Retirement Surprise


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Tom had sat long enough to order another round of drinks. He was beginning to wonder where Abby was when he heard a scream. "STOP IT! I said NO. Leave me alone."

Tom recognized the voice. It was Abby and it was coming from the hallway to the restrooms. He took off running toward the hallway and saw the bouncer coming from his station also. When he entered the hallway he saw Abby pushed against the wall with the man from before pressing against her. He was trying to kiss her and had his hands on her waist. Abby was hitting him but ineffectually. He was shrugging her weak blows off like they were nothing.

Tom heard him mutter, "Aw, come on Honey. Ya know ya want it. Hell, there's no way that old man you're with can take care of you like I can. Now give me a little kiss and we'll dance a while before we blow this joint."

Tom hit the man at a dead run like he was making a quarterback sack in the last play of the superbowl. He held nothing back. When he hit him in the ribs with his shoulder he heard something crack. The man cried out then he cried out once more when he was slammed up against the back wall of the hallway. His head slammed against the log wall and he slumped to the ground in a pile. Tom stepped back and raised his fists but Aaron was out cold. He was lowering his fists when the bouncer pushed him gently to the side. Behind the bouncer Tom saw the two men that had been with Aaron. They were looking at him in shock then looked at Tom.

One of them turned to the other and said, "Damn Bro. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. One punch. One damn punch and Aaron is out cold. Man there's no way I'm gonna mess with that bastard or his woman. Come on let's get outta here."

The bouncer was looking down at Aaron in awe when Abby jumped across the hallway and into Tom's arms. She hugged him tightly and then lay her head on his chest. They were still standing there when the sheriff and medics arrived.

The bouncer explained what had happened and that Tom had taken Aaron out before he had reached him. He, too told the sheriff Tom had only hit Aaron once and for some reason didn't feel it necessary to mention it hadn't been an actual punch, rather he had charged into him knocking him into the wall.

Statements were taken and Aaron was hauled out of the bar. For Tom and Abby the evening was ruined. They went back to their table, gathered their reading material and returned to their trailer. They washed the smoke off their bodies and went to bed where they cuddled until they finally dropped off to sleep.

The next morning they returned to the lodge for breakfast. Abby had brought one of the pamphlets with her. She handed it to Tom and said, "Honey, this is an ad from a real estate office. Why don't we go talk to them and see what they have that's interesting. We both like this part of the country and if we can find what you are looking for it would be a good place to live. We are almost half way between your parents and mine and we are close to Florida and Hilton head where you say you would like to spend more time. It seems like we are centrally located for everything we want to do if we can find a house here..."

Tom smiled and said, "Sounds like a plan Honey."

They found a really nice lady in the real estate office. She took notes and asked many pertinent questions while they described what they were looking for. She handed them a multilist book to look through as she began searching inventory on her computer. She said, "Your requirement of a view, a rustic but large house and a stream on the property severely limits the units I have to show you. I have several with some of those features but only one with all of them and I'm afraid it is not only very expensive but it is part of a resort and campground. The owners want to sell it as a package deal too."

Tom raised his head and asked the price. The Agent looked worried as she said, "I'm afraid it's a little over three million and with the economy like it is the banks would want at least thirty percent down..."

"Let me see the picture please," Tom said. He looked at the picture and description then started laughing. He turned the book to Abby and she looked at it also.

Abby began smiling and said, "What do you think Honey?"

Tom looked at the Agent then back to Abby. "I'm game if you are. It's a beautiful place, seems to be in good repair and it meets all the other criteria."

Tom turned to the Agent and said, "That price is way too much."

The agent seemed to wilt and said, "I was afraid it would be. Frankly we've been trying to sell this one for two years. It is even listed nationally by a business agency but..."

Tom broke in on her conversation and said, "However, I'm willing to offer $2.5 Million cash, no loans to bother with and possession on closing. I would want the current owners to remain on premises assisting in the operations for six months as we learned the business. We could shorten or lengthen the transition period if the need arose. I would be willing to pay the current owners a salary or percentage of profits for the time they remained to assist us. Conversely, if they wanted to remain permanent employees I would consider that too. Abby and I want to travel some during the year so a good management team would be a plus. Of course this offer is subject to a title with no blemishes and can be cancelled if the books are not satisfactory when our accountant goes over them."

