Regaining My Life Ch. 05

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Zoë and Quinn go to Anders’ wedding.
13.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/19/2023
Created 07/19/2021
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Chapter 5 -- Labor Day Weekend

Thank you to SunsetDevil and s0reth0at for their help in developing the story. Thank you to SissyKaty for their review and editing work. All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imagination. Any similarity to actual people and situations is pure coincidence. A note to readers, the last sex act of this chapter involves menstrual blood. If you are squeamish, please ignore it. All constructive criticism is welcome.

_ _ _ _ _

The heat returned on Monday, which for the last week in August was unusual. When I awoke at 7:30, the blow torch had started again. I heard the shower going, meaning my friend with benefits was cleaning up. I waited until I heard the shower stop, then went and used the downstairs bathroom. Somehow I didn't think our relationship was ready for me to empty my bowels in Zoë's presence. After I was done, I wore my robe open and went into the upstairs bathroom. Zoë was just about to blow dry her hair. She was going to kiss me.

I put my hand over my mouth, "Give me a moment, I have dragon breath."

When I had thoroughly brushed she came over and kissed me, "Thank you for another amazing evening."

"You don't have to thank me. That's just what friends with benefits do for one another."

She kissed me again.

I leaned against the door and checked out her beautiful body, "I'm going to make some blueberry pancakes for breakfast. How many do you want?"


She did eat like a bird. I fired up the coffee pot and started on breakfast. I put on an apron again with my ass hanging out.

When the pancakes were just about ready, Zoë came down completely nude.

She said, "I really like being naked in front of you. I think I'm really getting into this exhibitionist thing."

"I love you being naked for me. I know I've already told you how perfect your body is, but Zoë -- did you know you have a perfect body?"

My compliment set her cheeks aglow.

I removed my apron, "If you want, we could use one of our evenings to let you go out on the town and practice showing yourself to random men."

I set the pancakes before us and sat down.

She said, "Oh God, I don't know if I could do that."

"Why not? You do it in the forest. You said you did it at the club. We could just go downtown in your miniskirt and let you touch your toes in front of some guys."

"Ooh, that would be hot. OK. I'll put it on my list of things to do."

"Here's an idea, Sunday we could drive to the mall. You could go commando in your miniskirt."

The mall was about 40 minutes away.

"It might be busy with shoppers and you can try out some public exhibitionism."

Zoë smiled, "OK, I like that."

"We could get a nice lunch. I could suggest ways you could tease some of the guys down there."

"This could be exciting."

"Sounds like our weekend is already filling up."

_ _ _ _ _

Zoë left by nine. Once again, she didn't finish her meal. I wasn't planning on getting all mother-like on her, but I was started to get a little concerned. I cleaned up the kitchen in the nude, then went up and got dressed. This morning's project was to deadhead the roses on the west side of the house. I'd only gotten a few bushes completed when I saw Chris' blue car pull into the drive. I got off my knees and walked around the house to find Chris pulling the barn door closed.

As I approached her, I called out, "I think I have an automatic opener solution worked out for those doors. We should be able to install it next week."

Chris was wearing what appeared to be a running outfit: a t-shirt, shorts, and running shoes. She was crying. She ran up and threw herself around me. I held her tight and patted her back. We just stood there, the sun baking us, as sobs wracked her body.

I whispered, "Let's get in out of the sun. I still have about a half a pot of coffee left."

She leaned back, looked into my eyes, and nodded. I put my arm around her shoulder and we walked through the mudroom door to the kitchen. She sat at the table, tears streaming down her face. I poured out two mugs of coffee.

I sat down across from her and took her hand, "Would you like to tell me about it?"

Chris took a deep breath, "So you know that everything between Jack and me right now is just a verbal agreement?"

"Yeah. You haven't even been to see the judge yet."

"Yes. So,Jack sent me a text last night saying he needed me to pick up John and take him to pre-school because he didn't have time because of his work schedule. Even though that wasn't the deal we made, I thought I'd be the responsible one. I texted back that I would -- eight o'clock.'

