Regaining My Life Ch. 06

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The conclusion to the story.
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Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/19/2023
Created 07/19/2021
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Regaining My Life

Chapter 6 -- Regaining Control

Thank you to SunsetDevil, s0reth0at, and Erin Page for their help in developing and concluding this story. All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imagination. Any similarity to actual people and situations is purely a coincidence. All constructive criticism is welcome.

_ _ _ _ _

On Tuesday morning I had the following text exchange:

Chris: Are you going to FY Convo?

Quinn: Yes. You?

Chris: Can I sit with you?

Quinn: Absolutely. Meet at my office at 11:15.

Full-time faculty are required to attend three formal events per year: the commencement ceremonies in December and May, and the First Year Convocation at the start of the academic year. We have to wear our academic regalia, or as many faculty members call them -- our wizard robes -- because we look like something out of Harry Potter.

As we were walking into the convocation, Chris was behind me, ensuring she would sit next to me.

Francesca was slightly ahead of me in the next column, "Quinn, how was your summer?"

"It was nice and quiet."

"Ready to start playing again?'

"Just let me know when?"

"Maybe next week some time. I'll send out a poll for best times."

"I'll look for it."

"Can we use your barn to rehearse again?"


As we started to file into the seats, Chris grabbed my arm and Zoë was suddenly next to me. I let her go in first. I was blessed to have my lovers on either side of me. We filed in and luckily we had seats out of the sun. I figured if the convocation went for more than ninety minutes we would be in direct sunlight. Black polyester wizard robes plus direct sunlight would mean sun-dried professors in short order.

Zoë leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I imagine if everyone knew what has gone on between us."

I passed the message to Chris who reached for my hand and hid it under the material.

She whispered back, "They'd be scandalized."

I smiled, "By the way, I love the way your hair smells."

I whispered to Zoë what Chris had said and she in turn held my hand under the robes. Without a doubt, it was the best convocation I had ever been to.

_ _ _ _ _

Wednesday morning dawned crystal clear. Overnight we had some rain showers and the temperatures could only be described as refreshing. Chris had said she wanted to run, so I was in the barn, getting my bicycle down, when she drove up.

Chris got out and leaned against her car door, "Have I told you that you look good in bike shorts."

"I think you have, but I don't mind hearing it again."

She closed the door and revealed that she was wearing a pair of skin-tight, yellow Lyrica running shorts, her mons and pubes providing topography to the fabric.

I remarked, "Speaking of looking good in shorts. You are looking good Dr. Ashby."

"Do you like them? I bought them especially for you."

"I love them. I may have to ride behind you so I can admire the view."

"As long as you have my water, you can ride wherever you want. The neighbors might think you're a dirty old man though."

"Good point."

Chris stretched in the drive since the grass was wet. Soon she was running and I was practicing my bicycle domestique duties. As we were entering my drive after the run Chris got a charley horse in her calf.

I put her arm over my shoulder to take off some of the weight. "Let's get you inside and I'll rub it out."

"Damn this hurts."

I helped her to the couch and had her lay down. She had a large knot in her right calf and I gently massaged it. Her groan was part pain, part relief.

I started talking to fill the silence, "My college roommate was a runner. He was big on bananas for the potassium. Want one?"


I came back with a banana and a bottle of Gatorade. "This may help with your electrolytes."

"Thanks. When you get the knot out, would you mind massaging the rest of my legs?"

"Would I mind massaging a beautiful woman's legs? Gee, there's a difficult question to answer."

"You're impossible."

I began working her muscles starting with her feet. The groans started almost immediately. I worked first her right, then her left leg. Chris spread her legs as much as the couch would allow as I worked up to her crotch. I made sure to make contact with the fabric stretched across her vulva as often as possible. I jokingly apologized each time. Then I began on her glutes. I massaged them hard, but was again in teasing mode -- making contact with her fabric-covered anus on several occasions.

Chris groaned again, "All this is making me wet."

I placed my hand over her pussy. ""Yes, I think I can detect some moisture."

"I think in the future, a massage will be part of any showering event. Next time I'll get naked first."

"I like that idea."

"Right now I think you need to lead me up to your shower and clean me really good."

"It will be my pleasure."

"Mine too."

