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If you leave tonight keep running.
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This is a story for the Take It on the Run Author Invitational. Thank you Blackrandl1958 for organizing the event and for the invite. I encourage you all to read the stories from all of the great writers participating.

Take it on the run is not a happy song, and there's no happy ending. In fact, there's no real resolution at all. He just tells her if she goes out, don't come back. We're left wondering if she did or not.

I struggled with writing a story along that line, just to end with the guy still wondering if she's cheating or ending it with him kicking her out for probably cheating. It's funny, the song is a Loving Wives trope, and they didn't even know it back then.

So, I wrote a story taking inspiration from the song rather than a literal interpretation of the lyrics.

I hope you enjoy my effort. -- BH

"Heard it from a friend who, heard from a friend who, heard from another you've been messin' around." -- Gary Richrath (Take It On The Run, REO Speedwagon)


I had just signed my tab and put on my suit-jacket when I saw her walk into the bar with a man holding her hand.

We were two towns over from where we lived, so I'm sure she wouldn't have expected to see me there. The only reason I was there at all was to complete a fantasy football draft, or she might have gotten away with it.

They sat side-by-side in a booth and occupied their time, waiting for a waitress, by kissing.

I pulled out my phone and called my friend Kevin.

"Hey man," he answered. "What's up?"

"Just checking in. You still in Vegas?" I asked.

"Yeah. Coming home for a week tomorrow. Then I'll be back out here for another three weeks."

"Sucks, dude. We'll get a beer before you go back."

"Sounds good. Look, I gotta run. I'll call you tomorrow."

We ended the call, and I watched them kiss again as they held hands.

I had to tread lightly. Kevin was a hot-head, and I didn't want to go off half-cocked and just tell him she's cheating on him. It was obvious something was going on, but exactly what, I didn't yet know.

I decided to stick around for a little longer and see if I could gather any intel to help. I sat at the bar, and when the waitress walked over with their order I asked if they came around a lot.

"Yeah, Mike's a regular and he's been dating Kelly for about a month. She's a real sweetheart and we're all happy he found someone to settle down with."

I nodded and wanted to throw up. My best friend Kevin and the aforementioned Kelly had been engaged since the prior Christmas, and the wedding was supposed to be the week before Halloween, just over a month and a half away.

The waitress was right, Kelly was a sweetheart. Kevin met her at a farmer's market two years ago and it took her about two seconds to fit right into our friend group. Hell, she even set me up with a couple of her single friends.

They were the perfect couple. They were going to be the ones who tickled each other and slapped each other's asses when they were old and gray. They were the best of us. I felt like vomiting at the thought of her cheating on him. He was going to be crushed, and I had to be the one to break the news to him.

After an hour of watching their lovey-dovey schtick, I couldn't take it any longer. She acted with him the same way she acted with Kevin. It was cute but only slightly nauseating when it was her and Kevin. It was disgusting when it was her and asshole Mike.

I passed their booth on my way out, and she had her back twisted to me as they were engrossed in finding each other's tonsils. I quickly swiped my hand and spilled her Cosmo on her lap. Good luck getting that out of that cute white romper.

After the brief cloak and dagger routine, and the information I got from the waitress, I knew they were in a real relationship. I mean, who becomes a regular at a bar with a guy, and becomes so well known, the waitress is glad he found you.

It was decision time. What did I do about Kevin?

I could let it play out and end on its own. Surely, they were still getting married, and this new guy was just a diversion while Kevin was in Vegas?

He was only in Vegas because the manager out there had a kid and used his paternity leave. Kevin was almost done and would be home for good in a month. He has been coming home several times a month for the last three months, so it's not like that slut couldn't hold out.

That's when I wondered if she was looking for a way out. Otherwise, she'd be going out and hooking up with a random guy here or there, not starting a month-long relationship. It didn't make sense.

My other option was to tell him.

Guy code, bro code, hell any code would tell one to not keep something like that a secret. I knew it was my only option, but I had to do it tactfully. I didn't want to be out a best friend.


I found myself sitting at our usual table at our usual sports bar two days later. The wings were already ordered and would be there shortly after Kevin arrived.

