Redemption Falls


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"Well being the outsider helped." Amber said joking, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

"Also your renowned right cross, I've heard. It's because you're both; an insider, the preacher's daughter. And, an outsider, coming home from living in the big bad city.... You don't follow the stupid unwritten rules of this place.... Thank you... I might get my marriage back, but only if it's the marriage I want, with honesty and trust." They chatted for awhile before Mary asked to have Trace come back in.


Louse Amber Mouser, was born at eight pounds five ounces and twenty inches long. She had flame red hair and perfect pink little fingers and toes. After all the mandatory ohhing and ahhing, Amber took her mother home, while Trace was escorted back to rehab. The sponsor told Mildred that he might have to stay a bit longer since he still had some major issues he needed to deal with.

The next day, Amber looked for her friend Sherry to let her know personally. She dressed in her best clothes to announce her new lofty position at the bank and splurged on a new peach silk blouse and shoes. She spent her morning closed in with her new boss as they went over the new protocols for work and the training she had to implement.

She went to the diner for lunch and saw Allen laughing and spitting chaw, with a bunch of men in front of the hardware store.

She waved as Allen made some crude joke they all laughed at. She asked Sheila, the owner of the diner if she had seen Sherry, when she noticed her van pulling in. She watched as Sherry carefully removed Allen Jr. and tenderly put him in his stroller. She hoped she would come in so they could talk.

"Oh, no... here comes trouble." Sheila said in a low voice. "I don't know why she puts up with it?" they watched as Allen Sr. stalked across the square. Sherry was about to open the door, when she was grabbed from behind and Allen started screaming at her.

"What the hell you doin..?" He spit in her face. "You aint wasting my good money on that crap they sell here. Go buy my beer and fix me something to eat." He pushed her and the stroller tipped and the baby fell.

Sherry scooped up her son and looked at her husband. "I'm getting lunch for Allen Jr. Look what you done, you hurt your son." Like any mother, she protected her child. That earned her a hard slap across the face.

"Don't you back talk me woman!" Allen spat out.

"Oh, I don't think so" Amber said as she refused to watch her friend get abused a second longer.

"Be careful honey, he's known to use weapons... I'll call the police." Sheila agreed and walked to her old style phone, hanging on the wall and called. As she watch Amber step through her door, yelling.

"Hey asshole...! Why don't you actually go fix all those cars in your shop and earn some real money?" She pushed Sherry behind her. "Better that than abusing your family in front of everyone."

"Well if it aint little miss perfect... someone needs to teach you some manners. This aint the city... and you aint getting in my family's business." Spit was running down his cheek, mixed with tobacco chaw.

"Ooohh, the big bad man going to teach me a lesson... I'm so scared. It's so frightening facing some pussy that has to beat on his wife to feel like a man.... Well come on... Learn me up right and proper." Amber taunted the enraged Allen. He knew she was making fun of him with every word. Well her poppa wasn't here to stop him this time.

"Why you little bitch" He spit as he went to rush her.

Amber moved her foot like she was going to nut him. When he flinched, and covered his groin, she put her shoulder behind her right fist, just like her grandfather had shown her. She felt the satisfying crunch as Allen's nose flatted against her knuckles. To her it was worth the ruined blouse to see the spray of blood gush around her fingers, as he fell back and smacked his head hard on the asphalt.

She wanted to gag looking at the blood and chaw drooling out of Allen's mouth. She contemplated finishing off any future plans he might have had, about having anymore children, when the cops showed up.

"That's enough...!" The overweight older cop called out as he struggled to get out of the cruiser. "What's going on here?" He demanded as Amber turned to see if Sherry was okay.

Sherry looked three shades whiter than paper at her husband who was groaning and spitting blood out of his mouth and nose. "You hit him... I don't believe you hit him!" she gasped, looking blankly at Amber.

"Sthe clod coked me" Allen tried to say through his broken nose as he tried to get off the ground and still hold his broken nose.

"If you ever lay a hand on Sherry again... I'll do more than that...! Officer Wells, I want you to arrest him for spousal abuse, child abuse and attempted assault.... Sherry, show him your face and the bump on AJ's head." She told the shaking woman behind her.

