Reunion Pt. 01

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I meet my high school crush at our class reunion.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/24/2023
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I got home from work, changed out of my work clothes, grabbed a beer and looked through the mail. Bill, junk mail, and something forwarded to me by my parents from my high school. I opened it to see it was for my 15 year high school reunion. 15 years? Don't most schools do a 10 or 20 year reunion? Whatever, it would be nice to see some of my old classmates again. I'd kept in touch with a handful on Facebook, so it would be nice to see the ones I hadn't... and maybe talk to my Spanish teacher about the grade I got on my final exam. It was scheduled for next month... yeah, I could do that, after all I was my own boss, so I could approve my vacation time. Honestly though, I didn't think my business partners would have a problem with it.

One month later I was back in my hometown. I had been back several times since school ended, visiting my parents during breaks while I was in college, and a handful of times since then, having moved out and been on my own for the last eight years. I had to get a hotel this time however, as my mother had taken over my bedroom and made it into her office. She was a writer by trade, and had written a series of detective novels (one which had been made into a TV movie). Also, she had written a bunch of cheesy romance novels under a pen name. You know the type, a cover with a big buff guy with long flowing hair holding a big busted woman in his arms, with a title like "The Winds of Her Desire". My father was a retired mechanic and spent most of his time tinkering in the garage. So a hotel it was. I had managed to scoop up the last room at a hotel that was just down the road from my old alma mater.

I spent some time with my parents, not that they didn't already know what was going on in my life. Although I didn't visit often (due to living halfway across the country) I called them twice a month. After visiting with them I headed back to the hotel, took a shower, got dressed and headed off to the reunion which was being held at the school. I wandered the halls for a few minutes which were decorated with memoirs of our graduating class, met up with some of my old friends along the way before making my way to the gym where the main part of the reunion was taking place. Several of our former teachers were there as well as the Principal. We all mingled around doing the old "Oh my God [name], is that you? You look amazing!"

Then I heard a voice from behind me, "Terry?" I turned to see a stunning woman looking at me. "Terry Johnson?"

"Vanessa Delgado." I said, instantly recognizing her.

Vanessa along with Simone, Rachel and Gina were the stereotypical "mean girls". Simone was the de-facto leader, Rachel was her second in command and Gina and Vanessa seemed to be the hangers on who just wanted to be "in" with the popular girls. When Simone was going on her reign of terror (which just boiled down to her verbally eviscerating anyone she didn't like) Vanessa and Gina didn't seem to be as into it as Simone and Rachel. They still participated but never said anything against it, possibly afraid that Simone would turn her venomous words on them, and kick them out of the clique. Mind you, they never bothered me (their victims were other girls), but I always admired Vanessa from afar. In fact I thought she was the best looking out of the quartet, but I never said anything, partially because I was afraid I would say something stupid, and partially because I was afraid that if I dared to ask her out, Simone would give me a verbal smackdown, or even worse, that they would all laugh at and embarrass me. We had a few classes together over the years and those were the only times I ever spoke to Vanessa, and then it was only about things related to whatever subject we were studying or make snarky comments under my breath. She always seemed like a different person when Simone wasn't around. Nicer, almost like the way she acted around Simone was just that; an act.

So even though I had a massive crush on Vanessa, I knew there was no chance of ever dating her. Eventually another girl, Mindy, caught my eye, and was as attracted to me as I was to her and we dated for our remaining years in high school. We had a great relationship, but every once in a great while I wondered about what could have been with Vanessa. We went our separate ways after graduation (due to the whole being halfway across the country thing), but kept in touch over the years.

I'm not going to lie, the first thing that caught my attention were Vanessa's tits which looked to be testing the confines of the silver and black dress she was wearing. I forced myself to look at her face, and she was just as beautiful as she was 15 years ago. Time had been very good to her. She was smiling at me, and I met her eyes and smiled back at her.

"Wow, you look amazing." I finally said.

She closed the short distance between us, "So do you. Did you even age at all? You look like you aged five years at the most."

I laughed a bit, "Yeah, I get that a lot. Good genes I guess. My parents are the same way. You wouldn't believe that the two of them are almost 60."

