Refillable: No Expiration, No Limit


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"Play and inspect as long as you wish. No hurry!" he told her.

She was startled by his completely shaved crotch. He explained his preference – lots of extra nerves, lots of extra pleasure – as her fingertips traced delicate circles on the smooth skin. She played for some considerable while: initially tentative, she quickly became more aggressive with her questioning and touching. As she slowed, returned to being very gentle and delicate, she announced her findings: "Curious thing, this XY body. Complicated equipment you have!" She fondled as she stared into his eyes. "Cock, hardon, balls, butt. All of it is so lovely. Interesting. Intriguing. Exciting! I like this body of yours, the male bits especially. In fact, I think it's actually beautiful down here – and believe me I never thought I'd be saying such a thing!"

Kelvin sat up: "I'm always yours to play with. However, whenever, wherever. But you have the advantage of me, Madam, me now being buck nekkid and you not so. Therefore – may I remove your shorts? Just to even things up, of course! No ulterior motives whatever. Scout's honor! It'll help if you stand up."

She stood slowly, muttering "Beware the big butt and thunder-thighs. I'm sorry!"

Kelvin shook his head "Hush with that self-critical crappola! I already told you what I think. It's a gorgeous body... and perfectly proportioned. You rate too many nice adjectives to be so down on it – things like solid, flexible, beautiful, strong, healthy. And incredibly sexy – you are an Earth Mother! You instantly make me want to BREED! Sheesh – bet your hips aren't forty inches, and you have just about that for the top as well – most women would KILL for what you're so busy disparaging. Now QUIT IT!" She leaned down and kissed him on the forehead, muttered "Thank you!"

He tugged the shorts down and she stepped demurely free of them. For all her self-criticism and poor body-image, in actuality she had neither the slightest trace of pot-belly, nor a significant overlay of body-fat. Even in snug low-riders, she wouldn't be a muffin. He stared at her crotch: her bush was trimmed to delightful shortness, the sides of her sharp-rising mound well and recently waxed. "Lovely! I like the trim!"

He ran his tongue down each naked side-crease of her vee, making her shiver violently. Fingers slid up the back of her legs to her knees, then up to her buttocks, then gently between her legs to play in the wet of her pussy.

She was almost in a trance from his touches – and how could the FIRE between her legs, in her belly, be WET? Paradox! Suddenly, when she least expected it, he overturned her reverie by stopping, smiled up at her, leaned back while holding firmly onto her hips, and said "I want to collect my rain-check. Right now. For the shimmy you promised."

She gaped at him, then giggled and went pink all over again. She shook her head: "I don't think I can do that. I'd be too embarrassed. Isn't that silly? But it's true... and besides, all of a sudden I really have to pee. Awfully badly!"

"Tell me true – do you really need to pee, or do you actually need a few seconds break from me and my attentions? I'll understand if that's it..."

She shook her head – no, it was really peeing.

He put on an imitation stern face. "Very well... that's good. Peeing can be arranged. We can go to the bathroom for your pee immediately after you shimmy." He put on a little-boy pout: "You PROMISED! Please?"

She had only a second to wonder at the "WE can go..." before she closed her eyes, nodded, gulped, and shimmied. She was good – her bosom became a pink blur for several seconds. Her eyes opened to see him smiling, giving her a friendly, lascivious look.

"Magnificent!" He stood, bent to kiss both breasts, took her by the shoulders and said "Bravo! I've never seen anything quite like that before... you were wonderful! Now – let's get you to the bathroom before we damage this nice carpeting."

He led – she was confused, somewhat panicked again but from an unexpected direction – ever since the priest, if there were others in the room she'd found it difficult to pee. Even in a private stall. She couldn't explain such a thing to herself, let alone to this man, but somehow it was MUCH more personal and embarrassing than anything else so far. Nonsensical, but real. So- how in the world could she do THIS? And why was he suggesting it?

He caught the edge of her flustration, didn't let her stew, just flipped up the lid, settled her down on the seat, tugged her knees wide apart, then squatted before her, his erection upright and proud and bobbing with his pulse. While using one hand to twiddle her nipples, he slid his other palm down her belly until it covered her entire mons: slid his middle finger through her clit-wetness just SO, making her almost cry out; then the same finger ever so gently found its way deep into her pussy. He cupped his warm, vibrating hand firmly against her mound, and said "Pee now!"

