Regaining Control


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Laura looked over with concern. "That's not enough for you, John."

"My pet has grown lazy and acquired some extra weight. I will purge her of this annoyance." Laura looked horrified. I had never said anything to her about her weight in all the years we had been married, but I had tried to help her lose weight. I had even gone on diets with her.

"What are we going to tell the girls about your 'little pet'?" Laura sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. The subject change told me how much she wanted to avoid the subject of weight.

"That is a good question, My Sweet. I promise to stick to whatever story you come up with. I am willing to tell them that I caught their mother having sex with another man, so I went elsewhere to fulfill my needs." The rest of dinner was very quiet.

"That was excellent, Sweetie. Alex and I will take care of cleaning up." Laura gave me a bewildered look. I don't think it had occurred to her that there might be some advantages to my having a pet. Alex and I put the kitchen back in order. It took us longer than necessary simply because Alex didn't know where everything went. After we were done, we went into the living room and found Laura in front of her computer. "I was thinking about watching a movie, Sweetie. Would you care to join us?"

"No, thank you." No surprise there. Laura usually Facebooked, played games, or surfed the Web until it was time to go to bed. I returned to the living room and popped in one of the DVD's we own that I've never seen. All in all, it was a remarkably normal evening, except that I actually had someone to watch a movie with.

Around 10:30, I walked into the living room to find Laura still attached to her laptop. "I'm going to tuck Alex in and then get ready for bed."

"Ok." Alex and I headed for the computer room. "Wait. What does 'tuck Alex in' mean?"

I turned to face Laura. "You do not have proof that Glenn didn't give you something, therefore, I will not inquire if you want to have sex. If you had proof you were clean and wanted to have sex, I would put Alex in bed and use a toy or two on her until she was spent, then I would come have sex with you. This evening, I'll be having sex with Alex. Good night, Laura." I took Alex down the hall into the computer room and closed the door. "This will be tough on Laura, my pet, so we will try to be quiet this evening. Undress me, please."

Alex undressed me with practiced efficiency, folding my clothes as she removed them. Soon, I was standing before her naked as the day I was born, my hard-on pointing straight up at her. "Now, it's my turn." I removed her robe and hang it in the closet. "What were the rules on wearing panties?" She looked at me, questioningly. "I'm not supposed to have anything blocking your access to your pussy."

'My pussy.' I liked the sound of that. I began fondling her. She was all mine. "Very good. What about when your Aunt Flo comes for a visit?"

"My master used to let me wear panties to work, but I would have to take them off before I got home."

"I see. I am changing that rule. You will wear panties from the time your period begins until you no longer see discharge on your panty liners. Please buy the appropriate supplies."

"Yes, Sir."

"Speaking of which, how long until your next cycle?" She began to flush nicely, and pushed onto my hand.

"Two weeks, Sir."

"You will keep me apprised of your schedule." Smack! A solid blow to her right butt cheek that startled her. "Lie down on the bed, on your back." I followed her down, separating her legs and began munching on my dessert without preamble. I love eating pussy. Bringing a woman to ecstasy on my tongue is! After getting to know her body and discovering all her secrets, I dove in and pushed her, grunting, over the edge. Her body locked up completely and she sounded like I just put a knife in some guy's radial. Time to get down to business. I moved up Alex's body and drove my meat into her drenched pussy. If she didn't love this, she put on a great act. This was the first new piece of tail I'd had in 25 years, and the first girl that weighed less than me in 22 years. I busted my nut in no time. Alex didn't seem to care. As I slipped out, she rolled me over and began to clean me with her tongue. After a moment, I pulled her face up to mine. "Let me guess. That's standard procedure?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I approve. Do you need anything before you go to bed?"

"No, Sir."

"Brush your teeth." What can I say? I'm a dad. "Use the hall bathroom. In the morning, I want your shower to end at 7:15am."

"Yes, Sir."

"Good night, pet."

"Good night, Sir, and thank you."

How could anyone turn her out like that? Moron! I headed down the hallway and made sure all the doors were locked and the lights were out. Apparently, once you turn a light switch off in my house, you can't turn it back on until the next day. At least that's what my wife believes. She'd leave all the lights on all the time, as far as I can tell. I snuck in the darkness into the bedroom with practiced ease. Many nights I had snuck out of the room to surf the internet for porn after Laura had gone to sleep. I've mapped every piece of furniture and every creak in the floor. I did it that night more out of habit than anything else. After I finished in the bathroom, I slipped under the covers. If Laura wasn't asleep, she wanted to maintain that illusion. I couldn't care less.

