Red Orchids Ch. 02


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"Just sitting here watching the last half of The Daily Show," Henry replied, "Us academics have got to keep up on world events, you know."

"Give me Jon Stewart over Peter Jennings any day," Ellen placed the chicken breast on a large dinner plate. The frozen hunks of meat clattered onto the porcelain as she opened the microwave door and set them inside.

"What are you up to?"

"Thawing my breasts," she said nonchalantly. There was a moment of silence on the end of the line, and Ellen could picture Henry sitting there in his blue recliner, brown eyes squinted in confusion, his handsome broad features twisted into a look of complete of confusion.

"Say again?" he asked timidly.

"Chicken breasts, Dr. Tyler," she laughed and picked through the spice rack, gathering the specific ingredients that made her Lemon Chicken so memorable.

Henry laughed, his voice unable to hide his embarrassment. "Okay, that makes more sense."

"What can I do for you, Henry?" she smiled. Henry was such a nice man, and so very good looking on top of all his intelligence and kindness. He was only fifty, and had managed to age with the same grace that Harrison Ford had. His chestnut hair was beginning to gray now as he rapidly approached the "senior citizen" marker of his life. It seemed unfair to Ellen that he should be so close to being called a senior citizen. But Henry took it all in stride with his self-depreciating sense of humor and a humble wit.

"I need to talk to Mark," Henry said, "We've got a faculty meeting this Friday and I really don't want to go."

"And Mark is going to get you out of this somehow?" she asked as she pulled out the skillet and sat it down on the burner.

"Yeah," Henry said, "He's going to drive me to the golf course."

"I see," she nodded, cradling the phone in the crook of her to free up her hands, "Well, he won't be in until later tonight. He said he had some papers to grade."

"Are you sure?" Henry asked, "I just called there and got his machine."

Ellen paused her shaking and mixing of herbs and spices. "Really?"

Henry was silent for a moment, as though he had been caught doing something and had to think of a quick escape. He said, "Uh yeah, but I'll bet he just stepped out to go to the john. Finals week always makes my bowels irritable..."

"I tried him around seven-thirty and he wasn't there," she frowned. The microwave finished defrosting the chicken breasts and announced the completion of its task with a series of loud electronic beeps.

Henry said, "He might just not be answering the phone. You know how he gets."

'Oh yeah I know how he gets,' Ellen thought sourly.

She pulled the meat out of the microwave and hurriedly carried the hot plate to the counter. The tips of her fingers burned a little from the heated dish and she waved them in the air for a moment. Where the hell was he? For a moment, her mind entertained her worst fears with a zealous glee that frightened her. What if he wasn't even there on campus? What if he were out somewhere right now at some nice restaurant with another woman, a younger woman who just happened to have everything Ellen used to have only better? She pictured them laughing and sipping wine and making conversation that seemed to be more a form of subtle foreplay than small talk.


She could very well envision this new hussy taking her husband back to some spartanly decorated apartment and closing the door behind them. Her stomach flipped as she imagine this stranger taking his clothes off and feeling his muscular body all over, from head to toe, trespassing on her territory. Ellen almost felt dizzy even considering the idea, and she fought the nagging thoughts off with a weak determination.

"Ellen?" Henry asked again and blew in the phone.

"Henry, I'm so sorry," she said suddenly, "My mind wandered off."

"It's okay," Henry sounded concerned now, "Are you all right?"

Ellen didn't feel all right at all, not even close to being anywhere near that. And then, she felt a stab of guilt for suspecting Mark as she had done. What if he was actually there at his desk, hunched over an impossibly thick pile of papers, his hair disheveled and eyes shadowed by dark rings of exhaustion? Ellen shook her head, chastising herself for the arrogant presumption she had indulged in. She knew that he was working hard, and her constant calling was probably only making things worse, adding fuel to the fire of his anger with her. She pulled a long, elegant fork out of the silverware drawer and poked the chicken meat with it. She tossed the two chicken breasts into the sauce to marinate.

'Still,' her mind whispered, 'What if he is out with some other woman?'

"I'm fine," she reassured him, "I just felt lightheaded for a moment."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Tell you what," Henry offered, "I forgot my favorite coffee mug in my office. Why don't I just go down there and check in on Mark, just to be safe?"