"I CAN'T!!" It was practically a wail.

"Baloney, lover. Sure you can. There's really nothing to it. You just have to relax and let go! He increased the pressure of his palm against her clit, made her vulva vibrate until her body began to shake.

Shivering more and more violently, she gasped, bent to bury her face against his neck, bit firmly on his trapezius. "Jeezus, Kelvin, if you keep that up very long I'm going to come!"

He used his free hand to raise her head for another deep kiss. "And what, pray tell, did you think was supposed to happen? Surely you don't think that I don't know what I'm doing down here!?" He added speed and pressure. "Come for me, Lady H – and when it happens, PEE! At the same moment! Let everything go all at once."

Ten breathless seconds went by: then she came, an enormous, wrenching, prolonged orgasm that went on and on, until finally the urine burst from her in a hot, spasmodic gush. Through it all she stabbed a high-pitched keening wail deep into his throat and she came non-stop while the flow lasted, then continued until she sagged forward against him, limply, face buried in the base of his neck, her breath whistling as it streamed between her lips and his skin. "Oh god, my god, stop for a second, I can't breathe!"

Kelvin did as asked, let her breathing settle for a few seconds. "Fragile, eh? I don't THINK so!" he said. "M'Lady H, I've been pondering your 'fragility' ideas. I can sense that you truly believe in your own fragility. But I do not!"

She looked up at him through the foggy tail-end of her orgasms, quite surprised. "Everything I've seen about you contradicts the very concept."

She blinked.

"THEREFORE, I propose a special program for this morning. We will dedicate everything we do to YOUR pleasure. Every single aspect of everything we do together. A team – either can lead, but always we work together. On YOUR pleasure. Entirely yours. I suggest we explore this 'fragility' business in depth. I'll be your teacher and guide, if you agree." He stopped, looked her squarely in the eyes. "It would be a great deal more than just fun, although plenty of that."

Kevin took a very long breath: "Do everything just for me? That'd be pretty selfish, don't you think? What about yourself?"

He laid a fingertip on her lips. "Shush! You deserve some special attention after all those years of neglect! And I'd love to provide it. Anyhow, don't worry - pleasing a man is easy as falling off a log, and of course I'll be enjoying myself immensely. I like the entire journey, Heather, not just the terminal docking maneuvers!"

She blushed furiously but didn't break eye-lock.

"We can always engineer a role-reversal, a little tit-for-tat, whenever we wish. Maybe even later today. Or perhaps next year. Who knows? BUT, M'Lady H, dedicating the time to your pleasure means that you have to really, truly and completely trust me, which is a tall order for anyone, especially someone with your history. It means trusting me to the NPN level, for a lot of experimentation – NPN means "No Pre-emptive Negatives". You're agreeing that you can't say "NO" to an idea, to any suggestion, without trying it at least once. After you try something, then of course you're free to say 'no' to a repeat."

He grinned so knowingly, so confidently, that her insides churned violently. She had a VERY good imagination, now running deliciously out of control.

"But I doubt that'll ever happen."

She sighed, leant against him: the body said she'd made up her mind already, her voice said the brain was playing catch-up. "Kelvin, that's an awesome, scary level of trust... at least it is for ME. I think I'm already at that level with YOU: for sure it's a good idea to actually think through the idea, not just blow it off quickly. I suppose if I weren't there, at that level, well then, you wouldn't be here with me! But it's scary, scary, scary!" Her eyes had a bit of deer-in-headlights to them.

He agreed: "Yes, it certainly is – it's at about the highest level of trust, emotionally. Two more things. I don't believe in anything painful, just pleasure. Pain is not nice, not acceptable – not mental pain, not physical pain. But high intensity is not pain! We'll choose a 'safe word' for you - you can say it any time you wish and it will stop everything we are doing right in its tracks. Let's choose something unusual, say, POMEGRANATE – if you say to me "Stop, stop..." and I don't think you mean it, or that it's some sort of reflexive no-content negative, well then I might choose to ignore your protests and continue. But if you were to say 'pomegranate', then it's full stop instantly. Okay?"

"Pomegranate! I suspect I'll never be able to look at one again without turning red!"

