Red-faced on the Red-eye Pt. 03 - Spanked Red

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Sara faces more public humiliation, and gets her punishment.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/09/2019
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Red-Faced Part 3: Spanked Red

Sara's ENF vacation with Rosie continues

This story is the third installment my "Red-Faced" story (following Red-Faced on the Red-Eye Part 1 and Red-Faced Part 2: Sunburn) and would best be enjoyed after reading those first. These stories follow wannabe exhibitionist Sara on her Caribbean vacation, which she and her friend Rosie planned as a way to explore their ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) and public-nudity fantasies. In Part 1, Sara got an unplanned head start on her naked antics during her overnight red-eye flight from Ireland, courtesy of Anna, a very seductive and dominating flight attendant. Part 2 saw Sara and her friend Rosie meet up and head out to their hotel's clothing-optional beach for their first foray into public nudity, only to run into Anna, who was kind enough to take some time off work so she should could offer some very "hands on" guidance to make sure their "nay-kay vay-cay" is as thrilling as they hoped -- and more...

Sara was mortified that Rosie had caught her playing with herself as she watched her buxom friend masturbate, but Rosie's offer to rehabilitate her straightness by hitting the beach to "catch some dick" could not drive Sara's erotic fascination with Anna from her mind.

Still, when the athletic, naked Latina grabbed Sara by the wrist and forcefully yanked her up from the bed, the horny Irish girl felt strangely compelled to obey.

The girls decided to leave all their gear in their room because they didn't want to risk leaving anything on the beach while they were gone, and after a few deep breaths, they nervously ventured out towards the surf with nothing but their room keys on their wrists.

The water felt amazing coursing over their nude bodies, the constant back and forth flow of the waves across their bare skin constantly reminding them that they had nothing on. They stalled a bit on the pretense of getting used to the water until Sara eventually suggested they start making their way towards a regular beach in the dare that had both agreed to when they were first planning the trip.

Skeptical of Anna's advice from earlier in the day, Rosie insisted that they head south, but barely 100 yards down the beach, they spied the rocks Anna had warned them about and they started making their way north toward the red-roofed Jardín de Flores, where Anna had told them was the farthest they should go if they wanted to avoid a run it with the police.

Along the way, both girls enjoyed the thrill of swimming amid throngs of beachgoers who were all oblivious that they were both nude beneath the waterline. Rosie seemed particularly interested in chatting up cute guys while secretly naked, approaching them even in much shallower water than Sara dared venture, crouching down to keep the waterline at her shoulders. And more than once -- to Sara's delight -- a big wave would catch Rosie totally off guard, first pulling the waterline down to bare her boobs before she could react, and then totally dousing her in front of the guys she was trying to impress.

"Stop laughing, you freaky bitch," Rosie said the umpteenth time she had retreated to deeper waters rejoin Sara after being humiliated by a rogue wave. "I'm not the one having big, slutty lesbian orgasms in the middle of the beach!"

"Okay, okay! Don't be mean," said Sara, first embarrassed, but then strangely aroused by the accusation. "We're here now anyway," she said, pointing to the red roof. "Those guys are going to get to see a lot more than your boobs if they stick around."

"So... are you really ready to do this?" asked Rosie, as if hoping for permission to back out.

"You're asking the 'freaky bitch' who lets women lick frozen margaritas off her pussy in public?" Sara retorted with a new confidence born from accepting the erotic humiliations she had already endured, then she grabbed Rosie's hand and started walking towards the beach.

"Damn girl! Lemme take a breath," said Rosie, digging into the sand to try and slow her friend down -- but to no avail.

"This is what we came here for, Rosie. If we chicken out, we might as well go home."

Hand-in-hand, the two nude girls ventured up towards the public beach in a long, nerve-wracking walk, with each wave first exposing them more than the last and then splashing against their backs like a bucket of cold water. Soon they were totally exposed and naked with the surf dancing around their ankles, and they looked out at a crowded beach filled with people -- tourists and locals -- none of them so much as topless.