_ _ _ _ _

When my class let out on Wednesday, I headed straight to my date with Violet. Her apartment was easy to find and I was knocking on her door two minutes early.

She answered it and looked surprised.

"Hi. What's the matter?"

"I've never had a guy come to my door before. Usually, they just send me a text that they're here."

"I'm old school. I'll even hold the door for you."

"That's so sweet."

She gave me a peck on the cheek and we headed to my car. As promised, I opened the door for her. As she was getting in I was again struck by her waist-length black hair. She wore a sundress that had some kind of mustard floral pattern, a stunning match for her hair.

When I got in, Violet gave me a nice smile, "I know my generation gives your generation a lot of shit, but I kind of enjoy this chivalry stuff."

Looking at her I was struck again by her hazel eyes. They were simply enchanting.

I smiled, "I don't know if I would call it chivalry. That's the way my father taught me how to treat a lady."

"Well, it is very nice. I know some women might object, but I enjoy it."

"So where are we going for dinner?"

"I thought I would give you two choices. We have a nice Italian restaurant and a new Greek place that I have heard really good things about."

"They both sound great. Do you have a preference?"

"I've never had Greek food."

"Are you feeling adventurous?"


"Then Greek it is."

_ _ _ _ _

As we were driving I was hoping we wouldn't need reservations. Wednesdays usually weren't busy days in the restaurant world. Luckily, my hunch was correct and the hostess found us a very nice table on the patio overlooking the river.

Opening the menu, Violet looked a little overwhelmed. "I'm not sure what I should get."

"Is there anything you don't like?"

"I'm not a fan of avocados, but that's probably not an issue here."

The waitress came over, "Can I get you anything to start?" She had a bit of an accent.

"Violet, would you like anything to drink?"

"A glass of chardonnay, please."

The waitress nodded, "And you sir?"

"I think I'll have the same thing. Could we have an order of these Turkish Cigars?"

"I'll put that in and be back to with your wine."



Violet smiled, "You speak Greek?"

"You just heard most of it."

"That's funny," She read the menu, "Spinach and feta wrapped in phyllo dough then lightly fried. That sounds good."

"I remember eating something like that when I was in Souda Bay, Crete."

The waitress returned with two glasses of wine. "Have you had a chance to decide on an entrée?"

I smiled, "Sorry, we were talking. Please give us a couple more minutes."

Violet was studying the menu. "Is there anything you would recommend?"

"Greek food is known for lamb. Anything with it is bound to be good. I've had kuzu makarna and sarma before."

Violet read aloud, "Grilled lamb tossed with linguini. I'll stop right there. That sounds wonderful."

I picked up my wine glass, "Well, here's to a wonderful research assistant. Thank you so much for your help."

We clinked glasses, "Here's to working with a real gentleman."

The waitress returned with the appetizer. "Are you ready to order?"

Violet pointed at the menu, "I would like the kuzu..."

"Kuzu makarna. Very good and sir?"

"I would like the sarma. Oh, wait I see you have souvlaki. I think I'll have that."

"Very well. I'll put your order in."

Violet speared a cigar and placed it on her plate.

I did the same, "Be careful. It's probably hot."

She broke hers in two and steam came out. She leaned forward and took in the fragrance. "Oh, it smells good."

I took a bite of mine, "It tastes good too."

We chatted about life. She was planning on hiking up a nearby mountain ridge. I told how my classes were going.

The waitress returned with our entrées, "How are the cigars?"

I said, "Kalo."

Violet laughed, "I thought you only knew one word in Greek.

"Actually three. Thank you. You're welcome. And kalo."

The waitress said, "Kalo means 'great' in Greek."

Violet laughed, "You are a tricky one professor."

I gave up trying to get her to not call me professor. The remainder of the meal was delightful. Violet opened up and became quite talkative. I kept being drawn to her hazel eyes and by the end of the evening I felt like I had made a good friend.

When I pulled up in front of her apartment Violet took my hand and squeezed it. "Thank you so much Professor. I don't think I have had such a nice dinner in a very long time."

She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss.

I was a bit startled, "You are most welcome."

Violet laughed then kissed me again. She hopped out of the car hurried to her door. I made sure she was safely inside before I drove off.

_ _ _ _ _

I came home from my Thursday classes, ready for the start of my weekend. I was looking forward to whatever experiment Zoë was going to come up with this evening.

