Red Night

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Surprise gift is the object of a wild night.
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The box on the bed was beautifully wrapped! Shiny red foil paper and a wide, black ribbon criss-crossed the package. Atop the big box was a black bow. "What an interesting color scheme," you laugh to yourself. Gently removing the bow and ribbon, the card falls to the floor at your feet.

"OPEN THE BOX FIRST" is printed in large block letters on the card's red envelope.

Obediently, you slip the rest of the way off the heavy box and gently remove the lid. Black tissue paper is neatly folded over the contents, further concealing your new gift. Gingerly, you brush the paper back to reveal what looks like a huge, red condom. Slick and shiny red, you begin to pull the heavy latex suit from the confines of the box. A small note is taped to the "costume."


Dropping the heavy garment back onto the bed, you rip the card open. "What in the hell…"

Blank on the outside, but obviously very expensive from the texture of the paper, you open the card. Immediately you recognize my handwriting:

"I knew you would look beautiful in this. Put it on and wait for me"

Now excited, you quickly yank the heavy suit from the box. It's striking, bright red. It takes a few minutes to figure out which end is up. You pull the sleek material over your feet, inch-by-inch—it's so tight—like a second skin. You begin to perspire from your efforts, and from your excitement. Oddly, the sweat helps you to glide into the suit. Its hot tightness is a strange feeling. Like having been swallowed by a snake. It caresses you on all sides, squeezing you, caressing your body as it's never been held before.

Strategic holes were manufactured into the suit. The bottom is actually more like a pair of cowboy's chaps than pants. Wide openings expose your ass to the cool air of the room. Of course, it's crotchless! And two more holes allow your perfect 34-B breasts to jut out from the red "skin."

You run your hands over your new "flesh." It's so sleek, so smooth and so tight. It seemed so heavy in the box, but now that the weight is distributed over your body, it doesn't seem to weigh anything at all. Glancing in the mirror you are amazed at the transformation. You turn one way—then the other—admiring your tight ass and firm breasts. Your nipples jut out like twin pencil erasers. As your sweat escapes the openings of the suit, it cools your exposed flesh. Awakening your body and your mind to what I have planned for the evening.

"You look even more beautiful than I expected." My voice startles you and you spin quickly to face me, your nipples jutting out at me through the top of your new outfit.

"I—I didn't hear you come in," your tone is almost apologetic. But the way you look right now, I'd let you off a murder charge, even if I'd caught you over the body still clutching a dripping blade.

"I didn't come in. I've been here—watching you since you got home."

As I right myself from the doorway where I've been leaning, I take a long pull from my frozen margarita then extend it to you, offering you a taste. Looking straight into each other's eyes, you tilt your head to accept my offering. I'm a little too generous, though and some of the frozen drink dribbles from the corners of your mouth. I reach around you, pulling you to me as I lap the tart mixture from your delicate throat. My tongue traces your jugular, spinning a web of firm, tiny circles up your neck, while bringing the frosted glass against your exposed right ass-cheek.

A loud moan escapes your lips as I roll the tall glass toward your crevice from behind.

I push my face beneath your hair to whisper forcefully in your ear. "Not yet, babe. Not yet."

As I release you, you stagger slightly, already 'high' from expectation and need. I wasn't prepared for that. Luckily you catch yourself before falling completely to the floor.

"Finish getting dressed," I command. "And read the back of the card."

Perplexed, but willing to do anything at this point, you nod to me obediently.

"Good. Very good! Now DO AS I SAID!"

My change in tone and volume startles you and you jump a little. I take another long sip from my drink and disappear around the doorframe to finish my preparation for the evening's adventure.

As told, you return to the bed, blanketed in satin sheets and a slippery black comforter and retrieve your card from the floor where it lay. Flipping it over to the back, you find the rest of my instructions and the cease word for the night: EXCALIBER. "Arthur's sword?" you wonder. "Oh well!"

