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"Can you stop please?" I asked, almost pleading with him.

"No chance hun. Hold onto it for a while longer. We are close to our destination."

I held on and on. It was getting uncomfortable, but I held on. Then I saw a grey domed building coming up as the cab went over a hill and dipped into a wide valley. "What is that?" I asked.

"Home hun. Isn't it beautiful? Wait until we get closer. It looks better in the clear air."

"Home? Whose home?"

"Our home. It's where I belong."

As we got close the domed building looked more like a stadium. Only this was in the middle of nowhere and yet somewhere. Its shape reminded me of tv shows about spaceships and then as we got closer still, it wasn't just fictitious spaceships, but the real thing. It was huge. It sat there right in the middle of a wide-open area of grassland. The cabby began to cheer, his excitement was almost missed as I looked at the size and structure of the thing.

"Its like…a ship?"

"You got it hun. That's exactly what it is. Home."

"Oh wait? This isn't happening."

"Believe it or not hun, it's happening."

I gulped. Then I felt myself let go of everything I held onto. This to me was so unreal that I completely lost myself. In reality, I discovered my primal side and basic instincts. And it did not matter to me whether I was alive or dead there and then. It was hopeless even trying to care or worry. Whatever was happening to me was going to happen. I felt like an animal going to the slaughter I suppose. That is all I can describe it as.

The cab stopped around the edge of the massive structure. Then as if from nowhere, a ramp began to materialise from the metallic wall and slowly settled infront of the cab. I sat and watched as we drove up the ramp and into an opening. The hatch sealed up behind us like liquid metal. We were inside a huge cavernous bay, lights beaming from all directions.

"Ok Miss. End of the ride." The cabby turned and looked at me. I couldn't move a muscle. I felt dead already and numb through and through. Then I passed out into another deep slumber.

My eyes opened and I looked around. It was like an emergency room at a hospital. I gathered my thoughts together and somehow felt relief instantly as I realised that I could have been asleep and dreamed everything that happened. Maybe I was in an accident and got knocked down? I felt no pain.

I lay there, tweaked my fingers and then my toes. Then I realised I was naked beneath the light blue covering. I sat up, resting on my elbows and things became more vivid to me. It was an emergency room. But nobody was with me. I tried to swing my legs from the table, but they were clasped by two soft metallic strips across my shins, below the knees.

"Hello? Anyone?" The cliché request for attention. But nobody answered. The covering slipped from my breasts and it was then I noticed the clamps on my nipples. They were attached to wires that ran to my right and to a machine in the room. I pulled away the cover further and noticed that I had a similar wire running from my holiest of holies. I couldn't feel anything, but there was something inside of me, deep inside my vagina.

I started to panic. But then, this time I gained some courage to stop and think. There must be an explanation for all of this? Was I part of some kinky joke or was this what it looked like to me the more I thought about it? I was a sample. I was abducted by whomever. Then I thought of Steve and the cabby. What did they have in connection with where I was?

The wall opened, liquid metal again. A door. This man stood looking at me and I stared back. He was grey and mid age looking. He wore a white tunic and smiled. "Welcome Karen." He said. I did not answer. "Try to keep very still. No harm will come of you. Not yet atleast."

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice croaked. It was as if I had not uttered a word in ages. The man stood beside me and checked the wires. I flinched, not wanting him to touch me. He noticed and stepped back with his hands out. Then I noticed his hands. Three fingers and an oversized thumb. No nails, just articulate stubs of flesh and bone. He was not human and everything fell into place there and then.

It was obvious that I was one of a few who claimed to be abducted by aliens. It was happening to me.

"What about Steve?" The missing connection that would complete everything. The man stopped smiling and his hands fell to his sides. He knew what I was asking, I could tell.

"We will update you as time goes on. The person you knew as Steve failed to oblige his obligations. I think I can say, he was eliminated?"

"What? You mean you killed him, right? You, whoever you are? Whatever you claim to be?"