She wiped her eyes, "OK. So, I drove over to the house, parked on the street, and got John. I didn't say a word to the asshole. I got John all situated and buckled in. As I was finishing up, a car came up and parked behind me. It was his fucking cunt! He wanted me to see her! What a fucking asshole! She doesn't even look like she's legal. She got out and stood next to her car so I could see what she had. She looked like a complete slut too. She's got huge fucking boobs and she wore one of those cut-off shirts so the bottom half of her tits were hanging out, huge fucking cow nipples, a mini-thong with her cunt lips hanging out, and fucking stiletto heels. Stiletto heels at fucking eight o'clock in the fucking morning! What the fuck kind of cunt is she? What a fucking whore! Fucking Jack just stood on the porch and smiled. The fuck head wanted me to see her."

Damn. The woman could drop f-bombs better than a sailor. I lifted her hand and kissed it, "I think you need to talk to your lawyer again."

"I have an appointment this afternoon at two."

"Just a thought. If Jack's cunt is actually underage, that's a felony."

"Oh, that would be fucking karma. I'll tell my lawyer. Maybe we can find out."

"Good. In the meantime, it looks like you were planning on trying out our running arrangement."

"Yeah. That was the plan."

"Well, let's get you running. I think that might be good for you."

We finished our coffee. I changed into my padded biking shorts, then filled two sports bottles with cold water. Chris was already stretching on the front lawn. I headed to the barn and got my road bike down.

When she was ready, she came over to the barn and stripped off her t-shirt revealing a white sports bra. She started putting sunscreen on her shoulders and I came over to help.

I said, "Just don't pull a Zoë."

"What did Zoë do?"

"That's how Zoë got naked on me during our first hike. She asked me to help apply sunscreen and she eventually got naked so I could get under the strings."

She was very serious, not flirty at all. "I promise I won't do that to you."

Note to self -- Chris is not in the mood. "So, how far are we going?"

"I have two loops planned. I think I need the longer one today. It's about five miles. I'm going to start. Catch up when you can."

On a bicycle it was easy to catch her. Chris started out at a moderate pace. The road was mostly shaded with some reasonable ups and downs. She didn't say a word and I just rode beside her. We were both drenched in sweat.

At about the two mile mark she held out her hand, "Water, please."

I handed her a bottle. She drank a little, then poured some on her head. Her bra had become translucent, her areolas visible. She wasn't trying to be sexy, but she was. I was impressed with the pace she maintained, I was starting to get a bit winded and I was the one on the bike.

She asked for water twice more and both times most of it ended up on her head or torso, cooling her in the heat. As we rounded the final bend, my house came in sight, and Chris slowed to a walk. She walked with her hands on her hips. I got off my bike and handed her the second bottle. She unscrewed the top and took a long drink, the water spilling onto her bra. The rest went on her head. I walked my bike alongside her.

Chris looked down and noticed the transparency, "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to tease you. This is what I do in the heat. I'm not feeling very sexy at the moment."

"It's all good. I'm just here to support you."

"Thanks. By the way, you look good in bike shorts."

We walked the 200 yards to my house in silence. When we got there, she grabbed her t-shirt from the barn, "I hope you don't mind, I'd like to clean up alone today."

"That's fine. Leave your clothes in the laundry room and I'll put them in with my wash."

While Chris was showering, I wrote down the name and number of the counselor I saw when I was working through my grief. When she came down she was dressed in a nice blouse and jeans.

I handed Chris the slip of paper, "Here's my therapist. Please give her a call. I'm worried about you."

"I will. I'm worried about me too."

"Want some lunch?"

She shook her head, "I'm just not very hungry."

Chris came over and hugged me. She buried her face in my shirt and just sobbed. I held her until she regained control.

She finally looked up and took my face in her hands. "Thank you."

She kissed me very lightly, and then turned toward the door. I walked with her toward the barn. She took my hand after a few paces.

When we reached the side door, I opened it and held it for her, "Promise you won't do anything stupid?"

"I promise. Could you open the barn door for me?" She kissed me again and got in.

I opened the door and Chris gave me a little wave as she drove off.

I immediately called Zoë and let her know the situation. She promised to watch Chris and keep me updated.

_ _ _ _ _

I didn't see Chris for the next three days. I did get a lot done though. I finished my preparations for the new semester, finished the gardening, and prepped the snow blower for the coming winter.