The thick latex gloves encase your hands and you sit obediently at the side of the bed—blindfold in place—and wait patiently. It seems like hours have passed. The slick sheets feel cool on your luscious ass and you squirm just a bit to enhance the effect. "What the hell are you doing?"

Your blind eyes turn toward me, unseeing but so beautiful beneath the silk scarf that serves as your barrier to light. You know that no answer will be correct. You've been bad! Now you will be punished.

Roughly, I grasp your arm and a fist-full of your hair, pulling your ear to my lips. Again, my forceful whisper sends a tingle down your spine.

"You've been a very naughty girl! Do you know what happens to naughty little girls?" I ask.

Barely audible, I hear your sweet voice.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I—"

"No! It's too late for that! Much too late!"

Still gripping your arm and hair, I roughly pull you from the bed and push you in front of me, guiding you through the house. I make several unnecessary twists and turns through the house to further disorient you. When we finally stop, the thing that might give you a clue to your location is the shockingly cold floor. I smile as I watch you try to guess. I can almost see the wheels of your mind turning!

"The marble floor in the bathroom? The concrete in the basement? The garage?"

You feel me fastening the silk-lined leather shackles around your ankles. I know you're smiling beneath the mask. But not for long! Once your beautiful legs are secured, I move to your wrists—sleek and graceful—and bind those as well. Once fastened in place, the wristbands are hoisted skyward, raising your arms, stretching them over your head. As I see you shifting your feet, resting them atop one another to warm them, I realize my oversight. Moving to the wall and grasping the end of the chain, your right leg shifts slightly toward me. A slight tug and you find yourself precariously balanced on your left foot as the right struggles to find solid ground. Finally, finding your balance, you settle into workable pose.

Watching you closely, I'm waiting for you to find comfort. When you do, I pull the chain attached to your left leg, firmly pulling it from beneath you. You are fully stretched and spread-eagled, now. As I circle you, I survey what I've created. You're beautiful heart-shaped ass beckons me from your rear. Your erect nipples, straining to be touched, push toward me. The damp spot at your feet announces your excitement.

You turn your head to try to follow me as I speak to you.

"Oh, where to start?" A whimper escapes your sweet, red lips—thick with the lipstick you obediently applied to them.


Your head tosses helplessly as you submit to my command.


You search for me with your mind, now appreciating the warmth of the latex garb. But relief for your exposed feet, breasts, ass and pussy is slow coming. They'll be warmed soon enough.

"Perhaps some 'dancing' music?" I ask tauntingly as your head snaps toward the sound of my voice.

With that, I thumb the POWER button to the stereo system. From four sides, the music blasts toward the center of the room, where you hang helplessly. The bass is set high, pushing the drumbeats into your chest and abdomen. The 'white noise' of the music drowns out my footsteps, leaving your sensory input at next to nothing. In fact, the only thing that exists in your universe right now are your turgid nipples, your aching cunt, your tight ass and your freezing feet—and of course, me!

At first, it's barely a whisper against the naked flesh of your ass. Rough, scratchy but welcome input in a sea of nothingness. You push your ass back—or try to—to intensify the feeling. But, I'm a bit too quick for you. Light, yet persistent, I continue to circle the globes of your ass with the rough surface of my old-fashioned Ping-Pong paddle. Tempting as it would be to rear back and release your from your prison of nothingness, you'll have to wait. Daddy has some new tools he wants to try out!

The paddle lands flatly on the floor with a loud hollow thud. More of that later. I promise! I forgot to tell you, I bought you a surprise on the way home from work. I know you love roses. But I don't think you realize how very special they can be. Taking a single, long-stemmed rose from my 'work table,' I hold it just centimeters from your nose. Even through the scarf, the smell is unmistakable. Lightly, like a ghost in the dark, it brushes your smooth cheek. You turn helplessly to push it against your cheek. A mew of desire escaping your throat. But it's already gone from your cheek in search of 'greener, more sensitive pastures.'

