Resident Evil: Respite


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Leon dropped the bags on the floor while Claire laid Sherry on the rightmost bed to continue her slumber. Afterwards, Claire sat on that bed and slipped off her boots. Leon was on his way to the bathroom when he turned his head to admire her and to see if anything else was coming off.

Claire lifted her head like she sensed his gaze and caught him looking. "What?"

"No...nothing..." Leon said as he resumed his walk into the bathroom and stood before the mirror.

He grunted as he lifted his vest overhead, the stretch pulling at the pectorals pierced by his wound, and sat it on the floor.

Leon bit into his lip and grabbed at the fierce pulsing behind his bandages. He tore at the wrappings and undid them as best he could but his attempts to reach around his back were a chore.

It wasn't long before Claire appeared in the mirror with him followed by a cotton-like hand on his back.

She began unwrapping the bandages while at his rear. "It'll be easier if I help."

Leon was barely able to contain the excitement of having Claire close to him again. Seeing others in discomfort was torture to her as her empathetic senses were especially keen. Leon admired that as the world could be a better place with more people like her.

Leon peeled off the rank, blood-soaked bandages with Claire's help and tossed them into the wastebasket beneath the sink. Looking at his wound conjured a ferocious aching. He moaned with a hand reaching to massage it away but quickly realized that wouldn't be a fruitful idea.

He watched Claire snatch a washcloth from the rack nearby and wet it under the running faucet. She tilted her head with a lingering eye exploring him from head to chest. All he could do was become entranced while returning a lustful stare.

Claire grinned and nodded at his torso with the washcloth held at his eye level. "You might want to take that off."

Leon chuckled. "Haha, oh, right. I'm sure this might get in the way of things."

He loosened the top buttons of his bloodstained uniform while Claire decided to assist by starting from the bottom.

"How did this happen?" Claire said as she met him at the center button and undid it.

"Protecting a woman named Ada. She was in the police station. Sherry's mother was shooting at her. I didn't think. I just threw myself on her to keep her safe."

Claire tugged at his sleeves and he helped her slip them off.

He yanked his tank top overhead and she tended to his wound when it came into the light.

She pat the cloth against his chest. It was lukewarm.

She massaged him in delicate strokes. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

Leon was losing the battle to keep himself sane. The soothing sensations were comforting but also fed his raging beast.

"You're doing just fine, baby..." Leon said with his eyelids sealed to focus on her movements.

Claire continued with a few more rubs that dissipated his aching but out of the blue, she took away the pampering. It was like it took a few beats before what he spoke registered between her ears. Leon felt the void where the comfort once was and popped his eyes open. Claire was smirking at him with a raised brow.

She asked, "What did you say? Did you call me 'baby'?"

Leon may have said it but it came not from his mouth but something much lower. It could have been his heart but probably way lower than that.

Leon said, "I did."

Claire went on cleaning his wound and the rest of his torso but the lack of attention to what she was doing hinted at how distracted she was. "Throwing yourself on 'damsels in distress.' Serenading them with 'baby.' Is that how you get your women?"

Leon cleared his throat to buy time to come up with a semblance of an intelligent response. "I didn't do it for that. It was my instincts as an officer."

Claire tossed the cloth on the marble sink and looked around the bathroom. "Didn't you buy some extra bandages?"

Leon scanned the area with her knowing he left them in the bags he dropped by the bed.

"I must have left them in there," he said pointing behind him.

Claire scoffed as she went to the bags and rustled through them to snag the bandages.

"Where is your mind, Leon?" she asked walking back towards him. She tore open package and wrapped his wound several times over.

Leon shrugged. "I haven't a clue, obviously."

She fastened the self-adhesive bandages at his back. "You said your officer instincts led you to diving to protect hapless women but what about your endearing words like 'baby'? Was that because you're an officer, too?"

"You're messing with me, Claire."

She slid back into Leon's view and patted and fidgeted his wrappings from the front probably to make sure they were secure. The new bandages were refreshing and her hands brushing against him tingled his skin.

She sucked in a breath and dropped her head for a moment like she was contemplating something.

