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Every demon, even something as lowly as an imp, was able to reform when killed, given enough time. After all, true evil never died. And so, during an era of civil war in the Pits, some ingenious demons came up with the idea to imprison the souls of their enemies for all eternity in an item. There was no escape from a soulstone, even if said item was destroyed.

Once knowledge about these weapons spread, all of demonkind united against those tinkerers and annihilated them with their own weapons, to make sure this knowledge would never fall into the hands of their enemies. But thanks to the turmoil of the civil war, word had already leaked into the mortal realms.

The process of creating a Soulblade had driven Rhomar to the brink of his sanity. Some ingredients for the blade were nigh impossible to find, and the ritual to craft the soulstone nearly got him killed. The authorities in Storm Harbour didn't look too kindly upon someone who needed freshly-tanned human skin and troughs full of fresh blood. Even though he only stalked the homeless and the terminally ill, they pursued him for years afterwards.

Rhomar shrugged. They had no idea. If the plan succeeded, Meruru wouldn't be a threat to anyone, and the whole mortal realm could breathe a sigh of relief. His hand caressed the cold, lifeless gem one last time before he set foot onto the stone bridge. The lava on both sides of the narrow walkway erupted and two huge, winged monstrosities emerged. They fixed Rhomar with baleful eyes and placed their burning paws onto the bridge, barring further progress.

"Who goes there?" one of the Fire Beasts roared.

Rhomar traced a glowing sign into the air in front of him. Both beasts howled in agony as they beheld the Banishment rune. Staring at Rhomar with murderous eyes, they slogged backwards through the lava. Ignoring them, the warlock crossed the bridge with brisk strides and raised his fist to hammer at the huge metal gates. His glove barely hit the door as it creaked open. Rhomar paused for a moment. That was different from how it usually worked. Defenses up, the warlock slipped into the tower.

The entrance hall was as grand and imposing as he remembered. It took up the first three levels of the tower, illuminated by four immense fire bowls placed at the four major cardinal directions. A long, spiral staircase wound around the walls, with large alcoves at regular intervals.

The alcoves held grand black suits of armor, each and every one unique in its construction and shape. Rhomar knew that Meruru could animate each one with a command, turning this hall into a deadly trap for unaware intruders. On the floor, a huge, shaggy Pit Dog slept, next to the western fire bowl. Each measured breath set its black-and-gold fur rippling. On occasion, a small plume of fire would erupt from its nostrils or mouth, playing over the charred carcass lying in front of it.

Rhomar sensed someone watching him. He raised his head and his gaze met Meruru's. Her eyes never changed, no matter the body she wore. Neither did her aura change, that feeling of menace always emanating from her. Every muscle in his body tensed.

"Your senses are as sharp as ever, dear Rhomar," she purred. "What gave me away? I was pretty sure I had my steps muffled."

Rhomar didn't answer. Instead, he began to climb the stairs. He would have preferred a more direct approach, like a swift spell of flight, but Meruru was no fool. Apart from a few select rooms, the tower was warded against spellcasting.

"I would have expected a bit more gratitude, you know? I could have set Gnasher on you just as easily." At Meruru's mention of its name, the Pit Dog raised its head, its eyes following Rhomar's every move. A dangerous, low growl rumbled from its throat.

"You shouldn't have fed it so recently then," Romar remarked. He stopped at the first armor suit and flicked something at it from inside his sleeve. Something looking like a small rock pinged off its thigh armor. He continued walking up the stairs.

"My, we are sounding serious today. What has brought you to my door in the first place? Did you miss me?"

At the second armor suit, Rhomar repeated his last action, flicking another pebble at it. Meruru cocked her head, then comprehension dawned on her face.

"You aren't dropping those magic-eating disjunction stones at my armor suits, are you? If I didn't know better, I would think you distrust me. After all I've done for you."

Rhomar had climbed up half the steps. He stopped after flicking his third pebble and threw a nasty look at Meruru.

"I'm doing this because I know full well what you are capable of. And after all you've done to me, it never crossed your mind that you could have hurt me?"

"Are you still grudging me over your sister? She wasn't half the warlock you'd turn out to be. No huge loss," Meruru said with a shrug.