Abby turned to Tom and said, "My GOD Tom. You're just going to write a check??? Are you sure we can afford to do that? What about operating expenses, repairs. I mean won't that run you a little close?"

The agent began to worry again. She began to make her sales pitch once more and Tom said, "Abby we need to talk about this later." He pointed to the agent with his finger in a manner that she couldn't see. Abby was not by any means slow and she caught on.

"Oh, ok Honey," she said.

The agent said, "But, But you haven't even seen the house or the resort. I need to take you... "

Tom laughed and said, "Well we can go out there with you if you want but I really don't think it is necessary. We didn't know the place was for sale. I didn't see any signs there but we have been staying there for the last month and I have camped there twice in the past. I think we know more about the lodge and area than we would learn on a site visit had this been our first time in the area."

The realtor looked shell shocked. Finally she said, 'I need to prepare the papers and get a signature on them. It will probably take me an hour or so. Do you want to wait or..."

"Why don't you prepare the papers and bring them out to the lodge? We are in the trailer next to the lodge building. We have a red SuperCrew with Missouri tags. If we aren't in the trailer we will be inside the lodge. We can sign the papers and perhaps do a little negotiating with Joe."

"Uh, oh, ok. I'll just finish up here and meet you out there."

Abby was grinning as they walked out of the building and down the sidewalk to their truck. There was a bounce in her walk that had been missing for the last several days and, truthfully Tom felt a weight lifting from his shoulders too. He hadn't realized how tired of traveling he was also. He sure hoped they could work the deal.

When they returned to the lodge Abby turned to Tom and said, "Honey can we just go straight to the lodge. Maybe we can have a drink and sort of feel Joe and Sharon out about the deal..."

They followed Abby's suggestion. They stopped in their trailer long enough to pick up two bottles of their favorite wine and some glasses. They took them to the lodge and found a place to sit that had a nice view of the stream and the mountains in the background. After they were settled with their wine and some cheese to nibble on Tom went in search of Joe. He found him and asked if he and his wife Sharon would take a break and join Abby and him for some wine and snacks.

"Sure Tom. It's about time for our mid afternoon break anyway. I'll even run through the kitchen and bring some other nibblies."

After everyone was settled they began making small talk. Tom commented on how much he enjoyed the area and most of the people they had met. He mentioned he would like to own someplace like this some time. Joe and Sharon gave each other a searching look. Joe turned to Tom and said, "Tom I think you would make a go of a place like this. You seem to have a knack of talking to people and most of our employees and the guests seem to like and respect you. Sharon and I have been trying to sell out for the last two years and..."

Tom looked at Joe and said, "Yeah Joe, Abby and I found out about that this morning. We have been in town talking to the real estate agent. We were looking for a house with a view and stream. We wanted a rustic building and setting. Your real estate agent told us she only had one property in her book that met all our requirements and it was yours."

"I'm afraid I upset your agent and I may upset you with the offer I told her to put in writing. She is supposed to get it done and bring it out to us this morning. Abby and I know what we are doing is somewhat frowned on but we thought we might be able to visit with you and Sharon about the deal while we are waiting on her to get here. We won't ask you to do anything unethical or dishonest. We just wanted to know if we can come to an agreement on price if you would be able and willing to stay on for a while to teach us the ropes and help?"

Joe and Sharon were looking at each other with hope on their faces. Their eyes were glistening and they were smiling. They both gave a small nod and Joe turned to Tom. He said, "Tom I think we could do something like that but. Oh, hell Tom I don't know how to say this except to come straight out with it. With the economy the way it is you would have to have a really great credit rating and have several million dollars to put down or the banks won't loan you the money for the place. We just can't carry the note even if you could make a pretty good down payment. We have had two other offers on the place and they couldn't get a loan. I may have to just sell it off piecemeal so we can move on."