True to Anna's advice, though, there were no kids to be seen, which was a relief to both girls, and made them feel somewhat more comfortable as they strode naked up the beach. Rosie showed her adorably broad, toothy grin and giggled nervously as she reveled in her first experience being naked in broad daylight in front of so many people. And even Sara, who had imagined that she would be totally inoculated from any sense of shame after her humiliating morning of orgasms on the beach, also blushed at the subtle embarrassment of being seen naked by hundreds of people who were only in bathing suits, but still all clothed nonetheless.

Both girls reveled in the euphoria of their exposure, glancing around in delight at the people gawking at their naked bodies in amazement. They saw many judgmental looks, of course, and heard several whistles and catcalls, just as they had expected -- but what they weren't entirely prepared for was the sound of a police whistle.

They looked around frantically and spotted a uniformed man approaching them down the beach from the street, blowing on his whistle and waving his arms. As if emboldened by the official intervention, many people around them began shouting at them in Spanish. The tone was all derisive, but the only word Sara could interpret was "Nudista!"

"Public nudity is illegal here," said the policeman when he reached them, grabbing them both sternly by their arms. "Signs are posted. You are breaking the law."

"We're sorry, we got confused!" said Sara in a panic, covering her bare pussy with the hands.

"I thought Anna said there wouldn't be cops here!" said Rosie as she cupped her ample boobs in a hand bra and brought one leg up to try and hide her trimmed bush.

"Where are your clothes?" the policeman said glancing around. "Did you leave your clothes somewhere on the beach?"

"No -- we... uh, we don't have any clothes..." Sara said, instantly regretting it.

The policeman just shook his head in disgust and started hauling them up the beach.

"Oh my god, Rosie, can't you explain or something?" said Sara. "I mean, you speak Spanish, don't you?"

"My grandma speaks Spanish, you racist bitch!" snapped Rosie. "And explain what, anyway? We're buck-naked on a public beach. He's kinda got us."

When they reached the road at the edge of the beach, the officer pulled out two pairs of handcuffs and started cuffing their hands behind their backs.

"Holy shit, he's serious," said Rosie, now regretting she hadn't at least tried her Spanglish on him.

"You are both under arrest for public indecency."

"Lo sentimos mucho! So Sorry!" offered Rosie frantically. "Prometemos nunca más!"

"Silencio!" the officer responded. "Estas bajo arresto."

He took then both by the arm and started pulling the two naked, frightened girls up a street leading away from the beach. Past the short block of beachfront shops, the street opened up onto a wide square filled with locals and tourists milling around and sitting at outdoor cafes. The reaction of the locals to the pair of "nudistas" being arrested was even more scornful than the reaction on the beach. Derisive cries of "puta!" "mujerzuela!"and "furcia!" rang out at them from throughout the plaza.

"What are they saying?" asked Sara, wincing just at their tone.

"They're basically calling us whores," said Rosie, turning away from one old woman shouting "puta!" only to face another yelling "furcia!"

With their hands cuffed behind their backs, there was nothing either of them could do to hide their nudity. They could only bow their heads in shame as they felt the hot blush of their humiliation burn every inch of their bare skin as they were paraded naked through the crowded square.

"Why did we even do this?" whined Rosie. "This one was your idea, wasn't it, you freak!"

"I'm sorry!" Sara whimpered.

As the two naked girls were hauled past the old colonial church on the square, locals gasped and crossed themselves and the tourists turned their cameras from the architecture to the exhibitionists, more than doubling the entourage they had already accumulated of vacationing lads following them with their phones taking videos.

"I can't believe this is happening!" wailed Sara, turning away as a guy got up in her face with his phone after taking a long, close-up shot of her shaved pussy. "Go away!"

"Jesus, if anyone I know sees this shit on the web, I will cut you, bitch!" snapped Rosie "Oh jeez, forgive me Jesus! I know this is sending me to Hell!" she said as they passed an ancient woman in a chapel veil clutching her chest like she was having a heart attack.

After their excruciating trek through the public square, the two naked, handcuffed girls were actually relieved to finally be hustled into the back seat of a decrepit police car and whisked away from the shouting, picture-snapping crowds. Their relief quickly turned to concern, however, when they began to consider what might face them when they arrived at the police station with no passports and no identification -- not to mention no clothes.

But their concern started building into genuine fear when it appeared that they were being driven away from the center of town where a police station might be, and into an area of small hotels and cottages.

"Wait... where is he taking us?" whispered Sara ominously.

