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I felt so low, not only had I got two strangers talking about sex with me as, sloppy seconds, he was as good as saying it hadn't been worth the effort he'd put in to get into my knickers.

Ralph said, "Do you have to be so crude? You took what you wanted. Can't you be satisfied with that without humiliating the girl? Come on Cheryl, let's get you home."

"Don't be so sensitive. She knew when she let you drive her all the way up here that she'd have to fuck. It stands to reason. You don't go shopping and knowingly leave your wallet at home. She knew if push came to shove, she'd have to use her twat to pay the bill. So you being the Sir Galahad and not taking your rightful reward don't impress nobody."

By now, Ralph had his arm around my shoulders and was escorting me down the step from the porta-cabin. But we both heard Andy's last remark. "If you change your mind on the way home, she'll be no problem. She hasn't got any knickers on."

Ralph said to me quietly, "Ignore him, if I'd realised he was that sort, I'd have looked for a different scrap-yard."

"It's alright. What's done is done. And providing we can get my husband's car back where it belongs without him knowing, I'll be ok."

On the drive back home, the atmosphere was very subdued, and I'd dropped back in my trance-like state. It was only as we reached the outskirts of Leicester and I began to recognise where I was, that things began to come back to me.

And then I heard Ralph say, "Ah, are you awake?"

"Awake? I haven't been sleeping."

"Well I don't know where you were. But you weren't here on this planet. Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"You're not fine. But will you be ok to drive back to your house from the supermarket. Or do I need to take you home?"

"Would you?"

"Yes if that's what you want. But we'd better re-fill the tank, after a journey that far, your husband's likely to notice."

Again my heart sank, I knew I hadn't got enough money for the amount of fuel it would need. "I don't know how to put this."

"I know. You're going to say you haven't got enough money."

"Well yes, but..." Then I hesitated, "I mean, did you want to..."

He held his hand up to stop me as he interrupted, "A thank you and kiss will do. For today anyway. Maybe once the drink has worn off, in a few days time. If you still feel I'm owed when you're sober, then I'd be more than willing to take a reward, whatever you're offering. But for now, let's get you home safe, and hope hubby doesn't realise you've been drinking."

I lent across and kissed him on his cheek, "Thank you."

So he stopped at a filling station, topped-up the tank, and drove me to our house. Where he reversed the car into our garage, leaving it in the same position as it had been when my Garry left it. And then as he closed our garage doors, he said, "Can I use your phone to call a taxi?"

"Oh god! I'm sorry. I never even thought about you having to get back."

"Well I'm sure you don't want me here to meet your husband."

"No. Oh I am so sorry. I've been so much trouble to you. I know I owe you a great deal. Maybe one day I'll be able to show you."

"Just tell me you're ok, and give me a smile."

I dashed across to him, and right there in the front garden, without thinking about any neighbours who might have been watching, I planted a big kiss on his lips.

"So can I come in and use your phone?"

As I turned and made my way to the door I said, "Come on, it's in the hall."

So he phoned a taxi, and then whilst we waited, he said, "If I was you, I'd start getting some coffee into my system, maybe it'll help sober you up a little before hubby comes home." And then handing me a packet of extra-strong mints he'd taken from his pocket, "Here, I picked these up when I got the petrol. Pop one in your mouth before you give him his welcome home kiss. It might disguise the smell of the brandy."

As I took them from him, I again went up onto my toes and gave him a kiss. "I will pay you back." Then seeing a glint in his eye, I qualified that with, "The money, that is. I mean I can't have you been out of pocket as well as taking up your whole day."

"There's no need."

"No. I insist. Where should I contact you? At the supermarket?"

"Perhaps better not. You know how tongues start wagging. What if I give you my mobile number?"

"Ok. It might take me a day or two, to get the money together. But I will pay you."

He just handed me a piece of paper, and said, "Well here's my number, but there really is no hurry. And if you find it's more of a problem than you thought, I won't hold you to repaying."

I took the slip of paper he'd written his number on, and again, I kissed him. He looked into my eyes with a fixed glare. I asked, "What?"

"Can I kiss you back?"