"He was a very unstable sample. But we saved you from the same fate, that is, for the moment." A smile lit up his human face. Although I knew now that this man before me was not entirely human. I couldn't help thinking that he had a sweet smile. But what he was telling me removed any admiration for either his or "its" looks or personality.

"How long have I been here?"

"In your time?" He looked up, thinking, just like a human would. "I would estimate around, seven of your…"

"Seven days! Oh my God. I have been asleep seven days?" I mistakenly assumed, stopping him from telling me. Then I saw his head droop slightly to one side, looking at me with curiosity. "What? Tell me?"

"I was going to tell you…seven years."

My eyes fixed as I repeated his words in my head. Seven years. Years as in, Christmas to Christmas seven times over. Years as in, I was now seven years older. That was to me impossible. That was to me even more unbelievable. Seven years. How?

"You have not aged. We kept you in…stasis? A word you are familiar with?"

My first thoughts now where, I wanted to go home. I started to feel my eyes filling up with tears as I remembered my family, distant then and now distanced even further by time and God knows what else. What had I got myself into? I took a deep breath and looked away from this creature. The more I thought about it, and the situation I was in, the less human it was to me.

He looked at me, piercing me with that curious look. "You cry like the others." He said. I looked back at him. Others? What others? "You are a good sample. You show emotions I like." He continued. His stubby fingers touched my skin, lifting my breast as if feeling its weight. I just watched and felt. In a way his touch was gentle.

"Why am I her? What do you intend to do with me?"

"Mate. I will mate with you soon. But, only if things are good."

"Ok. And if things are not good?"

"I will have to…"

"Kill me? Is that it? Is that my fate? I'm not a virgin. Not like Steve claimed to be. Or, whatever you creatures wanted him to be. I get the picture here. I know the score. Atleast I think I do." His fingers began to close around my skin, pressing, feeling my breast even harder. "I truly don't want to be here. You understand?" He seemed to be turned on sexually with what he was doing. That look on his face said it all.

I grabbed his wrist quickly. "Stop it. Don't do this to me."


Chapter Four


It seemed that things were 'good'. I managed to survive my captivity aboard God knows what and where. The man, creature, thing, respected my wishes and freed me from that machine I was connected to so impersonally. I learned his name, Dalkis. He turned out to be a breed of human and whatever these alien creatures were. And they had been doing this thing of theirs for thousands of years.

Dalkis was my so-called partnered breeder. He was in charge of everything I was allowed to do. And we lived in an apartment that seemed to be next door to the reception room I woke up in. Everything was simulated in earth-like styles, right down to the moving artificial view of a big cityscape from the windows, as if we were in an apartment twenty-five storeys high. I was never allowed to leave, but Dalkis was. And there was a machine that supplied all of our food and drinks.

He obeyed every single wish of mine apart from my freedom. I was a prisoner. I was adapting to this new life seven years on, out of my own time and space. Very slowly I was getting used to it all. I even started to feel better about the whole situation. I was alive and that was all that mattered to me.


I questioned Dalkis about how he got where he was. He seemed happy to explain it and enthusiastically. He was born in his so-called colony, shared by ten other half-bred children on some other world. They lived as orphans having been separated from parents at birth and were looked after by humanoid androids that simulated wet nurses, mothers and teachers. The colony life style continued to develop as they grew. Constant changes took place to accommodate their needs and interests. It was all they knew about and they didn't even consider themselves to be brothers or sisters. They identified themselves as simply the colony.

It ended when they had reached the age of twenty. Suddenly they found themselves being experimented on and tested for certain traits and conditions. After a while they were told who and what they were and their purpose in life. To Dalkis it was like a revelation, suddenly discovering a whole new style of life to what they had known in the colony. A bit like meeting Jesus I suppose to an avid born again Christian. Only they were introduced to their "masters."

"Who are they? What do they look like?" I had to ask.

"They are not like us, you or I. They live on this world far across the universe itself. They are the masters and they control everything including your original world. They can do anything they desire. They have bodies like you and I with both sexes and even tails as a kind of limb. But their heads…their heads…" He started to go into deep thoughts until he went silent on me.

