Remembering What It Was Like


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"Nonsense, if she wants a child you should give her one and what is she thirty-three? She's not too old," the woman behind Jean insisted.

"I look thirty-three," a smile appeared on her face. "Do you think I look that young?"

I leaned over the seat and said she was thirty-five and thanked her for the compliment. Jean drank the whole bottle and was more than a little relieved when everything settled down and we were no longer the center of attention.

"All right, we're on the plane, where are we headed?"

"On our honeymoon, where do you think we're going?"


"I gave the kids a choice of two places for their honeymoon. Both of them picked the cruise so that's where they're at; a seven-day Eastern Caribbean cruise is what they wanted. The other choice was a lot more remote and secluded. I'm glad it didn't appeal to them because that's where we're headed."

"But where?"

"Honey, too many questions. Don't you want to be surprised?"

"Not really!" I kissed her tenderly and told her I love her.

"Dear, hang onto that man, I think he's a keeper," the older lady told her as Jean disappeared into her seat yet again.

Our transportation was waiting for us when we arrived. She now knew we were in the tropics and it was an island but I'd saved the best for last. We drove for about forty-five minutes through a lot of thick vegetation until we broke out onto the coast into a gated resort area. There were huts on stilts out into the water and when our driver loaded our bags into a small boat Jean looked like she wasn't so sure about what I'd done.

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed."

They unloaded our bags and put our clothes away. I tipped them and they left one boat for us so we could get to shore.

"Two questions before we do another thing," she now said almost demanding.

"Where are we?"

"In the Bahamas on a small private resort island."

"How did you find this place, and who in the hell packed for me?"

That's three questions but I'll allow it because you've been such a good sport. I found it on a website of the most romantic places on earth. I'm not going to tell you the price or what it includes, that's something you soon discover. And the other answer is Ann and Linda. You have a whole new wardrobe of clothes designed specifically for this place, from swimsuits to sundresses for dinner. So, don't you think it's about time we get out of our formal attire and into something a bit more casual?"

I put on a pair of shorts, a sleeveless tee shirt and slipped on a pair of sandals.

"Steve, theses are things a twenty year old with a hot body would wear, not someone my age."

"Babes, there are a total of eight couples on this island who you'll never see again; so, why don't you go with the flow." I left my bride to her dilemma.

"You look so hot, and if we didn't have to check-in I'd take you right where you stand."

"You don't think it looks a little too revealing?"

"Not in the least," I said pulling her into my arms and kissing her.

I guess my hands did kind of start to wander around all the uncovered areas before she said we'd better get a move on. Damn, foiled again but only for the moment.

The resort was like a tropical paradise. From the menu we picked out the types of foods we liked, and since I'd already told them our wine preference they had a case chilled waiting on us. Breakfast and lunch were brought out to our huts but dinner was in the main complex area. They had all types of water sports equipment and every other night they had a late night cruise around the island. They showed us how to use the two-way radio and room service was available twenty-four hours a day.

"If you need anything do not hesitate to call. We want your stay here to be memorable," our resort host explained to us.

Since we'd flown most of the night, we had some fresh fruit and headed back to our hut. We had a choice of two ways to cool our hut. We could open up all the doors, windows and turn on the ceiling fans or shut up everything and turn on the air conditioner. I gave her the option.

"I guess since we're in the islands, we should go native," she said and we opened up everything.

The bedroom was almost all bed. It was larger than a duel king and after stripping off all my clothes I lay down on it looking up at the mosquito netting. Jean looked at me and I guess debated about how she was going to sleep. I think she said what the hell and came to bed naked also. I was going to attack her but the I think the last forty-eight hours won out because I fell asleep before I could even get aroused. We'd locked up our wallets, watches and cell phones in the lodge so when I woke up I didn't have a clue what time it was. I watched her, hell; I studied my wife's naked body lying next to her. It had been forever since I'd seen her quite like this; totally naked and in the sunlight, she was still beautiful.

With the palm of my hand I lightly touched her shoulders, back and moved lower to her bottom. With one finger I moved it down the crack of her ass and across her thighs. When I bent down and kissed her cheek, Jean opened her eyes. She smiled and turned her head just enough so I could kiss her lips.