We talked for a few minutes the day he got home and agreed to meet the next day. He (correctly) wanted to spend his first day home with Kelly to catch up. I made a lame excuse to not have all the guys there, and he saw through it, because when I looked at the door, he, Kelly, and Kelly's friend Gillian walked through it.

I rolled my eyes and kicked myself for not being able to get him out on his own.

"Sup, bro. Kelly and Gillian were just having drinks at the house and wanted to get out with us," he said as we exchanged greetings.

"Nice to see you again, Gillian," I lied and let her give me one of those annoying air kiss things some ladies do because they saw it in a tv show.

"You too, Dave. It's been what, two years?"

"Something like that. Kelly, how are you?"

"Doing great, now that I have my man home for a few days. Kevin, get us a couple of Cosmo's, will you dear?"

"Yeah, you good?" he asked looking at me.

"Grab a pitcher and add some wings for the girls. They just put Oktoberfest on tap."

"Shit, man. Time is flying by this year."

He waved our waitress over, when he realized Megan was working, and sat down.

I caught Gillian looking at me a couple of times and wondered what her deal was. She was one of the friends Kelly set me up with, but it didn't work out.

It certainly wasn't my choice; Gillian was a stunner. She had long black hair, decent breasts, a killer ass, and some of the greatest legs I'd ever seen in my life.

"Getting excited for the wedding?" I asked as Kelly checked her makeup in a little pocket mirror.

"Oh, my God!" she shrieked. "I can't wait, in fact we just made the spa appointment for my bridesmaids today. It was the last thing we have on my bridezilla checklist. It's getting real now."

"Yeah, it is," Kevin added.

Megan walked over and made some small talk before taking our order. She was our regular waitress and took care of us a little better than the rest because we tipped well and weren't assholes. I dated her for a month or so a couple of years back as well. She broke it off with me because I was too vanilla in bed, and she was into some Fifty Shades type of stuff.

It wasn't an acrimonious split. We just weren't on the same page in bed, and I never thought that would be a bad thing. I mean, I even let her tie me up a few times, but I just couldn't get into putting her in nipple and labia clamps and spanking her. I couldn't inflict pain on someone, no matter how much she begged me. She always teased me that her next tattoo was going to be a vanilla ice cream cone to remind her of what she lost with me.

I looked at Kelly and was disgusted that she could sit there and act like she was some kind of bastion of their fidelity. She went from being someone I loved and admired to being someone who sickened me in the course of an hour in a faraway bar.

Knowing we wouldn't be having the difficult conversation we needed to have, I tried to ignore Kevin and Kelly as they did the lovey-dovey schtick she did with multiple men, and asked Gillian, "So, Gills, how've you been?"

"Good. I mean, work's good. I'm with State Farm now and doing well. I could see myself opening my own office in a couple of years."

"That's great. I should probably call you and let you quote me."

She nodded as she sipped her drink.

"What about you? Are you still with same place doing mortgages?"

"Yeah, I'm still there and keeping my nose to the grindstone. It's always crazy. Either crazy busy or crazy slow. There is no in-between."

"Yeah, I'd shoot myself if I worked in mortgages right now. People are still buying, so at least there's that."

I agreed.

She looked at me with a serious look and said, "Dave, I'm going to be blunt. I was pretty stupid to kick you to the curb, and I'd like a second chance."

I laughed. It was so abrupt, it was absurd.

"Oh, yeah? Let me think, what was it you said? That's right. You said, 'You're a good guy, Dave, but I don't want a good guy. I don't want a twenty-five-year-old who has his shit so together that his closet is organized by color.' You told me that having a house, nice car, money in the bank, and a good head on my shoulders wouldn't get me laid in a whorehouse."

She frowned and said, "Yeah, something like that."

"That was when you left me in the middle of a date, to go off with a scumbag who looked like he hadn't showered in three days and had the pizza crumbs in his patchy beard to prove it."

"Well, in my defense, he was the guy I was getting my weed from, not a guy I wanted to fuck."

"Oh, well that's fine then," I sarcastically shrugged. "Do you still do drugs?"

"Sometimes. I'm not a pothead or anything."

"That's a hard no for me, sorry. The smell of that shit gives me a headache, so we don't have a chance."

I watched Kelly and Kevin gaze into each other's eyes and whisper words of affection to each other. I wanted to ask the duplicitous bitch if those were the same words she used with Mike.

