Redemption Falls: Stillwater Rises


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"Thank you Amber. I don't know what I would've done without you. I'm glad you came home. I missed you while you were away." She sniffed.

"Don't you dare mess up Tara's makeup job. Dry those eyes and go out and have fun." She kissed Sherry's head. There will be a light on for you." She pulled her friend out of the hard chair and swatted her butt, guiding her out of the room. "Don't make him wait anymore. Fifteen minutes is enough for a first date."

"He's here...?" Sherry asked shocked.

"Yeah, that's why I came to get you. He's been shuffling his feet and avoiding my gaze for ten minutes now." Amber said with a smile.

"Oh, you're so bad... you know I never like to be late." Sherry started moving faster. She almost stumbled as she saw Brad standing at the foot of the stairs looking up at her. Her nipples throbbed and a flight of eagles launched in her stomach.

"Hi, Sherry, you look nice." He stuttered as she walked down to him. He offered his arm to her and made her blush.

"You kids be home early." Mary teased from the living room. "Remember she has a curfew and has to be back before pumpkin time. No hank-panky on the first date. One chaste kiss, when you drop her off, is permissible. She does have her reputation to think of." She laughed at the look on Brad's face.

"Mary... stop, you're going to make her pass out from blushing. Sherry's a big girl now. And I want all the lurid details. Rock his world; girl!" Tara said from the chair, while rocking Savanna.

"You better get out of here while you can. Have fun." Amber added, as she pushed the blushing pair out the door.

"I'm sorry for them teasing you like that..." Sherry said as Brad helped her into his truck. "You can't take them seriously."

"It's okay. I'm getting used to it." He said and closed her door. Once he was behind the wheel he added. "I hope you don't mind... they're just poking fun at you."

"I know... I'm... well Amber and I have been friends since we were kids.... So, where are you taking me?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"I thought I'd take you to the steak house out on county road fifty nine. I know it's not much, but... You said you had to stay close for Savanna. Maybe next time we could bring the kids with us...." He said then suddenly stopped.

He felt like an idiot. He almost let his mouth out run his head. He refused to tell her that he had dreams of them all going out and being a big, messy, happy family as the kids played in their highchairs and he rubbed her bulging tummy as their next baby kicked under his hand.

He knew, after the second date with Amber, she wasn't right for him. He didn't know why, but he already felt like Sherry was. He had always wanted a big family and wanted to have it while he was young enough to keep up. Sure, he wanted a sexy woman waiting for him at home, but he also dreamed of great big Christmas mornings and the kids surrounded the tree waiting for mom and dad to get out of bed and open presents.


Sherry was walking on a cloud as she entered the house. She tried to figure out where her good feelings started and her mommy radar ended. She felt things in her body that went beyond knowing Savanna needed feeding. Yes, her nipples throbbed and her breasts were heavy, but that didn't explain the tension in her stomach or why she tingled between her legs.

"I see you had a good time." Tara whispered as she handed Savanna to the smiling Sherry.

"Yeah, it was nice." She said as she sat in the big comfy rocking chair. She opened her blouse and started feeding the hungry Savanna. "Is AJ asleep?"

"Yeah, and Louse is having a lay-in with Mary. Amber gave her a back rub after the fireworks with Trace. You missed it. I thought Mary was going to hit him." Tara giggled quietly.

"What about this time?" Sherry sighed as the pressure eased and she switched breasts.

"He basically accused her of jumping on a pile of rocks if she thought there might be a snake in it. The same ole BS. He's still pissed that she froze the accounts and Mr. Welsh is making his life a living hell. Amber had to kick him out again." She tried to shrug with indifference.

"I'm glad Allen has decided to not be such a horse's ass anymore, but..." She trailed off, not wanting to say more.

"But, you still don't want him to have unsupervised visitation." She held up her hand. "I know, I know... but you have to know we'll stand behind you no matter what." She told Sherry honestly.

"I know... is Amber in bed?" Sherry changed the subject, still feeling the high from her date.