In the morning, I stood outside the hall bathroom, waiting. Alex came out at 7:13:20. I thought to myself, 'I'll need to synchronize our watches.' "Very good. Get dressed, then meet me in the kitchen, and bring a hairbrush." I poured a big bowl of cereal, got out an orange, and the milk. I pulled out the chair at the table when Alex walked in. She sat down and I took the brush from her hand. "Eat half." I began brushing her hair as she ate. It had been so long since my daughters had let me do this for them. Laura came in and started moving around the kitchen assembling her breakfast.

"You miss them, don't you."

"Yes, I do." I lost myself in Alex's dark hair that came down to the middle of her shoulder blades. When Alex finished eating, she sat still. I'd been done with her hair for a while. "Go finish getting ready, please." I took her seat and finished the cereal and the half of the orange she had left me.

Dishes away. All my stuff in my pockets. Backpack with my computer. All was in readiness. Alex met me at the front door. "I want you to call me every work day at 11:00. Ok?"

Alex nodded. "Yes Sir." I gave her a kiss and sent her on her way. I walked back into the kitchen where Laura was eating her breakfast and checking her email. "Have a good day." I gave her a kiss, which she returned out of habit, and I headed for the garage. Another day in the salt mines.

I came through the door at 5:35 to the same house I always come home to, but things were changing, and I liked it. I always make a point of changing my shirt when I come home. It's my ceremonial way of removing the work day and starting to relax. Laura came bustling in the door about ten minutes after me, and Alex came in ten minutes after that. "What am I cooking for dinner, Sweetie?"

"I was thinking of hamburgers on the grill."

"Wonderful. I'll get started. Alex, come with me, my pet." We headed to the kitchen. "Please make a salad. Lettuce, carrots, peppers, mushrooms. Pull out the peanuts, the shredded cheese, and the dressings out of the fridge. Is there anything on that list you don't like to eat?"

Alex hesitated. "I'm not overly fond of mushrooms."

I glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. She flushed and shrank from my gaze. I explained to her, "When I was a child, I was a picky eater. My parents would grind up foods I didn't like and hide them in other things, like meatloaf. If you eat anything you don't like as a result of one of my orders I will punish you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

I pulled out the ground beef Laura had placed in the fridge last night. After opening the package, I began forming patties on a plate. Alex had pulled out a cutting board and the veggies, and was slicing and dicing away. When she got to the mushrooms, I stopped what I was doing and picked up one of her slices. "Eat this." I stared her straight in the eye as she slowly took the slice into her mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it. I grabbed the wooden cutting board by the handle, sending mushroom bits flying, and pinned Alex to the kitchen island with my left hand. I paddled her rapidly, alternating cheeks, but using only a fraction of my strength. The cutting board made an impressive sound none the less. "One. Two. Three..." Alex counted as I wailed on her. I caught site of Laura in the doorway. You would have thought I was murdering Alex by the look on Laura's face. I let Alex up and placed the cutting board back on the island. "Clean up this mess and cut up some more mushrooms."

"Don't you think your overreacting with Alex?" Classic 'Laura' question delivered in a classic 'Laura' tone.

I tried to bore a hole through her with my eyes. "No, I don't." I stalked out of the kitchen to light the grill.

Over dinner, I sprung my surprise. "Congratulations, ladies!" I placed an ID card in front of each of them. "We now belong to a gym. We're going tomorrow to get the tour of the place."

Laura picked up the card and looked at it like I had enrolled us in the Nazi party. "But I don't want to exercise in front of all those fit people."

I responded, calmly, "I enrolled us in the family plan. It was no more expensive for three people than it was for two. Go, or don't go. It's your choice. Alex and I are going tomorrow." Alex and I carried the conversation for the rest of dinner.

That night, I had Alex suck me off before I ate her out. Then I fucked her for a good long time before I came a second time. First blow job to completion I'd had in a long time. I gave her a kiss and tucked her in bed before retiring myself.