"Quite the turnout, I think almost the entire senior class is here." Vanessa said, looking around. "Is -- oh, what was her name -- that girl you dated... Mindy! That's it. Is she here?"

"Oh no, she's not coming. We kept in touch after graduation and still talk to each other once in a while. She got married about three years ago, and just had a baby last week." I said, "So she won't be here for obvious reasons."

"Good for her," Vanessa said, "It's nice that you keep in touch with her."

"What about you and... well you know, The Bitch Squad?"

"The Bitch Squad?" Vanessa asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, that's what everyone called you behind your backs." I said, "We called Simone Queen Bitchtits."

"Oh yeah, Simone," she said with a heavy sigh, looking at the floor, "I always felt terrible about the way we treated people back then."

"I kinda noticed that; you and Gina always seemed to kinda hang back when Simone was going off on someone." I said. "But if you felt so bad, why did you hang around with her?"

"Oh, you know," she said, turning her attention back to me, "Being a dumb teenager and wanting to be popular. Peer pressure mostly. Also, Gina and I figured if we were with Simone we would be safe from her ridicule."

"Ah, yes." I said, "What's that old saying? 'I'd rather be at the right hand of the devil than in his path'."

"Exactly, I look back at it now and see how stupid it was."

"Yeah, peer pressure is a bitch," I said, "So I'm guessing that means you didn't keep in touch with her?"

"God no! After I went off to college I made some real, genuine friends who I do keep in touch with." Vanessa said. "I've barely thought about Simone for years. But enough about that, what are you doing with your life now?"

"I'm an auto mechanic, just like my dad." I said, "In fact my friend and I opened our own place a couple years back. RPM Auto Repair. We're doing pretty good so far. What about you? No, wait, let me guess? Fashion model?"

She blushed and laughed, "No, nothing so glamorous I'm afraid. I'm an accountant."

"Yeah, you were always pretty good at math." I said, "I have to say you're the best looking accountant I've ever seen."

She blushed again and smiled, "Well, you look pretty good for a grease monkey."

"'Ness? Oh my god girl, is that you?"

We both looked to see Simone, and unlike Vanessa, Simone had NOT aged well. I'm usually not one to body shame, but Simone had put on a lot of weight since high school. One of the things she always prided herself on back then was how fit, trim and gorgeous she was, always saying that when she grew up she was going to be a world famous fashion model. That obviously didn't work out for her. Her body seemed to be actively fighting to get out of her dress, and not in a "look at my voluptuous body" way, but more in a "I'm still a size six dammit!" way. She was draped in gaudy (and obviously fake) jewelry. Aside from the fact that she had lost her slim and trim body, she had the stereotypical "Karen" haircut which made me wonder how many times she had screeched "Let me speak to your manager!" to some poor retail worker.

She rushed over to Vanessa and hugged her, Vanessa looked at me over Simone's shoulder and rolled her eyes forcing me to suppress a laugh. "Hi, Simone." she said, emotionlessly.

"It is SO good to see you again!" Simone gushed, "You look amazing babe! And who is this?"

"This is Terry." Vanessa said, extricating herself from Simone's embrace.


"Terry Johnson. We had history class with him in our sophomore year." Vanessa said.

"Oh yeah." Simone said, but I could tell from the way she said it she had no idea who I was, and probably didn't care.

"Hey, Simone." I said, pretty sure this was the first time I'd ever actually spoken to her.

"You guys remember Ted, don't you? We got hitched a few years back." she said, turning to point out her husband. I remembered Ted, he picked on me a bit back in high school, but not because he was a bully. He was just an asshole. He and Simone dated in high school, and they were both cut from the same cloth, so it was no surprise that they dated and eventually got married. Again, not to body shame or anything, but I was glad to see that much like Simone, he did not age well. He kind of looked like Tom Cruise's character in "Tropic Thunder". At 33, he was already mostly bald (with a bad combover), and had also gained a lot of weight in the past 15 years. He was desperately trying to wrangle two loud, unruly children and he looked miserable.

"You don't mind if I steal her away for a few minutes, do you?" Simone asked.

Before I could answer, Simone dragged Vanessa away by her arm, her mouth going a million miles an hour, her double chins jiggling with the effort. I mingled some more, catching up with friends and my former teachers.

