Redwood Nine: Season 02 Ch. 04


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Knowing JT and the guys wanted to kill Clive, it struck her that they might be her saving grace and help her get something of her life back. If they could do it and not get caught, or worse, get killed themselves, it would be worth the risk. Her life was in mortal danger each day she was alive and she knew it. She hadn't divulged the shooter to the police, feigning temporary amnesia, because of the shock. Sooner or later, the police would find out who it was, but Clive had lawyers and connections and eye witness testimony, or not, he stood a better chance of walking, than being convicted.

She knew it was a lousy way to start a friendship, but she had to ask for this, from them. She had no where and no one else to turn to. If she wanted to live, she had to do it. She resigned herself to telling JT everything she could about Clive. If he was going to pull this off, he'd need to know absolutely every last detail she could think of, that she knew about her husband's life. Yes, Clive Brock needed to die and she was going to make sure she played as much of a part in it, as she could.

That vengeful desire brought about a change in how she felt. She could feel the power grow in herself, the power from pure hatred. No matter what it was that gave her the strength, she began to feed off it. As she lay thinking of bringing about her husband's death, the door opened slowly and several faces appeared, followed by more behind, trying to look in. Smiles were worn and waves were given. Despite the contradiction to her feelings, she smiled at them and weakly waved back.

"I'll see you all soon. Give me a few more days. Thank you so much."

Whispered agreements were given, along with more kisses sent to her, bringing her smile broader across her face. Once again, the door closed and the smile faded, as she went back into thoughts of revenge and everything she could remember about her husband's habits and usual haunts. She wanted to give JT and the guys as much of a chance to do it and get away with it, but above all, come away unhurt. Nothing was worth the price of that.

The group left the hospital and rode back to the clubhouse. There was a need to discuss club business, but the need for Moon and the others, was more pressing in their situation. When everyone was sitting and rolling joints, JT began talk of what kind and size of addition was needed.

Amounts for materials to buy for the addition they would build, became the afternoon's focus. Despite the monetary amount afforded, Moon always remained frugal in his approach, wanting to spend the least and get the most out of it. Lenny made sense to him, as to why more money was needed.

"I build houses all day, Moon. I know what it takes to put one together properly, so it'll last. Trust me. The money we spend on this, is worth every penny. I can understand the money thing, but this isn't something you go short on, not unless you want it falling down, or fixing it every week."

Moon relented and accepted the advice. The girls had one specific request in the design and that was a large bathroom with more than one bath. Moon was very agreeable to the idea, thinking back to this morning's rush to have bathroom time to get ready. If there was one thing that was crucial, it was more bathrooms. Pieces of paper were sketched on and some crumpled and tossed away. Bit by bit, the ideas of a new addition took hold and they ended up with something almost the size of the original house itself. Lenny said he'd take the design to his building supervisor and have him look it over for code errors and design flaws. Even though there would never be a permit filed to build it, Moon wanted to make sure it was safe to live in.

Talk of celebrations were raised, in honour of the addition and JT suggested that everyone, but the club, go and prepare, as they had things they needed to discuss privately. There was no disagreement from anyone, but suspicions were raised in some, as to the nature of their subject matter. Goodbyes were given with happiness, as well as more money from the club's funds to buy everything. The guys watched them drive off to town for food and sundries, while they closed the door to the world and discussed the issue on all their minds, Clive Brock.

"Okay, after talking to Marlene, it seems our friend has some connections to the mob, or something in Vegas. I think if I can talk to her alone, in a day or so when she's stronger, I might convince her to tell me more. As it is, she doesn't want us trying anything on him, because she's worried we'll get hurt, or killed. I don't blame her, I have the same worries too, but this is still happening, with or without her help. So what I did get, was this..."

JT explained what he could get Marlene to divulge, but even the little she did, gave them a huge step forward, knowing what they were facing now. JT's prior suspicions that Gus was talking about men and not guns, was correct, but realized both were correct. They faced men with guns and all they had on their side, was knowledge about them and the chance to plan it out carefully. Only the vets had pulled the trigger, with the sole purpose of killing a man. It would remain to be seen, if the rest could do it as well. There could be no hesitation, once faced with a gun pointing at them, it came down to kill, or be killed.

Cars were heard pulling in and stopping, ending anymore talk of revenge. JT and the others walked out side, to see two Sheriff's cars stopped by the office and they were looking over the garage, when JT called out to them.