"Excuse me," I said. "Time to hit the little boys room."

After I zipped, Kevin walked in and talked to me as I washed my hands.

"Gillian's been begging Kelly to help her get another shot with you. She was afraid if she called, you'd never answer."

"She's right," I said with a chuckle. "I'm not sure I can be with a woman who dumps me because I have my shit together. It doesn't even make sense."

"Yeah, she had a bad boy phase for a while. Just between you and me, she got slapped around by one of her 'bad boys' and it scared her straight. I'll never get what it is with women going after assholes."

"Me either. Maybe, they just want to piss their dads off?"

"Who knows? So, there's no chance then? I'll tell Kelly and she'll never bring her out like this again."

"Don't worry about that. Gillian already told me she wanted another go at me, and I shot her down."


I had a chance, and I took it. I said, "Kev, I need to get you alone for something. Can you swing that before you go back to Vegas?"

"Doubt it. I've got a ton of shit to do for the wedding and we're house hunting on top of that. I'm being run pretty ragged."

"All right. Just try to squeeze me in."

"Everything okay?" he asked as I opened the door.

"Not really. I just have to talk to you about something important."

"You're not having cold feet about your speech are you? It's only a best man's speech. It's not like it's important or anyone will be watching."

We were laughing as we reached the table.

"Ah! The wings are finally here. There's nothing like 'em in Vegas."

Gillian gave me a shy smile, then grabbed some wings for herself. I saw Kelly text someone and quickly put her phone in her purse. She caught me watching her and smiled.

"My mom's been bugging me all day to call her. I keep blowing her off."

With a mouthful of chicken, Kevin added, "Total monster-in-law, dude. I've got my hands full with that one."

"She loves you," Kelly defended.

"Doesn't matter. I love you, not her."

They went back to focusing all their attention on themselves.

"They're too cute," Gillian smiled.

I nodded. I didn't want to speak with my mouth full, but she didn't realize that and thought I was cold.

"You don't have to treat me like that. I just wanted another chance. I'm sorry I interrupted your night."

I swallowed and said, "Easy, Gills. I had a mouthful; I wasn't being a dick."

"Sorry, I'm not used to being rejected. I'm not dealing with it well."

"Well, imagine how I felt every time I had to tell someone why we stopped seeing each other."

"I already said I was stupid. Believe me, I learned the hard way."

I let that go, not wanting her to know Kevin told me what happened, yet I felt bad. She was clearly contrite and looking for someone safe; I just happened to fit that bill.

She continued, "What if you just give me a chance. I can show you I'm a serious person now. I already told you I'm working towards having my own agency."

"Quit the pot," I said before taking another bite. As I chewed, her face twisted into a disgusted grimace.

"I don't do it that often," she argued.

"Then it will be easy to quit. Like I said, it gives me a headache and I'd rather not have to deal with it. I may be an ass for that, but it is what it is. Sorry."

"What if I just don't do it around you?"

"My last girlfriend tried that. Except, I couldn't go into her bedroom because that's where she sparked up. The residual smell overwhelmed me. I guess I'm just a freak."

"Yeah, hell, it's 2023 and weed's legal just about everywhere now."

"I get it. That's why I tried to deal with it in the past. It just didn't work."

"If I have to think about it then you're not as perfect for me as I thought, right? Fuck it. Okay, I'll never smoke it again, and I'll steam clean my carpets and wash my walls in case there's any residual smell."

"You really want to try again? You're not going to change your mind in a month when my closet annoys you again."

"Can you leave some socks on the floor or something to show me you're human."

"Never!" I said feigning shock.

She smiled and said, "Your closet is ridiculous you know. Everything is so neat, I thought Sheldon Cooper cleaned it."

"My mom called me that a few times growing up. Okay, how about we go out next Friday?"

"Sounds good. Let me know what to wear."

I agreed and rolled my eyes at Kevin and Kelly locked in a kiss. That issue still needed to be dealt with.

What the hell was I doing agreeing to go out with Gillian again? It had to be my smaller head doing the thinking, because my big head was screaming at me to not do it. I hadn't had a date in a while, so there was probably some merit to that.


Three days later, Kevin texted me he'd give me a few minutes while he packed to talk. He had to go back early.

When he opened the door, he asked, "So, what's so important we had to do this before I left?"