Kelvin looked at her for a long silent moment, then abruptly laughed. Obviously something was almighty amusing: she had no idea what, and waited, wondering. "M'Lady Heather, have you noticed the scenario we're in? It's right out of some cheap porn or film noir. There you sit, on the porcelain throne, having just peed a pint or so into my hand, you're totally winded from orgasms... and meanwhile I kneel here before you with a thundering great hardon... and what do we do? We busy ourselves talking! Next thing, we'll be discussing deep philosophy of love and lust and the meaning of it all... Jeez!"

She laughed with him: "Now that you mention it, I suppose the scene is rather ludicrous. But only from the outside – from in here, it's amazing how erotic it is! – erotic, desirable, and NORMAL!"

"So, Heather, back to the scary 'trust' thing. You're right – the name of the game is trust. Without that, there's very little possible in the way of deep emotional connections. But what others are worth the investment and the dangers?"

"Doctor K... you have an answer to every question, or a plan for every eventuality, don't you!?"

He smiled wickedly: "I sure TRY to be ready. "Semper paratus" – always prepared. You know – the old Boy Scout motto!"

He reached for the sink, ran the water to hot, soaked a washcloth, then gently washed her crotch and his hand. She just leaned against him throughout the process, enjoying the touch and recovering from both orgasms and her embarrassment. And quivering inside, wondering 'what next?'

Kelvin stood, caught her under the arms and lifted until once again she stood pressed against him full-frontal. "Come with me. Time to check out your bed and your body. Ready?"

She snuggled against him, ear to his chest, shy again. His hardon led the way, bobbing.

"Lay yourself down, Madam, and let's begin... I need to really investigate that gorgeous pussy of yours. It's a beauty, you know. But I haven't seen it up close. We're going to fix THAT right now!"

He arranged her on the bed, spread-eagled, with a pillow under her butt. She couldn't imagine being more exposed – but, and this was strange in an almost unworldly way, she was neither frightened nor embarrassed. Just almighty WARM!

"Now, Madam... please help me here. Teamwork – you have to participate, not just receive. Use your fingers to hold yourself open so that I can see and touch."

It took considerable will-power, but she did it. She watched with in anticipation laced with apprehension as his mouth hovered, then descended.

The first half-second of contact, as he engulfed her entire clit and hood and upper confluence of her inner lips, changed her forever – and she knew it as it happened. Her eyes closed, her breath went on hold.

Kelvin investigated and explored, with a nicely balanced combination of delicacy and power and control - vacuumed, licked, nibbled, explored every square millimeter of the innermost tissues, the slippery-smooth, intrinsically perfectly hairless surfaces between clit hood and inner lips. Down her split his mouth went, tongue into and around her pussy entrance, then further down until the tongue-tip pried deliciously at her anus, where he managed a distinct penetration, utterly unexpected and novel, that yielded strong shivers and gasps. Then back to fasten over her clit to nurse, while his left hand played arpeggios on her nipples. His right index finger slipped into her pussy, the middle into her bottom, and together they found her G-spot.

She came with an extended, strangled groan of ecstasy, and powerful, almost spastic upthrusting that drove his chin into her pussy and fingers in all the way to the third knuckles. He held her at that intensity for minutes, repeatedly letting her calm a bit, then guiding/pushing her right back up the mountain to yet another orgasm.

It wasn't until she finally gasped out an urgent need for air that he relented, lifted his face all shiny with her juices, grinned up at her across her short-furred mons. She managed to raise her head and meet his eye: sounding dazed, she said "Oh my GOD... so THAT'S what all the fuss is about!?"

He smiled, nodded, wiggled his fingers inside her, slipped the index from her pussy and added it as a second in her bottom, rotated them slowly inside her.

"Yep! That's a very good introduction to what it's all about! It seems as if – highly probable!- you like what we just did... and what we're doing right now! How fortunate. And Madam must understand that the intensity she just went through is entirely biologically-driven... it is NOTHING compared to what she will experience once we get free of biology. Which we will, pretty soon."

She was puzzled at that – how could sex be decoupled from biology? But he was still playing with her, his fingers were in her butt, his cock was in her hands and twitching like a stranded fish, all these touches were utterly distracting, she could ask about that 'decoupling' nonsense later. What else was he saying?

