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Gail and I had been married for just over five years and we were round at Mum and Dads having Sunday lunch when the phone rang Mum took it. It was Bernice announcing she was coming home in a couple of week's time. Mum was over the moon because she only seen her daughter twice in five years. When she finished and put the phone down Dad asked how long Bernice was coming home for? Mom realised she'd forgotten to ask. We'd find out when she got here. It didn't bother Gail or me, but we were happy for Mum.   

Bernice had been home for a week when she popped round to see us. We still lived in the same house. The apple tree was much larger now, but Gail's arms still fitted round the back of it occasionally if the moon and cloud cover were right.   

Bernice was passably polite to me but mainly talked to Gail, gushing on how good America was and that she should come to visit. There was no mention of me going with her. Gail said she would love to go, but it would have to be with me. We did everything together. Bernice stopped mentioning it after Gail said that. But she kept how great America was, especially for people like her. Before she left, she asked if she could pop round again. We couldn't see any reason why not.   

Over the next couple of weeks Bernice did pop round, but she nearly always seemed to do it when I wasn't there. Gail told me Bernice kept on trying to convince her to visit America without me, at one stage of the game she got quite angry with Bernice. She told me that she felt there was something going on, some underlying motive. In future when Bernice visited, she would turn the cameras on. I thought that was a bit extreme. We watched the replays together and I could see what she meant. Gail felt like she couldn't put her finger on it, but it was like she's trying to convince her to leave me and go back to America with her. It was all innuendo, no outright question or request. Gail looked at me after we had watched Bernice's latest visit and said. "I will never leave you." She took me to bed, no kink just love.   

It was a Friday night, I was out with my brother and the lads for a beer when I got a message from Gail. Bernice has just turned up unannounced. That was strange she normally phoned to see if we were in or at least Gale was.   

I had just finished my second pint when the call of nature hit me, that was a bit early. I could normally have several pints before I had to visit the little boys room. As I was standing by the urinal I checked my phone, it is the sort of thing you do, there was a message from Gail 'get home.' Shit it had come in 25 minutes ago. I finished pissing and rushed out the door. I didn't even wash my hands. I tried to phone home on both Gail's mobile and the landline, nothing. Nobody had driven so I couldn't scrounge a lift. I ran outside and started to run home. I didn't even wait to tell my brother what was happening, I didn't really know, just that I had to get home. I tried to phone for an Uber as I ran, but I managed to see a taxi. I flagged him down and got him to take me home.   

I rushed in the house, there was noise coming from upstairs, bed squeaking. I leapt up the stairs two at a time and there was an amazing sight that met me. My wife was on our bed. Her wrists had been tied to her ankles and elbows to her knees. Her bum was up in the air and my sister was fucking her with a strap-on. Gail had a leather looking helmet on with an obscene cock sticking out the front. I could see her eyes. She looked angry, very angry.   

I grabbed Bernice by the strap of the strap-on and pulled her away, she fell into the corner. I went to Gail to start untying her when she wagged her head and hummed loudly. I guessed she wanted the helmet off first. It was laced up the back. Once I had them lose it didn't take long to get off. I was astounded by the size of the cock gag that came out of Gail's mouth, it must have reached nearly to the back of her throat.   

I was about to ask if she was okay when she said in a croaky voice, "Don't let her get away, handcuffs. I want revenge."   

Bernice was sitting there in the corner of the room, her mouth opening and closing. I think the shock of being dragged off her former girlfriend by the man she hated most in the world lost her.   

I did as I was told, I got our handcuffs and cuffed Bernice's hands behind her and her legs together. As I finished Gail said. "Helmet, make sure its fucking tight." Her voice sounded better. I managed to get the gag part into Bernice's mouth when she realised what was happening and she started to fight back. It was too late by then. I did the laces up as tight as I could. That seemed to take the fight out of Bernice and she just laid there.    

"Go and check the video, I think she drugged me. I felt funny, I knew what was happening, but I had little control of what I did, my muscles didn't seem to do as they were told."   

I went to help her. "No, go and check the recording please. I need to know, and actually this is quite comfortable. At least she remembered how to tie me up. It's not too tight but I can't get free." She seemed to have lost a lot of her anger. "Don't worry, she's not going anywhere, she is not getting away with this, I need time to think. But hurry up."   

I did as she asked. On the video I saw Gail leave the living room and Bernice poured something into her drink then Gail came back with a glass of water.   

Shortly after that it was obvious Gail had almost no control over her actions. Bernice helped her towards the stairs, she almost had to carry her. I noticed that there was some drink still left in Gail's cup, that might need testing. I was fast forwarding so there was no audio.    

