Return of the Dragons

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War rages between man and beasts.
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Jake lay flat against the side of the temple wall. The Dragon Lord was inside and killing him could end the entire war. Ten years had passed since the discovery of the existence of dragons. It took a whole year for most people to except they existed, two years before their purpose was known. It was now 2015 and he was twenty five years old, seventeen when the war began. He still remembered watching the news when they aired the video of the large dragon flying over London. He still remembered the emergency broadcast when the dragons launched their first attack, thousands of the flying beasts outnumbering the population estimate the scientists gave and burning an entire city to the ground.

He still remembered the smell of ash when his own town many miles away was burned to a crisp and he returned to look for survivors.

The dragons multiplied quickly and were hard to kill. They also came in many forms so some required different tactics in order to defeat. They were really no different than any other enemy in a time of war. They had infantry, heavy armored walkers as tanks, flyers as aircraft, sea serpents as ships and subs, and even leaders. The dragons were even as smart as the humans, possibly smarter. According to the experts, they were originally worshipped by mankind until their followers go tired of being slaves and rose up against them. They were still seen as gods until man replaced them with more human like gods. The dragons continued downhill until they were seen as simple beasts and were hunted to near extinction. But they adapted and went into hiding. They vanished to build up their numbers, waiting for the opportune moment to return and take back their place as the gods.

Mankind had advanced since then, but they were still no match for the dragon armies as they had little knowledge of the enemy. Enough time had passed by now and the humans were able to learn what they needed.

Jake crept into the temple slowly and quickly hid behind the nearest pillar. He drew his sword and stared at the amazing blade. At the beginning of the war, bullets were almost useless against the dragons. The small ones could take quite a few rounds before dying and the bigger ones were so well armored with their scales that most bullets would bounce clean off. Armor piercing rounds could break through, but they healed amazingly quickly. Small holes from a bullet would disappear in a matter of minutes. It was nothing they had ever dealt with before, but they were not completely hopeless. A sharp enough blade could cut their armor and make enough damage to leave an actual wound, and you could cut the head clean off if you were lucky. Humans already had the fire resistant material to get in close, but the dragons were still superior in strength and mass.

Just because a sword was better than a bullet however, did not mean that the armories were about to drop back to the middle ages. It turned out quite the opposite. The sword Jake held was created using nano technology. It was so sharp and tough that it quickly evened the playing field between soldiers and the smaller dragons, and even allowed the better trained soldiers to take on the larger ones. Jake had heard the saying that necessity was the root to invention; he could see that in the blade he held. It took a real threat to the human race to push near fictional science into reality. The humans began the war losing; millions were killed without end in sight. Then all sorts of new inventions came out of the dark and saved them from certain defeat.

Considering wars in the past, and the fact that the whole human race was actually fighting for a common cause for once, the dragons weren't doing so well. They were feared at the beginning because they could attack anywhere without warning. Now the humans had sensors and auto defense weapons and now fire proof cities. The dragons must have held flight over knights in the middle ages as an advantage, but they were no match to a military raptor even before the weapons upgrade. The weapons upgrade was the nail in the coffin for the dragons. Missiles were mostly ineffective against them in the beginning. They were immune to extreme temperatures and loss of oxygen, luckily they weren't immune to blast waves that shattered bone and could bring down close to a hundred small ones at the same time. That sword effect though brought about the new weapons of war.

Mac guns were the first to come out. They were named after some gun from a video game. They were magnetically accelerated cannons. They fired long spears made the same way the swords were. They were instant kill for just about anything. The ships at sea though preferred to use large slugs like bullets to smash a hole through enemy lines and the sonic wave that crippled the small ones was a thing of beauty. The dragons were on the defensive for once and had to retreat to caves and temples while holding off on attacks as to not waste numbers. Jake detached his Meg from his armor and gently laid it on the floor. Dragons had good senses and he didn't want to risk the Dragon Lord hearing the sound of metal on metal as he got closer.

