Rescue in Rome


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Roy crowed to Ryan: "Hear that, Jock? She loves me! I got it first!"

Ryan grinned at her, as Jane gave him a glance and an air kiss.

"Maybe first, buster," Jane said, "But not best!"

"Oh drat!" Roy said with feigned sentiment.

Roy held out his arm then so that Ryan could join the two of them in the hug. As they moved into the hug, Jane felt Ryan's arm go around her. She carefully reached back and took him by the wrist and moved his hand so that it came to rest on her ass cheek. He squeezed her ass.

"I saw that!" Roy said.

"Yenta, be quiet!" Jane said.

"Yes, Momma!" Roy answered. Then to Ryan he said: "She's getting so bossy!"

Ryan laughed and said: "She's been around you too much."

That broke up the three of them and they finally reached the hotel.

They made their bedtime preparations according to Roy's schedule. He got ready for bed first and they Ryan. Jane's turn was last. She gave herself the luxury of a shower before bed time, humming to herself in the shower. She lingered under the water with thoughts swirling through her mind. They were thoughts of the beauty of the day but her mind constantly went back to the loveliness of feeling Ryan's hand on her ass.

"Saucy wench!" she said to herself, remembering her move to take his wrist and move his hand to her ass.

"Got it done though, didn't I?" she quipped to herself.

When she'd said this, she let her fingers stray to her pussy hair and began to play with herself. She brought herself up short, however, with another inner voice that said:

"Now don't you go making a fool of yourself. If you play with yourself right, the way that you're so wrought up, you'll be making enough noise to bring all of the hotel into the room to see what's wrong with you, girl."

With a sigh, she stopped her progress and simply went back to washing, vigorously.

She had the tee shirt ready and with a grin to herself, neglected to put on a clean pair of panties for sleep. She went back through the door with a saunter and a swing of her hips. To her disappointment, both guys seemed to be out of it, from the late night wine and the strenuous exercise of the day.

She sighed, and said to herself: "Janie, you just tuck your boys in now."

She went to Roy first. He was drifting into sleep, when she kissed his lips. His eyelids fluttered and he said a soft:

"Good night, Librarian! Thank you for the way you're treating him."

"Good night, Yenta!" she said with a smile and another quick kiss.

She went around the bent over Ryan's sleeping figure. She didn't move from her position for a moment, just looking down at him. He had a hand up over his head, showing an exposed armpit, rich with dark hair. Jane had an impulse, which she only barely subdued, to kiss his armpit and lick at the armpit hair. It produced a giggle that she just barely stifled. Ryan slept. But Roy said:

"Don't you go assaulting him, while he's asleep."

"Mind reader!" Jane said, "Killjoy."

"Janie, kiss him and go to bed, love, you're tired too," Roy said, drifting off again.

"Yes, sir!" she said and bent down to kiss Ryan. It was a light first kiss, followed by her gazing with great appreciation at his chest muscles and general physique.

"Nice," she whispered, more to herself than anyone else. Then she bent over his supine figure and kissed him again; this time, she licked his lower lip first.

In the midst of the kiss, which progressed by her tongue forcing its way into his mouth, one of his hands snuck up beneath her tee shirt and he suddenly encountered her nakedness and his hand had possession of her naked pussy.

Jane made a throat noise, as his eyes opened, and was thankful that her noise didn't wake up Roy. She broke the kiss and saw him smiling from ear to ear, and broke into a similar smiler herself. His hand moved and she kissed him again, mouth open and inviting, while his fingers played with the crack of her ass now.

She was breathing harder and harder.

"Better stop!" he said softly.

"Yes, better stop!" she agreed. Then with one more light kiss, she said to him:

"Ryan, thank you for another lovely day in Rome. You make me feel so happy, the way that you're treating me."

"Good night, beautiful, Janie!" he said then.

She sighed, brushed his lips one more time and went to her own bed, his hand lingering until the last on her naked ass, beneath her tee shirt.

Jane settled down and fought off the thought, the desire, the yearning to play with herself.

"No," the inner voice said, "I think the time's coming!"

She giggled to herself and said: "Yes, but I'm not!"

Then she settled down with another sigh and the message:

"Okay! Bless both of them, especially him!"

She slept. The busy day, the overwhelming emotions, all of the experience of Rome for that day pulled at her as she tumbled into a blissful sleep.