Saturday morning, I put shorts and a tee shirt in a small backpack I had in the bottom of my closet. I can't even remember where I got it from. I waited in the living room for Alex. When she came in, I had her sit on the floor with her back to me. I then began French-braiding her hair. When I looked up after I finished, Laura was watching me from the hallway. "Braiding the girls' hair was intimate, quality time. They were still and focused on what we were doing. I miss that very much." I tapped Alex on the shoulder. "Let's get going. Laura, I don't want you to feel excluded. I would very much like for you to come with us. I just don't expect you to."

"I understand." She was staying home.

The facility seemed adequate, although I'm not really much of an authority. I worked at The Y for a few summers while I was growing up, and dinked around on some of the machines in my spare time. Nothing structured. I decided that we would work out five days a week. Weights on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and cardio on Tuesday and Thursday. To say the least, that first week was a fresh slice of hell. I was sore in places I didn't know I had. I couldn't lift my arms. I would have had Alex brush my teeth for me, but she was in just as bad shape. I remembered seeing 'Pain is weakness leaving the body' on some tee shirt somewhere. Sadists!

Laura provided me with her test results on the following Friday afternoon. I think she was trying to throw my words in my face. "Here are the results. You gonna be ready to go tonight?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

"I'm looking forward to it."

I had missed being intimate with my wife. I really did love her. That evening, I pulled out all the stops. I used every trick in my repertoire, every ounce of knowledge I had gained over the years about what did it for Laura. It may have been that we hadn't done it for a month prior. Maybe a little of my competitive streak came to the surface. I was determined to make her orgasm until she pushed me away. When she finally did, I flopped over on my side of the bed, a useless blob of putty. "," I said as I gasped for breath. Good thing I've been working out, or I'd be dead now. Laura was quiet. I imagine she had a lot to think about.

Monday was...well, Monday. I ended up having to stay late at work to try and make a deadline. I called the house at 5:45 to let them know I wouldn't be home till late. When I talked to Alex, I reminded her of the rules. I would have given anything to be a fly on the wall for that evening. After I got home around 11:45, I went to Alex's room and instructed her to tell me everything exactly as it had happened.

Apparently, Alex had gone to the kitchen to fix a salad and make a sandwich, and Laura had followed her, watching from a distance. "John has been eating a lot of salads lately." Long pause. Alex didn't hear a question to respond to. "I don't think he's getting enough protein." Another pause. Once again, not a question. "How do you feel about sharing his meals?"

Finally a question to respond to. "I'm down two pounds from last week, and Sir is down three pounds."

"You still call him 'Sir' when he's not around?"

Alex shrugged. "That is what he wishes me to call him."

Laura was incredulous. "Would you call him 'Master' with the way he treats you?!?"

"Sir is very kind."

Laura stomped across the kitchen. "He is NOT 'very kind'. He beats you and criticizes you daily!"

"His 'beatings' are love taps compared to my former master, and I can tell that he berates himself, not me."

Laura considered this and then asked, "What happened with you and your former master...if you don't mind my asking?"

Even recounting this to me later, Alex had a hard time talking about it. "I was replaced." Alex wiped away a stray tear. "My former master found a new slave. She had just turned 19, and she was young and sweet and beautiful and my master threw me out like I was garbage. Like the last 12 years didn't happen." Another tear made its way down her cheek. "I'm lucky that Sir happened upon my situation and took me in."

Laura didn't say anything to Alex after that. A lot to process, I guess.

I can take constructive criticism. I know I'm not perfect. Who am I trying to kid? Alex's comments stung. I was impressed she had had the guts to tell me exactly what she had said to my wife. The only way to reward her honesty is to try and improve. The internet is a treasure trove of depravity. Anything you want to know about kinky shit is out there. I did a fair amount of reading and made some rather embarrassing purchases. All in the name of making Alex's room a little more playful.

I set aside a Saturday afternoon for our playtime. "Laura, Alex and I are going to her room for a few hours. Please don't be upset if you hear some rather strange sounds coming out of there." Laura gave me an indignant look. "What? Are you going to fuck her in the middle of the afternoon?!"

"No. I'm going to torture her." I swear, as long as I live, I will never tire of putting a surprised look on Laura's face.

I took Alex to her room and removed all her clothing. "Ok Alex, let's see how much I've learned. Do you remember your safe word?