"Can I help you?"

"We're here to seize all property and place it under county control."

"What are you talking about? Why do you have to do that?"

"Mr. Harding had no heirs, or living relatives known, so his property goes intestate and is held by the county."

"No way. This place was left to me and Clay here. We just came from the lawyer's office and he has all the paperwork there. You can call him from the office and ask him yourself. His name is Arthur Lowen, I have his number right here."

One of the sheriffs took the number and went in with JT and phoned it. He waited to be transferred and then talked to Arthur. It didn't take any more than two minutes and the sheriff hung up the phone. He looked at JT and relayed what he was told.

"I was informed by Mr. Lowen, that Mr. Harding had amended his will just recently and that's why it didn't show up in County records yet. As such, the writ of seizure is forfeit in that instance. Sorry to have bothered you and my condolences on Mr. Harding's passing."

"Hey, no problem and thanks, we'll miss him, a lot."

"You're welcome. So, you're the new owner?"

"Yes and Clay as well. Jake left the business to both of us."

JT pointed at Clay, then the officer looked back to JT.

"And you are?"

"Oh, sorry, JT, John Teller."

"Nice meeting you, John. Okay, looks like we're finished here, you guys take care."

"Will do."

The Sheriffs left and the guys sighed deeply, thankful they made no mention of the marijuana smell wafting about them. They went back into the clubhouse and revived the issue of revenge.

The commune was alive with happiness and joy, everyone in a celebratory mood. They unpacked the van and car, Wally joining the other three guys and chopping wood for a fire for that evening. They laughed and joked, all the while naked, enjoying the good times shared between them, when the girls came out with lemonade for them. No matter how many times he saw them, the sight of twelve, naked women walking through the field of grasses and wildflowers, had Wally get sexually excited. He wished at that point, he wasn't totally naked.

"Quite the sight, eh Wally?"


Moon, Spirit and Phoenix chuckled, seeing Wally become enthralled with the sexual beauty of the girls.

"Better keep that under control, or they'll think you have something in mind for them."

"What do you mean?"

Phoenix pointed to the growth happening between his legs and Wally went red and cupped his hands over himself. The girls came to the clearing and passed out the lemonade. They were finding it amusing, to see Wally struggle with his excitement and asked him if he was still shy around them. He blushed harder and Azure came up next to him and slid her hand over his. She showed her surprise to the others animatedly, as to what she was feeling. She knelt down and began pushing Wally's hands aside, but he was adamantly refusing to move them and expose his erection.

Azure was just as adamant and coaxed him to move his hands, with soft kisses to them. The look of ecstasy swept across his face, as she slowly engulfed him, enjoying his offering. Wally was so excited by her manipulating lips and tongue, he quivered and shook in minutes, the problem with his erection now resolved. Azure stood and pecked a kiss on Wally's lips, as he stood with his eyes closed, still enjoying the euphoric bliss of what she did.

"How do you like free love, Wally?"

"Phoenix, it's fucking awesome, man."

Wally could care less about his spent manhood dangling between his legs, the afterglow was all he concentrated on.

"Come, we're done here, time to make some food ready for the feast. The guys will surely appreciate the meal we are preparing."

"No shit. I saw that hunk of meat you bought. That'll feed an army."

"I do believe we have something close to that, don't we?"

"Yeah, I guess we do."

The four naked men walked up to the group of girls and Wally put his arm around Azure and Golden, walking back to the house with them.

The guys had made as many calls as they could, to get more background on Clive, but no one had much to say to them about him, or his business affairs. The police had questioned him thoroughly about his whereabouts that day and he had an alibi that seemed to hold weight. The secretary was easily swayed by Keith's charms and accent and managed to get that much from her. Piney phoned all the suppliers and everyone he could think of, to let them know of the changes, but to keep the accounts open for now.

JT couldn't help but wonder why Marlene hadn't given up Clive to the police, as soon as she was able. Hearing how her husband was connected, made things seem more understandable. Marlene was in fear of her life and that's why there was a cop stationed outside her door. She was afraid for them to get involved, because she knew her husband was able to make trouble for the club, if they did anything. Things began to nag at JT's mind and wouldn't leave him alone. He had to know, or he would never find peace in his head, until he did.

