Removing Barriers to Bliss

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Liz rewards Liam for helping out around the house.
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The stars had finally aligned – or so Liam hoped.

Oh, it wasn't like he and Liz didn't have a decent sex life, but what he craved was something a little more.....well, more! She was the love of his life, his best friend, lover, confidant, insert whatever cliché you want here – she was it. But, after 22 years together – 16 of them married and with a very active (and very nosy) 14 year-old daughter, sex was good, but not great.

So, with Emma off to camp for a few days, leaving him and Liz alone, Liam set out to remove all the other distractions so he could have her all to himself. He snuck out of work early for the afternoon and bought the groceries he needed, then went home and cleaned up the house, emptied the dishwasher, watered the flowers and started dinner. When Liz arrived home at her usual time from work, she was surprised to see everything done – surprised and very happy. She followed the wonderful smell she encountered upon entering the house to the kitchen where she found her husband in the middle of making her favourite dish. She smiled at Liam and said, "Hmm, the calendar tells me it's not my birthday, not mother's day and not our anniversary. Either you've done something really bad or you want something really bad!" Liam gave her a quick kiss along with an affectionate hug and replied, "Am I THAT transparent? I just wanted to do something nice for my beautiful wife!"

"Flattery MIGHT get you what you want, but combine flattery with this dinner and all the work you've done around here today and you are definitely on the right track!"

"Baby, honestly, I'm not REALLY looking for anything – I just wanted to give you something you don't get enough of – a stress-free evening. And if I get a reward – so much the better!"

Liz laughed, "Well, we'll see. Do I have enough time to have a quick shower before dinner so I can wash off the commute?"

"Absolutely – dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes."

Twenty-five minutes later they were enjoyed a great dinner and a killer bottle of Marques de Riscal Rioja and just completely enjoying each other's company. Liz was feeling amazingly serene with none of the nagging thoughts that usually invaded her brain during dinner. "Gotta get the laundry going, gotta water the flowers, gotta make Emma's lunch." Liam was a wonderful help around the house, but she always felt she had to be Superwoman and too often it was to the detriment of her happiness. THIS was nice – no worries, no stress – even for just one night. Yep, she would have to reward Liam for his efforts. It was going to be an enjoyable evening.

After dinner she got up to clear the table but Liam would have none of it. "Get away from the kitchen, take your wine and go watch some TV while I clean up. I've got a few emails to catch up on downstairs so I'll join you as soon as I get everything finished." Liz wasn't going to argue and went into the den to let what was left of her stress float away.

About 20 minutes later she heard Liam call from the basement, "Babe – have you got a minute – I need you to take a look at something down here." Liz replied that she was on her way and headed for the basement. However, as she got to the bottom of the stairs, she noticed that the there were no lights on in Liam's office and that there was a soft glow coming from the rec room. She followed the light and entered the room to find Liam standing in the middle of the room which was filled with lit, scented candles. He had also put the futon pad on the floor in the middle of the room and put on some soft music.

"Welcome to Liam's massage parlour – we never rub you the wrong way!" Liam said. "Oh my, this is amazing," Liz enthused, "When did you do all this?"

"Oh, I've been planning it since we got the dates that Emma was going to be away, but really just since I got home."

"Wow," Liz said, "you went to a lot of work!" "Thanks, baby," Liam smiled, "but it's no work at all when it's for my stunning wife." And with that he gently took her into his arms and kissed her, affectionately in the beginning, but with a definite increase in its intensity as his wife responded to him. Liz took a quick stock of herself and found she was already feeling very aroused which surprised her, but when she thought about it she realized that Liam had removed all the barriers that kept her from really enjoying herself. No kid to look after, all the work was done, and nothing to distract her from the very real pleasure she was feeling – really, REALLY feeling. It had been a long time since she had felt this free and she was starting to feel particularly nasty and had an inkling that this might be a night to remember.

Without her realizing it, Liam had undone her top and removed it along with her shorts and she was standing there in just her bra and panties. He was holding her in his arms and kissing her and had undone her bra allowing her full breasts to spill out. She saw pure animal lust spark in his eyes, but just for a moment then it was gone. As he reached for her panties she stopped him and said, "Hey, what about you? How come I'm the only naked one?"

