into circles. Knowing the pressures of being in a practice it seemed to have gotten the better of me. I was in turmoil heading for a crash course in love.

Sitting at the stoplight my mind was rushing ahead so I knew what once at the office would take priority. Using the moments during a day kept me from crashing. So I was sitting there when I felt such a shocking amount of movement

Being forced upon me. I had been hit from behind. I quickly took inventory on my senses. I was very stiff in my upper back lower neck area.

Sirens came blaring out of nowhere making traffic stop dead. It didn't help it being rush hour. I knew Thomas would be very upset with me being late especially after that talk last night. I reached out to get my cell out when it dawned on me. My hand hadn't left my lap. I started laughing hysterically as the officer came up along side of me.

"Miss are you okay?" His voice was stern yet tender.

I started to turn towards his voice when I found out I wasn't able to.

"Well officer I would be great if I could turn my head. Or pick up my phone to call my partner. How long will this take?" I said a little disturbed.

"Rod it's going to take the Jaws of Life to get her out." He said.

Well now that must be a terrible accident behind me. Maybe the car shoved me out of harms way. I could help if I could move my hand. Where is my hand? I shouldn't panic it would only upset that poor woman getting cut out of her car.

I didn't have another clear thought for almost seventy-two hours. By that time I had surgery three times. I was placed together by pins my body wasn't mine any longer. I had something sticking out of every orifice. When I tried to speak I was being forced fed pain medications?

"Abby are you awake?" Thomas spoke so softly.

I thought somebody scared Thomas he has never looked so frightened before. He will let me help him if I can just stand up. I will make it better for him.

My eyes opened slowly looking into his face I was struck with the pain in his. He has been hurt bad. I hadn't ever seen him without his hair combed or needing a shave.

"Well you look like hell Thomas." I tried to laugh it came out like a peep.

His face cleared some his eyes released his tears. Somebody scared him well that will not happen I will fix that for him. His hand reached over to mine with a gentle touch. I was thinking he was the most handsome man I had ever known.

"Don't cry Thomas I can't take it when a man cries. What are you crying for?" I asked sincerely.

His head bowed leaning his forehead upon my stomach. Crying like his heart would stop. I brought my hand up to lay it upon his head, but it didn't make it I saw that it drooped. My mind was foggy but I was still getting the picture I had been hurt badly. I wiggled my toes lifted my feet. Worked up to my hips. They were sluggish but I was moving them.

"Thomas you look me in the eyes and you tell me what is wrong with me? Remember I am a physician so no medical jargon." I said determined.

His face was a mask of pain yet he looked me into my eyes. I saw in them his depth of pain I became hysterical. I was determined now to hear it said.

"Abigail your spinal cord has been pinched you are recovering. You're motor skills are off a tad. This isn't permanent. Please remember this in the days ahead." His voice was shaking.

My mind was spinning I was in bad shape yet its expected to revive. Thomas looked like death on two feet. This wouldn't be happening if I hadn't been running late. Tears stormed out of my eyes with such force. Thomas stood up jumped in one full swoop. Grabbing Kleenex's he was pressing them onto my face. I tried to move my nose out of the way. He was causing an allergic reaction to the aloe in the tissue. I swelled up like a pumpkin head.

Crash cart came around I was coded.


Once again I woke up to Thomas sitting by my bed crying. My chest was throbbing. I was almost afraid to ask Thomas a question. He might become hysterical again.

"Thomas are you okay?" I said timidly.

"Yes Abigail I am fine you are here again with me. I am so sorry about rubbing the aloe tissues all over your face." He said with embarrassment.

"Aww what's a big allergic reaction amongst friends? I am here I feel like I have been ran over by an ambulance. But… I am here." I laughed weakly.

"Abigail you are to kind. I haven't left your side since the car accident. I have been over seeing every test procedure and surgical procedure. You will be good if I don't poison you again." He tried to be light hearted.