I made a nice dinner for myself then retired to my study. I was reading one of my course textbooks when I heard a "yoo hoo" from the back door. I marked my spot and set my book down.

Zoë stood at the study door wearing a different mini-skirt and a thin t-shirt. Of course, she was nipped out. She came over and sat on my lap with her legs over the armrest.

I kissed her, "So, just an observation, and I do not mind in the least, but your nipples seem to be in a perpetual state of excitement."

"Quinn, don't you know the secret?"

"No. What do you do, pinch them before you come in?"

"Exactly. Or sometimes a little twist. Just enough to get them hard for you."

"Well, I appreciate it. Can I ask a favor?"


"Remember how last week I was worried about you?"

"Want me to get an appointment?

I nodded, "I am falling in love with you Dr. Maisano and I don't want anything to happen to you."

She kissed me, "I'll call in the morning and make an appointment. I have something I want to talk about."

I nodded. I must have had a funny look on my face.

Zoë laughed, "This isn't bad. So I love how our experiments have been going. I have been learning so much about how our bodies work. What is exciting. What isn't. Actually we haven't done anything that hasn't been exciting."

I nodded again, "Life with Zoë has been nothing short of amazing."

"So," She looked at me with concern, "I want to bring other people to our bed."

I raised my eyebrows, "Threesomes in other words."

"Yeah. How do you feel about that?"

"I have never gone there."

"Yeah, me neither. So, here's the thing. When the Nymphs go hiking it is really arousing for me. I don't know if I am getting wet from showing myself, granted I am mostly showing myself to the forest, but I also like being around other naked people. Well, in this case they are all women. Maybe I'm bi. I don't know. I'd like to find out."

"That's fair. Do you have someone in mind?"

"So, I think Wendy is bi, but I don't think she would want you to do anything with her since she's married. Asha is a lesbian and I don't think she would want you to do anything to her because she isn't interested in men."

"So, if I am hearing this correctly, in either of those cases, everyone would be focused on bringing you pleasure."

"Actually, I haven't thought about it like that, but yes. That sounds really selfish of me. OK, scrap that idea."

"No. Let's run with it. I don't need to have multiple people working me over. I just want to see you enjoy yourself. Remember the mall?"

"How could I forget?"

"That was all focused on you. I had a wonderful time."

"So you would be cool if I brought either Wendy or Asha home one night?"

"I love how you are referring to this as your home. Yes, I'm good with that."

Zoë softly kissed me. Her lips were heavenly.

I opened my eyes with a big grin on my face, "Thank you. By the way, I love the way your legs look so sexy in these skirts."

"I shaved my legs just for you. I also shaved my pussy hairs."


"Oh, no. Just getting rid of stubble to protect your sensitive skin." She placed her hand on my cheek and gently kissed me.

"So how will we be experimenting this evening?"

"Believe it or not, I was hoping we could just have regular sex."

"That's cool with me."

"I just want to be next to you. Have skin-to-skin contact. Cuddling and snuggling."

We began an extended make-out session, just enjoying the oral sensations.

_ _ _ _ _

Friday was a damp, miserable, rainy day. The wind was whipping and I was thankful to have a roof over my head. After I saw Zoë off on her day, I spent a couple hours working on my lesson plans for the coming weeks of classes. I worked on my research a bit, and then had a nice lunch. That afternoon I got out my bass guitar and started practicing pieces our band used to play. Based on Francesca's promise to get gigging again, I downloaded our old repertoire and was playing them on the stereo, playing along to get the timing and rhythm down. It was about half past five and I was having a grand old time.

The piece ended, "Damn you're good."

I must have jumped a foot off the ground. It took me a moment or two to catch my breath, "Damn it Chris! Don't do that to old people."

She was laughing, "I'm sorry. You were really going and I didn't want to interrupt you. I take it you are taking Francesca's idea to get the band together at face value."

"I'm hoping."

Chris smiled mischievously, "Well my dear Quinn, I have brought us a 12-pack and we're going to celebrate."

"What?" I set my Fender in the guitar stand, turned off the amp, and took the proffered can.

She said, "Let's go into the living room."

I took the box of beer from her. It was short a few cans. I looked at her quizzically, "Have you been drinking and driving?"

"I had one on the way over. I was fine for driving."