As you strain against your confinement, the rose gingerly circles your right breast. The soft pedals caressing and yielding to your sensitive skin. A feigned attempt to lean forward is rewarded with the rose grazing your nipple. You gasp sharply as I gently turn the precious flower in my hands, as it acts like a subtle drill against your blood-gorged nipple. And then it's gone.

Again, the rose touches your cheek and disappears. Again, it touches your breast—your perfect, left breast. But this time, it's not the pedals, but the thorns that drag across your tender flesh. You bite your lip as the jagged protectors of the flower gently crease your flesh. I'm very careful to not draw blood from your precious skin.

"I wonder how this would work on your ass?" I wonder lowly into your ear.

"Ahhhhhhhhh," serves as your reply.

I circle behind you as you strain to push your ass back into me. In doing so, you've opened your pussy, widely. That's where I really wanted the rose, anyway. Reaching between your firm, widely spread legs, the sweet flower gently grazes your clit and travels back over your tight asshole and up your sweet, dark crevice. The chains holding you rattle as you shake through your first climax. I stand back and watch you, as usual, in awe of how beautiful you are.

As your orgasm subsides, I watch your sweet nectar ooze from your delicious pussy and trickle down the inside of your thighs over your latex 'cell.' Your stomach moves quickly to draw shallow breaths. I want so badly to kiss you! But, no. That can wait—it will have to. We have so much to do!

Remembering the discarded paddle on the floor, I bend to retrieve it. The smell of your pussy is intoxicating. I smile up into your blind eyes.

"Your pussy smells delicious. May I have a taste." I ask pleadingly.

You look down. Again trying to find me through the blindfold.

"Yes," you plead.

"NO!" I shout as the paddle finds its mark, raising an immediate pink welt on the left cheek of your ass. The sting hasn't had a chance to subside when a second swing lands in exactly the same spot as the first.

Your loud moan has my cock straining against my leather pants. I kneel down and place my bare chest against your stinging ass, rubbing my soft chest hair over your reddened ass. As you push against me to increase the contact, the paddle finds its mark on your right buttock and then quickly again on the left. Three rapid blows to the right buttock and I can feel your next orgasm building from the pit of your stomach.

Your ass is red and swollen, now. (So beautiful!) I reach into a cooler and extract a handful of crushed ice. It feels sharp, like glass in my hand. But I rub it firmly into your wounded ass, as you struggle at first, and then relent to allow your ass to be cooled. That position must be getting uncomfortable. I kneel before you and release the ankle bracelets that have been holding you. Quickly following by releasing your arms. You virtually fall into my arms and I easily lift you to my chest, cradling you in my arms.

I lay you down on your back on the padded surface. Your stomach rises and falls with your rapid breathing. Without warning, the Velcro straps encircle your wrists. You struggle slightly, but you're already near exhaustion. (Well, we'll see!)

I raise your right leg, bending it at the knee and place it in the stirrup and secure it. Before you have a chance to react or struggle, I secure the left leg and look down into your beautiful pussy. Your lips are swollen and your clit points at me accusingly.

"In time. In time!"

I walk to the head of the 'examination table' and crouch beside you. "Would you like to see?" I ask.

Through your panting you manage to ask properly. "Yes, Master."

Before I remove the blindfold, I lean forward and firmly bite your earlobe. At the same time, I reach forward, grasping both your nipples, pulling them and rolling them stiffly between my thumb and fingers. A shrill scream erupts from your throat as your ass bounces off the padded table.

My hands gently untie the blindfold and remove it from your sweet face. Your eyes struggle to adjust to the light and focus on me, as I look down at your, upside-down, from the head of the table. Before I sense your recognition, I move, circling around the table. Walking to the middle of the room, I grasp the handle of my rolling cart and pull it toward you, slowly and deliberately. I have to suppress a smile. ("If you only knew!")

Dragging the cart to the foot of the table, just barely out of your line of sight, I reach in and noisily rifle through the drawers and trays of the toolbox.