There was movement in the morning for a while before she opened her eyes and was conscious. The first thing that she actually heard was Roy talking to Ryan:

"How about if I wait downstairs and we'll go out for coffee. If she's not up, we'll simply bring something back for her."

"Good, bro!" she heard Ryan say and she mumbled a:

"Good morning, Roy, Ryan!"

They both greeted her and she, with a smile turned over and fell asleep again.She snoozed for just a few minutes and woke as he was sitting and putting on his socks in a chair.

"Morning, love," she said this time, grinning and blushing.

"Good morning, lovely Janie!" he said.

"Oh, I'd better get up and get going. I'll take a quick shower to get me started and I'll be with you."

"Fine," he said.

She slipped out of bed, noticing that he averted his eyes so as not to intrude on her near nakedness. She got to the bathroom and took off her tee shirt to get ready for a shower. She had a quick thought, one that made her giggle. She decided to do it.

She could hear him rummaging around in the room. She combed her hair and looked at herself. She'd pass muster, was her thought and then she went to the door and as she opened it, said:

"Ryan, a morning hug before you go?"

He turned to her to say 'sure' and all that came out was:

"Oh, shit! Look at you!"

She stood in the doorway, framed by the light behind her in the bathroom, and was gloriously naked. She held out her arms and said:


"At least!" was his comment.

He went to her, as her arms slipped around his neck. His hands slid down her back and came to rest on her ass cheeks.

"Morning kiss!" she said.

"Tasty!" was his comment.

"Lovely hands!" she said next, as he squeezed her ass cheeks a bit.

The kiss broke and she said, "Shower now but first this!"

She moved in his arms, so that she was now pressing her back and ass against him. It gave him the opportunity now to run his hands down her front. He felt the weight of her large breasts, and her very alert nipples. His hands slid down to her pubic triangle and came to rest there.

He sighed and she moved away and said:

"Thank you, sir, for the attention."

He leaned in for another kiss and said: "More is coming."

"I hope so," was her comment.

She stayed in the doorway of the bathroom as he went across the room to go and join Roy. She giggled as he stopped to adjust his erection inside his shorts. She looked on, while he did it, with her hand at her mouth and her eyes twinkling.

"Sorry!" she said merrily.

"You might be soon!" he said.

"Hope so!" was her answer and then: "I won't be long. Tell Roy that I'm on my way. Don't tell him that I was naked."

"He'll know!" Ryan said with a laugh, "You know that as well as I."

She giggled.

In just a little bit she joined them in the lobby. She was dressed in a fashion that she considered 'modest' for the day, since they were intending to spend it at St. Peter's and the Vatican museum.

She got two dazzling smiles from the guys as she approached.

"Naked, eh?" Roy said with mock severity, as she approached.

She looked at Ryan and he only shrugged his shoulders.

"Busted!" she said.

"Well, all that I can say is that you children are certainly playing nice!" Roy said and then:

"Okay, some breakfast someplace and then the Vatican; the Pope is waiting for us."

They were out and off then; their day in Rome beginning. They went swinging along, at times, she held both of their hands, at times only Ryans.

They came to the bridge at the Castel and Jane dropped Ryan's hand and grabbed Roy into a kiss.

He was surprised and came up spluttering but smiling, as she leaned back and looked at him.

"Wow!" Roy said.

"I guess, 'wow'!" was Ryan's comment.

Then Jane turned to Ryan and grabbed him:

"Kiss me on the bridge!" she said, and he did.

"Sorry for all these clothes!" she said to him softly.

"Strip here and you'll get us arrested," was Roy's comment, having overheard her.

She giggled and grabbed each of them around the waist to walk across the bridge, her head leaning on Ryan's shoulder.

"I love Rome!" she said.

They divided their day at the Vatican into two parts. The unanimous decision was to stand in line first for the Vatican museum. It's how they spent their morning.

They got coffee at a coffee bar on the way and went to find the line for the museum, which began around a few corners from the piazza of St. Peter's itself. The line was long and already there were people waiting for the museum to open.

They spent a good hour in the line, as it wended its way along the street and then around the corner, approaching finally the museum.

Roy kept them entertained, while they waited. They spent the time talking and joking with one another. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, Jane spent much of the time clinging to Ryan's hand, and periodically laying her head on his shoulder. Now and then, with her head on his shoulder, he kissed her forehead.

"You two are getting disgusting!" Roy said at one point.