There was something about his look that I wasn't sure about, but disregarding this, I said, "Yes."

His arms encircled me, and he drew me up to himself. Our lips met; his tongue entered my lips, and as it touched my tongue, my body shook. For the next two or three minutes, my passion built into an inferno, as our tongues entwined. And I still wonder now, how far that embrace would have led if the noise of the taxi outside blowing his horn hadn't intervened.

But thankfully it did, and on hearing it, Ralph put me down, saying, "I'd better go."

Seconds later he was on his way. I went back out to the garage to give the car one more check-over, and then I followed Ralph's advice regarding the coffee as I tried to put the day's events out of my mind.

My Garry came home as usual, and left for work the next morning, without him picking-up on my intoxicated state, or the fact I driven his car.

The next event took me totally by surprise the following morning, as I went out to put a bag into our bin at the side of our garage. I guess I blame what happened now on my attitude some six months ago.

You see it had been after one of Garry's tantrums, where he'd started in beating on me, and I'd run out of the front door. Garry had caught me, and dragged me back inside. But unbeknown to us, the neighbour living directly opposite had seen what had taken place, and phoned the police.

So the first thing we knew was when they arrived at our door. They insisted on seeing me, and although Garry had knocked me about a little, there were no obvious outward signs. So when I confirmed Garry's story about us just playing a childish game of chase, as part of our love-making, the police left without any repercussions.

But the attitude I was referring to, was mine the next day. I went across to the neighbour, and told him in no uncertain terms to keep his nose out of our business. He made excuses about just being a vigilant neighbourhood watch member, and how he was doing it for my own good. But the foul mouthful I left him with, made sure he was one man who would never have me on his Christmas card list.

But I guess you're wondering what any of that has to do with this morning's events. Well yesterday I had kissed Ralph in broad daylight in our front garden, and Mr Granger (our vigilant neighbour) must have seen me. Because as I went out to put a bag in our bin at the side of our garage on the Friday morning (the day after my car accident and trip to Derby), I heard someone calling.

"EXCUSE ME. Mrs Trent. Can I have a word?"

I turned to see him scampering across the road, and making his way up our drive towards me. I curtly asked, "Yes. What is it?"

"It's a little proposition I want to put to you."


"I've been taking some photos, I wondered if you wanted to come and take a look at them?"

"No. Why would I?"

"I think you should. I mean if you're not interested, I can just pop them in an envelope and send them to your husband at the shop where he works. He does still work at the local hardware store? Silly me, of course he does. I saw him in there yesterday while you were out driving with your new friend in your husband's car."

My mind was racing, he'd obviously seen me going out in Garry's car, and Ralph driving it back and parking it in our garage.

I tried to bluff my way out, "Oh you mean Ralph, Garry's brother. Yes he drove me to see Garry's mom. She wasn't feeling well."

I thought the connection to Garry would dispel any sexual element to the kiss I'd given Ralph (if he'd seen it).

But he just turned around and as he started to walk back to his house, he said casually, "Ok, I'll go and pop them in an envelope, and then we'll see if you get another beating in a couple of days. Oh, and don't worry. This time, I won't call the police to help you."

I didn't know if he was bluffing, but the last thing I wanted to do was to admit that anything was going on. So I thought I'd sit it out and see what he did. I went back into my house and from behind the curtains; I watched to see if he was going to carry-out his threat. And sure enough, after nearly ten minutes, he was walking down his front path, with a large buff envelope in his hand.

I dashed out of the door and ran across the road to intercept him, "Let me see that?"

He stopped, turned around, and just handed me the envelope. I first looked at the address; it was addressed to my husband, via the shop where he worked on the main street. I felt through the paper of the envelope, and sure enough, it did feel like there were several thicker cards inside. These could indeed be photos. And then I got an idea.

I held it up just out of his reach, with two hands, and fingers positioned ready to rip it in half, "So what if I rip it up?"

"You can if you want to. I'll just print some more. But if you want the originals deleting from my PC, you'll need to come to my house."

"And then what?"

"Persuade me to delete them."


"Use your imagination."

I did use my imagination. And as he was a retired teacher, and now an old man, who had to be at least sixty years of age. The thought made my flesh cringe, "You dirty old sod."