"I wash mindin maw own bussness when sthe clod cloked me!" Allen slurred, holding his face as the blood oozed through his hands.

"He was trying to beat on that poor Sherry again." Sheila said loud enough to be heard a mile away. "She was bringing the little tyke into my shop for some lunch... we all saw it... and he aint getting away with it this time. Miss Amber put a stop to his wife beatin ways... Put the fear of god in him, I reckon." Sheila stated, with a cigarette between her fingers, pointing at her brother-in-law. "You remember Amber Mouser... doncha... She's old Pastor Mouser's daughter."

"Well hell...! Tommy, pick up Mr. Allen Martin here and put him in the back of the car.... Get a rag so he don't bleed all over the place, or you'll be stuck cleaning the car all by yourself." He scratched his balding scalp and shook his head. "We'll have to take him to the clinic before we book him." He told his young partner. "I'll need witness statements from all of you before the end of today or the judge will just toss it all out." He told the crowd.

"Ith nut my falt! Ith nut my falt...!" Allen yelled as they put him in the cop car.

Amber directed Sherry into the diner, with the crowd following. The place went quiet as the two women sat down at a corner table. Everyone wanted to hear what either one of them said. They were already trying to remember the exact turn of events, so they could spread the best story since the fourth of July when Mayor Parker got shot in the butt with a flaming rose.

"I don't believe you hit him..." Sherry said again as she patted her son quiet.

"Here sweetie, you need to try and put some of this here stuff on that blood, or it'll stain." Sheila added, trying to give Amber a can of spray from behind her counter.

"It's okay... I'll have to go home and change anyway..." Amber told Sheila. "Sherry, I want you to go home and get some stuff for you and AJ... I don't want you staying there tonight, until we know what going to happen to Allen."

"But, what do I tell his mother? She's supposed to be coming over for dinner..." Sherry complained stunned.

"Don't worry none. Momma Martin has her ear to the grapevine... She'll know what happened before you know it. You go and get some new clothes... I know your fancy new boss won't like you taking a long lunch... I'll take Miss Sherry and drop her off at your momma's house." Sheila told the girls.

"Just bring her back here. I'll take her home with me after work. It will better that way." Amber redirected. "I don't think mom is up to any drop in surprises yet." She added, knowing that Sheila, like the rest of the town, knew of her mother's condition.

Amber didn't go home, but stopped in the shop down the street and grabbed another blouse so she wouldn't be late back to work. Sheila pushed a doubled stuffed roast beef sandwich in her hand as she passed, since she didn't have a chance to even order before the ruckus.

Her afternoon went well except for the brief conversation with her boss. "I hear you put the town bully in the hospital, then jail. I hope you don't make a habit of these little incidents. This is a small town and we are a public bank."

"I know sir, but I couldn't... It should get better soon. Sherry and her son will be staying with me for awhile." Amber didn't know what to say. She remembered she hated living in a fish bowl.

It only got worse when she had Sherry follow her home. As soon as she came in, her mom and Susan were on her like a dog on a meaty bone. "I hear there was a to do in town today." Susan started.

"What I told you? Violence never answers..." She stopped when she saw Sherry coming in with Allen Jr.

"Hello Mrs. Mouser... Amber said we could stay here awhile." Sherry said timidly.

"Hello Sherry, Hand over that little guy...." Mrs. Johnson said, diverting the timid young woman. "I haven't been able to hold a baby in such a long time" Susan said cheerfully.

"Mom, it was self defense... He was going to hit me! I just beat him to the punch." Amber smiled at her inadvertent joke, as she defended herself. "Besides, how many times did Grandpa Mouser say, 'Never start a fight, but always finish it!' I just hit him once... he did most of the damage to himself when he fell wrong."

"He had already knocked AJ out of the stroller and slapped me before Amber hit him Mrs. Mouser.... Honest." Sherry stood up for her hero. She also liked it when Amber called her son AJ and decided that's what she would start calling her son. She always hated Little Allen or Allen Junior.

"Fine...!" Mildred sighed. "Sherry has Trace old room... It bigger, can use old cradle." The older woman huffed, wishing she could say what was on her mind. She wanted nothing more than to give these two a stern lecture about public displays, but the words were beyond her.