Thomas was just a wreck I knew he needed some sleep. I also know he wouldn't leave me to get some. After the visitors trailed out of the patient's rooms. I had a nurse bring in a couple of pillows in. Thomas had relented to take a shower in the doctor's showers.

He came around the corner in scrubs. I patted the bed with my free hand. He got up onto my bed, bringing the covers up on both of us. My fantasy was happening and I was wired to this hospital system. I was comfortable snuggling into his chest. I can't imagine that he was comfortable but he did fall fast asleep. His one arm was holding onto me like a bear hug.

We both managed uninterrupted sleep for the first time in a week.

We woke up almost together we enjoyed the morning hours I immediately remembered I hadn't brushed my teeth. On top of that my catheter was almost to over flowing. This wasn't conducive for romance. I wasn't sure how to get him up so I could get help.

"Good morning doctor's now hear this and hear it good. I am not allowing this on my shift. Please Dr. Thomas Williams in your wisdom you should know what morning is around a hospital. Please depart from us. I have things I must do for this poor lady." Bella bellowed like the captain she was in the Army. "Our patient needs some special needs taken care of. If you think you can manage going to the cafeteria then please go right after you shower and shave." Her voice was gruff. We all loved her.

Thomas actually smiled wide we both knew I was going to recover Bella only acted this way when a patient turned the corner.I went through therapy with much pain hardly any gains for the first few weeks. It was wearing me down. I wanted to cry but didn't dare. Thomas was my cheer leading section. Bella would walk me down the halls. Surely she never knew I wanted her to fall down give me a break.

"No Dr. Abigail I will not let up on you. You know really don't wish that on me." Her voice was lightly laughing.

I felt my face get red from embarrassing thoughts being brought out into the open.

We both laughed. She marched me down that hall four times a day. Finally I don't remember when I realized I was walking with no help. Every tube taken away was an achievement. I actually felt human over time. I should have been moved off the PICU floor. The staff was kept there pampering me. I had finals

Made it to every one too. The morgue was a little much but I aced it and got the hell out of there.

I heard that I was coded twice before they got me to the hospital.

Thomas never spoke about that day. After I was released I went to his home to recuperate. I had lost weight I had found it hard to focus. Thomas was never far from me. I was free from crutch canes walkers.

"Thomas tell me something?" I paused. 'Thomas what happened to me?" I asked determined.

His body tensed he sat forward as he spoke with a softness in his voice.

"You were struck from behind a drunk driver was running from a policeman. His car engine stopped just as it kissed your drivers seat. He was thrown clear like most of them are. The axle of the drunk's car skewered the policeman onto a tree. The policeman died instantly. You died twice at the scene. You were quite the patient. When the officer asked you mam are you okay? You shot back yes just needed to get to use your cell phone.

Your body was pinned into a space just a little bit bigger than an Igloo ice chest.

The car was about to ignite the sparks were dancing off the gasoline."

He fell quiet so did I. we sat there not speaking knowing that that day wasn't my day to go.

Recovering was slow days of pain seemed to be my lot in life now. I didn't seem to be able to get focused on anything for to long. Which was completely understandable.

I lay down at night trying to remember me before the accident. My interest was waning for sexual therapy. I couldn't bring it to Thomas' attention yet I knew he was postponing what would have to take place soon.

I went online with nothing more than to check my emails. One was sort of standing out more than the others were. Opening it I read words from a man I hadn't seen for a long time.

It read:

Coming to Kansas City for a week. Will you be able to show me the sights? I have missed you. Hopefully you have missed me too. Will be in town starting this Friday evening. Sam

Wow what a surprise this was. We had been together for two different times once going to his state. The last time on a cruise I had won from the hospital talent show.

My mind kept saying Sam's name over and over. His face popped into my mind he was such a handsome guy. We had some hilariously funny times together.

We had also had some torrid raw sexual encounters.

I leaned back in my chair closing my eyes ever so slightly. I recalled our first kiss it was electrifying. Every time we touched we emitted sparks that should have burnt Texas down. All though we were on a riverboat we had plenty of water surrounding us.