"I'm not the one who has been caught playing around. So, what's it to be, are you going to give me that envelope back, so I can post it?"

"Fuck you."

"Ok, I'll go and print another set, and I'll post it the first time you go out."

"No, wait. If I was to come to your house, what would you expect me to let you do to me?"

"Let me see. I expect your attitude to change, and you to do what you just said."

"What did I just say?"

"Well I distinctly heard you say you'd fuck me."

"Oh no. I'm not going that far. I'm married."

"You should have thought of that before you started carrying on with that man."

"That man was helping me. And the only thing I did with him was to kiss him to say thank you."

"Well tell your husband that."

"No look please. You know what my Garry's temper is like."

Just at that moment another neighbour came into sight, walking on our side of the road. Mr Granger said, "We shouldn't be discussing this out here. Come back to my house, and we can get this over with."

So reluctantly, I decided I'd have to follow him. Not to go back to his house to be fucked; but just to complete the discussion in private.

So as we walked together back to his house, we passed the other neighbour, and both said hello. And then as I followed him in through his front door, into his hallway, he closed the door behind us. I'd stood to one side, waiting for him to pass me and lead the way. But as he got level, he grabbed my upper arms, and pinned me back against the wall. He began to force kisses on my lips, and one of his hands started to grope my breasts. I struggled, but he managed to get the front of my blouse open by pulling at it. And then he was tugging at my bra, and I felt that go slack as something gave-way. Now his hands were groping from naked breast to breast, and I was thumping on his back for all I was worth with my one free hand.

He obviously thought he'd got the upper-hand, and I guess I was beginning to think the same. He then released my other arm, and used that hand instead to reach up under my skirt, grabbing a handful of my crotch. This triggered some kind of sudden surge of strength in me. I managed to bring one hand around and across, landing a moderately heavy blow to his ear. I say moderately heavy, but it was delivered with all the force I could muster, and it was enough to make him wince.

"You little bitch."

But in the same way as his hand up my skirt had triggered a reaction from me, punching him in the ear must have unleashed a violence in him. And a split second after he'd shouted abuse at me, I felt an unbelievable pain. And with that pain, I was pulled off my balance. I fell backwards, being dragged by my hair. My hands instantly reached up above and behind my head, to clasp around the wrists of his hands.

I clung onto his wrist for all I was worth, attempting to alleviate at least some of the pain as he dragged me the length of his hallway, and through into his lounge at the back of his house. From the first second he'd grabbed my hair, I'd started screaming, and in the few seconds it took him to drag me from his hall until he dumped me on my back on the settee in his lounge, I screamed ever last gasp of breath from my lungs. As he dropped me onto the settee, and as the searing pain from my scalp receded, the relief was overwhelming. At this point I stopped my screaming, but only to replace it with a pitiful sobbing.

Whereas he was still in full Neanderthal mode. The instant he'd dropped me, he'd then stood back, and dropped his trousers, then slowly lowered his underpants to the floor. He may have been an old man, but his cock was obviously still in good working order. And as if to prove it, it stuck up proudly from his crotch, proclaiming itself ready for action. I saw his hands approaching my legs, but it wasn't until they disappeared up under my skirt and I felt them tugging at the waistband of my knickers, that I found the wherewithal to react.

My hands took his wrists as they appeared from under my skirt, and I pulled with all my strength. But although this neighbourhood busybody was only a retired old school teacher, his strength overwhelmed mine with ease. Hence the knickers just kept sliding down my legs, and as he threw them aside, he wrenched his wrists from my hands.

His hand then approached my legs, and in a desperate attempt to prevent him from taking hold of them, I kicked my legs about violently. He was in no hurry to grab them, but stood patiently waiting for his opportunity. And as he saw a momentary pause in the movement of my right leg, he struck, taking hold of my ankle. I still kept thrashing my left leg around, but he obviously knew I'd eventually run out of steam, so he again just stood patiently waiting.

It was around this point it became obvious to me, that my fate was sealed, and I had no way of overpowering him. So I stopped the kicking, and just lifted my left leg high and wide. As he took hold of my ankle, I pleaded, "Please Mr Granger. It's obvious I can't fight you off. But you've got such a big cock. Please, will you lick me up; otherwise you'll rip me apart."