Jane's reaction was to let go of Ryan's hand, grab Roy and kiss him.

"Yuch!" he said theatrically, "Women!"

She beamed at him and Roy joined in the laugh with the other two.

The museum, with it's view out the window of the Vatican gardens, was well worth the wait. They took their time, letting the hours pass, as they visited the various parts of the museum, from sculpture halls to painting exhibits. Jane loved every single bit of it.

The absolute high point was the finish of the museum tour in the Sistine Chapel. It left Jane with few if any words that she could express. The magnificence of the ceiling and the 'Last Judgement' were simply overwhelming for her.

She stood and stared, clutching Ryan's hand, with tears streaming down her cheeks. He noticed and wiped the tears away.

"This is the best of the best," she said. She turned to him to whisper:

"My trip to Rome is being better than anything that I have ever imagined!" She kissed his cheek and said a soft: "Thank you, Ryan."

He smiled at her and hugged her to himself.

It was only with reluctance that they left the Sistine and the museum. They took a slow walk back toward their hotel, and caught a bit of lunch on the way. Over their late lunch, Roy asked:

"What do you think, Jane? A short rest before going back to visit the Basilica?"

"I really think so," she said, "I feel run off of my feet."

They returned to the hotel and Roy, announced, once they were at the room, that he was going to wash up and then go downstairs for a cup of coffee and maybe catch up on some e-mail. Ryan said that he'd have a brief rest also.

Once Roy was gone, Jane turned to Ryan and said:

"Ryan, I'm not trying to be coy here but I need to take my skirt and blouse off to lie down." He smiled at her.

"Please don't think that I'm being sneaky here; I'm just tired."

He went to her and put his arms around her and said:

"Janie, no one thinks you're being anything but your marvelous self. You just get ready for your nap."

"Please lie down with me!" she said next.

"Glad to," was his reply.

Jane proceeded to remove her blouse and carefully fold it, putting it on a chair, then her skirt went, leaving her in her matching beige panties and bra.

Ryan was already stretched out on the bed, waiting for her. He stretched up his arm to receive her and she snuggled down agains him, with his arm surrounding her.

She looked up at him, as she lay there and said softly:

"Ryan, I hope that I'm not making a total fool of myself! I'm not really after a. . .a romance in Rome that means nothing else."

"I know that," he said, "And you're not doing anything other than being the wonderful woman that you are."

"Oh," she said quietly, "You bring tears to my eyes!"

"I didn't mean that!" he answered.

"No, I mean joy tears!" she said.

"Good!" was his comment.

She snuggled down then to have her nap and his last words, before she snoozed were:

"Janie, you are so damn gorgeous!"

Her 'thank you' was muted by her face being pressed against his chest.

That's the way they were, when Roy found them.

Jane was barely awake, just kind of raising her consciousness up out of the nap, when she heard them talking:

"Ryan," Roy said quietly, "I hope you're not fooling with her! She doesn't deserve that."

"I know," Ryan said, "And I promise, bro, that I'm not. It's just kind of overwhelming."

"Who's fooling with me?" Jane asked then in a sleepy voice.

"Well, I would be, if I were that way, and I can't believe the jock's restraint. You are gorgeous, especially when you're sleepy, you are wearing only your undies and are as ripe as any woman has a right to be."

She giggled then and said: "Roy, you old sweet talker you!"

"Well, this old sweet talker is about to go and wash up; and, children it's time to venture out to see St. Peter's basilica. Let's get ready."

He went into the bathroom, leaving the two of them still snuggled on the bed. Jane looked up at Ryan with a kind of grin on her face.

"What?" he asked.

"You really want to know?" she asked.

"Yep!" he said.

"It's kind of embarrassing but I was just thinking that I'd sometime like to use my tongue on your armpits," she said, hiding her face in his chest, after she'd said it.

"Woah!" he said, "You've been around Roy too much."

She giggled, and he added:

"But it sounds like a simply great idea. Hold that thought."

"I will, I promise," was her reply.

Roy was out soon and they got ready and walked off to visit St. Peter's Basilica. Jane entertained them with some facts about St. Peter's Basilica that she knew, as they walked along. She told them that St. Peter's was actually the Basilica of the Patriarch of Constantinople, and St. John's Lateran was the Pope's Basilica and Cathedral.

"Wow! Listen to what she knows!? Roy said appreciatively. "More?" he asked then.