I saw them go upstairs. Bernice almost had to carry her. I was still fast forwarding. I saw Bernice undress Gail, tie her up and put that helmet on her. I saw Bernice take hold of Gail's leather covered head and it looked like she was talking to her. I rewound the recording and played it at normal speed with sound. I heard my shitty sister say. "I know what you like, and I am going to give it to you. You are going to enjoy this so much that you will leave that girlfriend stealing husband of yours and come back with me to America. Don't worry, the immobilising side of the drug will wear off soon, that's why I had to tie you up, but what the hell, you like that anyway, so it's all good. When the drug wears off you will still feel as randy as hell and I will make you come greater, longer and harder than any man and you'll be mine forever."

Gale was trying to shake her head, but Bernice had a firm grip of it. I had seen enough. I rushed back into the bedroom not much had changed apart from Gail was trying to hump a pillow and it wasn't working.   

I told Gail what I had seen, there was plenty in the cup to prove she was drugged.   

"Fuck, I'm so randy. I know it's the drugs, but non the less, I am still randy." Gail said. "Come closer, I have a plan, I don't want her to hear it, unfortunately I can't help you, I'm a little tied up." She giggled at her own joke.   

That was how I ended up balls deep in my wife's arse. We had used Bernice as a living sex doll to make Gail's airtight fantasy come true. But she wasn't finished, not by a long chalk.    

After I set Gail free and got some life back into her limbs she went downstairs and came back with her cup. The one with the drug in it. She walked towards Bernice who started shaking her head. I think she knew where this was going. I helped Gail unlace the helmet, but we left the gag in. Gail pinched Bernice's nose, she couldn't breathe through it and with the gag at the back of her throat she was struggling to take a breath. Gale timed it nearly perfectly, she pulled the gag out just as Bernice was trying to breathe in. Her mouth wide open and she poured a large amount of what was in the cup into Bernice's mouth. It was only then by the smell I could tell it was coffee. There was lots of coughing and spluttering as Bernice tried to spit it out, but Gale put her hands over her mouth and pinched her nose. We repeated that with what was left in the cup and after a short while Bernice's struggles slowed down. Whether it was the drugs in the drink, or she was worn out I don't know, and as the effect was the same, I couldn't care less.   

We had swapped the helmet gag for our ball gag. Gail came back with a handful of her makeup. She started applying it to Bernice who I'm absolutely certain had never worn any before. Lipstick around the ball gag, blusher, eyeliner all that sort of girly stuff. Gail slipped a leather collar around her neck. It made her look submissive. She laid still with the hands tied behind her back, what she didn't know was there was a slipknot on a long tail. It would just take one pull and she would be free. Well, that was the plan anyway. I was probably going to screw it up. Not literally if you know what I mean. I looked across and noticed Bernice her legs had been tied wide apart, also with slip knots.    

I wanted to wear a condom, but Gail said there were two problems with that. It wouldn't look right, it showed lack of commitment and doing it bareback showed a willingness to procreate. And we hadn't got any anyway. 'Fuck' I thought to myself, well that was going to be the problem, would I, could I go through with Gail's plan?    

I didn't want to be recognised so Gail had got one of her bedroom sexy wigs and plopped it on my head, so it obscured most of my face. It also helped that I didn't have to look at my sister.   

"Come on sweetheart we agreed. Just do this for revenge, for the grief she has given you since you were fifteen, and for trying to steal your wife." Gail said as she reached out for me. Actually, I didn't think I signed up for incest. And I was having problems with my manhood. "It's not your sister, and you don't need to be in there long. As soon as I have a video of it going in and out, we're done." Said my wife and with that she pulled my trousers down and started sucking my cock. I managed to get the rest of my clothes off. I got hard. Gail was very good at doing that.   

Bernice was aware enough now to guess what was going to happen, she probably had the half of it. She got the full story when Gail picked up a video camera and pointed at her.   

I got between Bernice's legs, I took hold of two ropes that held her legs apart and released them so they became free. I lifted her legs and slid into her. She was a bit tight. I leaned forward and turned her head to one side and undid the ball gag. I pulled it out of her mouth, it just stayed open. I pulled the tail on the slip knot holding her hands behind her back. She soon got them out and reached up to me with her hands open. I thought she was trying to strangle me. I lifted her legs up as far as I could so Gail could get a good video of me going in and out my sister's cunt. She'd have to be quick because I was going soft very quickly. This was not fun.   

Bernice finally got her voice back. "Get out of me you fucking bastard. This is rape." Strange when I do it to her it's rape but not when she ties up and does similar to my wife, mmm strange as I say. "See you can't even fuck a woman properly." My sister shouted.   