I didn't say a word or ask her if she wanted to fool around I just did what I knew she would like but at a much slower than normal pace. She was caressed now with two hands and the more she became aroused, the wider she spread her thighs. By now we were trading tongues and with my hand and fingers working her pussy she was more than ready. Me tagging her from behind was not one her favorite ways of doing it but she was so hot I didn't think she'd mind. I moved behind her, put a pillow under her and eased into the lower hole.

I know I heard a low moan when I slipped into her, and she was so hot and wet, I slid totally in on my first stroke. With her mouth open, she lowered her head to her pillow and pushed back at me. I didn't pound her; more so just kept her filled. Reaching around I found her clit and with her juices flowing I had more than enough lubrication to get it hard and swollen.

She went off the first time with a loud moan but I was nowhere near finishing so I increased the speed of my strokes and their intensity. It had been a long time since I'd gotten her off twice in one session, probably well over eight years but I was on a mission. When I felt my eruption start I started pounding her ass as I hung onto her hips. She was pushing back at me with her hands now against the headboard. I felt three spurts before driving in as deep as I could to give her every millimeter of length. With two more flicks of her clit she was clamping onto my shrinking dick. I rolled both of us onto our sides. Our chests heaved while trying to suck in air as we both started to come down.

"I think this tropical air has traces of Viagra in it," I told my wife, we both started to laugh. I pulled out completely, rolled her over and began kissing and licking her lips. We kept it up until I heard the conk horn.

"What the hell was that?"

"That, my love, is the dinner bell. We have twenty minutes until dinner is served," I said kissing her again. "I'll race you to the shower."

We washed each other and although I would have loved to go back to bed with her I was starting to get hungry. We took the small boat to shore and made our way down the tiki torch lit walkway. There were two other couples there and by the time the dinners were brought out two others showed.

We all introduced ourselves. Two of the other couples were also on their honeymoon. Everyone ate, laughed and we drank probably more than we should have; but hell, no one was driving tonight. The honeymoon couples exited right after dinner and we spent another hour with the other two.

"There are two other couples," one of the women said. "We were told that they wouldn't be joining us for dinner for the first couple of nights anyway. I wonder what they're up to?" she said laughing. We broke up about twenty minutes later and I grabbed Jean by the hand and told her we should go for a walk on the beach.

We walked for about ten minutes before finding a huge net hammock strung between two palm trees. We smiled at one another and climbed in enjoying the gentle swaying while holding hands and looking at the moon over the water.

I heard them before I saw them. The splashing in the surf, the laughing as two people ran up from the waters edge. Even in this dim light I could see they were naked when they stopped and started to kiss. When they dropped down on the sand Jean whispered that maybe we should sneak away. It didn't take us more than two minutes to realize what they were doing next. The moaning, the faint screams and finally the sexy laughter about fifteen minutes later when they got up and started walking down the beach.

"Oh my God," my wife said. "Do you think they saw us?"

"Not likely, I think they were a little busy."

"I couldn't tell if it was any of the couples from dinner, it was too dark."

"Does it matter who they were? They enjoyed themselves that's all that matters. Do you think if we stay here long enough they'll put on another show for us?"

"Come on," she said rolling us both out of the hammock.

We made our way back to our little boat and were in our room moments later. Our bed had been turned down and made ready for us. There was a bottle of wine chilled by the bed with two rose colored glasses. My clothes were thrown on a chair and my arms were around my wife's waist. I snuggled against her back kissing her neck. I pulled the sundress over her head and saw her wearing what looked like a thong.

"This is all they packed; I feel like I've got a wedgie going on," she said pulling it out from between her butt cheeks. I knelt down, stripped it off her and threw it out the window.

"Problem solved. You don't have to wear any for the next five days." Something about in your dreams was her reply. We moved into the bedroom.

After the first glass she bent over and kissed me. "This is nice. You really outdid yourself this time."

"The best is yet to come."

We sipped on wine and made love for the next hour. I wasn't out to prove anything tonight except that she was the most important person in my life and I loved her more than I ever had. It was nice not having a watch or clock. We slept until the sun woke us up. We showered together in what was almost like an outdoor shower. The showerhead had to be two feet across. It was like washing outside in a gentle rainstorm. When we got out breakfast was there and waiting for us.