She lifted her chin again with a soft grin. "I should...take a shower." Leon matched her smile and raised her a bigger one. "Oh, I meant with you on the other side of the door."

Claire tickled the hairs on Leon's arm as she stepped back into the room. She bent over to rummage through her bags of clothes and toiletries with Leon's stare lingering on her slender frame and ass.

She remained like that for more time than it would take anyone to go through a bag but it was probably for Leon's enjoyment. Claire's glance and smile over her shoulder seemed to confirm that.

She decided to snatch the whole bag and walk with it back to the ladies' room. Leon was still fixated on her, mesmerized by her allure, as she stood next to him. Leon granted her wish and left her to take her shower solo.

He looked back at her and she was still wearing that sexy smile of hers and added a slow wink as she closed the door. The more she teased him, the harder he had to work to look normal. At this point, something had to happen with Claire or he'd need a train ticket destination: Crazyville.

Leon turned on the TV for distraction's sake. It was blaring so he fumbled about the remote control to silence it.

He blew in quiet relief and checked on Sherry to see if the disturbance summoned her from her nap.

She mumbled something and stretched out but stayed in her slumber.

Leon parked at the end of the opposite bed and searched the channels for any Umbrella-related news.

The fact that not one mention of Umbrella's criminal activities in Raccoon City found its way to media had Leon ready to smash the television. Unfortunately, his plans to destroy the evil corporation would have to wait.

Around that time, he heard the shower spraying in the bathroom. He couldn't help but think that Claire was peeling off her clothes on the other side of the door. Damn, if only she was on this side. Leon conjured a picture of her with round breasts, straight, hardened nipples, curved hips, and a firm, heart-shaped butt. Her skin had to be smooth like cream and was flawless.

About ten minutes later, Leon realized how weary he was and his eyes seemed to have dumbbells hanging off them. He slid off the bed and laid his head back. It wasn't long until he drifted away with Claire in his thoughts.

Sometime later, a beeping sound like from a microwave brought him halfway from his snooze but he kept his eyes shut. Claire's voice had him completely back to the hotel room with his ears tuned to the young woman.

"Hey, Leon! Leon!" she repeated until she spotted his blue irises.

He had to shake out the cobwebs and adjust his eyes before he could form a coherent reply.

"Hey, Claire. What's going on?" Leon said.

She was bent over in front of him still wearing a smile across her pink lips with her wet hair strands dangling in front of it. She was also wearing one the T-shirts he'd just bought for her. It was clinging to her frame and her tits were as he imagined them: round with her nips poking against the fabric. The top stopped around the middle of her thigh and her silky looking legs were right there for him to see.

She said, "Wake up sleepyhead! Dinner is ready!"

After she said that, the smell of the once frozen, store-bought Chinese he'd bought early flowed into his nose from the tray in her hand.

"Thanks, Claire."

He took it from her, snatched the plastic fork stuck in a piece of chicken, and scooped out a heap of chicken and rice drowned in soy sauce.

He munched on it and didn't realize how starved he was until that first bite. He went for another bite and another after that.

It mattered not to him that the food was burning his hand through the plastic tray. Not even how it lacked the flavor compared to its restaurant counterparts. Nothing stopped him from acting as though he hadn't eaten in over a day.

By the time Claire returned with her meal and a pair of water bottles, half of Leon's tray was empty.

She set Leon's bottle in front of him and plopped down at his side with a couple feet's space between them.

Claire took a peek at his food or lack thereof. "Someone was a little hungry."

Leon stopped scarfing long enough to toss his head back and guzzle the water. The cold liquid slithering down his throat was revitalizing.

He slid the back of his hand across his lips to clean them. "I could eat ten of these."

"I bet I could too," Claire said throwing a fork-full of food down her throat. "I hadn't had anything since before I arrived in Raccoon City."

They went on eating with their chewing and gulping causing the only sounds in the room. It occurred to Leon that Claire was probably really missing her brother despite how nothing on her surface told him anything of the sort. The focal points of his primal brain were stuck on his desire for Claire as well as the eradication of Umbrella but he felt it was selfish of him not to inquire about her state of wellbeing.