"You're so fucking ugly the only person you can get to fuck you is a drunken blind woman." I don't know if that was true or not. Gail had disappeared. I knew exactly where she had gone. Bernice was doing her best to get her muscles to work so she could get dressed. I didn't help her, I just slipped my underpants on. Bernice was nearly dressed when Gail came back clutching a tablet.    

"Sit down you bitch, watch this." If I knew Gail, she would have done a very quick edit. She turned the tablet so I could see it. I recognised a picture of Bernice. "This is the website your sister runs in California, it's a dating website primarily for lesbians, but because of the law she cannot limit it to one gender.

Nothing wrong in that everybody needs somebody but here's her bio. 'We are here to help you find your partner, blah blah blah, we know how difficult it is to find your life partner. I had my first love taken away from me by a man. I will never forgive men for what they do to us. I am proud to say I have never been intimate with the male of the species. So, your bio implies you have proudly never had sex with a man. Well, I've got some video to disprove that." Gail looked at me. "This is her having sex with a man that looks very similar to her brother, but you can't make it out because of all the hair." She pressed play on the tablet and showed it to Bernice and the look on her face told me everything I needed to know.   

"There you are with a man who looks a little bit like your brother with his cock in your cunt and your hands reaching out to him, you're wearing makeup, and have a black collar around your neck. Just a few captions and innuendos and your reputation will be ruined, all the people on your dating site will see you for what a lying submissive cunt you are. Your members who look up to you for being so proud of never having a man in you will just fade away. So, here's the deal: you just fade away from us and this will stay under wraps. If you ever approach me or my husband again, I will press the send button. So now fuck off out of our house never darken our door again."    

I'd never seen my sister cry. I think she was making up for that with the amount of tears pouring out of her.   

I made sure my sister left the house, when I got back upstairs my wife took hold of me and kissed me deeply.

Gail said to me. "There must have been some aphrodisiac left floating around my system because I feel randy as hell. So come here let me clean your sister off that cock of mine before you shove it in me." She got on her knees and cleaned me off and then I fucked her as hard as I could neither of us lasted long. As we cuddled she whispered to me. "We must get one of those helmets. I just love the smell, but no gag."   

We slept late the next day and after lunch I got a phone call from my mother saying that Bernice had managed to get a flight back to America this evening, did we want to go round and say goodbye to her. When I asked Gail she said 'yes', it would be a nice thing to do. But she must take her tablet with her after she has done some more editing.   


Bernice returned to America. Three years later we got an invite to her wedding. She was marrying her girlfriend of three years. Mum and Dad went over for the wedding and spent a couple of lovely weeks there. We didn't go. Life for us just settled down. We did visit California a couple years after Bernice got married. When they picked us up at the airport Bernice gave Gail a big hug, I got a small one after I called her Bernie. When I asked her how married life was suiting her. She seemed happy. I commented quietly to Gail how much she looked like my sister's wife.

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Ridiculous69Ridiculous692 months ago

Huh? Why would they be stupid to enough to let this person in their life ? Hubby is clearly a moron and seems to be a clueless and weak excuse for a partner. Drinking and as more important than his wife, what a peach…

GardenshedGardenshed2 months ago

Enjoyed the story, it’s fine in the LW category. Hobgoblin is one of my favorite ales, hard to get in the States.

Gail must not like her husband much, making him fuck Bernice!

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos2 months ago

This one was pretty far out there for most of your stories. The incest thing was like... wow, not really my cup of tea. I'll leave it at that. I think this could have been a real "LW" story if Dave had walked in on Bernice and his wife screwing without the idea that something was up, only to find out that Bernice was raping Gail. Which brings up another issue - they let Bernice get away with multiple felonies... she's a dangerous psychopathic individual. If she can rape her brothers wife over her fantasy "revenge" what else could she do? It really, really takes the shine off your story because a lot of people (myself included) can't get that out of their heads.


All that being said, this wasn't a bad story. Overall the narration was good and the characters were likeable and there was a bit of tension, short as it was, around what Bernice was obviously angling for, but overall I think the content was a bit off putting for me. Still I rate it a 4/5

26thNC26thNC2 months ago

The kink part was bad enough but incest even as punishment was over the line. You are a favorite author, but this one is garbage.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Hugs and lukewarm reunions with the person who almost raped your wife. Wow. A person who should be rotting in jail but escaped with a few ...harsh words!? The seer absurdity of MC's and wife's behaviors rival those in cuck stories. Which is weird for this author. I get that some authors have double standards when it comes to retribution depending on the offender's gender. That's why we often see the cheating wife getting away with a divorce at worst, cucky RAAC at best, while the AP gets his balls cut. Like he was the one who betrayed the vows. But seeing double standards for a rapist....well that's a first.

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