"Because right now, this is all about you and I need you naked to give you a proper massage."

"Well, let me take them off ok?" Liam was puzzled but acquiesced and said "Sure, but do it now and lay down on your stomach on the futon." Liz sat on the futon with her back to him, removed her panties and laid down on her stomach, ready for her massage.

Fifteen minutes later, Liz was completely under Liam's spell. He just seemed to know where to touch her and how hard to press. Starting at her shoulders and neck, coaxing the last remnants of tension from her, down her back and paying special attention to her lower back where she always had had issues. Then bypassing her butt, he moved to her legs and feet, using the special lemongrass massage oil they both loved. He rubbed her toes and put lots of pressure on her arches. For her part, Liz was finding it harder and harder to be still. Liam's timing and his touch were having an incredible effect on her tonight and she was feeling particularly wicked. When Liam took her toes into his mouth and sucked on them, she could literally feel her wetness seep out of her overheated pussy. He worked his way up her calves and kissed the backs of her knees, prompting Liz to gasp in delight.

"Oh my god Liam, you have got me so turned on I can hardly stand it!" she squealed. "That's good – that's the idea baby!" he replied. He finally, FINALLY got to her ass and started to knead the smooth, pliant flesh. He poured more of the massage oil on both of her cheeks and lovingly squeezed each one. Then, he gently pried her buns apart and dribbled a trail of the massage oil directly down the crack of her ass and onto her asshole. Liz was in HEAVEN as Liam ran his finger between her cheeks and gently inserted it just a little way into her backdoor. When his tongue followed his finger down the crack Liz moaned softly.

"You know baby, you don't have to be quiet – there's no-one here that can hear you or that you will wake up," Liam said. "God, you're right! Liz replied, "I'm always so scared of her hearing us I'm afraid to say much." Liz's moans got appreciably louder as Liam wriggled his finger inside her asshole while his tongue lavished attention everywhere else.

"Fuck baby! You are doing me soooo nice. I'm feeling so dirty and wicked."

"Good! Then how bout you turn over so I can continue?"

The minute that Liz flipped over, Liam saw immediately why she had been so demure when he tried to take her underwear off – she had shaved her pussy completely bald! "Wow!" Liam exclaimed, "You were busy in the shower!"

"You like?'

"What do you think?"

After that happy shock, Liam went back to massaging his mate, kneeling at the top of her head and starting on her temples. Although enjoyable, Liz was a little further "down the road" than this and wanted more. "Mmm," she said, "Baby, this feels great, but I'm ready for you."

"Quiet!" was the reply. Just relax and "Let it Happen!" This didn't sit too well with Liz and that reaction surprised her. She was used to Liam taking control during their lovemaking but this time she was yearning for more and made her wishes known.

"Fine then, but enough with the head and neck, my tits need attention – now!"

Liz's aggressiveness was a surprise to Liam – but not an unwelcome one. He moved his oil-covered hand further down her body and took hold of her fantastic tits – their nipples already distended with desire. He was giving them his undivided attention when Liz encouraged him, "That's it baby, yesss, harder now and pull my nipples. Mmmm, fuck yeah, just like that, but pinch them harder." Liam complied, still in a little bit in shock at his wife's reaction. Each of Liam's tugs on her rock-hard nubs sent shockwaves to Liz's already overheated snatch but when he flicked them she really started to moan.

"Baby, I don't know what you are doing to me, but I can't remember feeling like this in sooo long!"

Liam took that as his cue to move around to her feet. He placed a pillow under Liz's behind and started to massage her legs and upper thighs.

"Fuck baby, I am way beyond massage – eat me – NOW!" Liam needed no more encouragement and moved up and placed himself between his lover's legs. However, unlike other times, tonight he was going to take his time and bring Liz up slowly. He ran his tongue everywhere between her legs except over her snatch and didn't go anywhere near her clit. While this was very pleasurable to Liz and just the way she liked to be "done" under normal conditions, tonight was anything but normal. Liam had unleashed the slut in her and she was definitely going with it.