"Nope, she's working on her thing for the home office. I can't see it because it's proprietary information. So, I thought Savanna and I could have some ice cream and wait to see how your date, with the tall dark and handsome Brad, the fireman, went." She smiled at the cute blush. "That good huh... So did you do a shock absorber test in his truck?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"NO...! Of course not. We had a good dinner. He took me to this lovely little meadow and we just walked and talked. And, yes he gave me the one kiss, he was allowed, before walking me to the door." She smiled at the memory of his firm lips capturing hers. He tasted like sweet apples and cinnamon. Much better than tobacco.

"Oh, so he's like serious about all this. This isn't some quick romp he's after. He's looking for a mate. A proven one at that." Tara said from the couch, as she sat back up with interest.

"Please... we just went on a friendly little date. It's not like we're picking out wedding invitations or anything. I'm sure he can find something better than dumpy old me." Sherry shook her head at the silly comments Tara made.

"Come on Sherry, quit selling yourself short. You are pretty, vivacious and buxom. You have two of the cutest kids, this side of the great divide, and you one of the nicest people I've ever met. You've got a good looking man interested. The big test will be when and if he wants to include the kids..."

"He said next time we'll take the kids with us. He wants to see what it is like..." she said then shut up at the look on Tara's face. "What...?"

"Oh, honey, he's got it bad. He's already talking kids... I'm willing to bet he's already looking at houses and none of them are small places. He wants family... a big one I bet." She nodded agreeing with her assessment.

"He wants at least four. He said it would be great to have two of each. That way they all have a brother or a sister...." She shut up again, as she burped her sleepy daughter. "Well I better put her to bed..." Sherry got up before closing her top. She knew if she stayed any longer, Tara would ask more questions or make more probing comments.

"Goodnight sweetie, but don't think you're getting away that easily. I'm sure Mary, Amber and I can get it out of you. Just make sure it's what you want before you jump all the way in." She warned in a friendly voice.

"Yes mother..." She smiled and walked up the stairs. "Try and be quite tonight. If you wake them, you tend them." She smiled as she topped the steps and headed into her room.

"Yeah, like that's going to happen any time soon..." Tara grumbled to herself, frustrated.


It was actually the third date between them that Brad was able to get his wish. Well date wouldn't be a correct description. Actually, Amber, Tara and Mary all made themselves scarce one weekend so Sherry could invite Brad over for a home cooked meal.

Sherry figured it would be better to have the first dinner somewhere she was more comfortable and where she could clean up after the mess AJ usually made of his meal. He was at the age when it was more fun to see how big of a mess he could make as he tried to eat by osmosis.

At the end of dinner, Brad had to ask. "So, who taught you how to cook like that? Dinner was incredible."

"It wasn't nothing fancy... just steak and taters. Momma made sure I knew how to cook. Ms. Sheila also had her hand in it. I'm glad you liked it. Sorry about AJ getting your jacket dirty."

"Don't worry about it. It will wash... So, um, do you want to watch a movie or something?" He didn't know how to make the night last longer. "When is all the work going to get done?" He asked looking at the bare walls.

"They start next weekend..." Sherry said as she washed up AJ. "We have to get as much as we can in storage before Friday. They're supposed to do all the demolition over the weekend and start fixing things Monday." She put AJ in his playpen as Savanna started fussing.

"Need any help?" Brad offered as he watched Sherry putter around the house.

"We got most of it, I think. I can ask Amber or Mary if they have anymore big stuff. Thanks for offering. Excuse me while I feed Savanna."

"You don't have to hide it. I know you breast feed her. I'll behave." He said, waving her to sit down. He didn't want to stare, but his eyes were pulled to the creamy flesh that showed as the little girl suckled her dinner. He picked up AJ and started playing with the toddler.

"You're going to make a great father." Sherry said and sighed.

"I always wanted a big family. Kind of used to it I guess. I dream of a house filled of love and laughter. That's my vision of heaven." He said, bouncing AJ higher and making him giggle. His hands didn't falter as his brain froze when Savanna changed breasts, leaving the other one exposed for a brief moment.

"Most young guys are looking to see how much fun they can go out and have." Sherry said as she covered the empty breast as Savanna slurped on the full one. "Chasing after fast cars, sports, and such."

"Well, I'm not most guys... besides; I've seen what trouble they can get into. I don't want that. I want to do my job, live a nice quiet life, with a woman I can dote on, and kids who are happy to see me when I get home." He snuggled AJ into the crook of his arm as the toddler's head started drooping. "I...ummm."