"Hey! A dónde vamos?" said Rosie, kicking the back of the front seat. "Hey! I'm talking to you! Where are we going?"

The officer answered with only a dismissive wave of his hand as turned up a side road going up a hill. When he parked in front of a modest, isolated bungalow and opened the back-seat door, Rosie put up her legs to kick him if he tried to pull them out of the car.

"Don't get out, Sara," she said, then she shouted at the policeman waiting outside the car. "Esto mal! No estamos entrando!"

The officer stood back and started laughing and Sara heard the door to the bungalow open. Then she nudged her combative friend with an exasperated sigh.

"Don't worry, Rosie," she said. "We've been played."

Rosie turned and saw Anna standing in the open doorway with that oh-so-smug grin of hers.

"You fucking bitch!" Rosie shouted as she heaved herself out of the car. "You scared the hell out of us! What the fuck were we supposed to think, being driven out here to some rape shack when we're buck naked and handcuffed?!?"

Anna and the policeman were both laughing now as the two naked, handcuffed girls got out and stomped over to the doorway where Anna stood, wearing the same white swimsuit and robe as earlier. Rosie got right up in her face -- or rather slightly below it, since tall, leggy flight attendant was now wearing heels and the shorter Latina was barefoot. But that didn't stop Rosie from bumping chests with Anna even though her hands were cuffed behind her back.

"You think this was funny?" Rosie said, getting up on her toes to bring her nose up to Anna's chin. "You get these cuffs off me and we'll see how funny it is!"

The sparky performance made even Sara suppress a giggle, and as the policeman advanced to unlock their cuffs, Anna comically waved him off.

"Wait a second, Carlos!" she said stepping back from the pissed-off Latina. "Are you trying to get me killed?" Then she pulled an envelope from her robe pocket and held it out to the officer. "Here you go, Carlos -- one roundtrip flight voucher to Madrid. Now about those cuffs... How about you just leave the keys with me and I get them back to you later?"

"Okay, Anna, no problem," he said, exchanging the keys for the envelope and getting back in his car. "Pleasure doing business," he said as he drove off.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine," whispered Anna to the two young girls standing naked and handcuffed in front of her bungalow, as she slowly stepped backwards through the doorway, dangling the keys with a wicked grin to entice them reluctantly across the threshold.

"I cannot believe you did this!" Rosie growled as Anna shut the door behind them.

"Oh, I can," sighed Sara, with a world-weariness born of being the subject of this diabolical domme's games for -- what? Not even 24 hours yet? "So, everything you told us -- all that 'friendly advice' -- was just a ploy to get us here in your hotel room naked and handcuffed just like this, wasn't it?"

"Well, that," Anna shrugged, "and to keep you from actually getting arrested for public indecency by a policeman who I did not go to considerable trouble to ensure he wouldn't actually take you in," she said. "After all, as I told you, public nudity really is illegal on the public beaches here."

"Oh..." said Sara, suddenly chastened by Anna's logic. "I—I hadn't thought about it like that," she said, glancing over at a suddenly much calmer Rosie.

"Well then, aren't you glad that I did?" asked Anna, putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot at her two naked, humbled houseguests.

"Y-yes ma'am," said Sara meekly.

"Mmm?" Anna said to Rosie, bending lower to catch the pouty Latina's eye.

"Yesss!" hissed Rosie, pointedly refusing to add Sara's submissive "ma'am."

"Good, it's nice to feel appreciated," said Anna smugly, placing a fingertip on each of their chests right between their breasts and pushing them backwards until they both bumped against the wall. "But I think I deserve to feel some gratitude, too..." she said, slowly trailing her fingertips up the girls' chests to tip both of their chins upwards. "How about a nice 'thank you, ma'am' from both of you?"

"Whoa," said Rosie, pushing forward from the wall, "you want us to thank you for getting us arrested on a public beach, then paraded naked though that crowded square and totally humiliated, and then dropped off here at your little love shack in handcuffs so you can toy with us like this?"

"Yes, actually," said Anna sternly, pressing Rosie back against the wall with a hand over the Latina's flushed chest. "Because I'm pretty certain that both of you actually quite enjoyed it," she said, pulling her hand away from Rosie's reddened chest and waving it theatrically like she was singed.