I put the box in the refrigerator and headed to the living room. I sat on the couch hoping she would sit next to me, but instead Chris pulled the Ottoman in front of me. She kicked off her brown flats and sat cross-legged. She looked very professional with a pair of loose fitting beige slacks and a forest green blouse.

"My lawyer just called and she got the initial report from her detective buddy." She took a long drink and I motioned for her to continue. "Jack's cunt is not of legal age. AND, she's his boss' fucking daughter. He is so fucked! He's is going to go to prison for statutory rape and be somebody's pretty boy bitch."

I took a sip of beer. It was refreshing, "What else?"

"The report has pictures. This guy used a telephoto lens. What's the Latin? In flagrante delicto. Her name is Alexis and now I remember Jack talking about Alex from work. I think this has been going on for a long time. I wonder how long he will keep his job after his boss finds out."

"I'm thinking less than a few seconds."

"He's looking at two to three years in jail and a $10,000 fine. Serves his cheating ass right. He's going to have his puny ass fucked every night."

I said, "So my dearest friend, not to put a damper on your joy, but there are some other things to think about."

"I know. I haven't started down that path yet." She guzzled the rest of her beer.

"Slow down Chris. We have all night."

She jumped up and got another beer from the fridge.

When she returned, I continued, "Jack in prison means no child support. It probably means he will not get any custody rights, maybe even zero visitation rights. When are you seeing the judge?"


"Chris, this is probably the last weekend that you will be kidless for some time. You will soon be a full-time single mom."

"Well, you're a buzz kill."


Chris took a long drink of the beer, "I bet I could get my mom to come out and help. You would like her. She's sexy just like me, but older." She took another long drink.

"Slow down, you're going to be plastered."

"That's the plan."

"Please don't. I love the sober Chris. Let's get some food. What do you like on your pizza?"

"Pepperoni, extra cheese, and extra garlic."

I called and ordered the pizza, "Be here in twenty minutes."

Chris seemed to be getting tipsy, "How about going on a date with me this weekend?"

"That sounds nice. I don't think you're going to be in good shape to go tonight though."

"Tomorrow. Where's a good spot?"

I thought a moment, "How about that new Asian place?"

"Oh, I love sushi. When I was in Japan I lived on sushi and sashimi. You were over there too."

"We have an air base at Atsugi, southwest of Tokyo. Loved everything about Japan."

"I loved everything but the chikan."


"When the men would grope you on the trains. They'd grab your ass, your pussy, your boobs. Any woman was fair game. Packed tight in those trains you're a sitting duck. During my first week on the train, my arms were pinned. I actually had somebody go up my dress and put their finger in my pussy. Assholes."

"That's horrible."

"I started carrying this small, sharp letter opener and any hand that touched me got stabbed."

Chris polished off her beer and went to the fridge for another. She called out, "Want one?"

Mine was still half full, "I'm good."

She came back and sat on the Ottoman, "I gotta lose this bra."

She unbuttoned her blouse, pealed it off, and was soon topless. Chris' beautiful breasts immediately caused my cock to stir.

"Are you back in tease mode?"

"Absolutely. Tonight I am going to drive you crazy with lust."

"My dear Chris, I have been lusting after you for eight years."

"I know. You dirty old man. Lusting after young nubile women like me. Let me allow you to lust after me a little more closely."

Chris came and straddled my lap, facing me, her knees on either side of me on the couch. She kissed me, leading with her tongue. "Quinn, you are an absolutely great kisser."

"I think you are better."

She kissed me again. Her soft lips sent a shiver down my spine. Her smooth, warm tongue caused my heart to beat a bit faster. Chris placed my hand on her breast. She brought her hand to my face and moaned, her tongue probing further into my mouth.

She started slurring her words a little. "So here's a philosophical question for a philosophical doctor. Now I need to emphasize that this entire scenario is entirely hypothetical. Let's say two friends were friends with shower benefits."

I smiled, "Oh, it is hypothetical. I don't know anyone like that."

She kissed me, "I think you should put down your beer and place this other hand on my breast." I cupped her soft mound. My cold fingers moved gently over her erect nipples. Goosebumps rose on her chest.

Chris licked my earlobe and whispered, "My body is aching for you. I really need you Quinn. I need your cock in my pussy."