Ellen smiled gratefully. "You wouldn't mind?"

"For you, anything."

"You're too good to us," she said, being sure to emphasize the importance of the word "us." She liked Henry, maybe a little too much for her commitment to monogamy. She could recall many times in the last year when she had held Henry up as the object of her frequent masturbation sessions. She felt ashamed for thinking of him in such a sexual way, but as Mark had lost interest in her Ellen had looked at it as the only way to get even with him without cheating, even if he never knew it. As the sexual drought their marriage was dying of frustrated her to no end she soon indulged in long, drawn out fantasies about Henry that gave her some of the most memorable orgasms she had ever brought herself to.

Henry was a temptation, and a damned irresistible one at that. She knew that if she were in the position to act on it she might not be able to hold back on her feelings. So she kept the line very deeply drawn in the sand, and her affections for Henry never left the secret places of her mind. The emphasis on her and Mark as a couple, as one singular unit not only kept her on the straight and narrow, but also insured that Henry would know there wasn't any chance of extra-marital affairs for Ellen Gordian.

She prayed that he never wanted to start one with her. She doubted very much she could say no to him. Maybe ten years ago she could have, but as things were now, she doubted it very much.

"Don't sweat it," Henry said, "I'm sure he's slaving away, underpaid and under appreciated. I'll have him give you a ring."

"Thanks Henry," she said as her mind briefly envisioned what Henry might look like naked. Feeling another stab of guilt as her nipples hardened, Ellen hung up the phone and went to the pantry. Sometimes she wished she'd never married Mark. Marriage was so much easier when both people wanted to be committed in it. But what was a woman to do when her husband made it clear everyday that he'd rather be working all day long than be home with his family?

'Leave,' she answered herself, 'That's what he wants, you know.'

"What the hell am I doing?" she whispered and flipped on the light inside the spacious pantry. An odd mix of smells and aromas, everything from coffee to sugar to the subtle scent of onions wafted past her nose as she walked inside. After a moment of searching the shelves, she found the bottle of twelve year old whiskey her father had given Mark on their wedding day behind a large loaf of bread. She held it in her hands, looking at the dangerously therapeutic liquid inside and debated on whether or not to partake of its wisdom.

"Fuck it," she said and turned out the light.


"Just like that baby," Marlene encouraged as Mark stood up, his erection undeniably revived and ready to roll again. He slid his hands up her neck and held her jaw line, pulling her to him and kissing her. Electricity arched through them, their skin a perfect conductor for the intense erotic energy. His tongue slipped effortlessly into her mouth and she met it with her own. Their kisses were loud and passionate as they grinded against each other. Mark's hands remained at her jaw, his sole concentration on her mouth for the moment as she ran her hands up and down his back, over his ass and hips. She was vaguely aware that she was sliding on the desktop in a pool of her cum as they kissed.

"Fuck my tits, Mark," she whispered huskily and grasped his cock. Marlene wanted to feel his dick inside her so badly, but knew from the look on his face when she suggested that he fuck her tits that this would have to be done first. Fortunately, she didn't mind one fucking bit. She looked at the penis in her hand and admired it for a moment as she lay there. It was thick and beautiful, the veins in the shaft large and strong. His head was a swollen purple-red again, and like her own clit, was begging for attention. His balls hung low, hairless as the rest of his pubic area. He was clean-shaven, and like herself, took great care in removing every hair from the genitalia.

Mark got up on the desk and straddled her midsection, his balls rubbing against her smooth flesh. Marlene clasped her huge tits and squeezed them together as Mark placed his dick into her cleavage. Her breasts enveloped his cock and Mark groaned as he felt his passage being lubed up by his own pre-cum.

"Yes," she said breathlessly, his solid shaft throbbing and hot in the tight space between her tits. Her nipples were so hard it almost hurt as she licked the tip of Mark's cock, teasing him with her lips and tongue between thrusts.

"God, Marlene," he moaned as she began sucking on him, the wet sounds of his cock pumping into her cleavage arousing him even more, "You are so beautiful."