"Take a seat, I'm not sure how to tell you this. I was at the pub last week and Kelly was there with a guy."

"Get the fuck out of here!"

"Wait. They were kissing and doing all that annoying shit you and she do in public. I swear if I didn't know any better I'd have thought they were together for years."

"It couldn't have been her. Do you have a picture?"

"No, I fucked up and didn't get one. I talked to the waitress, and she said they were dating for a month. A month, man. I'm sorry, but I had to tell you."

"It couldn't have been her, Dave."

"I had a great view of her, and I recognized the white romper she wore. I spilled her drink on it as I left."

He frowned.


He said, "She complained about that thing getting ruined. She didn't give me details though. What am I gonna do? No! there has to be some other explanation. Maybe, she was hanging out with a cousin or something."

"Well, if she kisses her cousin like that, you should still be worried. If it helps, the asshole's name is Mike. Keep an ear out for a mention of him."

He nodded, deep in thought.

"Well, I've got to finish packing."

"Yeah, I'll see you in a few weeks."

He closed the door behind me, and I knew a part of our friendship was going to suffer for that conversation, yet he had to know.

Later that afternoon, I got a call from him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"She denied it. She said she was drinking at home and spilled on herself. She said she doesn't know any Mike. I didn't tell her it was you that told me, but she's been trying to drag out of me who's been 'lying about her.' I think you're safe."

"Yeah, I didn't figure she'd admit it. I'm 100% sure about what I saw though. I wouldn't have mentioned it if I wasn't."

"Sure. I gotta board now. I just wanted to let you know."


Since I blew their cover, I figured they wouldn't show up at that bar again. I needed to figure out a way to get proof for him.


Gillian and I were having steaks on our date when I got a text from Kevin.

"They switched bars and ended up where Steve and Dale were. Here's the pic he sent me."

It was a picture of her and the same guy kissing in a booth at a different bar.

"What is it," Gillian asked. "Everything okay?"

"No. Just some bad news about a friend of mine. His girlfriend is cheating."

"I hate cheaters," she said and sipped her wine. "Anyone I know?"

I shook my head, "No."

I had a long drink and refilled our glasses.

"You know, it just doesn't make sense. They were the perfect couple. I can't believe she cheated on him."

"Sometimes, life doesn't make sense."

"Do you think she doesn't love him?" I asked.

"I don't know her, so it's hard to say. Maybe, she just wants some extra 'd' you know? Is your friend going to end it or forgive her?"

I looked up, "I don't know. I guess, I assumed he'd just throw her out. That's what I'd do."

"Noted," she smiled. "No affairs."

"No one-offs either. Cheating is cheating."

"I already told you I hate cheaters. You don't have to worry about me. You'll find that if you treat me right, I'll be a lady on the streets, and a whore between the sheets for you."

I laughed, and she shrugged.

"You know me, Dave. I tell it like it is."

I sat back and admired her beauty. She looked amazing, and I felt like the luckiest man in the restaurant. After not wanting to do it, I was glad I gave her a second chance. I was also glad we were on the same page about cheaters. We never got that far the first time, and if this hadn't happened, we probably wouldn't have had that talk for a while yet.

Her phone buzzed, and she checked it and frowned.

"It's Kelly. She was out for drinks with some friends from work and one of them got jumped in the parking lot."

"No shit?" I asked. "Is she okay?"

"She says so. She's at the hospital with the guy."


She squinted her eyes at me and typed something rapidly on her phone.

It buzzed again and she smiled.

"Yeah, she says he's her boss's son. She's waiting for her boss to come to the hospital before she leaves."


She gave me a curious glare, and I had to recover quickly.

"Well, I mean I hope the guy is okay. I just find it odd she was the one to go to the hospital with the guy. Where were her other coworkers?"

"They probably hurried out of there to get away from any more boring wedding talk."

We shared a laugh, forced on my end, but I knew better. There were no coworkers. There probably wasn't a boss on the way either.

I wanted to text Dale or Steve so badly, but I didn't want to give away that I knew what really happened.

Her phone buzzed again, and she said, "She's afraid and doesn't want to be alone. I'm sorry, but do you mind if we cut it short tonight?"

I pursed my lips and held back what I wanted to say, but I eventually agreed.