Reunion Campout

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Father's hot campout with daughter and her best friend.
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Amanda and Chloe were best friends. They were as close as two friends could be, more like sisters than just friends. Both were only children and grew up next door to each other in a typical sleepy suburban town. They were 25 now but living next to each other from the time they were 2 years old. Their father's Bill and Pete were typical suburban dads, with jobs in the city and weekends spent with the family and keeping up with projects around the house. Chloe's parents were long divorced but had joint custody while she was growing up and had a cordial relationship, and she did not blame either parent for the divorce.

Amanda's parents had only recently divorced, and the breakup was also mutual and cordial. Her parents just had very different attitudes about life and different interests from each other. Where Amanda's mother loved the latest fashions and make up and was a social butterfly who attended many parties with her many friends, Amanda's father Bill was more introverted and enjoyed outdoor and sporting activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, skiing and running. Amanda took after her father more and both were thin and athletic. Bill and Chloe's father had become best friends over the years and spent a lot of time together watching sports, having a joint family barbeque and talking about current items in the news.

Chloe had similar interests and personality to Bill and Amanda, while Chloe's parents were more like Amanda's parents, who would never dream of going tent camping and hiking for a weekend. Amanda and Chloe were very similar looking, both about 5'-6" with pin straight blonde hair that was mid-back length and they often wore their hair in a ponytail. They would look at home at a 1960's rock concert. Both were natural beauties who rarely wore make-up. Chloe was also thin like Amanda and all three of them ate only non-processed food but were not vegetarians. You could probably describe the three of them as almost being 'granola chomping tree huggers.'

Growing up the three of them liked to go on at least one tent camping trip in the summer, often at a beautiful campground in the mountains, which only allowed tents, not the huge luxury RV's that many amateur campers preferred. When Amanda and Chloe turned 18, the campouts stopped because both girls went off to a local college, which they both attended. They had recently rented an apartment together and even worked in the same company. They were so similar looking that when first meeting them many people thought they were actually sisters.

Amanda's father was kind of depressed because of the recent divorce and Amanda had an idea to cheer him up. She went to the small house he recently bought to see him. "Dad, I know you've been lonely and kind of bummed out about the divorce. Why don't you, Chloe and I go camping like at we used to our favorite campground?"

"Would you girls really want to hang around an old guy like me?" Bill had actually married Amanda's mother when she accidentally got pregnant when they were teenagers and was only 43.

"Dad, I spoke to Chloe and she is excited about the idea of having a reunion campout, just the three of us. We are also a little bored this summer. Chloe just broke up with her boyfriend and I actually started dating a graduate student who is working at the campground this summer and can get us into the section of the campground they use for overflow campers at peak times, so we will have the area all to ourselves, along with the trails near that section."

"Amanda, it all sounds like a lot of fun and we have 4th of July weekend coming up, with great weather predicted, so it would be great to re-live old times when you two were younger."

The next weekend they packed up Bill's SUV with their gear and headed up to the campground. As Chloe sat in the front seat and as he was driving, Bill couldn't help but notice how good she looked in her shorts and low cut summer top. He had started looking at her a slightly different way after his recent divorce, as she had grown up to be a beautiful, smart funny woman, but he always quickly put such ideas out of his mind, since she was Amanda's best friend and roommate and Chloe's father was also his best friend.

They had all taken Friday off work and got an early start. July 4th was on a Monday this year, so they knew they had a nice long weekend to get back together again as a trio. When they got to the campground Amanda's new boyfriend greeted them and showed them to their secluded campsite in the overflow section of the campground. The site had water, electric, a fire pit and a large picnic table, and the bathrooms for the section were very close to their camp site. It was almost like they had their own private campground.

"Boy Amanda, your new boyfriend is quite a hunk," Chloe smiled at her. "Are you going to be spending any time with him this weekend?"

"Well, I might sneak away every now and then for a little mountain loving," she grinned.

Amanda's father grimaced and said, "Amanda that is a little too much information for me. This weekend is about when the two of you were younger, not now when you have men falling over themselves to date either one of you."