On Tuesday, I visited our college library to research some angles I might take on this idea I had. Our librarians are terrific people and I found out that our state university, about an hour's drive away, was a rich source of information on the topic. The woman I was working with called down and arranged for me to meet with a research librarian on Friday at 10:30.

_ _ _ _ _

Thursday evening I was sitting on the porch waiting for Zoë. The heat had broken and autumn was definitely in the air. I was considering stepping in for a sweater, when Zoë pulled in.

Moments later she walked around and came into view, "Hey."

She wore shorts and a t-shirt, nipples prominent in the cool air.

I stood to greet her, "How are you?"

"Worried sick. Chris has kept Johnny home all week and she's been staying busy doing stuff with him, but she's not doing well."

She reached the porch and gave me a tiptoe kiss. "She hardly eats. Doesn't sleep. I got up to pee last night and she was sitting in the living room, just sitting there. She looks like hell. Rings under her eyes."

I sat down in the rocker and she sat on my lap, her legs over the arm rest and her arms around my neck.

Zoë continued, "She's got an appointment with your therapist tomorrow. I'm watching Johnny while she's there. I'm going to drive her to make sure she goes, then we'll go get ice cream."

I said, "You are a good friend to her. The best."

"Thanks, but I'm feeling pretty worthless. I'm a little worried leaving her alone all night. I might head back after my lesson."

"Your lesson?"

"I want to learn about your penis tonight. How it works and how to give you amazing blow jobs."

"Very well, my dear. Perhaps we should retire to my upstairs classroom."

Zoë jumped up and hurried ahead of me. She was naked when I got to the room. I already had my shirt off and she had my pants off in seconds. I climbed up to the headboard and put a pillow behind me. She knelt beside my crotch, as excited as a little kid on Christmas morning.

I instructed, "I will teach you about my penis, but I also want to remind you about making love. Do you remember what I said about how I brought you to an orgasm?"

"Yes, clit and g-spot."

"And foreplay and erogenous zones. If you are going to bring a man to a state of ecstasy, you must build him up. Do you know what the most power sex organ in our bodies is?"

She pointed to her pussy.

I pointed to my head, "Our brains," I pointed to the head of my cock, "For a man, this little head drives this big head. OK, let me show you some things. Here, get close."

She placed her face right next to my cock.

"First, I have to say that I have never given a blow job. It's not something I'm interested in. But, I've been the recipient of hundreds, some incredible, some horrible and painful. I'm trying to think about what made the amazing ones amazing."

Zoë nodded, "That's what I want to know."

"Actually, it's a good thing that I'm not hard yet. Depending on the guy, different things will give them an erection. For a teenage guy, they walk around with a nearly constant erection. For older guys like me, not so much."

I took her finger, "Feel this soft skin on the underside of my balls?"


"While they aren't loaded with nerves, a guy's balls are still pretty sensitive."

She got down very close and licked the spot.

"Ooh, I like that. Lick them some more. Oh, very nice. Feel this very soft skin around the head and the part of the shaft facing you. Right now, those are really sensitive for me. Gently stroke there with your finger. That's it. The head is always sensitive, but all around the edge of the head is loaded with nerves. Yes, that's nice. So using your fingers, your tongue, and your mouth. Ooh, that's it. See, you're already getting me hard. Some guys want you to be rough, but I prefer gentleness. Oh, that's good. You've made me really hard. If you lick the front part of the shaft. Oh Zoë, that's good."

She licked and sucked me while I communicated with moans. She was quite good at this. I petted her hair.

Zoë looked up at me, "So what do I do when I have some asshole that wants to shove his cock down my throat?"

"Remember that I've never given a blow job, but I think that the best way to prevent that is basic physics. If you to place your hand on the shaft a few inches down. Yes, right there. Now, hold on tight and I'm going to push your head down on my cock."

I pushed her head down and her lips ran into her hand.

She nodded, "OK, I get it. So now that I have you really hard, I just keep licking and sucking?"

"I think the key for me is to have as much skin coverage as possible with mouth and hands. Keep things moving. Ooh, that's it. You want to keep your mouth relaxed. No teeth. Right now the most sensitive part of me is the head. The rim of the head will get maximum results. Oh god, Zoë. That's it."

Zoë was either more experienced than she let on, or she was a natural. Given what she did on the hike, I'd say the former, but this was fun. I loved watching her working my cock.

