Refashioned Pt. 06


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She was not to think about it.

"What's the problem?" Siobhan asked, frowning slightly, as she glanced towards the computer that appeared to be working just fine.

"It's an intermittent thing... it seems to come and go," the slave explained, her voice exasperated, indicating the screen as she appraised the woman. Tall and slender, with a pale, fresh complexion that contrasted with her long lustrous dark hair, a face sprinkled liberally with freckles, intelligent blue eyes that were framed by fashionable heavy black glasses, the Irishwoman was stunning. slaveannabel enjoyed the delicious pangs of hunger her voracious pussy sent through her as she ogled the woman standing alongside her.

The slave registered the tiny flicker of irritation flash across the woman's pretty face as Siobhan mentally rolled her eyes in despair at being called out for something so trivial.

"What exactly do you mean?" Siobhan pressed, turning to stare at the screen, wiggling the mouse irritably. "Seems fine to me."

"I don't know..." the slave hesitated, "it seems to be flickering."

Crunching her brows, Siobhan continued to inspect the dual monitor screens. "I can't see anything."

"As I said, it comes and goes," slaveannabel pressed, her tone firm, standing up from her chair and offering it to Siobhan who duly sat down. "Keep looking at it."

The slave had come early into work this morning burying herself in her cubicle before her co-workers arrived. Flipping the computer monitor around, it had been the work of a minute to unscrew the plastic cover and switch the green circuit board with an identical one that she had removed from her handbag. After slipping the old circuitry into her bag, she deftly replaced the cover and repositioned the monitor without being seen.

"There!" the slave exclaimed. "Did you see it?"

Shaking her head lightly, Siobhan maintained her intent stare on the monitor. "No..." she murmured softly.

"Keep looking at the screen," the slave urged, her pussy throbbing deliciously. "You'll see it in a minute."

The woman's head bobbed slightly in acknowledgement but her eyes never left the display.

Sitting motionless on the chair, Siobhan's eyes were locked on the screen, drawn into it.

The slave watched her closely, her whole body vibrating with Instruction. She was nothing more than a tool, a mindless robot helplessly following the programming that had been burned into her brain. There were no doubts, no hesitations. Body, mind, cunt, all pulsing in perfect harmony with Instruction, the dull residue of annabelthought that normally hovered in the background had vanished.

Throbbing, pulsing, quivering, Instruction owned her. Sex quivering with pure joy,the slave was excited by how helpless she was, the Discipline holding her tight.

The sensation was indescribable. Liberating.

She was nothing but an appendage of the Will of Medusa. The slave knew that she was being used to subdue this female. To take her mind. To enslave her.

Like she had been enslaved.

And it felt wonderful.

Seconds ticked by.

A minute passed.

Then another.

And another.

slaveannabel watched her closely, relishing the sight of the entranced woman as her whole being throbbed with Instruction. Although the display appeared perfectly normal, the slave knew that the blank-faced target was already deeply entranced, her mind captured by the subliminal pulses flashing before her.

No, slavethought corrected, the female was no longer a target.

Siobhan was material. slavematerial. Nothing more.

Quickly glancing around to ensure that they were still alone, the slave produced the small white cannister from her pocket before leaning in slightly to position it directly beneath Siobhan's nose, careful not to disturb her view of the screen as she pressed the button, spraying a fine mist into the air beneath the material's face.

"Breathe in deeply Siobhan," the slave urged the fascinated woman who readily complied. Repeating the process twice more, the slave was satisfied that the slavematerial had absorbed enough of the will suppressant.

More Instruction unspooled. From her bag she removed a pair of glasses, identical in all aspects, including the right strength lenses, to the ones Siobhan wore. Carefully, the slave slid the hypnotized woman's glasses off and replaced them with the new pair.

Utterly transfixed by the strobing screen, her mouth parted deliciously, the hypnotized woman appeared not to register the switch.

"Give me your phone," the slave ordered the docile material who, eyes fixed on the monitor, obediently reached down and pulled a top-of-the range model out of her pocket, handing it to the slave without hesitation.

Working quickly, the slave downloaded the app and activated it.

Siobhan, her breathing shallow, features slack with trance, remained perfectly still.

Looking around, the slave reassured herself that there had been no witnesses.

"Siobhan, look at me," she ordered brusquely.

Taking an immense effort, as if it was made of lead, Siobhan's head slowly panned away from the screen that fascinated her. Clenching her thighs together, the slave revelled in the sight of the slavematerial's expressionless face, her blank eyes peering sightlessly into space from beneath her new glasses.

"You have solved the problem," slaveannabel informed the passive target.

"You spent a few minutes chatting to your new friend Annabel," the slave recited, the Instruction flowing through her without any conscious thought on her part, her mouth uttering the words that would mindbind the material. "Annabel is a very nice person. You like her. You trust her."