"Yes? Dalkis, tell me."

"No. Not yet. You will see one day." His voice turned authorative. And so I was left guessing about what I was about to see someday, perhaps. The rest helped and gave some idea that they were almost human with developed tails of somekind. I realised that I was living a fantastic dream and began to have moments of doubt still. The doubt was obvious; was I really alive?


I discovered that Dalkis had feelings like all humans. He was more human than alien and only his hands, feet and a few internal organs resembled the so-called masters. He was considered a prime candidate for further breeding and his ambition in life was to make love and please his masters by making his partner pregnant, but only when things were right. This to me gave me time before my judgement day as there was no specified limit. If I wanted, I could be attached to this half human creature for the rest of my life. But that gave me a certain freedom for extending my life too. If we mated, then I had to yield a child that satisfied the masters' specifications or we both died. We were simply lab-rats in all of this.

Dalkis's feelings were hard to live with. He was passionate about making love one day. He even held me, fondled me and kissed me like any other human guy would, telling me he loved me. But I didn't feel the same as him and there was no way I was going to submit. He obeyed my wishes, which I was only too thankful of.

"Dalkis? Don't you ever think about escaping?"

"Escaping? What is that?"

"Getting away from all of this. Running away, doing everything you dream about in your own way."

"I am told to do this and that is it. I will make love to you and then learn what happens next." He smiled as if he was proud to be who he was in this great alien game. The colony certainly prepared him all right. "When can we mate?" His question always followed everything I asked about his purpose and place.

"Not yet, Dalkis. I am not feeling up to it." I would reply every time. This seemed to work well and again I was so thankful that my partner understood my feelings, but did he understand my reasons? It was only a matter of time.

"I picked you." He said. I looked at him smiling at me.

"What do you mean, you picked me? Explain?"

"Before you arrived on the ship, they asked if I was ready to mate. I told them that I was and was looking forwards to it. Then they showed me a picture of you in a very erotic pose wearing something with a small hand touching your breast. They said that I could have you as a partner if I desired."

I listened carefully. The pictures I did for Steve. Dalkis mentioned one of them so clearly. "And you agreed to have me as your partner from that picture?"


"Yes I did. I fell in love with you. They agreed and told me to wait. Then when you were delivered to me and while you slept in stasis I tested your dreams and everything was as it should be. You are a good sample and our child will be what they want, I am sure."

Another piece had been added to the mystery of why I was there. My mind began to review things all over and over again for the umpteenth time.

"How long was it before I was brought to this ship? When you saw my picture?"


"In your time…only a few days before you arrived."

"What did you know about me? Apart from the picture?"


I sat still and realised that Steve was probably just human bait, set up to capture me. The cab driver was always there on every occasion. It was me and only me that was the prey in all of this. And Steve, whoever he was, is out baiting others back on earth. An instrument set up to cajole people like me into a false and silly sense of curiosity and security.

"What is the matter?" Dalkis asked.

"Nothing, it's ok."

Life continued in my prison for what seemed weeks being affectionate to Dalkis. He asked me to do something very human on occasions, which I obliged out of curiosity again. He asked very politely for me to make him happy by pleasuring him. I had done this before in my not too distant past whilst at high school for a boy I liked. And it was then that I discovered that Dalkis was not only human in many ways but his sexual organs seemed to work perfectly…more than I expected infact. But one thing I could never do was oral sex on him.

"I would like very much to pleasure you Karen." He said. I smiled back and thought up an excuse for rejecting his request. I was not ready and thought that I never would be. He was so sweet despite his age and actually he was growing more and more handsome to me each day. But I was definitely not ready for that no matter how irresistibly gorgeous he may have looked.

His body was fit for a mid-aged guy. He definitely had the ability to make love and pleasure a woman. That atleast I was glad about. Atleast he wasn't ugly and his manners and attitude seemed very good. In other words, he was a respectable guy who respected me. But I was beginning to get horny within myself, thinking of real human guys I wanted to have sex with so badly. In my little bit of privacy, whenever it was possible, I pleasured myself frequently.