"Well, if you don't shoot us over the offer and if we can work out everything else I think we can do the deal. We would like at least six months working with you before you move on and if you would like to work here permanently we could arrange that also. Abby and I want to travel some and don't want to be tied down."

Joe was shaking his head at that. He said, "No Tom we want to move on. We don't have a problem staying to show you the ropes but we want to travel also. Katie might, well Tom you know Katie don't you? She's our daughter. She and her husband live near here and she grew up on the place. They tried to buy it but couldn't swing the price. I know it hurt her deeply and we grew apart a little when we refused to carry them. I think she might be willing to come work as manager. She was our assistant for years and has a degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management."

About that time the real estate agent walked into the building and negotiations began in earnest. About ten thirty that evening they had hammered out a deal. Katie and her husband had been called down to have supper with everyone involved in the deal and they had agreed to her working for Tom and Abby. Tom had offered her a ten percent ownership in the lodge after 5 years if she met profit goals.

Later that evening a very tired Tom and Abby returned to their trailer. When they got inside she turned to Tom and said, "OK Tom why didn't you want to talk to me about the money in front of the real estate agent. I know we've not had the money talk but I, well I didn't want you to think I wanted you for your money. You didn't seem worried about what we spent when we traveled and I just went with the flow but this...Tom this is a really, really big expenditure and we will be spending a lot more if we make any of the improvements you talked about earlier today. Are you sure we can afford this?"

Tom laughed and said, "Abby Honey I'm sorry I haven't talked about finances but I guess I was a little like you. I was uncomfortable with it and didn't know how to tell you about it. I know you thought the pre nuptial agreement was to protect any inheritance you got from your father and a small account I might have. You know any inheritance we either one receive from our families plus whatever we had prior to marriage stays with the one that owned that or inherited that amount in the case of divorce. Honey, I know you thought I was being generous with the amount I was willing to give you if we divorce but honestly that would be a pittance."

"Abby the cost of this resort plus what we think we will spend on it to upgrade it will only take about ten percent of my ready cash."

Abby looked at Tom in shock and slowly sank into a chair. She whispered, "Ten percent? Oh my GOD."

The next several weeks seemed to fly by. There were papers to sign, books to review and more papers to sign. Joe and Sharon had an auction, selling many of their personal items. Other items they gave to their daughter Katie or stored. They moved into a large suite in the lodge then Tom and Abby moved into the big house. One of the first things Tom did was let a contract for a 10-foot tall stone fence around the house and yard so he and Abby could have more privacy. They intended to spend much of their time sans clothes and didn't want to be seen. They both agreed swimming and hot tubbing was much more enjoyable in the nude as was relaxing during the summer months. They intended to have their privacy so they could do as they wished.

By the end of six months Tom and Abby had learned all they needed to know about the business. Of course Katie was doing almost all of the day to day management but they still needed to know what to do and how to do it to protect their investment and in case Katie was gone or quit.

In July over the Independence Day Holiday Tom and Abby had taken some time to return to their home for some 'rest'. They had stripped and dove into their pool to cool off. Abby swam up to Tom and wrapped her legs around him. She placed her arms around his neck and began kissing him. She pulled her head back and said, "Oh Tom thank you. This is a little slice of heaven. I have the most wonderful man, a wonderful home and great friends. Oh, I love you so much."

She began kissing him once more and felt his cock rising, nudging against her bottom as they splashed in the water. She began moaning and her hips began gently thrusting against Tom. He grinned and turned, walking up the steps at the shallow end of the pool. He walked to some mats they had laid in the shade and gently lowered Abby to them.

Abby released her hold on Tom and lay back on the mats. She was smiling and looking into his eyes. Oh how this woman captivated him. Her breasts gently rising and falling, her glistening eyes, the heady feminine aroma wafting up from her crotch all made it impossible for him to resist her.

Tom began once more to kiss Abby. His hand gently touched, teased, and caressed her now warm body as he began to work his way down her body. He kissed and sucked her nipples into his mouth, his hands playing with her nether lips. Abby's hips began a slow gentle thrust against his fingers as they worked their magic once again in her swampy crotch.