Siobhan's tranceglazed eyes stared vacantly into the middle distance.

"Your new friend Annabel, who you trust completely, showed you a new online store with some great deals," the slave continued. "This made you happy. You have been meaning to change your look for a long time and this is the perfect opportunity. You purchased some new clothing which will be waiting for you when you return home. This excites you. The new clothing will make you look and feel very sexy. This is normal. This is what you want. This is what you need."

Siobhan's slack features didn't change but the slave knew that her words had penetrated deeply into the mind of the material lost in deep trance.

"Soon you will awaken feeling very calm and content," slaveannabel told the passive material.

"There is no need to think about what has happened. Everything is fine."

* * *

The delicious trickle of lust slowly travelled through her body as she read the message. Sonya was following up after their lunch earlier in the week, thanking her for introducing her to Naomi.

Straight after finishing their food, the slave had taken Sonya to the gym. Discreetly located on a street directly behind the slave's office, the former 1930s factory had just been remodelled by a new owner.

The same Owner that owned her.

With its gleaming white painted facade and geometric architectural details, the Art Deco gem had been sympathetically turned into a mixed commercial and residential development, with the brand new gym taking up the entire ground floor while, accessed by a separate entrance, the top three floors had ostensibly been turned into apartments.

Entering the reception area, complete with period friezes of progress and power, slavenaomi had met them both before taking them on a tour of the magnificent gym that combined state of the art equipment with original industrial features, all designed to impress. Just beyond the tiled reception area, a huge red logo covered the wall leading to the changing rooms.

Juicing unseen, slaveannabel had worshipped the Emblem in silence as the two slaves shepherded Sonya deeper into the Training Facility.


She had been shown freshly painted rooms lined with high-end fitness equipment, still wrapped in plastic. slavenaomi had apologized, explaining that they had only moved into the building and were still getting things fixed up. Sonya had questioned nothing, dazzled by both the gym and Naomi.


She had joined up there and then.

The slave sizzled with joy at the knowledge. Sonya would be Trained. Her friend was living slaveflesh, raw material to be shaped, nothing more. She would learn to accept the Discipline of her new existence.

This was her destiny. Such was her Purpose.

Sonya would become slavesonya.

Smiling slightly to herself, slaveannabel tapped out a reply.

* * *

Blinking, she moistened her dry eyes. The visor had been removed. She was alone on the couch now, the other slaves she had spent the night with standing in front of her, blankly staring into space.

Normally she would have joined them but for some reason she knew that she must remain seated. She did not question the slavethought. Instead she sat and enjoyed the taut bodies of her sister slaves, relishing the obedience they inhaled with every breath.

How she envied them.

Two sets of footsteps clicked down the stairs. Discipline held her in place, preventing slaveannabel from giving into her natural curiosity and turning to look at those entering the room. Moments later the features of her Controller came into view; like the others she was dressed in a snug-fitting grey Medusa uniform. Without speaking a word, the petite woman joined the other two and stiffened to attention.

Another figure appeared; Asian, familiar, heavily tattooed flesh, piercings glinting in the light, her dark almond eyes glittering with pure Purpose.

Pussy throbbing with desire, the slave basked with pleasure as the striking woman's hard eyes slowly roamed over her body, inspecting her, assessing her coldly like a predator sizing up a morsel of living flesh she was about to consume.

Arousal, that burned like fire, flared through her.

Stepping forward, the Asian woman leaned forward and unceremoniously pulled up the slave's top, exposing her breasts and straining nipples. Superior's fingers were warm as she inspected the piercings, the sharp tugs she gave to each sending ripples of pleasure through the slave's body, causing her to whimper helplessly.

Squirming in the chair, the slave spread her legs wide as the silent woman knelt between them. Once more she shuddered in ecstasy as the digits danced along the damp lips of her slick slit, probing her new piercing. slaveannabel cried out in animal heat at the touch, moaning uncontrollably.

The Asian woman remained silent.

Superior's hands now roamed over the flesh above her gushing sex, carefully pulling off the fresh dressing that the redheaded slave had put in place only last night. Gasping and groaning as the pain of the adhesive being slowly ripped from her sensitive skin sent spasms of pleasure shooting through her, the slave relished the glory of submission. The woman began to inspect the bare flesh closely before slowly and deliberately pressing her mouth to the patch of skin and kissing it, lovingly.

Satisfied, the Asian woman stood and turned to the Controller.

"There are no signs of infection. All bodily modifications have healed," she announced matter-of-factly to the petite woman.

"Yes Superior," Controller responded stiffly, her slack face contrasting with her taut Disciplined body.