"Guys, I say we wrap it up and head out to the girls and some good eats. I'm dying for some good food and some more of that good lovin'."

Hoots and hollers were yelled out by them and no further prompting, than JT getting them to clean up first and get out. After he locked the door and handed the keys to Piney, he told them what he wanted to do.

"You guys go ahead and I'll catch up. I'm going back to see Marlene. I want to ask her something, just me and her this time and see what she says. I think I can get her to tell us something more about him."

"Okay, JT. See you back at the ranch. Say hi to her for us."

"Will do. Hey, pick up some beers before you go out, maybe some wine for everyone else, they seem to like that shit."

"Gotcha, I'll make sure the bar there is stocked."

JT started up, the others following him and then they headed to their destinations. JT went into the hospital and waited until he was searched and cleared by the officer, before knocking and going in. Marlene had her gown pulled down and was looking at her wounds. She raised her hands quickly, then saw it was JT and smiled.

"They took the bandages off this evening. I was just looking at the wounds, want to see?"

JT flustered, one side wanting to see them, but the other feeling it was wrong to look.

"JT, they're only gunshot wounds and Christ, I'd think you'd have seen enough tits by now, not to get all shy about it."

Marlene lowered the front of her gown and held it, so it didn't expose them completely, then JT walked to the bed and took a closer look. The bruising made them look grotesque, while the sutures holding the wounds closed, foretold of nasty scarring to follow. Marlene could see it in his eyes.

"Not so pretty looking now, are they?"

JT was unable to find an answer, unsure of telling a lie or the truth to her. He tried to keep it light and not add to her misery.

"Maybe avoid wearing those tops that show lots of cleavage, other than that, they'll still look nice.

Marlene found a smile for him, his words giving her a modicum of feeling attractive.

"You are a sweet boy. You say the nicest things to a woman."

Marlene covered herself up and asked him for a kiss, with her arms out and puckering. JT bent in and received a hug and a soft kiss to his cheek, giving her one back the same. Even in hospital and coming back from death's door, Marlene still had a sensual womanliness to her scent, that JT inhaled and savoured.

"Marlene, I really need to talk to you."

She looked at JT, knowing what he was wanting to ask, her current feelings for Clive, making her change her previous answer.

"I need to talk to you too, JT. Sit on the bed with me. I want you to know, I changed my mind. I want to see my husband dead. I lay here after you left and thought about it some more. I'll never be safe, not as long as he's out there. He wants me dead and there's no denying that, so every breath I take, I feel like it could be my last."

JT sat with Marlene and she took his hand in hers, holding it with a firmness, that JT could only understand as security.

"We're not going to let that happen, ever. That lowlife will be dead and never have the chance."

Marlene had tears come to her eyes, the conviction of JT's words making her feel the security in them.

"I want to help you kill him, JT. I'll help you any way I can and tell you everything about his movements and anyone I can think of that he is associated with."

JT smiled at Marlene, in part from her agreeing to help him and also, because he was closer to succeeding in his one quest in life at present. By the time JT left the hospital and sat on his bike, he couldn't help but smile happier. Armed now with what he knew and would know about Clive Brock, it was a done deal that he was going to die and soon.


Dear readers, please leave a comment and let me know if I should continue with this series. I hope you've been enjoying it and would like to know what you think of it so far. If I receive no comments at all, I'll take it as a no and finish it here.

Thanks kindly,


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LwcbyLwcbyabout 4 years ago
The hippies turning them into cuckies is BS

This isn't the way JTs lettered portrayed him. The only reason I am reading this trash is to see if they finally grow a pair,leave the sluts to the hippies after beating the hippies half to death!!!!

Trailrider13Trailrider13over 10 years ago
Great Story

I've only been reading for a week now and really getting into it. Please continue as long as you can.

RoyceConnorsRoyceConnorsalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you so much

Your comments and votes assure me I'm taking things in the right direction and not deviating too far from what people imagine they did at the start. Season 2 is done and Portends is awaiting approval for posting.

Thank you to all the readers and hope you're enjoying Redwood Nine. Votes and comments are always welcomed.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Great Story!!

Like the other people, I think it's a great storyline and the change in action is well done. I like how you introduced everyone to the story and fit them in, it seems likely enough that it could happen that way.

I'm a big fan of SoA and this is a great prequel to it. Always worth the 5.

A fan since the start.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Love it

Love it please continue!

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