Mark braced his hands on his thighs as he fucked Marlene's tits. The desk was creaking back and forth, straining to support the combination of their weight and the motion of the sexual marathon. She worked his head as best she could, tantalizing him and building him to his climax. Mark's eyes rolled back into his head as Marlene sucked and flicked his head every time it emerged from her breasts. It didn't take long, and Mark began to feel it rising again.

"Marlene, I'm going to cum," he whispered, his muscles going tight as he fought the orgasm back.

"Do it, baby," she begged, using her best and most convincing whimper of need and desire, "Cum for me..."

Mark growled and threw his head back, the chords in his neck bulging out. His cock went rigid like a piece of steel and his head exploded with cum, spurting it out in a long thick stream. The hot, sticky substance shot out across her face and neck, and she was ready for it as she quickly opened her mouth and tried to catch and swallow the sweet fluid. She released his member and let him finish pumping his cum out on her tits. His cock bounced up and down as it convulsed, finally shooting the last drop of semen out. Mark was silent for a moment, his head tilted back and holding the base of his cock, muscles tight and poised from the orgasm.

They slowly slid off the desk and looked at each other as they stood up on wobbling legs. She grabbed his recovering cock gently and pulled him to her. They looked into each other's eyes as cum trickled down her tits, mixing with her sweat. There a divine musky smell in the room as she kissed him, stroking his cock as it went soft, rubbing his balls with her hands. Mark kissed her neck and then dropped to his knees. Marlene knew what was coming and laid back on the desk again as Mark began flicking her clit with his tongue. Marlene could hardly breathe as Mark attacked her clit again. He had been right on the first time he went down on her, but now he knew exactly how and where to flick and rub his tongue on her. As he worked her over, she realized not once did his tongue or fingers enter the interior of her pussy. He was doing it all by clit, and God he was good at it.

She began moaning softly and squirming under his tongue. She bit her lip, not wanting to give anyone within earshot anything to talk about as Mark worked his magic on her. Her head was spinning as she groaned against her pursed lips. She rubbed her nipples, pinched and pulled on them as he began nibbling on her clit in small, precise motions. She ran her hands through her sweat soaked hair, thoroughly lost in Mark's mouth.


Henry pulled into the parking lot of faculty building and switched off the headlights of his Pontiac Grand Am. He locked his door and stepped out into the humid evening air, looking for Mark's Explorer. Sure enough, the black vehicle was parked in his assigned space. Henry walked over to it and placed his hand on the hood. The metal was cold, so whatever Mark was up to, he was up to it here.

'What makes you think he's up to anything?' Henry asked himself as he walked along the wide cement pathways of the campus towards the faculty building. He glanced up and saw the light was on in Mark's office. He felt better upon seeing that, and he knew that once he knocked on the door, a very tired and fatigued professor of history would greet him. Still, he couldn't help but think of the strange distant behavior Ellen had displayed on the phone. She sounded so, well, so depressed.

Henry swiped his security pass on the door access and stood back as it slowly opened up. The hallway inside was thankfully cool and free of the funky humidity that had turned the night into one big sauna. He was glad he had only bothered putting on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt when he left. His typical business suit would have been murderous to wear on a night like this. Hell, anything more than underwear was too damn hot to wear.

He supposed that was why he had been lounging around in his boxer shorts before he had committed to coming out here.

'Why did you commit to coming here?' he wondered.

Henry wasn't sure he wanted to think about the answer.

"A cold beer," Henry wished as the cool, condition air blew against his face from a vent in the ceiling, "That's what I need."

He rang for the elevator.

He wondered how Mark could even stand to be in that office with no air-conditioning like that. He half expected to find him sitting there at his desk and grading papers in nothing more than his underwear. Henry hoped he wouldn't find him that way, but he wouldn't have been surprised if he did.


Finally, the orgasm came and Marlene drenched his face with her sweet fluids. Mark stood up, a long thick rope of the clear vaginal fluid hanging from his chin. He wiped it off and had her turn so she was laying long-ways on the desktop. She felt his hard cock against her pussy as he prepared to enter her.

"You got a condom?" he asked impatiently.

"No," she smiled innocently, "But I'm on the pill and I wear a diaphragm."