Chloe looked at him shyly and replied, "Uncle Bill I wish that were the case. Men seem to want the girls who wear a different expensive outfit every day and who wear a lot of make-up and just want to go to parties and on vacations to exotic places and tropical islands."

"Chloe, they don't know what they are missing. You just have to find the right guy with similar interests. By the way, you don't have to call me Uncle Bill now that you are older. Just call me Bill from now on."

"Okay, Uncle Bill. Uh, I mean Bill."

They quickly set up their tents next to each other. Bill had a one-person tent and Amanda and Chloe had a two-person tent. The girls zipped their sleeping bags together so they could have room to talk late into the night, which they often did. The weather forecast had changed, and it was going to be colder than they thought that night and they had not brought heaters for the tents.

After they set up, they had a leisurely healthy dinner, with turkey burgers and vegetables. After dinner, they made a nice campfire and started talking about their campouts from years ago, especially when Amanda and Chloe were teenagers and would get into mischief during the camping weekends. Once it got dark, Bill went to the SUV and got a bottle of bourbon and brought it over.

"Well girls, the last time we were here we never drank, since you both were not legal age. Let's have a toast to our reunion campout. I think we will have a lot of fun." They all had a few drinks too many, and Amanda was never good at holding her liquor, so she started slurring and getting sleepy.

"Guys I don't feel too good. Dad, can I sleep in your tent tonight? I am afraid I am going to get sick and don't want to possible puke on Chloe. We are best friends but there are just things you don't want to share, like vomit. You two can sleep together in our sleeping bag."

Bill and Chloe looked at each other sheepishly. The three of them would hang out in a sleeping bag together while he told them bedtime stories, but that was when the girls were five years old.

"Amanda I am okay with sleeping in your tent with Chloe, but she has to promise to keep her hands off this recently divorced guy."

Chloe looked at Bill and punched him lightly in the arm. "Oh, Uncle Bill, I mean Bill, don't be silly. I am young enough to be your daughter and you know me since I was a toddler."

"Chloe, I was only kidding."

"I know you were." But she looked at him in a new way, like he looked at her during the car ride, but she also quickly got any thoughts like that out of her mind.

Amanda staggered over to her tent and stumbled into it and they could hear her quickly starting to snore lightly. Bill and Chloe got into the tent and turned away from each other while they changed into warm pajamas. As they got into the sleeping bag, they knew it was going to be a little cold that night.

They talked more about their recent lives and laughed and smiled at how the three of them were so close. She then laughed and said, "Bill can you tell me a bedtime story like you used to on our camping trips when we were little?" she drunkenly giggled.

Bill thought this was a little weird, but he indulged her and told her the story of red riding hood and the big bad wolf, as they faced each other. She fell asleep with a smile on her face and he faced away from her and also fell asleep. An hour later there was thunder off in the distance that woke them up, but no rain. Chloe was always afraid of thunderstorms though, and after they woke up from the thunder, Chloe said, "Bill I know it sounds weird, but can you sleep facing me and hold me a little until the thunder stops? I'm scared of the storm and it is really getting cold in here and we can share some body warmth, like you taught us how to survive in the cold."

"So, Chloe, you want me to spoon with you?"

"Well I guess you would call it that, but it is totally innocent, although we should not tell Amanda about it. She might get the wrong idea."

"She probably wouldn't, but let's not take that chance and not tell her. She is drunk anyway and would not care what we did in our tent." He realized what he just said, but he had never noticed her looking at him with anything but admiration for someone who was like a second father to her, so she probably did not take his comment that way.

They snuggled in the cold and in his sleep, he eventually forgot where he was and who he was with. When he would want to initiate sex with his ex-wife, he would unbutton a button on her pajama top and start massaging her breast to wake her up. His hand unconsciously reached across Chloe's chest and unbuttoned a button on Chloe's pajama top and he reached in and started massaging her firm breast.

Chloe at first thought she was dreaming about her ex-boyfriend massaging her breast, as he also did the same thing to wake her up for some lovemaking. But she woke up and realized it was Amanda's father's hand and she also felt a raging boner poking into her butt crack. She stayed still, petrified at what was happening, but eventually shook Bill awake and said, "Bill, I'm Chloe, not your ex-wife, you're feeling me up."