Sherry and AJ, stayed for a week. They went to Allen's hearing, just in case the judge wanted to hear from them. Allen, thinking he did no wrong, refused to listen to the court appointed attorney, and admitted to everything. In his mind, it was his right to correct his wife if she was misbehaving.

"I dithn't mean tho mock over Junior, your thoner... I juth slapth her once for her own good." Allen still had trouble speaking through his deviated septum, but the judge had heard enough.

"Mrs. Percy, tell your client to shut up before he digs himself deeper." The judge told the older woman, public defender standing next to Allen. "Allen Miller, you've just admitted to assault and spousal abuse.... What does the DA recommend" He asked the other attorney.

"Well, if he pays thirty five hundred dollars to the battered woman's home, we'll let him plead on the misdemeanor assault.... That way he can get back to his job... there are a fair few people waiting for their cars to be fixed at his shop." The old stooped DA said.

"I canth afford thath...!" Allen said, before the attorney could shush him.

"Your honor, my client has become an important part of the community.... It has been quiet a long time since he has been in any trouble with the law...." She stated straight faced.

"Okay... Let's say fifteen hundred to the home, for restitution, and sixty days in jail or on the pea farm... suspended, with one year of probation. I also want Mr. Miller to get some counseling. If he fails to pay, start counseling or sign up for probation, in the next three months, then I'll activate the sixty days, and the fine will go up to the thirty five hundred dollars. Do you understand this Mr. Martin?" The judge asked.

"Yesh Shir...." Allen started saying more, but the attorney stopped him.

"Thank you, your honor... I'll have my client sign the necessary forms."

"Fine... make sure it stipulates couples and anger management and that should cover everything.... Mr. Martin, I'm also going to instruct you not to strike or physically harm your wife again. Hopefully counseling will teach you that it is not okay to hit your wife and that abuse is illegal.... Next case...!"


If you ever lived in a small town, then you would know that the days tend to blend together. Allen behaved himself for the most part, and Trace came out of rehab and went back to work. Amber always made sure she wasn't around when Trace visited her mother. Amber didn't get to see Sherry as often as she liked, but then again she was busy trying to fix her marriage.

Before she knew it, three months had passed. Her biggest revelation was that she didn't even notice the passing of time and she didn't miss the sex she once craved. Amber was focused on getting her mother better and work. There wasn't time for anything else. Shrugging, she went to work, came home and did what she had to do.

That all changed one day. It started as a normal day, but quickly dissolved into chaos. She smiled at her tellers as she walked in and saw the note on her desk. Going to Mr. Reed's office, she poked her head in.

"You needed to see me sir?" She asked unconcerned.

"Yes, Come in and close the door." He leaned back in his chair and ogled her tits as she came in. "I've received notification from headquarters that you've been invited to a banking seminar in Golden Colorado. The invitation was addressed specifically to you and one other lead teller..." His eyes never left Amber's nipple line.

"Wow... when...?" Amber said, wanting to cover her breasts. She knew standing under the vent her nipples were getting hard from the cold air.

"In two weeks. The company will pay your travel and registration, but you have to pay for food and lodging. From what I hear it is a pretty exclusive group going." Finally making eye contact, he moved forward so he could adjust himself. "I have to let them know by end of business today."

"Um wow... yeah, I'd like to go... but I have to see if I can..." Amber stammered.

"Well let me know so I can adjust the schedule..." He dismissed her.

"Okay...." She left feeling twitchy. She knew her boss was undressing her with his eyes and it didn't give her a good feeling. As a matter of fact, she felt sullied by it.

The rest of the day, she frantically tried to find someone to watch her mom so she could take the time. The Johnson's were going to Dollywood for vacation and Sherry couldn't stay overnight. That left Amber with only one real choice. She had to ask her brother.

Not knowing her brother's state of mind, she asked Mary first. She knew it was the coward's way out, but she didn't want him to deny her just out of spite. Hanging up the phone, she felt relieved and sad. Trace had said yes, but if for no other reason than to be able to see what she had stolen from the house. He acted like the house and everything in it already belonged to him. It irritated her knowing the thousands of dollars she had spent getting her mother's possessions back.