The Meg was a hand held version of the Mac Gun. It was an instant kill for most enemies, but Jake had used his last shots on a couple dragons as he made his way up. He also had abandoned his jetpack just outside the temple. Dragons were no longer the best fliers either. A good moral boost for a war already won. Jake only had his blade now, he had to get in close and go for the neck. This wasn't his first time taking on a dragon leader in one of their strange new temples they built. He had done this twice before, but the last ones were just like other large dragons. The one he was up against was the king, top dog, the final boss battle.

The regular land dragons were just as you'd picture them; four legs, two wings. They came in many sizes but it was mostly small ones around nine foot standing on their hind legs and their leaders who were possibly twenty feet standing up. And then there were the leaders of those leaders who were pretty much the same size but better armored and more bad ass. The dragons could get pretty big though. The biggest flyer he ever saw had a near two hundred foot wingspan, while the largest sea serpent recorded was close to a thousand.

The Dragon Lord didn't seem as impressive as he had imagined. He was actually slightly smaller than the others. The others were usually basic colors also like blue, green, brown, and even ones able to change color. The Dragon Lord was a dark purple-ish color and the scales were almost as reflective as Jakes blade.

Jake stared at the Dragon Lord as he sat on his throne staring into space. The throne was large and well patted with a decorative mattress and soft red blanket that was far larger than any human would have use for. It looked more like a large tilted bed then a seat of command. Jake was a little confused at his situation. The dragons were always doing something, yet this one was just sitting there. They slept, they ate, they fought, they built and made random dragons stuff, but they never just sat there. Jake was convinced that he hadn't been as stealthy as he had hoped when he made his way to the temple. Only he was sent, it was an assassin mission and he wouldn't do it if anyone else was with him.

He was sent on the mission because he was the most experienced at attacking at the Dragon Armies cores, taking out leadership before the real assault was made. He came alone this time because he was all that was needed and he was horrified from the last time he had accepted this kind of mission.

He and nine others were sent to weaken a Dragon Lair in California, U.S.A.. The battle with the top ranking dragon hadn't gone well and they were forced to take on a handful of others after they failed to kill him quick enough as to not gain attention from the other dragons. They were able to take out the dragons that came to their leaders rescue but not before losing half their men. The sovereign, the dragon in charge of the lair, brutally beat him and the four remaining members of his team. He had heard stories of how the dragons reproduced, but he never paid attention to those rumors until that day. He was foolish then, and cocky. He had brought his fiancée and his best friend with him on that mission. They had all met while serving in the same branch; it was no surprise that they would go the mission together.

He was foolish.

The Sovereign beat his team into submission. The first time he had ever lost against a dragon. Then he got to watch as the dragon removed the cloths of Jessica. He had asked her to marry him when the war was over and she agreed, two months later he got to watch a dragon hold her legs apart and shove a two foot cock up into her and fill her up until she was coughing up reptile cum. That was just the beginning. He then moved on to his best friend. He ripped Kirk's cloths off and filled him the same way as Jessica but through anal rape. Then the dragon moved on to the next man, it never seemed to tire, it just smiled and relieved itself. Its testicles were huge and able to hold enough for the entire team.

When only Jake and another man remained, the dragon stepped over to Jake and hovered its massive cock over him. When it went to pick him up, he used his entire strength jump up and rush toward a sword. The dragon roared and reached out to get him, but he was just fast enough to get to it. He cut the dragons hand and ran to its legs. When it howled in pain, he used its brief moment of misery to cut a foot off. The dragon dropped and a single stab to the head was all that was needed.

The truth behind the dragons was confirmed. They could mate with humans to produce offspring. Jessica gave birth to a live dragon six months later. The two men raped only took a month to lay an egg; they were both relieved of duty due to being unfit both physically and mentally to perform their military tasks. It only took a month to produce a single dragon egg through a man and six months through a female to produce live young. The numbers had to be coming from somewhere. It was only a matter of time after capturing lairs that they were able to find secret caves filled with captives... and queen dragons. They were using humans the entire time to boost production. Female dragons could only lay one egg every week and produce live young once a month, the queen dragons were far more effective though while being able to produce several eggs a day.