After finishing his latest swallow, he asked, "So, how are you doing? It must be hard not knowing how your brother is."

She used her fingers like napkins to clear the food remnants from her mouth's corners. "There's not a second I don't think about him but I know he can take care of himself. I still miss him, though."

"I take it you two are close?"

Claire took a swig of water. "Uh huh. He always looked after me. He used to be in the Air Force. Taught me how to fight and shoot a gun. He made sure nothing would happen to his little sis."

Leon cleared the rest of his tray. "I can see him being a hell of a guy."

"I think you two would have a lot to talk about."

"I like him already," Leon said as he finished off the last drops of water from the bottom of his bottle. "And don't worry. You'll find him."

"Thanks, Leon. I will."

About a half hour later, with stuffed, satisfied stomachs, Leon and Claire were in full relaxation mode. Too relaxed to utter words but instead they were "watching" the TV but not really paying it any attention.

Leon glanced at Claire who was sitting with her legs drawn up towards her breasts. If he peeked closely enough, he maybe could have seen the edge of her panties from beneath her shirt. As tempting as it was to sneak a look, he opted to remain inconspicuous in case it created any awkwardness.

Leon also noticed she'd closed the distance to where they were hip-to-hip. He wasn't certain but he took it as a subtle sign he should make a move. He had to but he wasn't sure what that move was going to be.

He wanted to taste her lips first but the more he thought about it, the more his mind was beginning to paralyze him. He was overthinking things way too much and it was stifling his thoughts. As riled up as he was, parting ways with her without going for what he wanted wasn't an option to entertain.

He slid his arm over her back and put it around her with his hand resting on her shoulder. Claire caressed his hand, gave it a squeeze, and held onto it.

"I can't find anything worth looking at on TV," Claire said with her voice a notch above whispering.

Leon took the remote from her and shut off the tube. "I'm sure we can think of something else to do instead."

Claire turned her neck towards Leon, ever so slowly and seductively, and flipped her red locks. "Did you have something in mind?"

"Yes, I did..." Leon said leaning closer to Claire's lips and she did the same stopping short of his.

Their eyes fixated on each other's and they held their gazes for several long seconds.

Leon had a moment every guy was familiar with. That moment when it seemed he finally got the girl he was pursuing.

Oh damn, it's really about to happen. Oh, shit! Yes!

The crackling firing between them soon brought their lips the full distance.

They sealed their eyes as they enjoyed their first kiss. Leon could hardly wait for this and damn, was it worth it. They looked at each other again as if they were checking to see what was going through the other's mind. They both grinned followed by a chuckle and continued the kiss. The sparks from their connection ignited a blaze inside that grew higher with every smooch.

Leon savored the cotton-like feel of Claire's lips as he kissed them softly. They were naturally sweet, at least that's what he imagined, mixed with traces of the saltiness of soy.

Claire laid a hand behind Leon's neck and dove deeper into the kiss and did so harder and with more hunger. Leon was surprised at first and taken aback by her sudden assertiveness but quickly gave every bit of it back to her.

They were about to rev up the intensity when rustling in the bed sheets and breathing from the third party in the room halted them cold.

Leon glanced over his shoulder and whispered, "We can't do this here."

Claire mirrored his tone. "I think the room next door is empty."

"Okay..." Leon said as he snatched Claire's hand and crept to the door.

Leon pushed down on the door's lever, eased it open, and pressed his eye into the door's crack. Both of them were giddy with excitement while they waited to get somewhere alone!

It was clear so Leon burst through the door with Claire in tow and scampered down the hall to the next room.

They didn't really know if it was still unoccupied but their raging hormones didn't care much about that.

They fell inside and to their elation, its only occupants were the king sized bed, oak bedside table holding up a brass lamp with beige shade, and the TV upon a black stand.

Leon closed the door and locked it and when he spun around, Claire was bouncing on her heels with the sun's rays through the window casting her in a radiating glow.

Leon and Claire joined in a hot embrace and dove at each other's lips into another lingering kiss.

The kissing began soft and sweet but became as if they were starved for it. They were pressing hard with every kiss and moaning quietly together.