"I said EAT me – don't tease me!' And with that she raised herself on one arm, grabbed the back of Liam's head with her free hand and pushed his face onto her near-boiling pussy. She then wantonly rubbed that pussy all over her lover's face. "Yes! Yes! YES!! Just like that! Cum on baby – give me that tongue – Don't you even fucking THINK about stopping!!!"

For his part, Liam was struggling to keep up. He barely knew this wild woman who was demanding so much of him, but he thought, "This is how I've always wanted her to be" so he was definitely going to hop on for the ride!! He set out to give this woman the tongue thrashing of her life. He alternatively sucked her swollen labia or nibbled on her clit. Or he would flatten his tongue and run it in a long slow stroke right from the bottom of her snatch to the top, nuzzling her clit with his nose. Then he would stiffen his tongue and jab it as deeply into her as he could. Every once in a while he would push her ass up a little higher and tickle her asshole. He brought his hands into play, occasionally reaching up and pulling roughly on her nipples or reaching down and jamming two or three fingers inside her or invading her ass with a digit that was dripping with her juice.

Liz was loving it.

"Yeah, that's it, suck that clit! More! ...... Harder!! Oh baby, you are making me soooo fucking hot." Normally, she wasn't a big fan of anal play, allowing Liam to occasionally tongue or finger her and very occasionally let him fuck her there, but now she was wanting him, wishing him to give her backdoor some attention. "Oh my god Liam! You are doing me soooo good. Yeah, finger my ass! I am feeling so fucking nasty!"

From so many years of making love to this woman, Liam knew how to play her. He also knew that while this was a different Liz than most times, she had just made the turn down Orgasm alley. It was a bit of a ways off, but she was on the track, so he tried something he hadn't in a long time. They had experimented in the past with G-spot stimulation in an effort to get Liz to squirt – with no success. Liam figured if it was ever going to happen, that tonight might be the night. He went back in his mind to what he read and started rubbing hard on the right area, all the while writing the alphabet with his tongue all over her clit, his face already so wet with her juices it looked as if he had run a marathon. At this point, Liz was virtually incoherent. She was babbling, her head was thrashing back and forth and her body was almost overheating. She knew from the start that she was going to have a great orgasm, but what was welling up in her was something for which she was completely unprepared. It felt like her entire body was going numb except for the area around her sex. It was as if her brain had shut down all other sensations in order for her to concentrate solely on her climax.

Liam continued his all-out assault on his wife's pussy, but even he noticed a change. Gone were her frantic demands and her aggressive actions, to be replaced by a focused calm. He was stroking her G-spot and sucking hard on her clit when he sensed her whole body start to gently quiver. Liz was completely silent now as the pressure of her impending explosion continued to build.

Then it happened.

First, Liam heard an almost animalistic, guttural moan coming from Liz – something he had never heard from her before. He stole a glance up to her face to make sure she was ok and saw her mouth slack-jawed in a silent scream, her eyes rolled back in her head.

Then, all hell broke loose.

Liz's thighs suddenly clamped around Liam's head, trapping him in the most wonderful, perfect vice-grip a man could ask for; then his face was covered – no, FLOODED with what seemed like a bucket of tangy clear juice. "Oh my god, she squirted!" he thought to himself. And then her whole body started shaking – Liam was quite certain that Liz had no control over her body at this point.

The orgasm lasted for hours – or so it seemed. Liz's whole being seemed to be centred around her cunt – yeah – her cunt! She hated that word, but right now, pussy or snatch just didn't seem primitive enough. This was pleasure at its most basic, primal level and she was simply along for the ride.

When the storm of her orgasm finally passed, Liam looked up at Liz from between her still quivering legs. She still wasn't fully back, but she was on her way. As her breathing rate retreated from "impending coronary" to simply "just ran the Ironman" she once again saw her lover. The sides of his face were red from the pressure of her thighs, his upper lip looked almost bruised from her forcefulness earlier and his entire face and the hair at his forehead were utterly drenched. He also had the most curious combination of expressions on his face. Outwardly he wore a mask of genuine concern that she was ok and not injured, but behind the concern was pure, raw, animal lust. Liz knew in an instant that once he had determined she was all right (which she was), she was in for a serious, serious fucking. She wanted to repay Liam for the most unbelievable orgasm she had ever experienced and didn't have much time to do it before he would take charge. Before he could do anything she pounced on him and started to literally tear his clothes off. Buttons popped, seams ripped and fabric was strewn all over the basement and before Liam could comprehend what was going on, Liz had swallowed his stone-hard cock whole.