The queen dragons of course were half human and were the result of constant mating over the course of a year. Male or female, it didn't matter; any human could be converted to an egg laying queen if fucked enough times. Dragon sperm was finally studied more closely to find how the process occurred; it was a sick discovery on how the sperm would affect the hosts DNA. It was also a missing puzzle piece that only served to raise more questions. Such as: did the dragons mate regularly while in hiding or did they have queens still hidden in their caves from when they first went into hiding? A horrible fate for the poor bastards who were dragged down with them, an eternity of being a dragon's bitch.

Jake knew defeated females were always used to produce offspring for the dragons so he would not allow any women to come with him. He also didn't bring anyone else because if he was discovered and killed, then only one would die and not an entire group. This mission needed to be quick and done skillfully. It only needed one person and he was the man for the job. He wanted revenge for what they did to Jessica and was willing to die if it meant defeating the dragons and returning her honor.

He crept behind another pillar, his blade reflected the Dragon Lord and allowed him to keep an eye on him without dirrectly looking and endangering himself. He moved with amazing silence and was close to the throne in little time without gathering any attention. It was a decent length from the entrance, his experience and training had made him a near perfect assassin. Just as silently as he had moved between pillars, he finally ended his trip by gently moving directly next to the throne itself while being just out of range of the Dragon Lord's vision. The throne was a bit tall so he couldn't just jump up and claim victory, he would have to climb the fabric that hung over it. Here was the problem. The Dragon Lord was just sitting there. If he pulled on the blanket, the dragon would undoubtfuly feel it and Jake would be killed before he even knew he made a mistake.

Jake suddenly regretted not bringing anyone. A distraction or at least one more Meg round and the Dragon Lord would be dead by now. He knew he would have to go about this the old fashion way. Going one on one with a dragon was never easy, but there was always a chance. He had done it before with a bigger dragon then this one. It was somewhat like an old west duel, sort of. Either one could win; most likely it would be the fastest. The Dragon Lord no doubt had earned his title for a reason, but Jake didn't see many other options. He quickly ran out and stabbed at the Dragon Lord's closest foot in order to cripple him. Unlike many times before however, Jake's sword bounced right off the dragon scales.

Jake got a good distance before acknowledging that the best and only weapon he had, had just failed to even hurt the enemy. He was worried now, more so then with any other battle. The blade could slice through just about anything with the wielder rarely feeling resistance, and it just bounced clean off.

Jake stood in a ready stance with his blade pointed to the dragon. There was a brief calm. The temple air was still. It was night out, but the moon was bright and illuminated the side of the mountain. Inside the temple was lit with large torches. The overall look of the temple seemed to be a mix of Greek and Egyptian like structures and carvings.

The Dragon Lord slowly stood from its throne and smiled down to Jake. "Finally, I've been waiting since I saw you fly up on those awkward wings you had," said the Dragon Lord in well spoken English. Most dragons could talk anyway so it was no surprise. It was a theory that they all could talk, they just didn't bother or never had anything to say. The Dragon Lord already seemed a bit chatty compared to all the others. "You're quite the sneaky little mouse aren't you? You were able to get that close without me knowing."

"The Navy is going to launch their bombardment soon. It doesn't matter if I live or die, the war will be over by the end of the week." Jake said aloud to inform the dragon and reassure himself. He was ready to accept death knowing he had served mankind and they would soon win.

The Dragon Lord kept its smile and started to stride forward. "You really think so?" The dragon's tail swept through the air and Jake had to dodge and roll out of the way. The Dragon Lord stopped and turned its head to him. "You're Navy is retreating and they left you behind."