As I recall we were even hit by lightening. We did have a good time I felt myself become a little aroused.

"What are you thinking about?" Thomas' voice broke into my daydream.

"Oh I thought you were with a patient. Nothing I was just thinking back at a time that was a great time. Thomas?" I hesitated all of a sudden.

Thomas stood close to me yet he seemed uncomfortable. I knew he was trying to tell me something. Not knowing how I would react he was quiet, too.

"Yes Abigail." His voice was tender.

"I think I should take some time off. I know its not been easy since my accident maybe getting back to my place. What do you think?" I asked with dread in my voice.

If he jumped at the offer to quickly I was going to be devastated. If he said no I would be crushed that he couldn't see my pain. Not the physical pain the mental pain was excruciating.

I was in my twenties I had even contemplated in not being sexual again. I needed something I just had to get my independence back. I had to quit these panic attacks.

Thomas bent down so he could look me in my eyes. I felt his breath upon my face I wanted to kiss him. Panic set in I was starting to shake from something I had no control of any longer.

"Abigail please take the time off. We have plenty of time you need the time I can see that in your face. You work on yourself it will be fine again. It really will be I promise." Thomas whispered his promise.

I managed to make it to the airport in perfect timing to pick Sam up. Seeing that wide gait walk of his in his cowboy boots I was flushed with familiarity. I managed to not trip or fall as I walked quickly towards him. His arms were around me with such ease. I felt so much compassion for him.

"Abby my word you have only gotten prettier." Sam said teasing.

He stepped back looking at me as though I was a prize steer. I turned back around for his admiring eyes.

"Oh Sam you look so great I can't believe this is you. Come here give me another hug." I said excitedly.

His arms slipped around me his body pressing onto mine. I didn't see the kiss coming. I should have though he was insatiable with passions. We both were.

My lips parted as his tongue found mine. We had been in a terminal with hundreds of people. We had transposed to a place we lived before. We were passionate immediately.

To the chagrin of some onlookers we both laughed when the second person said disgusted.

"Get a room."

We pulled apart not the least embarrassed we just had that affect on one another. We picked up his suitcase made it out of the airport in good time. His gentle way about him was comforting. It never crossed my mind that we wouldn't pick up where we left off.

I didn't have a river to impress him with. No wide open spaces the night life for a

Doctor was almost non-existence. I wanted him to see my world without any of the pain involved. We drove towards the city as I pointed out the hospital I was working in.

"Well Abby that looks like a whole city by it self. You don't get lost inside the halls?" He teased me.

His arm came around my shoulder squeezing me ever so lightly. I pulled up in front of a building looking for Sam's reaction. The elevator was coming down on the outside of the building. A handsomely dressed young man took my keys and drove off. As the doorman greeted us with a friendly greeting Sam looked bewildered.

"Abby this place is amazing. Anything else you got to show me tonight?" He sounded in awe. 'An elevator on the outside of a building. A stranger takes off with your car. A total stranger greets you with white gloves on bowing deep."

His eyes were amazing. His eyes were sexy with just the right amount of lust shining through. We might make it through dinner. I blushed because we never did when we were on the riverboat.

After ordering Sam looked out the windows his face registered surprise.

"Abby I am from the country so I know my stars we aren't where we began when we first sat down for dinner." His voice was baffled.

I smiled at him I didn't mention the restaurant was moving. It was turning slow enough to not be a problem.

"Sam you never quit amazing me with your sense of directions. We are rotating I am so happy you are here." I whispered.

Eating was a wonderful time we sat afterwards talking catching up. When I seen the spark in his eyes I suggested we leave. We made it to the elevator only holding hands. I was sure he was wanting me it felt so wonderful to be wanted.

The elevator stopped on the 20th floor I pulled him out into the hall. Walking towards the suite I had reserved. His body language was telling me we needed to be behind closed doors.