Tom knew his woman well by now. He knew and made use of the fact that just his sucking of her nipples and gently rubbing her pussy lips could make her cum. Once again he proved his point. Abby's back arched and she screeched out her first orgasm of the afternoon. Tom sat back on his knees and watched in pleasure, a small smile on his face as her cunt contracted and released repeatedly. He never tired of seeing Abby orgasm. He reveled in watching the river of clear liquid seep out of her throbbing cunt and run down the cheeks of her ass.

Abby opened her eyes and reached for Tom as she said, "Come here you. I need you to get back to work." As she pulled Tom to her she lowered the leg nearest him so he could easily move over her. When he was centered over her body she raised her leg once more until he was safely ensconced between her splayed thighs. She smiled once again when she felt the gentle nudge of his cock at her pussy lips.

Tom gently nudged and thrust until he felt himself seated correctly then he gave a long gentle push sliding more and more of his cock into Abby's sopping wet center. Abby sighed in pleasure then they began thrusting slowly, languidly against one another. They knew each other so well now that they didn't have to speak. They moved in unison each giving what the other needed, wanted, liked. Their passion rose, then rose higher yet again until with a roar Tom slammed into Abby. He felt his balls move tightly against the base of his cock and it began throbbing as he pumped yet another load of his potent sperm into his fertile wife.

Abby screamed out her release at the same time and wrapped her heels behind Tom's thighs. She strained and pulled him tightly against her. She strained and released time after time as she drove her cunt up against Tom's pubic bone. She strained to take even more of his cock into her cunt. Tom was reveling in the sensations she was giving him. He felt her cunt flutter, contract and release time after time as she milked the last of his seed from his balls.

Finally they were both spent. Tom leaned forward and gave Abby a gentle kiss then rolled carefully to the side where she moved to cuddle against him. She threw her leg over his leg, him on his back, and she on her side. Abby smiled at Tom and moved to give him a gentle kiss. She lay back and looked at him once more.

"Tom," Abby said. "You know I had to go to the doctor this morning?" Tom nodded his head yes and Abby continued, "Honey you know how much my belly had been hurting and how I threw up some of the time? He said those antibiotics I took a couple of months ago probably made my birth control pills ineffective. Honey I'm pregnant."

Tom laid there. He didn't know what to say. His youngest child from his first marriage was 24. Hell he was in his upper 40's now. He would be almost 70 when this baby got out of college. He looked at Abby and saw the fear on her face. She looked like she was about to cry. He looked down at her slightly convex belly. There was a new life in there. A baby. His baby. He turned back to Abby and gave her a gentle kiss. "Abby, I love you. I love, I will love our child. This is a shock but we can make this work."

Abby smiled and felt her fear dissipate. She wondered fleetingly how she could have ever feared Tom's reaction. She snuggled tighter to him and lay her head on his shoulder. They held each other gently and drifted off to sleep in the shade of the trees around their dream home.

The years rolled by, the child; a son that they named Thomas Howard was a pleasure to both of them. He fell in love with the resort and when he entered college he took a degree in Hotel and Restaurant management then returned to take up the reins for the lodge allowing his parents and Katie to retire and enjoy the remainder of their lives.

Tom never heard from or of Julia or his daughter Carrie after the wedding reception. His son Harold said she left his car on their return home and disappeared. Harold was a frequent visitor to the lodge and eventually moved his wife into a home built on the property so he could be near his father in retirement.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Schwanze1Schwanze13 months ago

What happened to the grand daughter? No way they surprise him at the wedding with his daughter. No way a guy with 20m in cash considers running a camp. Good story otherwise.

26thNC26thNC4 months ago

Great story done in the Hermit’s inimitable style. I love the travelogue and his writing about my part of the country. That wife and daughter were a waste of oxygen.

Wildbill1964Wildbill19644 months ago

5 ☆☆☆☆☆

OldbuddyOldbuddy5 months ago

5. Great story, but I feel you decided to end the story summed it up in 2-3 paragraphs. A lot of the travel could have been cut, and more added about son and his 2 sluts.

Thank you for a great reas

Kernow2023Kernow20236 months ago

sorry just too long a story

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