"Good. Let's see if I can find some of your limits today." I led her over to the center of the room, stopping her right under the eye hook I had installed in one of the ceiling joists, and secured the Velcro cuffs around her wrists. The cuffs were attached to a line that went over to a winch mounted on the wall. I took up the slack so that she could still stand flat footed. The ankle cuffs went on next. I tied them to the spreader bar, leaving her feet a little less than one yard apart. I then tightened up the winch so she was forced onto the balls of her feet. "Alex, the human body is like a piano. On a piano, you strike the keys and music is made in the center of the device. On the human body you stimulate the outside and music is made in the brain." I picked up a wooden pole that I had cut to an exacting length. To this, I had attached a rubber phallus on the end and a ball vibrator was taped to the side. "Let's make some music, shall we?" I lubed up the dildo and inserted it into her. I ran the cord over to the wall and plugged it in. The pole was long enough to reach the floor and I positioned it to make sure the dildo wouldn't come out. As I had hoped, the ball of the vibrator was firmly against Alex's clit. I turned it on thelowest setting. Alex began to moan immediately. I let that go for a little bit until I saw the flush of arousal claim her. I pulled out the flogger I had purchased and peppered her body with blows. The thing claimed you couldn't break the skin, but I was content to just make contact and work on my technique. Ha! Reminds me of my golf game.

Alex was getting close. I circled her helpless form smacking every bit of delectable flesh I could find as she went over the edge the first time. I retrieved the nipple clips I had acquired, and eased them onto her nipples. I know! I know! What can I say? I'm a softie. Alex squirmed like a fish and came again. I added weights to the nipple clips. They pulled on her nipples in ways that, frankly, made me uncomfortable. She squirmed and twisted. I had to have confidence that she would use the word if she needed to. I switched the vibrator to medium. Twenty seconds later she came again. I switched the vibrator off and pulled it from her. I retrieved another dildo on a stick, lubed it up, and inserted it into her ass. Putting the first vibrator back inside her was a lot more difficult while her ass was stretched out by the other dildo. I returned the switch to medium and stepped back to watch the results. Two minutes later, she came again.

This was frustrating. Alex obviously wanted me to explore her limits. I was having a hard time finding them. I needed to be a good master for her, but the task was proving to be more complex than I had imagined.

Alex was dripping with sweat and breathing hard. This was obviously exhausting for her. I reached down and turned off the vibrator. I needed a moment to gather my thoughts. Laura chose that moment to stick her head in the room, saying, "Dinner is ready, guys. I've been calling..."

Have I mentioned how endearing I find Laura's habit of having conversations with me while I'm not in the room? Grrrrrr!! "Thank you, Dear. We'll be there in ten minutes."

I rounded on Alex. "Why didn't you tell me it was dinner time!?!?!" I flipped the vibrator to maximum, then I retrieved the flogger and laid into Alex with everything I had. She was screaming and pleading with me, but she wouldn't say the safe word. The nipple clips were in my way, and when I removed them a fresh torrent of screams were torn from her body. I flogged her and flogged her, until she went silent and every muscle in her body went taught. With the dieting and the weight training we had been doing, Alex looked like a living anatomy lesson, with all of her straining muscles clearly defined. She trembled and shook for what seemed like a decade, and then went completely limp. I rushed in to release her as fast as I could. As I went to the winch to lower her a little so I could get the handcuffs off, I saw Laura transfixed in the doorway. "Help me," I directed her. I lifted Alex's limp form while Laura removed the cuffs, then I lowered her to the floor. I pushed the sweat-matted hair out of her face while I made sure she was still breathing.

Alex's eyes fluttered open. When she located my face she began to cry. "Master. Master." She repeated it over and over as she clung to me. I picked her up and moved her to the bed. I said to Laura, "Let me put some clothes on her and we'll be right there. As Laura left, I found a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt and put them on Alex. I stood her up, but her legs wouldn't support her, so I carried her into the dining room and sat down with her on my lap. Laura placed a plate of food in front of me and I began feeding Alex and myself. Between bites, Alex would repeat "Master" just louder than a whisper. When we finished, I told Laura, "I'll get the dishes in a little bit." I lifted Alex and carried her to her room. I removed her clothes, pulled back the bed, put her in it, and covered her up. I crawled on top of her and hugged her. "What a wonderful slave you are," I whispered. "How lucky am I to be your Master? You are exhausted. Sleep now, secure in the knowledge that you will always be mine."