The door was barely shut when he took my hand pulling me to him. His body was

Blending with mine. The lights were on dim his shadow and mine was dancing on the wall. I wanted him his need for me was causing me to become breathless.

"Abby I dreamt of this so many times. I couldn't sleep without you dancing in my thoughts. I am so…." His voice cut short.

I had slipped down his body with small kisses slipping my tongue out on his bare skin. Nibbling his nipples licking his midline I took his waistband and pulled it hard it opened with a flourish. His cock sprang out hitting my chin. I saw his head rear back just as my tongue slipped around his shaft.

"Awwww woman you are such a temptress with your mouth that tongue. Oh yes lick me like that more…more… This is so damn hot." Sam was whispering.

Our reflections were showing ourselves in the throes of passions. Nothing was left undone. Action reaction constant pleasurable touches making both of us shout out. He had stepped out of his jeans his muscular thighs were like granite

His upper body strength was phenomenal from so many fences being mended.

"Sam lay down." I said hoarse.

His body seemed to move towards the bed without his legs moving. As he laid back he pulled my dress over my arms and head. I was naked sitting upon him.

We found ourselves becoming more erotic. Every touch ignited us we found no relief we didn't want relief we wanted to build up to it. I managed to slip down his body to the point I was able to swallow him whole. His moans were feeding into

My sensuous side was more tuned into his needs.

His hands grabbed my head shoving my face down as his hips bucked upwards.

We were moving as one. His hands were forcing my face down impaling his cock into my throat. I gagged but never stopped he seemed to gather more exuberance by the sounds.

We were so intense with our passions. I felt his orgasm pounding through his body. I knew I wanted him to escape the room. Going into sub space it was the greatest way I could show him how much I loved him. His body was shaking his feet were digging into the mattress.

I was making room for his cum to splash into my mouth. Closing my eyes I felt myself being tossed into the air. Landing on my stomach I opened my eyes in astonishment. His hands grabbed my hips pulling me back onto his cock.

"Oh no you don't Abby you need to be fucked to an inch of your life. My cock will penetrate you deeper than you have ever been penetrated." Sam shouted with breathless voice.

His cock was burying into my depths. I was clinching the sheets burrowing my face into the sheets biting my lips.

"Here how does this feel?" He screamed as he hit my ass making me feel the sting.

I came with such a force he was splashed all around his cock. Slapping me a few more times I was ready to launch into sub space. His body was orchestrating us both into a place that lovers go.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Abbbbbyyyyyyyyyyy cummmmm withhhhhh meeeeeeee." Sam shouted into the room we both had just left behind riding the waves of passions.


I remember a few days later we were sitting having brunch. Sam reached over touched my hand. Rubbing it softly as he smiled.

"Abby I never thought this was possible. When I got you is email asking me to come to KC immediately? I was shocked but eagerly wanting to come here." He kissed my hands.

"Sam? I didn't write you an email you wrote me?" I said confused.

"Oh well if you want to pretend that this was my idea. Well, it's the best idea I have had forever." He answered teasingly.

I looked into his face seeing he was serious. I couldn't figure out who wrote him?

Who knew him?

"Actually when you signed it Love Abbie. I was intrigued by your new spelling." He volunteered.

Then I knew who wrote him. Thomas wrote to him to come here. So I could get myself past that terrible bridge I had made no effort to walk over. My Thomas opened his heart to make mine well again.

Now when I think of this time I feel warmed by both Sam and Thomas. When Sam left we had been so close promised writing. I turned up for work with a smile

Asked for the next case? Thomas smiled at me handed me a file. Hugged me with a hug that went straight into my heart.

I was totally in love with Thomas from that moment on.


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AnnoraAnnoraalmost 20 years agoAuthor
A heartfelt thank you..

I want to thank Sam for being with Abby again...

My Erotic TailMy Erotic Tailalmost 20 years ago

Excellent story Annora, Red Doors Ch 08 is a charming and an erotic addition to your wonderful tale. Fitting fire works story for the forth of and sizzling. (~_*)

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