Jane grinned and went on to tell the that Saint Mary Major was the Basilica of the Patriarch of Antioch, and St. Paul's Outside the Walls was the Basilica of the Patriarch of Alexandria.

"We are impressed," Ryan said, as they walked along, and Jane simply grinned at them.

"Oh, I tried to be all prepared for this trip," she said, "I've thought about and looked forward to it for so long."

"Yeah," Roy quipped, "Except for a hotel!"

"There is that!" she said.

"But look how lovely it all turned out," Ryan said then, and she hugged him, while he planted a kiss on the top of her head.

They took their time looking through the basilica. They ambled with the crowds. Jane was positively moved by the Michelangelo 'Pieta' near the entrance, and absolutely overwhelmed by the grandeur and scope of it all. Having only begun their tour of the basilica in the later afternoon, they lingered until into the evening. They sat a while and simply watched the crowds before walking back to the hotel.

It had been a full day for them but they decided on a special dinner out. Their stay in Rome, a fairly brief one, was coming to an end and they wanted to go out that evening and have a dinner to celebrate the whole thing.

The guys washed up and then Jane took her turn in the bathroom to get ready. She pulled out the clothes that she'd brought and kept for any possible major event. She wore a black pleated skirt, fairly mini, accompanied by a frilly blouse and a pair of thigh high stockings. She also wore a pair of low heels.

She had a stray thought, while she was getting ready and it began to bother her. She was determined to get the thing out and told the guys that she wanted to ask them a question.

"Uh," she began, embarrassed, "From the start I've taken kind of for granted that you wanted me to share your time in Rome. I've been such a dunce to not ever even be polite enough to ask you if that's what you wanted. After all, you two came for your holiday and I've been on your hands, in crisis and otherwise, the whole time. I apologize for that."

Roy hustled over to her first but he was joined immediately by Ryan. They both took her in their arms and assured her that spending the time in Rome with her had been such a treat.

"Especially those times, when you haven't been dressed!" Roy said.

Ryan grinned and said that he totally agreed with that assessment.

"You're both so nice!" she said, kissing first Roy and then Ryan, but ending up in Ryan's arms.

"My, my aren't the children playing nice!" Roy said, beaming at the two of them. "Love birds!"

"Roy!" Ryan said, but was grinning at him. Roy simply acknowledged it and said:

"Yes, bro, I'll back off."

"I doubt it!" Ryan said to general laughter.

"Come now," Jane said, "I'm all dolled up; you two look like movie stars and Rome awaits us. I'm taking you out to dinner to say 'thank you' for how you've treated me. We'll make tonight a memorable one."

They walked out and around slowly. Jane was wearing heels. They finally decided on one of the lovely outside cafe's in Navonna for their meal. They sat, had a bottle of wine and simply toasted each other and their night in Rome.

"Short walk after dinner?" Ryan wondered.

"Sure," Jane said. "Heels aren't bothering me, yet."

"Hey," Roy put in, "Let's do some gelato after dinner!"

They decided that it was a great idea and went to a gelato stand for their late night treat.

Despite the late night sugar treat, Jane was tired from the tramp around the Vatican that had taken up their whole day. She was the first to shower that evening. The guys went to the lobby to give her some privacy to get ready for bed.

She was already showered and in bed, by the time they came back into the room. They peeked in and saw that she was already asleep. She actually was only drifting off. She realized that they were deep in a discussion, which they took up again, as soon as they were sure that she was asleep.

"You're sure you don't mind?" Ryan said.

"I think that you need to," was what Roy answered with, "And don't mind, I've had a pile to drink and just now a glass of brandy, I'll be conked out in no time."

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, Roy," Ryan said earnestly.

"You're not, Ry," Roy answered. "This is a now or maybe never situation, and I think that you need to follow your emotions here. I know what I said before and I think that you two have been amazingly responsible; I certainly know that you have."

"Thanks, Roy," Ryan said and he kissed his cheek.

Jane just loved the way the two of them obviously felt about each other. Then Roy was the first to get ready and get into bed.

She lay there relaxed and waited for the last light to be put out and the chance to settle in for the evening. Ryan came out of the bathroom last. She heard Roy yawn and say:

"Ryan, just do it."

Ryan's answer was: "Yes, I'm going to. I just wanted to make sure that you weren't offended."

"No, ring side seat here," Roy said, yawning again.