Bill's face turned beet red and he apologized right away. "I'm so sorry Chloe. I forgot it was you in the sleeping bag with me, not my ex-wife."

"That's okay, I understand, now let's go back to sleep."

They went back to sleep but an hour later he woke up again with a painful erection and saw this angel like young woman, who he felt so close to, curled up in front of him. He started realizing that he had repressed desires for her since she had turned 18 and even more since the divorce, and he thought that maybe secretly, she had started developing the same type of feelings for him. His hand slowly reached down below the waistband of her panties to test his theory. He reached her slightly moist warm slit and inserted a finger gently into her. Maybe she was also dreaming about him?

Chloe was dreaming, but again thought it was about her ex-boyfriend. She woke up and was horrified that Bill had her hand down her pants and pulled it out quickly. She said to him angrily, "Bill I excused you making a pass at me the first time, but this time is no excuse. I am your daughter's best friend and my father is your best friend. Nothing is going to happen in here tonight."

"Chloe, that sounds so crude. Making a pass at you? I just realized now that I might be starting to have feelings for you as more than my daughter's best friend. You aren't a little girl anymore."

"I know I am not a little girl anymore, but you first met when I was a little girl, so this is wrong and kind of creepy. I am also the daughter of your best friend."

"Chloe tell me you don't have any feelings for me, and I won't try anything again this weekend."

"Bill, it is irrelevant how I feel. It would be wrong and anyway, if anything happened between us and Amanda and my dad found out, there could be a lot of hurt and anger."

"But Chloe, no one would ever find out. What happens in this tent stays in this tent." He snaked his hand beneath her waistband, and she didn't stop him this time, and he started slowly rubbing her clit in circular motions, occasionally sinking two fingers in an out of her tight vagina. Chloe felt a little horny from not having a boyfriend and also felt sorry for Bill being so lonely.

"Bill, I'll tell you what. I'll let you finger me, but that is it. We are not going any further." She pulled her bottoms down to her knees and Bill got very excited and started working on building her desire, as he massaged her breast while he gently massaged her crotch. Chloe soon felt her orgasm building, although it was hard for her to come since she felt so guilty about letting Bill go so far. Then he started gently kissing her neck, and she couldn't take it anymore. She knew Amanda was close by in her tent and stifled any sound of her orgasm as her body shuddered, with Bill holding her tightly.

After her orgasm subsided Bill softly said, "Chloe I am not going to be able to sleep like this, you have to do something to give me release."

She turned around and looked at him and replied, "I don't know if I can bring myself to give my best friend's father a hand job. This is so wrong."

"Please Chloe. I promise to stop the rest of the weekend." He pulled his pajama bottoms down to the top of his knees and his large manhood spring out.

"Okay, but I mean it, this is it." Chloe tentatively reached out her hand and started stroking and pulling on his penis. She did not feel confident in bed, as no boyfriend had ever given her feedback on her skills. Bill couldn't believe how good a hand job this woman was giving him. As she fondled his shaved balls, he shot a load out harder than he ever had in his life and it landed on her vagina and thighs, luckily missing her staining her pajama bottoms. She quickly grabbed a sock to wipe up his sticky goo.

He laid there in bliss and finally said, "Chloe that was the best hand job I ever had in my life. How did you learn to do that so good at such a young age?"

She looked at him shyly but with a pleased look. "You really thought it was good? I don't think I am good in bed. No one has ever told me I gave a good hand job. I know you liked it and I liked the way you made me come too, but I really mean it. We can't do this anything more. What if Amanda smells sex in our tent or finds the sticky sock?"

Bill reached for a can of mosquito spray and sprayed it in the air all over the tent. "Sometimes you have to be creative when you go camping." She laughed at him and rolled over to go back asleep.

Bill laid there awake as Chloe softly slept, his mind racing with thoughts about how he wanted this young woman but wasn't sure if it was just lust for a young firm body or something more. But they both had all the same interests and had such deep affection for each other, even though it had not been romantic love.