Jake raised an eyebrow and didn't even worry about what the dragon had said. The dragons didn't stand a chance, retreat would never happen. The dragon could read his face and suggested he take a look outside if he didn't believe him. Jake didn't know what to make of it as the Dragon Lord just stood there patiently. Jake walked backward toward the entrance and looked over his shoulder hesitantly. He didn't believe what he saw. There were dragons everywhere. There was only twenty on his way up, now there were hundreds. They rested on the cliff side and they flew through the sky. Jake checked his GPS and found that there were no friendly units in the air.

"No. Impossible." was all Jake could say as he stared out in disbelief.

"You're not the first." The dragon said as it strolled toward him with heavy steps. Jake used the pillars for cover as he hid from the dragon's tail. He could dodge it, but it was easier to make himself difficult to hit. "The Russians tried the same tactic last month." The dragon continued. "They sent eight up. After killing them, we went after the rest. Destroyed half their boats and planes. This time, we waited for you to come up and I sent them to attack when we noticed you sneaking around outside."

Jake couldn't believe how badly his mission had failed. They had practically gone right into a trap a month after another country had made the same mistake. Even more, the target knew he was coming the entire time.

The Dragon Lord sent his tail one way around the pillar. Jake moved away from it and the dragon quickly reached around the other side and grabbed him. Jake sliced away with the sword but it wouldn't even cut through a single scale, he didn't have a good angle to get a full swing of his arm. He was sure the blade could do it; he just couldn't apply enough force.

The dragon threw him across the room. In mid air, he lost his sword and collided with the throne. He watched as the sword continued to the far back of the temple behind the throne. The impact was soft, but the Dragon Lord was already there before he could shake it off. He felt a powerful punch to his side that smashed him into the soft material. It didn't do much, but the dragon used his disoriented state to rip Jake's armor off of him and push him back down to the stone floor.

Jake rolled across the floor in his underwear. There was little he could do. He was vulnerable now and the dragon could now use its most famous attack to burn him to a crisp in seconds.

"Your people will worship us as gods again. We are still growing in numbers and your attacks have barely scratched the surface of what we have. Bow before me and I might let you live."

"Kill me already you bastard!" Jake responded.

The dragon's tail lashed out at Jake and sent him rolling once more across the stone floor. Beaten and in bad condition, Jake knew it was the end. The dragon picked him up and carried him back to the throne. Jake's eyes closed briefly and he felt the dragon sit down in the thrown and dropped Jake just below his knees. He opened his eyes while trying to regain his strength. The hit from the tail had really done a number on him; he was incapable of fighting back.

He saw he was on the dragon's tail, just below the stomach. He was lying on his side as the dragons pocket started to open and a long black cock began to slide out. Jake could feel the hard shell of one of the large testicles just below the ski. The ball was as large as his torso and well hidden, but it would escape its protective skin fold soon. Jake wondered why he wasn't dead, but his eyes widened at the sight of the huge dragon cock next to his face. The smell was strong and heat radiated off of it. 'Oh God No!' was all Jake could think as his eyes widened and the dragon used its hand on the back of his head to guide his mouth of the hole. The skin was still opening to reviled Jake's nightmare. The two large balls could be seen peeking out; the size of them sent a shiver through Jake's body.

He tried to keep his mouth closed but the dick was pointed and smooth, yet hard enough to easily force its way in. He gagged, but it continued into his throat where it quickly squirted out a few streams. As it exited, Jake was disgusted by the taste yet strangely turned on by the Dragon Lord's cock. "Its already too late." the dragon said in a half whisper. "You don't have to fight it, my seed it already inside you."

Jake felt like throwing up, but he couldn't. His face was now pressed against the side of the dragon's cock. He was defeated and would have to do what the dragon wanted to avoid further torment and injury, although he couldn't think of much worse. He let his tongue out of his mouth and gave the dick a gentle lick. He kept sliding his tongue around on it and started to lick the tip. He continued to taste the strange tasting cum and let himself get used to the flavor. He sucked on the tip and then started to slide it deep into his mouth again. As the testicles finally rolled out of the fold, the cock grew more and more in size until Jake could keep it in his mouth.