He had fucked two women already today who used their own contraceptive devices, but would this pushing his luck? Mark considered this for a moment with all the thought a horny man could give the subject. Finally, he said "Okay then."

"Be gentle," she smiled as the head pressed against her, "I'd like to walk myself out of here tonight."

"This is where you earn that A-plus, Marlene," he said and then slid into her.

The head of his penis separated her pussy and spread it apart as he pushed himself in. His length and girth filled her up completely, and she gasped as he penetrated her, inch by inch. Something between a moan and a cry of pain escaped her lips as he went in all the way. She couldn't believe she was able to take him all the way in and so deeply. She felt as though her pussy were being stretched to its limit as he began to hump her. Marlene had only been with men topping out at eight inches, never the full ten Mark sported. There was a little pain, but the pleasure was beyond anything she had ever known.

Mark actually lifted her up off the desk with his arms, cock still inside her and pressed her against the wall. His powerful arms held her weight easily, the muscles rippling and veins popping out under his sweaty skin. She wrapped her legs around him and he held her up, supported by the cool drywall. Mark rammed his rod deep into and out of her as she bit into his shoulder, trying not to scream. They kissed wildly and frantically as they approached a mutual orgasm. He desperately sucked on her tongue as her fingernails dug into his back, clawing him. He gave no thought to the revealing marks she was leaving as he fucked her.

Mark called out as he blew his load. Marlene's eyes bolted open and her mouth opened wide as she felt her third orgasm for the evening rocket through her body and numb her toes. She couldn't help but scream as her body quivered from the power of her orgasm. She had never experienced a climax just from having a man's dick inside her. Never once until now.

Mark eased her down and took her to the chair. Marlene sat down slowly, easing into it, out of breath and for the moment, fully satisfied. Her vagina was already sore from taking such a huge cock in, and she knew she would probably be limping the next couple of days. She looked at Mark, marveling at his body, his cock, his face and the experience.

"Oh my God," she huffed and leaned her head back, "Oh my God..."

Mark felt his cock receding again, painfully worn out from his final act of cheating on his wife for the night. He leaned against the desk and offered Marlene a couple of tissues from the box on his desk. He looked and found the box of tissues was one of the few things that hadn't been knocked off onto the floor. He saw finals scattered everywhere on the floor as though a tornado had blown through and destroyed his desk. Pencils, pens and his nameplate had landed and skidded across the hardwood while his lamp had thankfully remained on the desktop.

"Thank you," Marlene took the tissues and wiped her crotch clean as his cum leaked out. She made no effort to hide this as she spread her legs wide again and opened her cunt with two fingers, revealing the wet pink meat inside. He could see white globs of cum oozing out and trickling down to her ass as she cleaned.

"Oh no," Mark smiled, "Thank you."


Henry was at the door to Mark's office, his hand on the knob and ready to turn it when he heard a distinctly young female voice moaning, "Oh my God, oh my God..." He froze in place, uncertain of what was happening, and yet so completely horrified by what he knew was taking place behind the door that he couldn't even breathe. His first instinct was to turn on one foot, walk back down the hall to the elevator and forget what he had heard. Instead, he listened and heard some movement, the squeaking of the oil-deprived springs in Mark's antiquated chair and heavy footsteps, the sound of bare feet on hardwood. He could hear the unmistakable sounds of heavy breathing, like two long distance runners catching their breath after a good run.

"Thank you," the woman said, still huffing.

Henry shook his head.

"Oh no, thank you," Mark clearly spoke up.

Henry tried to think of a thousand different scenarios other than the obvious one he knew was playing out in there. Maybe he had just counseled some poor pathetic girl on how to do better next semester on her grades. Or maybe he even broke with policy and allowed a retake on the test. Some special circumstance or family disaster had prevented the young lady from attending her final, and she had arranged to take it tonight. Henry glanced at his watch and frowned.

'Who takes a test at nine-forty in the evening?' he thought.

"You have the biggest cock I have ever seen, Professor Gordian," the woman complimented.

Henry felt his jaw drop wide open as he leaned against the door for support. It had to be some mistake.

"Thank you, Marlene," Mark said. Henry could hear more movement, and what he thought sounded like kissing, "You are so beautiful."