"No loss for you, maybe. But Serena was my pillar of strength, the only being able to relate to my feelings, the chaos my demonic blood unleashed in me." His anger caused Rhomar to speed up, but he didn't forget to flick a fourth pebble at the last armor suit. There were only a few dozen steps between him and Meruru. "And you killed her. How long did her body last? A few years? A decade? How long, Meruru?"

"Long enough. The taint was strong in her, and I enjoyed not hurting myself when casting a spell for a change. Oh, and the demons I fucked with it really enjoyed that small boyish bum." Meruru chuckled. "Come now. The past is gone. Why brood over it? It's obvious that you didn't need Serena after all. Look at you. A towering mountain of fury you are, my brightest achievement. Let us make peace," Meruru offered, parting her robe.

"As long as you live, I will never know peace!" Rhomar yelled and charged at her, taking two stairs with each long stride. When only a few yards separated them, he pulled the Soulblade from his robes. "Today, you'll die!"

"Oh, the drama," Meruru laughed, easily dodging his first vicious stab. "I think you'll need to cool down a bit." She coughed a knotty word and a solid block of ice ensnared Rhomar's feet, locking him in place. Then Meruru closed the distance, blocking an overhead stab by grabbing Rhomar's wrist.

"But I commend your determination. I knew you had it in you. Just imagine where you would be if you could let go once in a while." Nose to nose with Rhomar, she brutally twisted his wrist.

Gnashing his teeth, Rhomar dropped the knife. Meruru kicked it away and it clattered down some stairs. "We could have carved ourselves a cozy little realm from this plane, just you, me and a couple replacement bodies," she murmured. "I also wear Ironflesh. Sorry for spoiling your plans." Smiling fondly, she wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her lips to his. Rhomar bit her lip, hard enough to draw blood, but Meruru didn't flinch. "Ironflesh, honey," she murmured.

Rhomar stopped struggling. He moved his hands around Meruru's hips and pulled her close, clawing at her butt cheeks.

"You did change your mind?" Meruru whispered, licking his lips.

Rhomar bowed his head. "It seems I was a fool to directly engage you," he conceded, his voice leaden with defeat.

"I knew you would come around. Admit it. You had no other plan than to stab me to death."

"True. I know how well-warded your tower is, so I didn't plan on using spells anyway. Not with the disjunction stones I needed to stop your traps."

"So, now what?" Meruru ground her sex against Rhomar, noting with no small measure of satisfaction how hard he had become. The warlock slipped his hands into her robes and caressed her naked back with his sharp, clawed fingers.

"You could thaw the ice around my ankles. After that, I could properly show how sorry I am," he suggested. "You may do with me as you wish in your bedroom."

"I like the way you're thinking, Rhomar," Meruru sighed.

With great care, she pulled the Book of Secrets off his shoulder and placed it to the side, then she flicked her fingers and the Soulblade appeared in her hand. With swift, practiced strokes, she cut Rhomar's robes off his body, leaving him naked apart from a black loincloth and the sleeves of his robes. He shook out his wrists and let them drop to the floor as well.

"I like my bed warmers with a bit more muscle, but it seems the fires of zeal are burning strongly within you," she said, caressing his emaciated chest with the razor-sharp blade of the knife.

Rhomar growled, a low, ferocious sound, as he grabbed the hand holding the knife and pushed it away from his body. His other arm went around her back and pulled her in close as he brutally kissed her.

Meruru opened her mouth, inviting him to conquer her with his tongue. But then she froze as something cold was pressed into the cleft of her ass. Rhomar's teeth clamped down on her lower lip again, and this time her blood flowed freely. Meruru's eyes flew open just in time to see the triumphant grin on Rhomar's face. The warlock disarmed her, taking the Soulblade from suddenly numb fingers. Without hesitation, he plunged the knife into her chest.

"But..." Meruru stuttered.

"I just needed you distracted enough to plant the last stone," Rhomar explained, holding up the last pebble. "It touched you long enough to drain all your spells. And since you were kind enough to get my knife..." His voice trailed off as Meruru's eyes broke and the gem hilt of the Soulblade began to shine in a bright pinkish glow. Her body fell to the floor, no longer able to keep standing. It dissolved in an ash cloud as it hit the hard stones.

"I would have loved to see the both of you fucking like rabbits," came a squeaky voice from above and behind him. Rhomar turned around, knife ready for another stab, the last few crumbs of ash trickling of the blade.