About a half hour later, Vanessa found her way back to me.

"Good god, I thought she'd never shut up!" she said, when she caught up to me.

"What'd she do, try to get you to join her MLM?" I asked.

Vanessa laughed, "Actually yeah, how'd you know?"

"I don't know, she just looks like the type that'd be dumb enough to fall for a pyramid scheme. Which one was it?" I said, laughing.

"I don't know, I kinda zoned out after I realized what she was saying," Vanessa said, "I think the only reason she came here was to recruit people into her downline."

We made small talk and continued to mingle with our former classmates and teachers. Vanessa stayed by my side almost the entire time. A couple hours later everything wrapped up and we all started saying our goodbyes.

"So, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." Vanessa said. "All I want to do is go back to my hotel and collapse into bed. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn up the road."

"Hey, so am I!" I said, "Wanna share a cab?"

Her face lit up, "Sure!"

I flagged down a cab and we rode for a few moments in silence, "Oh before I forget," she said, pulling her phone out of her purse, "Let me have your number so we can stay in touch, there are a few other people I've gotten contact info for, so maybe we won't have to wait another fifteen years to see each other."

"Good idea," I said, pulling out my phone, "By the way, I don't know if you heard, but some of our former classmates are also staying at the same hotel and we're planning on going out tomorrow and taking a walk around town to see how things have changed, care to join us?"

"Yeah, sounds like fun!" she said, after we exchanged phone numbers.

We made more small talk on the way back to the hotel, and once we got there we met up with the group that had planned the outing for tomorrow, made arrangements to meet the next morning in the hotel lobby and take it from there. It turned out that Vanessa and I had rooms on the same floor, albeit on opposite ends of the building. I walked her to her room.

"So I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." she said, then she hugged me. "It was nice to see you again."

I was taken by surprise for a moment, but I hugged her back. "You too."

She held the hug a bit longer than seemed appropriate and I drank in the smell of her perfume. She finally released the embrace and smiled at me as she went into her room. I walked to my room a bit confused. Sure a small part of me had carried a torch for her back in high school, and every now and then I thought about her, but never really obsessed over it. But seeing her now, all these years later brought all those feelings back to the surface, and I had to admit, that teenage crush I had on her was coming back. The way she had acted towards me tonight made me think she had an unspoken crush on me as well, but never acted on it. Maybe she was worried that Simone wouldn't approve of me as boyfriend material, and would either demand Vanessa dump me or get kicked out of the group. Or I could be overthinking the whole thing. It was just a hug after all.

As I got back to my own room I could still smell Vanessa's perfume, and as I stripped down to get into bed I realized she was doing the same thing down the hall, and I could feel myself getting hard as the mental image of Vanessa taking off her dress filled my mind's eye. This was no longer a simple teenage crush. Back then I mostly thought about just being with Vanessa, going out on dates, having fun, spending time alone together, kissing her... it was like a montage from a movie running through my head of our possible relationship. But now, I wondered what she looked like naked, how her body would feel pressed against mine, what it would feel like to make love to her. I stripped completely naked, lay down in bed, grabbed my cock and let my imagination run wild.

In my mind's eye, Vanessa invited me into her room and pulled me into an embrace and we exchanged a steamy, passionate kiss. I unzipped her dress letting it fall away to reveal she was completely naked underneath. My mind filled in the blanks and I imagined her with a perfectly firm and trim body under the dress, her tits topped with two hard brown nipples, and a landing strip between her long sexy legs. She pulled my clothes off and smiled when she saw my cock, and without any preamble we fell into bed. In my fantasy there was no foreplay, I easily slid my cock into her warm passage, and started fucking her. She was moaning and writhing under me, telling me how good it felt, begging me to fuck her harder and faster. I increased my speed imagining it was Vanessa's pussy I was hammering and not my hand. Pretty soon Vanessa was screaming that she was cumming, and the next thing I knew, I was spewing cum all over my stomach and hand. I caught my breath, got out of bed and went to the bathroom to clean up, pulled on the shorts I usually slept in, slid back into bed, hit the lights and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I met up with Vanessa and our friends downstairs, we made our way out of the hotel and with no real plan in mind just wandered around. Last night I had noted that the pizza joint we sometimes used to hang out at after school had been replaced by a Starbucks, and the video arcade next door was now an Apple store. We just wandered around pointing out the changes in the city before winding up at a local park. We hit up the local vendors to get some food, found a nice clearing and just sat and talked. Eventually the subject of relationships came up. Most of our friends had gotten married and had kids. Then they jokingly poked at those of us who were still single and asked us why. One former classmate had just gone through a nasty divorce, another had just lost a lot of weight and was finally self-confident enough to tackle the dating scene. Mostly the reasons were they just hadn't found their Mr./Mrs. Right yet.