He hesitated as he looked up and saw Sherry lifting Savanna from the breast to burp her. "You were saying?" She asked as he stopped talking.

"I, um, like the thought of being a homebody. I lost interest in sports the last strike they had. I'll never make the kind of money they do and their complaining?" He shrugged himself out of his stupor. "Maybe when the kids get old enough, I'll watch whatever sport or thing they're into."

Sherry looked at Brad, wonder if he could be that good. "I'll be right back. I'm going to lay her down." She took Savanna to her crib and watched as Brad rocked AJ to sleep. She was hesitant to go get her son. She knew her bra was still undone and her nipples were hard. Pulling the cups back up as best she could, she headed back down stairs to put AJ to bed.

"Yeah and then I'll teach you how to go fishing. Every boy needs to learn how to fish..." Brad was telling the sleepy child in his arms. "There's nothing better than having your toes in the mud and a line in the water." Brad continued, making Sherry smile and feel warm.

"Here, I'll take him before he drools all over you." She leaned down and caught his eyes flicker to the opening of her blouse then back to her eyes. She leaned in farther and stopped when she felt Brad capture her lips for a quick kiss.

"Don't forget to give him some snuggle time. I'll wait right here." He told her with smoke filled eyes.

"Um, okay..." Sherry felt the heat in her face and chest as she cradled AJ in her arms. "I'll only be a few minutes." She blushed at his warm smile.

"I'll wait." He told her with more than one meaning.

Ten minutes later, Sherry wasn't sure if she wanted to go back down. She knew she had to, but still. She couldn't get the flush off her face as she remembered the kiss and passion filled look. She could feel her hard nipples against the soft fabric of her reattached bra. She could also feel a warm moisture between her legs.

She knew she read about women getting wet with excitement, but she never experienced it for herself. She shook her head against such foolish thoughts. He couldn't be excited by her. She was a mother, not some co-ed.

"Sorry it took so long..." She stuttered as she came back into the room.

"It's fine. I'd never begrudge a child time with their mother. Come sit down." He patted the cushion next to him. "I don't bite... hard." He smiled a sexy smile.

Sherry sat next to him and sighed. "Why are you acting this way with me?" She asked confused.

"Because I like you, and we're dating. If I have my way, we'd be courting already, but I know it's better to wait for that." He smiled down at the look on her face.

"You can't be serious!" Sherry looked at him stunned.

"Is this serious enough for you?" He asked and captured her lips again, this time not holding back as he cupped her face and took the kiss as deep as he could. He held her like that until he could feel her heart pound, and then pulled back a little.

"What...?" Sherry gasped.

"Sherry, I want you in more ways than I can say. I'd love to make love to you right here, but I'm not after some quick sex. When we make love, it will be with every part of my being." He kissed her again to stop her from talking. "I dream of you, of us..." He kissed her softly and then pulled back to let he have some space.

"I... you... we... What just happened? How could you want...?" She stammered as her head spun out of control. Her body tingled from heat to toe. If she didn't know better, she would have thought she wet herself by the dampness in the crotch of her panties.

"How could I want someone as sexy as you? It is easy. You excite me mentally and physically. The thought of you... us, making love is what I see every time I close my eyes. How could I not want you?" He asked as he pulled her into his side and stroked her arms softly.

She didn't want to move. She felt warm and comfortable in Brad's arms. He said such sweet things, but made no move to force his goals. As he stroked her, his hands never wandered from their path. Half of her was glad he was giving her the chance to pull away and half frustrated that he didn't move things along. She knew if he wanted her to, she end up having sex with him right there on the couch.

"When you are ready, I will make you feel things you can only dream of. I'm not in a big rush. This isn't about sex." He answered her unasked questions. They spent the next hour making out on the couch, until Savanna started crying.

"I'm sorry... I have to get her." Sherry apologized.

"Nothing to be sorry about, the kids come first." He smiled and gave her a push and a peck, to send her on her way. As she headed up, his phone beeped. "I'm sorry to call the night short, but I have to go. That's the fire house." Brad said getting up fast and grabbing his jacket.

"Oh, okay..." Sherry said stunned. "Is everything alright?"