"I was wondering where you had gone to" Rhomar said, lowering his knife.

"Oh, been there, done that," the imp giggled. "By the way, aren't you a little too careless?"

Rhomar shot him a quizzical look. Someone slapped his wrist, and he dropped the disjunction stone he was still holding. A moment later, cool fingers caressed down his spine. He tried to turn, but his body refused him.

"Oh, I've waited so long for this. Thank you for holding him," Fraternus said, flapping off his perch.

Rolling his eyes in impotent fury, Rhomar tried to make out who had paralyzed him. He didn't have to wait long. A black-haired, winged demoness strode into his field of vision, holding out her arm. Fraternus alighted on her shoulder.

"Rhomar, may I introduce to you Xanthul'ilia? She will help me get ahead in this world. And as you might know, advancement comes with sacrifice. It's nothing personal, you know?" Fraternus lashed out with his tail and sank his stinger deep into Rhomar's neck. Within a few heartbeats, Rhomar knew nothing but blinding agony as his blood began to boil.

* * * *

"I had no idea how good this feels, this... freedom," Fraternus sighed when Rhomar finally stopped whimpering. Stinking green foam covered what remained of his lower face and he twitched feebly on the ground. With a satisfied snarl, the imp rammed Rhomar's knife into the warlock's chest. A heartbeat later, the Soulstone changed color, from its rosy pink to an angry red, then back again. The imp chuckled softly as he held the weapon aloft.

"Why him? He was your master, wasn't he?" Xanthul'ilia asked. She leaned on the bannister overlooking the tower's foyer.

"More than enough reasons. First, he spent every waking moment pondering how to kill Meruru. Then, he kept me from having fun when I wanted. So I had no other choice then to sneak out and off a few people, just for kicks. I hate being stealthy. But the worst thing? He started to use holy magic on me! Can you imagine that? He cast a fucking Banishment on me, his loyal familiar!" Fraternus' skin crawled in indignation.

The succubus flinched in sympathy. "So you betrayed him to Meruru, huh?"

"Oh yes. But she couldn't be bothered to get her head out of bed for one fucking minute!" the imp complained. "I warned her about his plot to kill her, and all she thinks about is getting laid. Really, serves her right. And you have no idea how badly this polymorph spell hurts."

"I can sympathize," the succubus purred. "I'm sure our superiors will acknowledge your diligence, devious one. How about it, shall we go back?"

"Yes, let's. I'm sick and tired of this place." Fraternus flapped his wings and landed on Xanthul'ilia's shoulder. The succubus wrapped her large wings around them both. In a puff of sulphuric smoke, she disappeared.

* * * *

"Rise, Lord Fraternax," the naked succubus Xanthul'ilia shouted. Around her, seated on black stone benches, ranks of demons applauded.

The huge fire burning in the central pit of the Ascension Hall died down and a ten-foot tall demon hoisted himself out of the ashes. His skin was armored with thick chitin plates, his hands ended in long, clawed talons and a pair of immense batlike wings wrapped around his shoulders like a majestic cloak. A quartet of long horns swept back from his brow. He tossed his bestial skull back and roared, thumping his chest in triumph while a long, scaly tail with a massive horn blade at the end slashed the air behind him.

The succubus handed Fraternax a thick iron chain. From it, fitted to a black triangular amulet, a peculiar gemstone dangled. The gem pulsed in a strange light, alternating between a flaring red and a gentle, pinkish glow. The huge demon bowed his head, allowing the succubus to hang the chain around his neck. His clawed hand grabbed her ass.

"How about we seal my ascension with some alone time?" he growled, sliding a finger between her shapely butt cheeks.

Xanthul'ilia moaned dutifully and pressed herself against the rock-hard muscles of his thigh. She was more than willing to submit to her new master, the one who so deftly outsmarted two master warlocks. He would make it far in the Burning Pits, and allying with such a cunning master seemed the wisest course of action. She closed her hand around his massive cock.

The End.

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AfterDuskAfterDuskover 5 years ago

Wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into when I started reading it but it was well written and thought out, a pleasing dark subject matter that was a nice change from the usual. Thank you.

sheabluesheablueover 9 years ago
Dark and inventive

What an intriguing story. It left me with some questions, but it definitely left me interested in reading more. I can't wait to check out the other stories that live in this dark world you've created!

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