Then it was my turn.

"Well the reason I haven't settled down and had kids yet is... because... well, I can't have kids." I said. "As my doctor so eloquently put it, I can raise the rifle, but I'm shooting blanks. That unfortunately directly led to the failure of two of my relationships."

I gave everyone the short version. Not too long after college, the girl I was dating at the time thought I got her pregnant when her period was late, so we bought a home pregnancy test that came up negative. However, knowing how unreliable those things were, and not willing to trust our future to a ten dollar pregnancy test from the drugstore, she went to her doctor who confirmed that she wasn't pregnant. She got her period a day later, but since we weren't using protection I went to see my doctor and that's when I found out I was "shooting blanks". After she and I broke up (for unrelated reasons), I met a new girl and we dated for a little over two years when the subject of marriage came up. She wanted kids, and absolutely lost her shit when I told her I wouldn't be able to get her pregnant. She didn't want to consider any of the options available to infertile parents. She wanted the man she eventually married to get her pregnant, and literally told me "If you can't get the job done, then I'll find someone who can!", and promptly broke up with me.

I bounced around the dating scene after that, trying online dating and letting my friends set me up with single girls they knew, but nothing ever came of it except for a handful of one night stands. Finally I met another woman I thought was "the one", but again, once she found out that my swimmers weren't up to the task of making babies, she broke up with me after only two months. That was a year ago. I hadn't bothered diving back into the dating pool since.

We dropped the subject and through some more small talk, it turned out that Vanessa and I lived in the same state, just in different cities. We looked at the map on our phones and found out it was about a two hour drive from my city to hers. Once it started getting dark we headed back to the hotel, because everyone was booked to leave the next day. Well, almost everyone. I had taken the whole week off from work and by sheer coincidence so had Vanessa. We said our goodbyes to everyone at the hotel, and I again walked Vanessa to her room.

"You wanna come in for a minute?" she asked.

"Uh, sure." I said, trying to control my excitement.

We sat down on the couch in her room and she took a deep breath. "Can I tell you something? Something I didn't tell everyone else."

"Sure," I said, noting her serious demeanor, "What's up?"

"Well this is kind of hard to admit, but, back when we were in high school, I kinda had a thing for you. I sometimes wondered what it would have been like if we were a couple."

I was floored, I had lusted after her for almost a full year, but never dared approach her because of her association with Simone. I honestly thought she didn't even know my name. I had actually given up on dating her before I met Mindy, but like I said, even after Mindy and I started dating, once in a while I would wonder what would happen if Vanessa and I had gotten together. Now she was admitting she felt the same way about me! I had no idea what to say, but the look on my face must have said it all, because she smiled a bit when she looked at me.

"Oh, I knew you felt the same way about me," she said, "I caught you staring at me, even after you were with Mindy. I just never said anything..."

"Because of Simone?" I asked.

Vanessa nodded. "You saw her reaction yesterday, she had no fucking idea who you were. I bet she forgot all about you once she started yammering at me about her stupid MLM. It goes back to me being a stupid teenager worrying about my social standing. I was worried that Simone wouldn't like me dating you, that she wouldn't approve of you or something and I didn't want to make her mad."

"Honestly that's kinda what I thought," I said, "I also thought you were out of my league which is why I told myself it was stupid to lust after a girl I had no chance with, so I gave up on the idea of us ever being a thing. Then Mindy came into my life, and even though we had a great relationship, every now and then I wondered what would have happened if we had dated. It's kind of why I took the opportunity to talk to you in those few classes we had together. Just to be able to talk to you, to hear your voice -- gaah, listen to me, I still sound like a lovesick teenager!"