In truth, his cock was no bigger than my Garry's. And as up to now, this was only the third rampant cock I'd ever seen; I wasn't really in a position to know big from little. But I did know one thing; men always have a paranoia about cock size. And from what I could tell so far, he'd obviously believed my exaggeration. Because he stood there looking so smug as he inspected my naked crotch. And then after a good twenty or more seconds, he said, "It's a bit on the hairy side for licking."

"Please, I'm begging you. Or use some kind of lubricant on your fingers to get me worked-up. A cock that big will tear me if you take me dry."

He released my ankles, and as he stood back I dropped them to the floor, closing my legs at the same time.

He arrogantly said, "If you want me to lick you, open your legs, and hold them up with your hands under your knees." I instantly did as he'd asked, lifting, and spreading as wide as I could. "That's better." And then he went down onto his knees, and just before his tongue touched, he said, "Relax; you're going to enjoy this."

His tongue touched the soft flesh at the tops of my legs, and my body shook. It took all my resolve to keep my head, and focus on what I'd got to do. So as he got into his stride (so to speak), I drew my knees up as high and wide as I could manage. But instead of letting my legs point to the ceiling, I kept my knees bent, so that my feet were hovering just above the head working feverishly on my crotch. I waited, and I waited. How long I waited, I'm not sure. But as he appeared to know what he was doing in the pussy licking department, I was beginning to think my resolve would falter, and hence all would be lost.

But then I saw his head starting to lift, so I summoned up every ounce of courage and determination. And as he eased his face up from my crotch, and looked my way, I let my legs spring out. My heals dug into his neck, just below his chin, and as I heaved so hard, it pushed me back into the arm at the end of the settee. But from then onwards, as my legs sprang out like a coiled spring, my feet tipped him off balance, throwing him into a heap on his back on the floor.

I jumped to my feet, and grabbed the nearest movable piece of furniture. It happened to be the piano stool, a heavy and very solidly made one. So as I threw it down on top of him, sheet music flew in all direction from the seat base. I didn't stop to see if it had struck a damaging blow, and neither did I stop to collect my shoes nor knickers. In fact I was out of the room, down the hall, and through the front door before I even thought about pulling the two sides of my blouse together.

And even then I didn't stop running, I just grabbed the loose material from either side, and held them to my chest as I ran across the road to my house as fast as I could.

Back at my house I hurriedly got changed, and not knowing what else to do, or who else to turn to, I phoned Ralph. We arranged to meet a couple of streets away, as I didn't dare risk him coming back to my house. As he pulled up alongside where I was waiting, I got into his car. As soon as he drove off, I started to tell him about what had just taken place.

Once he'd got the whole story from me, he thought for a while, and then said, "It looks like there are only two options open to you. One, you go back, and let him have his way with you. But make sure you get to see him delete the files not just from his PC, you need to see him delete the ones from the memory card on his camera as well."

"I know things went further than they should have done yesterday, but I don't want anything of that sort to happen again. I think it might be better if I just tell Garry and take the punishment I deserve."

"Well before you go getting into hot water with your husband, there is option two."

"What is option two?"

"I could go around to his place now, and put the fear of god into the bastard. Make sure he's too frightened to spill the beans."

"Would that work?"

"I don't know, but if it doesn't, it's no worse than you just coming clean."

"I don't approve of violence, you won't actually hurt him?"

"No. I just thought him being old; maybe the threat would be enough to deter him."

"I guess it's worth a try."

So I was dropped off in the same street that he'd picked me up from, and whilst I walked home, Ralph drove ahead of me, and called on Mr Granger. As I arrived at the end of our street, I saw Ralph's car driving away from Mr Granger's house. I felt a certain self-satisfied mood descend over me as I walked those last few steps back to my house, knowing that Mr Granger had now been made to feel as threatened as he'd made me feel earlier.

But the feeling didn't last. As I approached our drive, Mr Granger called across the road to me, "YOU STUPID BITCH. YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET DOING THAT."