Returning her attention back to the shuddering slave, the Asian woman locked her powerful gaze upon her wide eyes. Slowly, the Superior raised her hands to her throat, her fingers sliding along the collar that gripped her neck, her intense eyes animated for the very first time as they flashed with sudden intense heat.

Captivated, a low animal groan seemed to rise up from the very centre of the slave's being as the she fixated upon the erotic display, her own collared neck throbbing, joining with the afterglow of pleasurable pain still emanating from her tits and cunt.

In an action that reminded the slave of a striptease, Superior slowly unfolded the high turtleneck collar that circled her neck, pulling the material up over her chin, then her mouth, then her nose. Higher and higher, inch by inch, steadily, slowly, sensuously, her face disappeared beneath the fabric as it climbed ever upwards, covering more and more of her, dissolving her features into blackness. The Asian woman's eyes vanished completely as the tube of dark material rose up over her forehead. Sex now ablaze with white heat, the slave moaned helplessly. Finally Superior's entire head was completely covered, the vague contours of her features dimly outlined by the black mask that now enveloped her.

Reaching up, the Asian woman fastened the seams of the collar together above her head, sealing the mask in place. Apart from a neat triangular opening that exposed her lip-glossed mouth and the tip of her nose, everything else had vanished. Even her eyes seemed to have disappeared into the inky blackness.

Subsumed beneath the tight fitting mask, the Superior's very identity, everything that made her an individual, was gone.

The slave shook uncontrollably, eyes impossibly wide, heart racing, overwhelming need gushing through her, slavethought claiming her.

Slowly, the masked woman ran a finger over her face, tracing the outline of the only thing that disrupted the sinful blackness cocooning her.

Spasming uncontrollably, the slave rode the waves of pleasure surging within as she followed Superior's finger as it flowed over the clear white markings clearly emblazoned over her face.

The Symbol of her love.

The Sign of her devotion.

The Icon of her worship.


Superior made a slight gesture. The petite Controller detached herself from the slaveline and sank to her knees facing the masked female, before carefully unzipping and sliding the Asian woman's black leather skirt down her legs before she stepped out of it. Controller neatly folded the garment and returned to the others.

Mouth wide, the slave drank in the sight before her; apart from the tight black top, the only other thing she wore were a pair of gleaming black leather calf boots. Large, intricate tattoos covered the Asian woman's thighs drawing her eyes inexorably to her cleft. The slave's eyes widened at the sight. There, on the tawny flesh above her glistening sexlips, permanently inscribed in dark black ink was the Holy Mark that she adored.

Still continuing to stroke her masked face, Superior lowered her other hand and began to circle the tattooed skin above her dripping cunt, fingers dancing over the flesh, her hips starting to sway as if responding to the beat of some unheard music.

The slave shook uncontrollably, the erotic sight of the female was sending her into a frenzy of primal desire as the blazing phosphoresent fire burned brightly through her. She wanted her. More, she wanted to be her.

Still caressing her masked face and inked sex, Superior's tongue slithered out from between her lips like a snake readying to pounce upon a hapless victim. Panting, slaveannabel squirmed on the couch, watching transfixed as the Asian's woman licked her lips, slowly.

"Medusa Owns this mind and body," the Marked woman declared, her voice dripping with arousal as she continued to circle her Marked face and sex like an exotic belly dancer using her body to manipulate and seduce.

The slave shuddered as the tsunami of lust crashed over her, washing away everything that had stood in its path. "This material once thought it was a person, an individual with free will," Superior swayed, her hips undulating hypnotically, as she continued her serpentine dance. "But it was mistaken."

"Medusa claimed it."

Eyes wide, the slave gasped and moaned, hanging on every word as the volcanic lust boiled and surged within.

"The Will of Medusa snuffed out everything this material once thought important," Superior continued, her voice oozing with honey, each word dripping into the slave's mind as she whimpered with raw desire.

"It now lives to serve Medusa," the masked woman's silken voice oozed as she continued her hypnotic dance. "It exists to obey Medusa. It breathes to worship Medusa."

Quaking uncontrollably, slaveannabel was captivated by the mellifluous words of the Asian woman. Superior was more, so much more than just a slave like her or the others. Just being in her presence was like touching the sun... the intense heat charring, blackening everything, reducing all to ashes. She was powerless, totally enraptured by the shimmying body, her whole body vibrating and pulsing with pure pleasure.

She needed this.

"Look down slave," Superior ordered.

Complying, the slave turned her head to look down at her sex, gushing with desperation. Blinking, she struggled to make sense of the black markings, upside-down from her perspective, covering the pale skin above the folds of her own yearning, dripping cunt that she so desperately craved to insert her fingers deep inside.

Gasping, twitching, spasming, thrashing, surrendering, her lustfogged mind slowly deciphered the markings now permanently inscribed on to her flesh.


* * *

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