She looked up at me with a big grin, "OK, I'm going to try."

I wasn't sure what she was going to try until she extended her neck and tried to take my cock all the way into her mouth. She gagged and pulled off. She sucked a bit more then tried again. Another gag.

She came off me and cleared her throat, "I asked Chris how to take you in my throat and she said I have to relax my neck muscles."

On the third try, her lips got to my pubic hair. She licked my balls a couple of times, then came off me. "I did it! OK. I'm going to do it again."

Zoë's expression was priceless, like a child with a new toy. She got my shaft about two-thirds down before gagging again.

She smiled mischievously, "You are my boy toy. I want to get this right."

This time as she reached the gagging point she hummed a little and took me all the way. She gave me a little throat job, moving about an inch up and down.

"Ooh Zoë, that's good."

Now she started working my cock with everything she had in her repertoire: sucking the head, deep-throating, licking my balls, stroking the shaft, and then licking the rim of the head.

"OK, Zoë, you need to stop now. You're going to make me cum."

"I want you to cum. I want you to cum in my mouth."

Zoe continued her oral magic and I barely got out the warning. She sucked the head and I came, oozing my load into her mouth. I found myself groaning with pleasure. She swallowed every drop, then started milking me for more. She very gently licked my shaft, then licked my balls again. She took her finger and ran it around my very soft circumcision scar. She stopped. I looked down and she was studying my cock.

She observed, "Now I can see why some ancient civilizations had phallus worship. The human penis is simply amazing. Quinn, your penis is amazing."

Somehow she knew to avoid the most sensitive parts of me, licking up every drop of post-cum that appeared. Zoë came up and straddled my chest, her moist pussy on my stomach.

She softly kissed me, "You are a talented professor. I learned a lot about you, but I also learned what I can do too."

"I think you need to roll over on your back and let me give you an orgasm."

She kissed my mouth, and I probed her with my tongue, tasting for my salty cum.

She knew what I was doing, "It's all gone. I swallowed every heavenly drop. You taste wonderful." She gently kissed me. "I think I'm going to go and check up on Chris. I couldn't live with myself if something happened and I was over here."

"I understand."

"Please just lie there and let me look at you while I get dressed." She stood and found her shorts.

As she was putting them on I said, "Wait."

I put my finger to her pussy, got it wet, and sucked the juices from my finger."

"You really like that don't you?"

"Most wonderful substance on earth."

She put her t-shirt on, then bent over and kissed me.

"When we come home from the wedding I have another surprise, did I tell you?"

"If my memory serves, either anal or period sex. I can't wait."

"I'll let myself out. I know I'm not supposed to say this. Friends with benefits aren't supposed to say these things, but I love you so much." She tongue kissed me one last time and was gone.

I was starting to love her back.

_ _ _ _ _

I got up early Friday. I had two chores I needed to do. The first was to stop by the local home center to pick up my special order garage door opener. This one was pricier because it could be modified to move doors horizontally. My goal was to be able to horizontally slide the barn doors open and closed using the opener. I already had an antique rail with rollers that could be mounted on the existing doors. It would be difficult mounting the doors, so I decided to wait until the next time Chris came over. Somehow I doubted it would be anytime over the weekend.

The second chore was to drive over to the state university library. It was about thirty minutes beyond the home center, so the two tasks dovetailed nicely.

The Andrew Carnegie Memorial Library is an impressive building: classic Doric columns, immense oak doors, and three floors filled with countless volumes of knowledge. The entire building covered an entire acre.

I entered through a side door and found the reference desk. The woman behind the counter was a pleasant woman, about my age. She was professionally dressed. I waited for her to answer a question for a young man ahead of me.

When she finished and the man stepped away, I stepped up to the desk, "Hi. My name is Dr. Quinn McMullen, I have an appointment to work with one of your reference librarians."

"Oh, that would be Violet. Let me get her."

She stepped away and returned with a stunning young woman. She was slim and slightly less than average height. She wore a modest white blouse and a knee-length, black skirt that accentuated her slender hips. As one would expect from someone who was on their feet all day, she wore practical black flats and very complimentary stockings. The most stunning aspect was her hair, raven black that went to her waist.