He quickly realized that his lover was all right and he didn't have to be concerned with her well-being. Now it was his turn to get pleasure and Liz was just the girl to deliver it. She was always a great cock-sucker, but now she was another species altogether. He LOVED wet sloppy blowjobs – she was slobbering all over his cock and balls to the point that her saliva was dripping down and into the crack of his ass. This turned out to be rather advantageous, as soon he felt Liz's fingers at his asshole. First one, then two found there way inside him and it was feeling INCREDIBLE. She was sucking hard and fast on his cock – she was possessed!!

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!! Liam bellowed. Baby, you are fucking amazing – I love fucking your mouth!" This gave Liz an idea – to give her lover something he had always wanted from her, but she was reluctant to give. Without taking his cock from her mouth she moved to her knees and pulled his arms. Liam got the hint and was soon standing with Liz in front of him. This was feeling soooo fucking great Liam thought but then Liz surprised him by taking his hands and placing them on the back of her head. He had always said that he wanted to fuck Liz's mouth, but never went through with it, partly out of respect for his wife and partly because he was worried about hurting her. His cock was a little above average and very thick and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable. However, this, somehow, wasn't his wife. This was a wanton slut of a woman that knew what she wanted. When he looked down at her and saw that she was looking up at him and nodded her head in encouragement to him, it was all he needed. With Liz's fingers buried deeply into his ass, Liam took hold of the back of her head and started to fuck her mouth. Slowly at first, the last remnants of consideration fighting a losing battle for control over his body. When he determined that yes, she was TOTALLY into it, he started to genuinely fuck her mouth.

Liz was loving it –plain and simple. She wanted this cock – no – she needed this cock! And Liam was giving it to her just the right way. She was relaxed enough that this monster could slide easily down her throat – its big mushroom head threatening on every stroke to gag her. But, she focussed on her breathing and watched as this amazing man TOOK her! He pistoned his cock in and out of her mouth while she struggled to keep up with her fingers buried inside him.

Liam knew he wasn't going to last much longer. The raw power of their mutual desire was too much to handle. However, he also knew that tonight wasn't a "one and done" affair – he was going to fuck her and fuck her good. If she thought that he had awakened the beast in her – she was in for a surprise right back.

"Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuuuuuucccckkk!!!" Liam bellowed as Liz's ministrations on his prostate and the forcefulness of his passion finally overcame him. He could feel the spunk hurtling from his balls to their destination. Then, just as he was about to unload, one crystal clear thought pierced his consciousness – and he acted on it. He yanked his cock from Liz's mouth, aimed it at her beautiful, willing face and literally painted her face with his cum. Rope after rope of his sticky juice leapt from him and landed on her nose, her eyes, her cheeks – even her hair. She had never allowed him to give her a facial before but like many things about this evening – this was different. She needed to give herself to him totally – give him whatever he wanted and TRUST that he wouldn't cross the line – even if that line had moved considerably in the last ninety minutes!

Liam looked down at his beautiful wife – she was all the more beautiful now with his cum all over her. The look on his face let Liz know that he wasn't done with her and she could not have been happier. He was delirious with desire and Liz knew that he was taking her regardless of her wants or needs – luckily her wants and needs began and ended with his cock buried deeply inside of her!! He grabbed her by the hand and started to pull her forcefully up the stairs. Liz figured that they were on the way to their bedroom when Liam made a right turn and headed for the dining room! Through the dining room he went right to the French doors that led to their back deck. He had always wanted to fuck her outside in their back yard but she had always demurely resisted. Tonight, not surprisingly was different and after a very brief moment of apprehension, she followed Liam to the spot he had always shown her where none of the neighbours could see them.

Liam, the eternal optimist had thought ahead about this possibility and had set the cushions from their chaise lounge down with a blanket on top of them. The two lovers, mad with desire sunk onto the cushions and almost swallowed each other's head with kisses, Liam tasting his own cum as he ran his mouth and tongue all over Liz's face. Liz meanwhile was busy and reached down in an attempt to get Liam's cock hard again.