As Chloe laid on her back sound asleep, he lost all reason. He felt that maybe she was holding back her feelings for him for fear of Amanda and her father hating them if they ever had sex, but he didn't care anymore. He had to at least see her naked. He quietly pulled the top of the sleeping bag down and slowly unbuttoned her top, exposing her absolutely perfect medium size breasts. He then slowly pulled down her pajama bottoms, exposing her beautiful bald pussy and her athletic thighs.

He knew he had to act quick before she could react. He lightly felt her slit and it was soaked. Hopefully she was dreaming about him. He took off his pajama bottoms and quietly straddled her waist so he could claim her pussy. He slowly shook her awake as he lowered his thick penis close to her cunt and she was shocked to see Bill right above her. She pushed on his chest to get him off her and wanted to scream, but Amanda was close by and could wake up.

"Bill, I told you we can't have sex. Please get off me." She kept struggling to pull her bottoms up and close her legs, but he kept pulling them down and wedging her tanned thighs part.

He grabbed her wrists and held them above her head and bent down and started suckling her breasts. She felt herself getting wetter and was starting to think she wanted to have sex with Bill too, but she was afraid of admitting it to herself because it might end her friendship with Amanda and it might end Bill's relationship with her father. He stopped and looked in her in the eyes and gruffly said, "Chloe I know you want this, please stop resisting. We have to do this. It was meant to be. Fate brought us together."

She knew it was going to be hard to stop him, but she one last idea to stop him from his goal. "Uncle Bill, you're hurting my wrists. Please stop. I am your little Chloe, not some conquest. Please don't make me do this. Please don't rape me!"

"Nice try Chloe. I don't believe anything you're saying." He let go of her wrists and pried her legs apart again and lined up his cock with her warm entrance.

"Bill, I said no."

"Chloe, I'm not asking anymore." With that he plunged into her and bottomed out deep in her womb. He looked in her eyes and started gently thrusting in and out of here. "Tell me to stop Chloe if you want me to."

She loved the feel of his cock filling her up so fully. She looked at him and softly said "please no."

"Chloe, I didn't quite hear what you said." He started thrusting harder as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck.


"Please what?"

She was incoherent now, just repeating "please, please, please."

She wrapped her legs tight around his waist and his mouth bent down to meet hers. Their tongues intertwined and she started thrusting upwards in a rhythm to meet his thrusts. He suddenly stopped and asked, "Chloe are you on birth control?"

She nodded her head yes as he felt his cum boiling in his balls. "Can I cum inside you?" She nodded her head yes again. They both felt scared about their relationships with Amanda and Chloe's father, but something had overcome them. They didn't know if it was lust from loneliness and horniness, built up desire of being around each other over so many years, or something else. They tried to quietly cum to not wake Amanda but made noise as loud as someone stifling a sneeze. They looked at each with a scared look like "what have we done?"

When they woke up early in the morning, they could barely look at each other as they got dressed and opened the tent. Amanda was already up and cooking breakfast and greeted them with a smile. "How did you two lovebirds sleep?"

Bill and Chloe's faces froze, and Bill quickly snapped at Amanda, "what do you mean by that?"

"Dad I was only kidding. Can't you take a joke?"

"Sorry Amanda, I must have a bit of a hangover."

The three of them decided to go fishing in the pond near their section of the campground and had a great time, stopping mid-day for a picnic lunch. In the afternoon they went back to the campsite and Amanda went to the bathroom to take a shower. Chloe and Bill were at the campsite and had a chance to talk. "Bill, I can't believe I let you do that to me last night. It was wrong and you need to keep your dick out of my pussy for the rest of the weekend."

"Chloe, I feel strange about it too. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing on our part, but in the end, I didn't force you."

"I know, but I mean it. Keep that weapon away from my pussy," she laughed.


Amanda came back from her shower and said, "hey guys you are on your own for dinner, I am going to visit my boyfriend over at his ranger cabin. Can I trust you two alone?"

Bill and Chloe didn't react this time, as they knew she was just kidding them again. They decided they needed a shower before dinner and both went to the bathrooms, which had a men's section and a woman's section, with individual locked shower stalls for privacy in both sections of the bathrooms. As Chloe showered, she felt horrible about what happened last night and what the implications could be if anyone found out.