This captivity game was geared upon us having sexual intercourse. Someone must notice soon that it wasn't happening.


Chapter Five


I lay beside Dalkis watching him sleep. The simulated views through the windows gave me the senses of night and day. I watched the same beautiful sunset night after night, but deep inside I was conscious of where I was. This game tried to saturate me with psychological tricks and Dalkis played his part the way he was brainwashed, educated and raised to do so. Me, I was still human and I counted by the days that I was in captivity, thinking all kinds of things that might happen and reflecting on my past.

The reason I was here was because of Steve. I was vulnerable to those kinds of things and always had been since I was a teenager. A sucker for sweet talking guys who came and went and on occasion I played along with each one of them. I was still not in love with anyone, nor had I found that feeling of being besotted with someone else, apart from my mother, when she was alive. Maternal feelings are only partially similar I suppose to falling head-over-heels with some guy.

So, I knew very little about love. I had yet to find it. Sex was fun, but nothing magical came of all five experiences so far. Loosing my virginity was no big deal. Although I do wish I'd have been more selective. The guy who took it turned out to be a clumsy bank robber who found himself arrested at the counter one day with nowhere to run.

I looked down at Dalkis, watching him breathe in slumber with my knees bunched up. Slowly I realised I was getting closer to him. In a way, things would have been less bearable without him. And I also realised my weakness too. The same weakness that led me here. The same weakness that made me fall for Bobby Yearsley and his sweet talking bravado, that eventually led him to entering me and changing my status from maid to fully fledged womanhood.

Was I so easy? Maybe I was. I'm not that drop dead gorgeous, but cute I will admit. Many have told me I'm kind of cute, but never beautiful with such real meaning that it made me feel proud to be who I was. I accepted who I was on that basis, along with what I learned about life. Bobby Yearsley and all the rest where just people that left some small impression on my personality.

I became selfish. Thought about my future and potentials. Then started concentrating on my job and earning as much money as I could. There was lots of freedom to do whatever I wanted in my job as a research assistant for a city magazine. My time was devoted to what the job required and I had fun doing it. There was the time I got naughty with the chief editor, which in itself was fun. That was the only time I felt powerful with my sexuality, apart from the power I have now over poor Dalkis.

Graham Lee had this thing about me. Every time I was around he would look at me. I knew exactly what he craved for in his imagination and I decided to play along with it. Again, age was not a problem, following my rule at the time that all older guys had experience and sex had to be the best from them. However, I found that rule was not exactly correct.

I played up to him, realising he was shy. I embarrassed him on occasion and so began to play and tease in more private places, such as is office. The blinds down, door locked, unseen by the editorial staff, I went in for the kill. He loved it so much it only lasted ten minutes. The fastest I had ever been fucked in my life.

I was prepared. I turned his chair around, lifted my skirt slowly showing him what he wanted to see. I often shaved my pubes into a neat Brazilian style trim and this man loved it. He pulled me onto his lap and I could feel his hardness against my naked sex. Holding him back was a slight struggle as he pulled my top, trying awkwardly to expose my breasts. I made him calm, eventually doing it for him. And he was gentle. His lips and tongue felt like heaven as he sucked and nibbled. I thought I was in for a treat until I discovered that all this smooth action was inherent from breastfeeding as a child and all guys can slip back to feelings of those times when they felt emotional enough. He began to bite, really hard has his libido increased, and his desire to get down to business started to rise again.

The only thing was to yield to his desire. I released him from his pants and straddled him. I felt his hardness slip in and watched him catch his breath. Then I felt it. The warm gush of his untimely delivery. My first thoughts there and then were, how inconsiderate could he have been and was this his first time in god knows whenever?

I discovered he was himself a virgin. I was his first ever sexual contact and from that day on I was very cautious of older guys. And so, Steve was one such challenge I was being very cautious about after he admitted his virginity to me. I thought I'd play along with him and his requests. But then I saw Steve differently than Graham. Somehow, I felt respect because he was keeping it for someone special…me.