Leon whisked his hand all over Claire's back and stopped on her ass where he groped its soft flesh and pulled her into him, which forced her to hum into their kiss. Her body was rubbing against his cock and Leon was moaning softly as well.

"Oh, Leon..." Claire said between kisses with a hand sliding down Leon's chest, his ripped abs, and stopping at the button on his pants.

Her fingertips dancing across his skin was arousing him like mad. He was pulsating with excitement but she kept her hand from going any further.

Leon growled silently with a wanting for her to continue her descent and was trembling with expectation. Outwardly, he swept his hand across her forehead to push aside some of her stray strands revealing a face with enlarged cheeks and beaming with glee.

"You're so sexy, Claire," Leon commented while glancing at her lips.

She giggled. "Hehe, aww, you think so? You haven't seen anything yet."

Leon kissed her again and held it for a few lingering seconds. "I want to know what I haven't seen."

Claire laid a palm alongside Leon's cheek and returned the kiss a little deeper. "Maybe you'll get to see."

Leon kissed her some more and separated his lips. Instinctively, she did the same and sneaked her tongue out to find his and when they met, they flicked and tangoed together.

They swirled tongues for a bit longer before whipping his over her teeth and exploring the corners of her mouth. She did the same, dragging hers across his pearly whites, inside his cheeks, and back to his tongue where they wrestled once more.

Leon's inner savage animal was peeking into the world as he grabbed Claire by the hips and turned to toss her into the door with a light thud at her back. She was donning a look of utter surprise but before she could recover, Leon was against her body and pressing her into the door with his kiss.

She struggled to keep up with this renewed ravaging of her lips but try she did.

His hand traveled over the legs he couldn't shake from his mind since he first saw them. They felt better than he dreamed. He thought they were going to melt in his hands.

She was still pinned when he slipped his nose under her chin and sniffed along her neck. The aroma was similar to vanilla. Could have been her natural scent or the fragrances she used in the shower but was nonetheless tantalizing.

He kissed her neck and she lifted it to provide better access and he left more kisses beneath her chin and to her collarbone.

Claire's breaths came quicker as she tucked a hand between them and swooped to his bulging beast and clenched it in her palm.

Leon sucked in a breath of shock that changed into pleasurable sounds of passion. It forced him to interrupt his kissing to focus on the pulsing in his cock from her kneading. He was becoming harder if that was possible and it was battling to burst through the confines of his pants.

Leon couldn't have fathomed a better way to escape the Raccoon City nightmare than to be with Claire like this. In that moment, only the two of them and their naughty thoughts towards the other were all there was.

"Oh, you're so hard," Claire said in a voice so hot and sexy he could have cum just by hearing it long enough. "I can't wait until you're inside me."

"I've been waiting a while for this so I can't wait either."

"A while? We really just met not that long ago."

"Feels like a week."

"You were thinking about it when I was coming out of the diner and you shot the zombie that was behind me?"

It occurred to Leon how difficult it was to have a conversation with a beautiful woman massaging his cock. He made an effort to answer, though futile, as the sensations flooding his nether region were overwhelming.

"I, thinking about our survival," Leon said with great will behind formulating those words. "I arrived my first day on the job to find a city of zombies. How could I think about anything else, Ms. Redfield?"

Claire tightened her grip and rubbed him at a quickened pace. "Really? You weren't thinking about surviving long enough to get the chance to do this?"

She was staring at Leon and watching his expressions tell her the answer to her inquiry. It seemed to be enough for her as she kept playing with him. He could wait no longer in having himself a little "playtime."

Leon took her by the waist and led her away from the door. He swept her into his arms, carried her to the bed, and fell onto it with her.

Claire swiftly found his lips again and engaged him in another heated saliva exchange with both their mouths open wide to lick tongues together.

Her fingers fumbled about for the button on his pants while still trying to concentrate on keeping their lips adhered.

After she opened his pants, she searched for his zipper, and tugged on it.

It got stuck halfway down its track but it was enough room for her to dive inside. She was forced to stop shy of reaching his manhood when he leaned away to admire the spectacle of the smoking body beneath him.