"Do you think they saw us?" she said trying to cover up.

"And if they did, do you care?"

"Steve, I'm not in the habit of showing off my body to anyone but you. Christ, I didn't even hear them. Don't you think they should have knocked?"

"Would we have heard them? I doubt that. Besides, I thought you said you were going native?" I pulled her over to the table and we ate nude on the deck much to her dismay.

For the next two days we were really like newlyweds. I hadn't seen her this happy in years. This resort was worth every penny. After dinner we took the two-hour cruise around the island and ended up doing more kissing than anything else.

The following night after dinner, Peter, our host, asked everyone to come over to the brightly lit hut about fifteen feet away. We all got up and followed him over. We were each given leis made of tropical flowers and he asked that we gather in close.

"This is a special night that only happens once in a person's life if they're lucky. It is a night of love, romance and commitment. I took a shocked Jean by the hand and moved forward.

"Jean, I've loved you most of my life and you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. You make me whole, complete and most of all happy. I can't imagine my life without you nor could I live without you." At that point I dropped down on my knee and pulled out one of her old rings I had a jeweler rework. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me again?" Everyone waited.

Tears were streaming down her face when she said "yes" and everyone clapped. It was a short ceremony with little fan fair. Everyone congratulated and toasted us, and said they hoped that they were still as happy as we were in the years to come.

"I told you we were on our honeymoon."

That night she attacked me like she had the first month we were married when I had gone out of town for two nights. She gave me a blowjob that was nothing less than stupendous and road me until I finally had to cry uncle. No matter what happened years down road; this was our night; there was no one else in the world but the two of us tonight.

"Good morning, Mrs. Moore," I said kissing her awake.

"I like the sound of that," she said rolling over on her side bringing my lips to hers.

"This is our last day here, what is your pleasure madam?" I said trying to be cute.

"I just want to stay right here with you. I want us to sit out on the deck and just enjoy the water, the view and one another," and that's exactly what we did.

Everyone, even the AWOL couples showed up the last night for dinner. We toasted our host and everyone, to a person, saying how sad it was going to be leaving tomorrow morning. We said our goodbyes and checked to make sure we knew when our transportation left for the airport.

We made love out on the deck under the stars and the milky light of the moon. I thought about the beach but was informed that this girl wasn't about to get sand up her you know what when a perfectly good bed was available. "Maybe next time," I thought to myself. We never went to sleep that night.

Dead tired is the only way to describe how we were by the end of the day. With a sundress and thong Jean made it back to civilization and as she put it, the real world. We crashed that night just throwing our dirty clothes in the hamper; we were out in twenty minutes.

"Morning," I said watching my wife walk down the stairs in her bathrobe. "You want a cup of coffee?"


"I looked for our breakfast this morning before realizing no one was bringing us any. I can fix you a bagel if you're hungry."

She put her coffee cup down, dropped her robe. She was wearing only a white thong.

"Come upstairs, I know what I want for breakfast."

It's been three months since we've gotten back and we're still living the island life. We're not doing it every night, but are making more time for each other. She thanked Ann for her wardrobe choices and told everyone who would listen about our second honeymoon.

About six month had gone by we were at an evening dinner put on by my work. Jean was talking to my boss's wife; probably telling her about that resort, when I heard something that almost brought a tear to my eye.

"The honeymoon only dies when you let it die," Jean told her. Ours is going to go on long after we're both dead and gone because then we're going to have eternity together."

"It doesn't get any better than that."

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Late night talks were definitely not in "vane". Nor were they in "vein" but they were probably not in vain if she listened.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Very nice story, Slirpuff, thanks for sharing.

Five stars for sure.

xMulexMule3 months ago


Yes, it should be in Romance but I'm glad it isn't or I'd have missed it.

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Loved the ending! As my bride of many years always says “death is for quitters”, a quote she fell in love with.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Greta story. This author does the best when not having adultery involved or at worst some drunken one night, not remembered fling after a bad argument or something. When affairs get involved, the story tends to get rough or peculiar. This was a great story. 5 blazing stars.

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