Sara immediately bowed her head and crossed her legs in acknowledgement, but Rosie did her best to act defiant.

"Fat chance," she said. "I don't get off on any of this kinky 'whips-and-handcuffs' shit."

"Okay then... a wager," said Anna, running a finger slowly down each girl's chest. "If you're not turned on right now," she said, her fingertips gliding down both girls' chests between their breasts, "then I'll unlock the cuffs and send you both back to the Coral Cay right now with long t-shirts and cab fare and you'll never see me again." Anna's fingertips inched slowly down their stomachs... "But, if I discover that you two shameless little exhibitionists actually did get all wet from being paraded bare-assed and handcuffed through that public square, and from standing here in front of me feeling so naked and helpless, knowing that I'm the only one who can let you out of those cuffs..." Her fingers neared what would have been their panty lines -- and kept going -- and then she locked eyes with Rosie, daring her to move. "Then you will both humbly thank me for the experience, and those cuffs will stay on until I decide to let you go."

With that, Anna plunged her fingers into both girls, deep enough to make Sara moan and Rosie curse. She stirred them both up until they were panting and bucking their hips on her fingers as she teased their clits with her thumbs. Then, as if further proof was needed, Anna held up her moist, slippery fingers for them both to see, nodding a prompt to the two horny, naked, handcuffed girls.

Sara looked over at Rosie, who curled her lip and bowed her head in humiliated defeat.

"Thank you, ma'am," they said in unison.

"Well," said Anna with supreme self-satisfaction, "I can't say this is the first time I've had a couple of attractive young girls thank me for bringing them to my cabana naked and handcuffed, but this is certainly the most satisfying."

Anna then turned around and reached back to slide her middle fingers into each of the girls' pussies, expertly finding their g-spots and then pulling them both behind her down the short hallway into her bedroom.

The sliding doors of the closet were all floor-to-ceiling mirrors, reaching across one entire wall of the bedroom so when Anna took them around the corner, the two girls were confronted by the life-sized image of themselves naked and handcuffed, on either side of a beautiful, fully dressed woman, who was leading them both around by their pussies. The shocking sight made them both suddenly go pale -- then quickly red.

"Oh, my fucking god..." muttered Rosie as the humiliation of her predicament sank in to an even deeper level.

"Ohhh, mmy..." whispered Sara as Anna locked eyes with her in the reflection and stirred the horny Irish girl with her finger. Even without the added teasing, and Anna's mesmerizing eyes, the vision of herself and Rosie both so completely naked and helpless at this woman's mercy was more than enough to make Sara swoon.

After taking a moment to enjoy the erotic tableau, Anna turned the three of them around to face away from the mirrors, pivoting around the stunned and sullen Latina and swinging Sara around them both by pulling hard against her g-spot, making the poor girl nearly stumble.

The smugly dominant woman slipped her fingers out of the girls' extremely wet pussies and stepped back, theatrically licking their juices.

"Now, would either of you ever have imagined before you left home that on the very first day of this sexy little vacation of yours, you'd end up naked together in the bedroom of a certified lesbian?" Anna said, not even trying to suppress her wicked giggle. "And in handcuffs, no less!"

"Never in a fucking million years," sneered Rosie. "I'm stone-cold straight, bitch!"

"Well, so was my naked little sextoy here before she met me, isn't that right, sweetie?"

Sara, beyond humiliation, could only manage to bow her head and nod.

"But you can never say that again, can you?" said Anna with a devilish grin, tipping up Sara's chin to meet her eyes.

"N-no... I... no ma'am," Sara whispered, for the first time fully accepting that this was true.

"So, who knows what the future holds?" said Anna with a wink at Rosie as she admired the two helpless, naked girls -- both looking excruciatingly uncomfortable, but for entirely different reasons.

"And what does 'straight' really mean, anyway?" Anna mused. "Just that you haven't had a woman make you cum yet? I mean, every 'straight' girl has at least made out with another girl before, right? Surely, you've done that before, haven't you, Rosie?"

"The fuck I'd tell you if I did!"

"That's a yes," said Anna, with a wink at Sara, who couldn't help but return her grin.

Then Anna locked eyes with Rosie with a sudden, seductive seriousness, stepping ever-so-slowly towards the naked, handcuffed Latina.