Amber, a long time ago, figured that since he was the favored child, he would get whatever he wanted when their mother died. But, to have him act that way before, just pissed her off. By the time she could go home her head pounded and she hated thinking about having to tell her mother. On the way home she got a flat tire. As soon as she pulled off the road, she started swearing.

"Shit... Goddamnit sonofabitch!" She kicked the flat tire and dreaded even calling for a wrecker. She knew it would be Allen and he was still pissed about the broken nose. "FUCK...!" She screamed in frustration.

Having no choice, she opened the trunk and started pulling out the spare tire and jack. Muttering under her breath, she rolled up her silk sleeves and bent down to try and change the tire by herself. She broke two nails in her first attempt to put on the lug wrench and swore again.

"Damn it...! Come on you piece of shit...!" She wanted to kick the car again, but her toes were still throbbing from the last time.

"Swearing at it won't help." A voice came from behind her, making her jump and break some more finger nails. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The young fit attractive man said with a big smile.

"No, but it makes me feel better...." Amber said smiling.

"Why didn't you just call the wrecker service? I hear its first rate."

"Allen Miller and I don't get along too well, since I busted his nose." Amber sat back, looking at the flat tire hoping it would change itself.

"Oh... I see... then you must be Amber Mouser. I've heard about you from the guys." He extended his hand. "I'm Brad Hall... I've just been transferred over... Well actually I'm the new Probie at the firehouse." He smiled and softly shoved her out of the way. True to the budding hero he was, rescued Amber from a fate worse than death.

"My god" Amber though... "Is he hitting on me? He's got to be like twenty..." She knew at twenty six, she wasn't that old, but the last few months she had felt like she had aged decades.

"So, is it true what they say about you?" He smiled at her confused look.

"What... huh...?" She stammered, caught looking at his butt. "Depends on what they say..." She caught up.

"That you have the meanest right hook in the state." He smiled again. "And that you have the power to have half of the engine company moved for some mysterious reason..." He looked a lot of things, but intimidated wasn't one of them.

"Only if you piss me off or hurt one of my friends or family." She smiled, wondering if they were actually flirting.

Before she knew it, he stood up and took the offending tire and tossed it in the trunk of her mother's car. "I'd take that to the new shop. I hear the owner is giving great deals.... Tell them I sent you." He dusted off his pants and waved goodbye. "See you around Amber." He got in his truck and waved as he pulled away. Amber shook herself out of her stupor and finished her trip home, where there was another set of problems waiting.

She hadn't even been able to set her stuff down before Trace, who took it upon himself to inform her mother of her desertion, started in. "So, if you don't come back again, I'll keep your stuff for a week then I'm tossing it!"

"What are you talking about?" Amber bit right back.

"Well I'm figuring you're just going to run off again. Not like you haven't done it before." Trace spread the next layer of sarcasm.

"If you are talking about my trip... it's for work. I didn't plan it and had no idea that I'd be going before today when my boss told me. What's your problem anyway?" Amber had enough of her brother's bullshit.

"You... you're my problem! You come back all high and mighty.... I had things under control and now everything is fucked up!" She had never seen the meanest in his eyes before.

"Oh yeah, everything under control.... My Skinny ass...!" She spat back. "You were two steps away from losing everything. I've spent close to three thousand dollars getting the stuff you took, back. And, your marriage was days away from divorce. You were the town drunk. Look... I know you don't like me... you never have. But as long as we avoid each other I don't see the problem. I don't interfere with your time with mom. I'm not going anywhere and you are a fixture in this town." She sighed. "You know what... never mind. I'll be gone for three days and will be back."

"We'll see...." Trace said with venom. "I never asked you for your interference!"

Amber ignored him as she shut her door so she could get dinner ready. If he could find the few extra minutes, she dreamed of taking a long soaking bath. She knew it wouldn't happen, but she could dream. She knew it didn't bode well when the first thing out of her mom's mouth at dinner was.

"I wish Trace and you not argue!" It didn't get any better as her mother tried to lecture her.

"Alright mom... I get it. I'll try and stay out of his way, but he's not taking everything over again.... I have a chance to get some extra training... I can't afford to not go, or I'd stay and take care of you. It is only for three days. He's sober enough to take care of you, or Mary can bring Louse over for you to spoil." Amber lost her appetite and wanted nothing more than to get the meal done, so she could go to bed.