"Don't know. We've just got a call." He came up and kissed her hard and fast. "I'll call if I can... goodnight... I had a great time." He said, and left running out the door.

Sherry went and changed Savanna and sat with her in the rocker. "Well if I actually get involved with him, I guess we can expect a lot of this." She sighed as her body hummed.


The next Friday night, found an all of a sudden, alone Sherry, looking at the door as it closed. The stuff was packed. Hers and the kid's necessities were in the van, ready to go to the hotel. Mary had just whisked her children away for a visit with her parents. If she didn't know any better, she might have thought this had been pre-planned.

She knew Brad had said he might come over to help move the last minute stuff, but it was all done. So, there was nothing to do but go to the room and pick up some dinner on the way. She picked up her purse and was ready to open the door when the knock startled her.

"Oh, you're ready..." Brad said, standing there with a handful of flowers. "Are the kids already in the van?" He asked giving her a kiss and the flowers.

"No... Mary took them to her parent's house. We're alone for a few hours..." She felt the tug at her heart and loins as she sniffed the fragrant bouquet. "I hope you don't mind, but all the stuff is moved."

"Cool, then can I interest you in dinner and dessert?" He smiled, giving the words added meaning. "I'll have you in bed early, I promise." He offered her his arm, hoping he wasn't too transparent with his word play.

Sherry didn't remember what she ate. She did remember her body telling her what it wanted as she looked at her handsome escort. Again she was torn in two. One part kept saying that he was just playing, and the other that wanted the release from the building emotions and frustrations. She came back to herself as she heard her voice say.

"Do you want to come in?"

"Are you sure?" He asked with a fire in his eye.

"I'm safe with you." She teased, not knowing that they were both close to a line.

"I know... Um, sure...." He followed her into the hotel room fully intending on being a gentleman.

Sherry put down her stuff and turned. As she turned, she caught a glimpse of his hardened manhood as he tried to adjust himself. She blushed as he stepped up to her. She wanted to say something, but her body clenched with desire.

"I... can we...?" She got out before his lips claimed hers. She unconsciously opened herself to him as he deepened the kiss. She felt a slight shift, and knew she didn't want to stop. They didn't stop the kiss as they stumbled toward the bed.

"I've got to go or..." Brad tried to say before they tumbled across the bed. As they fell, he lifted his hands to brace himself and found them full of Sherry's breasts. He moaned as he felt her nipples harden in his palms.

"Just kiss me!" Sherry demanded, as she tried to pull his shirt out of his pants. She wanted to feel his skin as hers was set on fire. They groped, fumbled and pulled, trying to remove each other's tops. There was no subtly in their actions, just hunger.

They were both out of breath as their shirts finally hit the floor. Sherry didn't have time to blush as Brad made short work of her bra and then leaned in and started kissing her breasts. He didn't stop until he had a full nipple in his mouth and made her hiss as he latched on, sending shock waves through her.

Sherry clutched him to her breasts and felt the milk leaking out of the one he didn't have in his mouth. Instinctively, she moved his head to capture the leaking fluid. She moaned as he responded and filled his mouth. As she ran her hands up and down his back, she cried out when suddenly, both nipples were receiving his attention. She felt the contractions in her stomach and her fever burned brighter.

"Oh, god... don't stop...!" She moaned as he suckled her breasts. She never felt so uninhibited. She rocked her body, wanting fulfillment but there were still things in the way. Not wanting to, she pulled back and reached for his belt. Her fingers tingled as she strained to get them to work right.

Brad guided her hands as she opened his trousers. As soon as they were opened, he shifted his weight and turned, so her head would hit the pillows. Running his hands down her body, he caressed her breasts and continued until he was at the clasp of her slacks. Carefully, he opened then and started slipping them over her full hips. He soaked in the site of every creamy inch of her body as her pubis came into view.

He saw the wet spot on her panties and smelled the musk of her center as he took her pants the rest of the way off. He stood for a second and slid his pants on the floor next to hers. Leaning over, he whispered. "You are so beautiful." And started kissing her neck.

Sherry gasped and squirmed as Brad took his time to kiss every inch of her skin. She was crazy with desire by the time he reached her mound. She didn't know what he was doing, but didn't want him to stop. She never felt this good in her life. The next minute, her body convulsed as she grabbed the headboard.