"Seems you're quite nicely sensitive here: at any rate, your bottom was trying its level best to pinch my fingers off during your orgasms. Could you feel it?"

She took a huge, shuddering breath, lifted up onto her elbows and stared at him, shivering as his fingertips pressed against her special interior spot with each slow rotation. "Um. Yes. Actually, that's a dumb question, M'sieur – of COURSE I could feel it – ye gods, I thought I was going to die every time you wiggled inside me. I've always been especially sensitive there, in my butt... lots of hairbrush handles and carrots and other vaguely cylindrical objects have been in there."

She blushed at the revelation, then giggled. "You are WAY better, though."

Part of her wondered if there wasn't, just perhaps, some way of getting him even deeper inside: doing so seemed both desirable and necessary - she was willing to try anything that might help.

Kelvin slipped upwards along her front, kissing as he went, leaving his fingers inside her bottom to continue their internal massage. Kissed her deep navel, lavished attention on both breasts, both pits, and ended with a thorough exploration of every feature of her face. When at last they'd re-located and re-explored their mouths, they lay together face to face locked in a forever kiss, breathing through one another's noses.

Ten minutes passed.

"Kelvin... there's this sort of flame way down deep in my belly, and it's getting hotter and hotter. I think it means I'm ready to really make love. I want you up inside me now, please. I never thought I would EVER say this during this lifetime, but I believe I'm ready. Plus..."

She grinned at him, gently nibbled the tip of his nose: "...we're still being selfish on my account. We should do something so that you get some return on this lovely investment you're making in my happiness. I feel sort of indefinably awful, like I'm shortchanging you - and I don't like it! I do understand the trip versus docking idea, but still... can we try actual fucking now? Or we could call it 'practicing basic docking maneuvers', I suppose. I want to!"

Kelvin hugged her:"Of course we can. Thought you'd never ask." He kissed her again, slipped his fingers from her pussy, brought them to his mouth, sucked on them. When he then offered them to her, she goggled, then giggled, and then accepted. She stared into his eyes as she sucked and licked.

"Madam is right – maybe now is the time for a short preview of things to come. No pun intended, Madam, I assure you." He adjusted his position, settled his cock-tip atop her clit, moved his hips to slip it downwards, stopped at the entrance. "Teamwork again, Heather. We do this together. Or not at all." He wrapped her fingers around his cock. "You have to put him in exactly the right place. When you're ready, just lift your hips and suck him into you – I'll do a little pushing, and together I bet we can manage..."

He didn't finish the statement. Five seconds later her hips were in the air and his cock was fully embedded, pushing on her cervix. In that single stroke her expression went from mild apprehension to delighted satisfaction.

"So that's what the excitement is all about! Fully justified, that excitement! I like! I like it a LOT!"

Not stroking yet, their pubes were grinding softly together, his cock was stirring her insides mightily. Then he took a very deliberate, incredibly slow stroke, out and back, and stopped. "Just a preview, as promised. There's lots and LOTS more to come. No pun intended. Not to worry about supply. You've been given a prescription for a full mile of hard cock, to be administered upon demand – it is stocked in eight-inch increments."

She laughed, delighted: "Oh, goody... but I suspect I'll use up that mile pretty quickly. Is it refillable?" She pulled back so that he slid half-way out: then she pushed up and re-engulfed him.

"You bet it's refillable, on demand, no limit and no expiration date."

"Good – because I think maybe I'll begin with, oh, let's just say a thousand increments – does that seem unreasonable?"

Heather loved how she could feel so clearly his cock moving softly against her cervix in time with his laugh. While she was studying that, she experienced a sort of satori. A sudden blinding flash of insight – Kelvin was having an enormous amount of FUN here, with her, with her body, with HIS body – sex could be world-shakingly serious (or so everyone seemed to believe and to treat it!), but it could also be plain and simple fun! That had never, ever occurred to her: what they were doing together took on a whole new dimension, it was like opening the valve on a bottle of compressed air: palpable relief, an instant, huge release of pressure. Lovely!

She eyed him with a whole new sense of appreciation – he'd just given her something of inestimable value, hadn't he? And without so much as pointing it out!

He took another delicious in-and-out, stopped, leaned on his arms above her and asked softly "So, lover, tell me – right now, this moment, what are your internal meter-readings for panic, fear, anxiety and fragility?"