"Ah! Here we are!" I exclaim with satisfaction.

Two shiny clips gleam in the bright light. I turn them between my fingers, making sure you get a good look, just before fastening them to your hard nipples. Again, your ass struggles to come off the table. Again, your efforts are thwarted by the precarious position I've placed you in.

Your head rolls from side to side as you try to adjust to the new sensation. While your attention is diverted, I extract my new "tool" from the box." I lay it down between your legs and wait patiently for you to calm down. As I glance to my left, I notice your delicate foot strapped in the stirrup. I move slowly and open my mouth, taking your big toe all the way into the warmth of my mouth. My tongue circles it and I suck hard, bobbing my head and "blowing" your toe. Releasing it from the hot confines of my mouth, I use my tongue to draw light circles from your heel to the ball of your foot, then take each of your toes, in turn, into my hot mouth. I don't want your left foot getting jealous, so I repeat the process, while firmly massaging the calf and thigh of your left leg.

Drunkenly, you gaze down at me, occasionally letting out a soft moan or sigh of pleasure. Opening and closing your glassy eyes to show your appreciation.

Outside of your view, I reach for my new "toy." Placing it at the opening of your sweet pussy, I reach with my other hand and the vibrator begins its low "hummmm."

Again you let out a moan, as I guide the eight-inch-long plastic implement over your inner thighs, your swollen pussy lips and your engorged clit. Just as I sense your impending release, I pull the trigger. Obediently, the cock-shaped object begins spinning. Slow at first, then with a jerk of the trigger, with blinding urgency. I gently ease the "drill" carefully into the depths of your sweet pussy. The sensation of the humming and spinning combination drives you over the edge and, again, you have another violent orgasm, actually spewing your thick cream out onto the table's thick padding.

I withdraw the toy and wait, not wanting to tempt fate with all your thrashing. (You know I would never hurt you.) As your movements begin to subside, I notice your puckered asshole beckoning to me. Gently, I place the tapered head of the "pseudo-penis" against your tight, dark opening. Well lubed from your beautiful cunt, the humming tip sinks easily into your sphincter. What started as a low moan erupts into screams of orgasm as I again pull the trigger and gently, carefully insert and extract the vibrator from your beautiful ass. (And you said I didn't need a cordless drill! Don't you feel silly now?)

Tears stream down your sweet face as a multiple orgasm shakes and rocks your body. I quickly release your ankles and wrists from their confines. I put the drill back in the box and reach to your throat for the zipper that holds your suit in place. Quickly, I unzip it and peel it from your body. It actually makes a "sucking" sound as it clears your hips. You're soaked in sweat! After you are freed from it, I toss it aside and drop my pants to the floor in a black leather heap. I slide your ass toward me and my cock sinks in to the hilt in one smooth stroke, your legs still dangling in the air. You reach for me and wrap your arms around my neck and pull yourself to me with what little strength you have left. Gradually, I feel your legs encircle me my waist, your ankles locking behind me. I lift your from the table and cradle your ass in both hands. It's still hot from the strokes of the paddle—warm to the touch of my cool hands. Your endurance is amazing as you pick up the pace of our lovemaking. Your beautiful legs grip me like a vice as you squeeze your hot pussy around my cock—so hard it feel like it will break in two. You reach forward and bite me hard on the neck and send me over the edge. Luckily, I'm able to turn and lay back on the table as you rise and plunge yourself onto my sensitive cock. I explode into your stomach as you grind your velvet vice into my groin. Hot jets steam upward, ricocheting off your cervix, washing the inside of your vagina with my love. You flood me again with your (I really have lost count) orgasm.

You stretch out on top of me as I stroke your still-soaked back with my strong hands. Your bury your head in my neck, a gentle nibble of satisfaction. The smell of your hair fills my nostrils as I run my fingers through its silky softness. I hate to use a cliché' but, "Was it good for you, too?"

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